Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1017: Who is chasing whom?

Although the Feather Knife has the ability to absorb and store the power of the world in others, once the storage is full, the Feather Knife cannot be used.

However, Qin Shaofeng was already very satisfied with being able to realize seven eight-fold realm kings at once.

At the same time, the Demon Cloud also shot out ten black shadows, which were exactly Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets of the ten Realm King level!

Because there are more world kings killed, Qin Shaofeng can also exchange more strengthening materials in the base treasury.

Therefore, of these ten mechanical puppets, three are already at the level of the eighth realm king, and the remaining seven are at the level of the seventh realm king.

The ten mechanical puppets immediately found the world kings of the Blade Demon clan in the seventh realm.

Because the shot was sudden, at the moment when the two sides came into contact, there were ten Blade Demon clan kings of the seven-fold realm who were killed by ten mechanical puppets.

And Qin Shaofeng himself was not too slow. The first time the Feiyu Dao retracted, he instantly came to a realm king of the Blade Demon clan in the nine-fold realm, and...

Hellfire Gale Palm!

Without keeping his hands at all, Qin Shaofeng broke out directly, a prison fire gale palm with the strongest state at the moment.


Without the slightest surprise, the realm king of the Blade Demon clan of the nine-fold realm was directly exploded by Qin Shaofeng's palm, and he couldn't die anymore.


And it is to kill the King of the Nine Realms in a second!

This is Qin Shaofeng's current strength!

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared. When he blasted down the world king of the Nine-Blade Demon clan, the palm of the Hellfire Gale took the fire of Yin and Yang in his body, and immediately absorbed the opponent’s inner world. Up.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng just absorbed, and did not refining, because there are still many enemies in front of him!


After solving one Nine-layer Realm King, Qin Shaofeng rushed to the other Nine-layer Realm King without stopping.

Although Qin Shaofeng killed a Nine-layer Realm King, in fact, because of a sudden sneak attack, this second killing process was a matter of a moment.

When Yan Yuanhui reacted with the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan, Qin Shaofeng had already arrived in front of another Nine-layered Blade Demon clan king.

Then, Qin Shaofeng shot again with all his strength.


This time, it seems that this Nine-layer Realm King also had some equipment in the death of his former companion, which made him resist Qin Shaofeng's jailfire and gale palm.

But even if he resisted, he still suffered a violent impact. He couldn't help it for a while, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out, his face instantly pale as paper, and he was obviously severely injured.

Therefore, when facing Qin Shaofeng's second attack, he didn't block it. Like his previous companion, Qin Shaofeng's body was blown by the palm of his hand. The inner world was instantly absorbed by Qin Shaofeng's power of Yin and Yang, and he died.

Although Qin Shaofeng made two moves this time, because Qin Shaofeng made his moves extremely fast, the time elapsed between these two moves was exactly the same as the time to kill the first Nine Realm King.

This feels like it's still the same spike!

"Damn it!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of anger, but that Ren Yuanhui became angry.

Two Nine-layer Realm Kings were killed successively, which made Ren Yuanhui finally react.

Ren Yuanhui never expected that just a few breaths of time when he saw the other party himself caused such a huge loss on his side.

First, it was an unexpected explosion of thousands of realm master level mechanical puppets, and then before the explosion was over, the opponent shot.

In an instant, he killed all the eight-layer realm kings on his side, and then directly shot, killing the two nine-layer realm kings on his side with three moves.

It was just a matter that was not difficult in my own eyes. Now I not only caused myself to pay that precious one-time jade charm, but also lost so much.

How can this make Ren Yuanhui not angry?

Especially at the moment when he saw the opponent and rushed towards his last Nine Realm King's subordinate, Ren Yuanhui didn't hesitate, roared, and rushed up.


A figure flashed in front of him, and his breath surged towards him.

Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand in a hurry, and blasted it up with a punch.


The fists and shadows intertwined, and the figures of both of them retreated instantly.

In the first confrontation, no one had the upper hand.

Qin Shaofeng's face was calm, he raised his head slightly, and faintly looked at the face of Ren Yuanhui who was opposite, and said a word.

But at the opposite of Qin Shaofeng's Ren Yuanhui, there was a storm in his heart at this moment.

Only he knew the power of his punch just now.

Although it is not to say that it can kill the realm king of the same realm, it is absolutely difficult to take a nine-layer realm king at random.

But his punch like this was easily followed by the human being in front of him.

The most incredible thing was that after the touch of the punch just now, Ren Yuanhui clearly felt that the human breath in front of him seemed to be the realm of the Sixth Realm King.

It was only in the realm of the Sixth Realm King, but it was able to kill the Nine Realm King in a second, which was comparable to his own ten realm king.

Doesn't this mean that you have the equivalent of a tenth realm king in the realm of the Sixth Realm King?


Suddenly two words appeared from the bottom of Ren Yuanhui's heart. This human being is definitely a super enchanting genius among the human race!

But it was precisely because of this that this strengthened Ren Yuanhui's determination to directly obliterate the human being in front of him.

Such a genius must not let the other party grow up.

Once the opponent grows up, not only will they be the enemy of the Blade Demon clan in this seventh area, but even the war between the human and demon clan may be affected by certain factors.

This is not an exaggeration of Ren Yuanhui, and Ren Yuanhui knows that many times the battlefield is often determined by the number of strong people on one side, or the side with absolute strong ones.

If this is not the case, the Human Race and Demon Race will not appear on the bounty list.

Because most of the reward lists of the two races are the geniuses of the other race!

Therefore, Ren Yuanhui made up his mind to take the human in front of him.

And in this way, he might be able to make merit.

The former Realm King who had been damaged successively made Ren Yuanhui feel very angry, even a little scared.

Even if he is the elder of the Tenth Realm King of the Blade Demon Clan, under his leadership, more than one hundred Blade Demon Clan teams have suffered such a huge loss, he will definitely bear some punishment.

But now if you kill the super genius in the human race in front of you, even if you lose too much, the high-level Blade Demon clan will not say anything about him.

This is a good idea, but this Ren Yuanhui seems to have forgotten one thing.

That is, can he take down Qin Shaofeng in front of him?

As if seeing the plan in Ren Yuanhui's heart, Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, then waved together, and struck out with the palm of the jailfire gale.


The huge flame palm print flew out, causing a fiery restlessness and irritability!

This shocked Ren Yuanhui again, because the power of this trick actually made him feel a hint of danger.

But after all he was the King of the Tenth Realm, Ren Yuanhui, after reacting, stretched out his hand for a while, punched out a fist shadow with all his strength, and slammed up.


The flames filled the sky, and the huge hellfire gale palm was blown away.

But Ren Yuanhui's face changed slightly, and there was no surprise and relaxed expression.

The reason is very simple. The boxing shadow just now used a lot of his world power. If there were a few more such flame palm prints, he might not be able to bear it.

However, the next moment, after Qin Shaofeng's figure rushed towards him and started to fight him close, this made Ren Yuanhui secretly relieved.

If it was just a close fight, Ren Yuanhui was also confident, after all, his promotion to the Tenth Realm King was not short.

Although the human being in front of him is a super genius among the human races, he is definitely not as rich as he is in terms of physical strength or combat experience.

The opponent is definitely not his opponent!

This was Ren Yuanhui's thoughts, but after the close combat started, Ren Yuanhui found out that he was wrong.

Insufficient physical strength?

Not enough experience?


None of these!

Whether it was combat experience or physical strength, the human being in front of him did not belong to him, the ten-layer realm king who had been in the realm of the realm for hundreds of years.

There is even a faint feeling beyond!

This made Ren Yuanhui's face a little difficult to look at, because he now discovered that the human genius in front of him was unexpectedly troublesome.

But even if he felt troubled, Ren Yuanhui still had confidence in his heart.

While Qin Shaofeng fought with Yan Yuanhui, the surrounding Realm Kings of the Blade Demon clan also fought with Qin Shaofeng's ten mechanical puppets.

The remaining realm kings of the nine-layered blade demon clan were fought by two eight-layered realm kings.

Because there was no eight-fold realm of the Blade Demon clan king at the scene, the remaining eight-fold realm king-level mechanical puppet, but it broke out with formidable power, it was the existence of the other Blade Demon clan kings that could not be matched.

This made the blade demon clan king of the nine-fold realm, looking at the extremely urgent in his heart, wanting to rescue his clan.

But because of the two eight-layer realm king-level mechanical puppets around him, the kind of desperate play style that is not afraid of life and death, he can't get up and down at all.

Therefore, he was watching, the world kings of the Blade Demon clan were slaughtered by those mechanical puppets.

The reason for this situation was that Qin Shaofeng killed the seven eight-layer realm kings and two nine-layer realm kings in his first shot before.

And the first shot of the ten mechanical puppets also damaged the ten Seventh Realm Kings of the Blade Demon clan.

This has led to the fact that on the side of the Blade Demon clan, there is only one ten-layer realm king left by Ren Yuanhui, and a nine-layer realm king, none of the eight-layer realm kings, and the seven-layer realm kings only look like a dozen. Six realm kings and several five realm kings.

Ren Yuanhui was entangled by Qin Shaofeng, and the nine-fold realm king was entangled by two eight-fold realm king-level mechanical puppets.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet also has an eight-fold realm king and seven seven-fold realm king level mechanical puppets.

In the absence of the eight-fold realm king, the mechanical puppet of the eight-fold realm king, killing its seventh realm of the Blade Demon clan realm king, is simply extremely smooth.

Moreover, two nine-layer realm kings and seven eight-layer realm kings died one after another. From the very beginning, the morale of the Blade Demon clan was greatly reduced.

Especially when the blade Yuanhui, whom they depended on, was entangled by that human being, the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan were even more frightened.

Because they discovered that without enough masters, they were actually being massacred by the opponent!

In this case, who is chasing and killing whom!

For a time, many realm kings of the Blade Demon clan had such thoughts in their hearts!

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