Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1021: Danger coming quietly

The other emperor realm masters in the race are now fighting the human race in the core battlefield of the seventh domain.

Now the emperor realm master of the Blade Demon clan refers to the remaining ancestor who is still retired and has the last glimmer of hope to hit the Nirvana realm.

This is the old man of the Blade Demon clan.

This old man of the Blade Demon Clan is really the ancestor of the Blade Demon Clan, because the opponent is already a Demon Clan ten thousand years ago.

And just speaking of age, the entire Blade Demon clan can't find anyone taller than him.

Even the strongest imperial master of the Blade Demon clan is just his great-great-grandchild.

It's just a pity that the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan hit Nirvana a thousand years ago and finally failed.

Although the impact failed, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan survived, but the cultivation base has been reduced to the five-layer realm king.

After the failure of the impact on Nirvana, it will lead to the collapse of the merged realm, and then the state of lowering.

But even so, this is the best case for impact failure.

Because this is better than being uncontrollable, the fusion field explodes directly, and it is better for him to die.

Thousands of years ago, the impact failed, and then directly closed the deadlock. This caused the Blade Demon clan to know that apart from a few high-levels, the Blade Demon clan also had this ancestor, but the other Blade Demon clan did not know.

In the case of the human side suddenly speeding up the attack, the clan master of the Blade Demon clan really can't draw the emperor realm master from the core battlefield.

But when I think of the strength of Jian Yuanhui, and the methods of Jian Yuanhui, he also returned to the one-hundred-odd realm king realm master of the Blade Demon clan, the clan master of the Blade Demon clan knows that the human who seized the ring of the Blade Yu space , The strength is definitely not low.

Even he felt that the opponent was probably not a realm king, but an emperor realm master.

Therefore, if you want to regain the space ring of Blade Yu, you can only send the Emperor Realm master of the Blade Demon clan.

But the current situation makes the clan master of the Blade Demon clan dare not call the emperor realm master in the core battlefield.

Although the territory of the Blade Demon clan, there are also the elders of himself and an emperor master, but it is impossible for them to leave the territory of the Blade Demon clan, especially when they are called by the other demons. , Then even more can not leave.

Under such circumstances, the head of the Blade Demon clan thought of the ancestor of his Blade Demon clan.

It stands to reason that as that old ancestor, he should have spent his old age in the Blade Demon clan.

But the current situation, if the space ring is not put in time, it would be a big trouble for the Blade Demon clan.

Therefore, after discussing with the high level of the Blade Demon clan, the clan leader of the Blade Demon clan decided to ask this ancestor to leave.

Moreover, in the eyes of the Blade Demon clan leader and those high-level leaders, with their ancestor's strength, dealing with that human being is definitely a small matter that can be easily captured.

Although the ancestor failed to attack the Nirvana realm thousands of years ago, his cultivation level was greatly reduced.

But after this thousand years, that old ancestor had already cultivated his cultivation base again.

Although the Blade Demon clan didn't know how their ancestor's cultivation was now, according to their guess, the opponent must have at least seven or eight emperor realm cultivation.

But in fact, the clan leader of the Blade Demon clan and those high-level people guessed wrong, and they also guessed two things wrong.

Because this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan has not only restored a lot of cultivation base during this thousand years, but has even returned to the previous state.

Yes, it is the peak of the Emperor Realm!

Failure to attack the Nirvana Realm is very difficult to restore the peak realm of the Emperor Realm again.

But this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan did just that, which is enough to show the strength of the opponent.

But the problem just happened to be the cultivation base of the peak of the emperor realm!

After failing to hit Nirvana, even if you survive by fluke, your life expectancy will be greatly reduced.

With the physical quality of the Blade Demon clan, the life span of reaching the peak of the Emperor Realm is at least 20,000 years, and if it is more, it will barely reach 30,000 years!

In the situation of this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan, even if he does not have a life span of 30,000 years, he can still live for 27,000 or 8,000 years.

Excluding the 10,000 years of survival before, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan still has a life span of at least 27,000.

But after failing to hit Nirvana, the life span of the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan dropped sharply, and in the end there was only less than three thousand years of life.

This is still a good situation, and thanks to the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan when he attacked the Nirvana Realm, he stopped for the first time as soon as the sign of failure appeared, and then he didn't die of failure.

It can even guarantee three thousand years of life.

Now that a thousand years have passed, it stands to reason that this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan can still live for two thousand years.

It is a pity that these two thousand life dollars were exhausted by the other party some time ago.

The reason is simple, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan failed to attack Nirvana again.

Yes, after restoring his cultivation to the peak of the Emperor Realm, the unwilling ancestor of the Blade Demon clan, he actually hit the Nirvana Realm again.

It is a pity that the difficulty of this second impact on Nirvana is a hundred times more difficult than the first one.

Therefore, he failed.

With this failure, the Shouyuan of the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan naturally plummeted again, even the cultivation base was the same.

This is something that all Blade Demon clan never expected.

They didn't even know that their ancestors had once again raised their cultivation base to the Emperor Realm, and then hit the Nirvana Realm again.

They didn't even know that after the failure of the attack again, the cultivation of their ancestors almost fell out of the emperor realm.

If the senior members of the Blade Demon clan knew these things, I am afraid they would not bother their ancestor.

On this point, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan also did not say.

The second attack on Nirvana failed, because the ancestor knew that his deadline was approaching.

In seven to eighty years at most, his ancestor of the Blade Demon clan will die.

Therefore, when the contemporary clan leader of the Blade Demon clan asked for instructions, he went out without hesitation.

No matter how much he stays in seclusion, it is impossible for his cultivation to reach the peak of the Emperor Realm in just seven or eighty years.

And even if he goes back to his cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to hit the Nirvana Realm to succeed.

After failing to hit Nirvana twice in a row, no one can successfully hit Nirvana again and enter Nirvana.

Because that is impossible.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan wanted to do something for his own group at the last moment of his life.

Although the failure of the second impact caused his cultivation base to almost fall below the emperor realm, but after this time, he also stabilized his cultivation to the emperor realm.

Although it is only the first realm of the emperor realm, don't forget that this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan has hit the Nirvana realm twice.

Therefore, even though it is only the cultivation base of the first layer of the emperor realm, its true strength is far more than that of the first layer of the emperor realm.

Even if it is a head-on hostility, this imperial realm master who has no emperor realm three or more cultivation bases is probably not the opponent of this blade demon clan ancestor.

If you use some more methods, I am afraid that even if you are a master of the emperor realm or higher, this one will be accidentally killed by the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan.

Soon this ancestor of the Blade Demon clan set off to the seventh area battlefield.

And this time, no one noticed.

The danger seems to have come quietly!


Qin Shaofeng didn't know the big moves of the Blade Demon clan, but Qin Shaofeng could understand that his current situation was absolutely dangerous.

Although Qin Shaofeng was confident, with his current strength, even if he was a master of God, as long as his realm was not high, he could still deal with the past.

But this is not the problem. The real problem is, at the price of tens of billions of rewards, how many demons will chase him down?

Even Qin Shaofeng suspected that if the Human Race hadn't received the Demon Race's reward, I am afraid that humans would have dealt with him long ago.

Qin Shaofeng was very confident about his own strength, but he was not proud of himself.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that with a large number of demons appearing, no matter how strong he was, it would be dangerous!

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and heroes can't stand the crowd!

No matter how strong he is, once he is surrounded by hundreds of Demon Realm Kings, it is definitely a dead end.

Faced with such a situation, unless it is the kind of strong person with absolute strength, otherwise, he would not dare to face it directly.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng finished the conversation with Mr. Bai, he immediately began to prepare.

According to the current situation, the news has only now spread, there is still some time, enough to directly prepare.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng used his power of the Seven-Star Warlord to purchase a large amount of materials for upgrading mechanical puppets in the base treasury.

The five-star intelligent flying boat Moyun can raise the mechanical puppet to the tenth level of the world king.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to upgrade the Moyun to a six-star, and then let the Moyun of the six-star intelligent flying boat create a mechanical puppet of the emperor level.

It is not that Qin Shaofeng is worried that his military merits are not enough to upgrade the Moyun to a six-star intelligent flying boat.

The space ring in front of Renyu didn't count, but after Qin Shaofeng killed the master of the Blade Demon clan of more than 100 good realm kings, it also brought a lot of wealth to Qin Shaofeng.

The wealth brought by Ren Yuanhui alone was enough to promote the Moyun to a six-star intelligent flying boat.

But under the current circumstances, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to advance the Moyun to the six-star level.

The reason is simple. The Moyun will be promoted to the six-star smart flying boat and will definitely enter the evolutionary stage. This ghost knows how much time it will take.

Once there was no Demon Cloud, it would be less effective for Qin Shaofeng to escape, and in terms of detection, the Demon Cloud also possessed extremely strong capabilities, so it was naturally impossible for Qin Shaofeng to let the Demon Cloud evolve.

At least this month, Qin Shaofeng would not let the Moyun advance.

Since it couldn't advance, the Demon Cloud could only raise the ten mechanical puppets to the level of the tenth realm king.

And there is another thing that makes Qin Shaofeng more depressed. Because the mechanical puppets of the Realm King Realm are relatively powerful, the control of the Demon Cloud also requires extremely complicated calculations.

After all, the battle in the Realm King Realm is very complicated, so if you want the mechanical puppets to exert all their combat power, the Moyun must allocate a lot of energy to calculate and control!

Then, because of this situation, the Moyun of the five-star intelligent flying boat can only control ten mechanical puppets of the tenth realm king level to fight.

No matter how much it is, it won't work, because more will affect other functions of Moyun.

Ten ten-fold realm kings are already the limit!

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