Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1020: The last resort of the Blade Demon clan?


While talking, Mr. Bai directly sent a piece of jade charm to Qin Shaofeng through the light curtain channel opened by the treasure house space plate.

Qin Shaofeng took the jade talisman subconsciously, his eyes a little confused.

Because of Mr. Bai's words, Qin Shaofeng felt as if he was in an extremely dangerous area.

But this is not right!

The place where he is now, although it is closer to the core battlefield of the seventh area.

But here at most there are some world kings with six or seven realms. If it weren’t for the Blade Demon’s pursuit of him, it would be difficult to see ten realm kings in this area. Of rare.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that after he was offered a tens of billions of rewards, the entire Demon Race in the seventh area was a sensation.

Especially after the news that Qin Shaofeng possessed a space ring worth more than tens of billions from several demon clan cooperating with Blade Demon clan, countless demon clan were moved.

And even without that space ring, Qin Shaofeng's reward alone would be enough to make countless demons look enthusiastic and want to earn this expensive military merit.

Therefore, at this moment, many demons have already rushed here.

Maybe Qin Shaofeng has better hiding ability now, but there are too many demons here. Among them, one or two demons with some opportunities will be able to discover the possibility of Qin Shaofeng's trail.

This time it wasn't just a simple battle group of more than one hundred realm kings and demons.

There are many demons who want to get a share of the pie. It's difficult to count how many demons in the Realm King Realm are dispatched.

It was precisely because of this that Mr. Bai assessed Qin Shaofeng in this way.

If Qin Shaofeng could really stay safe and sound for a month, he would be able to enter the Celestial Army.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng could kill more Demon Realm Kings on the premise of saving his life, he would not only be able to enter the Heavenly Armed Forces, but after entering, he would definitely have a high level.

Although both belong to the Celestial Corps, there are also levels in the Celestial Corps.

There are four levels of geniuses in the Celestial Corps. The evaluation of these four levels is not based on talent, blood, or even the level of cultivation, but only on the merits of battle.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, these are the four ranks of the Heavenly Armed Forces.

The Yellow-ranked Heavenly Soldier is the lowest and the Heavenly-ranked Heavenly Soldier is the best. Therefore, the Heavenly Soldier directly has the title of Heavenly Soldier.

Different levels mean that they are treated differently.

This can be understood from the aspects of identity and the treatment of cultivation resources.

Even the Heavenly Soldiers of the Heavenly Soldiers Group have a very high status in the entire human race, not inferior to the young masters and heirs of some ancient holy races.

Because among the most powerful humans in the entire human race, there are two from the Celestial Corps, so the Celestial Corps has a very high status in the human race.

Becoming a heavenly soldier of the heavenly army was actually one of Qin Shaofeng's personal goals.

But Qin Shaofeng also knew that this matter was not in a hurry, because according to the rumors he heard, Qin Shaofeng knew that the heavenly soldiers of all levels of the Heavenly Armed Forces Group did not have the requirements for their cultivation level.

But if you want to become the strongest heavenly soldier of the heavenly soldiers, you must have the cultivation base of the Nirvana at least. At least since the emergence of the heavenly soldiers, there is no one who can become the strongest of the heavenly soldiers. Strong heavenly soldier!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng knew that this matter was not in a hurry, and the most important thing for him now was to first become the Huang Tien Heavenly Soldier of the Heavenly Soldier Group.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng knew that he wanted to be the Huang-ranked Heavenly Soldier of the Heavenly Soldier Group, it seemed so dangerous!

No, to be precise, it is a very dangerous thing to spend a month in this area unharmed.

Because Qin Shaofeng finally knew, why the smile on his face was so weird when Mr. Bai said the content of the assessment, and he even felt like gloating.

This is all because I want to spend this month safely, which seems impossible at all!

Because from now on, he has been targeted by countless demons!

The light curtain opened by the Treasury Space Disk can not only query the information of the base treasury, but also get some general trends and news about one's own human race and the enemy's demons.

Then, Qin Shaofeng knew that he was offered a reward of tens of billions by the Demon Race.

After learning such news, Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded for the first time.

A reward of 10 billion military merit points?

Who did this!

On the side of one's own human race, even if it is the head of the Blade Demon family, at most it will offer a reward of 5.6 billion military merit points.

As for the commander in this area of ​​his own human race, the reward from the demon race is more than seven billion military merit points.

Even the Human Race and Demon Race in the entire seventh area, among them, the highest reward is 9.3 billion military merit points!

But those strong in the Wuyi Emperor Realm, or directly the strong in Nirvana Realm.

And he was just a realm king, and he actually surpassed the rewards of these emperor realms and nirvana realms.

Is this joke a bit overdone?

Qin Shaofeng said that he was a little bit painful.

With a reward of tens of billions, how many greedy eyes among the demons can this attract!

I am in danger!

Qin Shaofeng wasn't very calm, but in Qin Shaofeng's heart, there was still a trace of enthusiasm, a trace of expectation, and many complicated thoughts about to move around.


Qin Shaofeng didn't have it. The reason was simple. Since Mr. Bai had mentioned such an assessment, Qin Shaofeng was sure that even if the demons appeared to chase him down, it would definitely be within his own range.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that there might not be any more powerful masters.

Even if an emperor realm master appeared, most of it was an ordinary one or two-tier emperor realm master.

Such a master does not seem to threaten him at all!

Qin Shaofeng's guess was correct. In fact, as soon as the Demon Clan announced Qin Shaofeng's tens of billions of rewards, Mr. Bai used his power to let the Human Warriors in the core battlefield of the seventh area begin to speed up their attack on the Demon Clan.

This is for the demon clan side to not be able to draw out the strong emperor realm.

In this way, the demons who chased Qin Shaofeng were at most Realm King Realm.

Although they are all demons of the realm of kings, they are very scary and dangerous when they increase in number.

When this was Lao Bai's assessment of Qin Shaofeng, if there were no dangers at all, then it would be regarded as an assessment of the Celestial Army!

And besides, in order to avoid unexpected situations, Mr. Bai also gave Qin Shaofeng a teleportation jade to escape.

But Old Bai still underestimated the hatred of the Blade Demon clan towards Qin Shaofeng.

Having killed hundreds of Realm Kings masters at one time, even if the Blade Demon clan has a great career and countless masters in the clan, it is a big loss.

And most importantly, this time, I also lost Renyu's space ring, a very huge wealth.

This made the Blade Demon clan a little angry.

On this day, no one knew that in the territory of the Blade Demon clan, a cave that had been sealed and still opened.

Then, a very old blade demon clan old man walked out.

The old man was very old, his whole body squatted, like a carved piece of dead wood.

Even the breath radiating from his body was tinged with a trace of decay, just like half a dead person.

This is a family of blade demons who are retired!

After the dead person enters the Seven World Realms, as long as there is no serious damage to the inner world in his body, that world realm master can live at least tens of thousands of years.

But in fact, anyone who can live for tens of thousands of years, whether it is a human race, a demon race, or other races, can have a pretty good cultivation base.

Poor aptitude and poor talent, but many times, time can smooth out these drawbacks.

Except for a few ethnic groups with relatively extended lifespans, the longest life span in the seven realms in the world will never exceed 30,000 years!

Perhaps 30,000 years has been a long time, but in the ancient sanctuary, no one would despise their longevity.

But without going through the process of Nirvana, life is limited after all, and one day it will come to an end.

Therefore, all emperor realm masters, at the last moment of their life span, regardless of the level of the emperor realm, will force the inner world to reach a fully saturated state and perform the final fusion, hoping to complete the complete fusion and enter the Nirvana realm. Extend your life.

But the cultivation of the emperor realm is the realm of fusion with one's own inner world, all of them follow the rules, and merge again and again.

This process cannot be anxious, because once there are too many fields to be merged at one time, it may be extremely easy to cause accidents. Even if the fusion is successful, there may be rejection or even sudden explosions in all fields of fusion.

In such a situation, I am afraid that death is a serious injury.

If the life span had not reached the limit, no emperor realm powerhouse would choose to take the next step.

However, even if this step is not taken, there is still a lot of life span, and the realm has reached the tenth level of the emperor realm. In the final stage of the domain integration, the integration failure will still occur.

Almost many emperor realm masters, when they know that their potential is insufficient, or have little hope, will practice retreat while their lifespan is still some time.


If the retreat is successful, then after the retreat, you will be a master of Nirvana.

If it fails, then it is doomed to be a dead end.

However, there are also some emperor realm masters who can save their lives in the event of failure and enjoy the last time.

At this moment, this old man of the Blade Demon clan is like this.

The old man of the Blade Demon clan didn't force the final realm to merge because his life span reached the limit.

He had cultivated normally to the tenth level of the Emperor Realm, or even the peak realm of the Emperor Realm, and was in the final stage of integration.

But unfortunately, when he finally sprinted into Nirvana, he failed.

As long as you fail to attack Nirvana once, it will be difficult to attack successfully again, and even after one failure, there is almost no hope of Nirvana!

There is no hope of Nirvana, there is no choice but to wait for death!

In fact, there are many examples of this situation, whether it is the human race, demons, or other races in the ancient sanctuary.

Although many people are not reconciled and want to make a second assault on Nirvana, there are very few successful examples.

Therefore, in many cases, such emperor realm masters usually enjoy the last time in the race, or if there are special circumstances, do their last bit of strength for their race.

The elder of the Blade Demon clan in front of him is planning to make his last effort for the Blade Demon clan at the last moment of his life.

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