Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 104: Ye Hu seriously injured

"I rub, why is Brother Feng you again?"

A dejected voice sounded, and the person opposite Qin Shaofeng was really crying.

Why is it me again?

Qin Shaofeng was also a little funny in his heart, how did I know?

It seems that Fang Li, this kid, has not had much luck recently!

That's right, the first opponent of Qin Shaofeng in this general arena is that Fang Li.

He has met Qin Shaofeng again!

There is no reason, this is simply no reason!

Such an unfair thing happened to me twice?

Fang Li felt bleak in his heart, looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, he was alive like a resentful woman, making Qin Shaofeng uncomfortable.

At this time, Du Meng and Ye Hu all laughed.

"Haha, Fang Li is so lucky! I actually met Brother Nengfeng twice!" Looking at Fang Li in the ring space, Du Meng laughed unscrupulously.

Ye Hu and Fang Tong on the side were helpless.

This can happen too, this luck is really beyond words.

On the ring, looking at Fang Li's grievances, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but coughed again, and said softly, "Well, we don't have to do two tricks again!"

Unexpectedly, this time, Fang Li directly gave Qin Shaofeng a look of contempt, and said dissatisfied: "I'm already very sad. Brother Feng, you are still gloating!"

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded, how am I gloating?

But Fang Li didn't care about him, turned around and walked out of the ring space.

"I surrender!"

A lazy voice sounded, and Fang Li immediately disappeared into the ring.

Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

"Winner, No. 62! Promoting to the top 80, rewarding 100 points for contribution!"

Soon, the referee's voice reached Qin Shaofeng's ears, and then Qin Shaofeng felt a pulling force coming from the ring space.

Qin Shaofeng did not resist, and then he was teleported out and returned to the outside of the ring.

No. 62, this is Qin Shaofeng's current random number, and after this game, there are only 80 people left, and Qin Shaofeng will naturally advance to the top 80.

The college also stipulates that the top 80 can get 100 contribution points, the top 40 can get 200 contribution points, and the top 20 can get 500 contribution points.

And if you can advance to the top ten, you can get 1,000 contribution points, the first five 2,000 points, the third 5,000 points, the second 8,000 points, and the first is the most rewarded 10,000 contribution points.

Back to the place where Du Meng and Ye Hu were, Qin Shaofeng was relieved to see Fang Li talked and laughed with everyone again, and was ridiculed by Du Meng and met his own situation.

Next, it was Ye Hu's turn to debut soon.

Ye Hu’s opponent was at the level of the acquired tenth level, and during this period Ye Hu also smoothly improved to the level of the acquired tenth level. Although it was only the initial stage, his opponent was barely the mid-term level of the acquired tenth level, which was not that powerful. Ye Hu still has a chance to win.

After the confrontation with 20 or 30 moves, the experienced Ye Hu took advantage of a gap in the opponent, and suddenly exploded a powerful attack. The opponent was caught off guard. In the end, Ye Hu won and successfully advanced to the top 80.

Everyone congratulated Ye Hu's victory, and Ye Xiaoxiao was extremely happy.

Du Meng played soon after Ye Hu.

Without the slightest suspense, Du Meng attacked violently at the beginning of the game.

Although his opponent is an acquired ten-fold late stage, he can't suppress Du Meng's attack at all. Not to mention suppressed, he can't bear it for long.

With that person's realm, if nothing happens, there is no problem at all to qualify for the top 80, and even the top 40 is not difficult.

Unfortunately, who told him to meet Du Meng!

In the end, with just a few moves, Du Meng's opponent was defeated and left the field sadly.

Among the few, Fang Li was the ten in the last round.

Fang Tong was already at the Ninth Level of the Acquired at this time, and he would soon break through to the Tenth Level of the Acquired. It is a pity that his opponent this time is a person in the mid-level of the Tenth Level of Acquired.

Even if Fang Tong worked abnormally and burst out stronger than usual, he still lost in the end.

However, Fang Tong was not disappointed, but after this battle, there were signs of faintly breaking through the acquired tenth realm.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, Fang Tong would be able to break through to the tenth level of the acquired day within five days at most.

This is also a gain.

The game was going on in an orderly manner.

The 160 promotion to the top 80 has had results, and the second round will soon begin.

In the second round of Qin Shaofeng, the person who played for the first time was no longer him, but Ye Hu.

This time, Ye Hu was very lucky. His opponent was only a man in the middle of the Nine Layers of the acquired day.

However, to reach this point, even in the mid-term of the Nine Layers of the acquired day, its strength should not be underestimated.

Ye Hu was still in good strength and experienced. After a long battle, he finally won the victory and became the first person among several people to enter the top forty.

Like Ye Hu, Qin Shaofeng's second opponent was also a person of the Nine Realm of the acquired, so this battle had no pressure on Qin Shaofeng.

The match between Du Meng and Qin Shaofeng was going on at the same time. After Qin Shaofeng won, Du Meng came out with an unhappy expression.

In the two consecutive games, Qin Shaofeng not only paid attention to his own people, he also paid attention to other people.

However, after taking a look, Qin Shaofeng's eyes finally fell on Tang Qijian.

In the two competitions, Tang Qijian's opponents were all people in the tenth level of the acquired, one in the mid-term, and another even at the peak of the tenth level of the acquired. The internal aura also exceeded the limit of 1,000, reaching more than 1,500 points.

This kind of strength is enough to enter the top twenty geniuses.

But such a genius, like that person in the mid-tenth stage of the acquired day, was solved by Tang Qijian.

Qin Shaofeng also wanted to see Tang Qijian's strength with his own eyes, but with such a sword, he couldn't see it at all!

And it was precisely because of this that Tang Qijian won the first place more and more voices.

Many people are optimistic that Tang Qijian will be able to win first place in this challenge.

As for Qin Shaofeng so far, there have been very few voices supporting him.

After all, it is not surprising. Although Qin Shaofeng won fifty games in a row, in the eyes of everyone, the previous ring match was just a warm-up match, and winning fifty games in a row was nothing at all.

In fact, it's almost the same. After all, there are some people who have won 50 games in a row in the eight arena, in addition to Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care how others thought of him. He couldn't see Tang Qijian's strength now, and would he know if he met him?

The race to advance to the top forty was quickly over.

Then the third round of promotion to the top 20 also started soon.

Those who can advance to the top forty all have considerable strength. At least among the forty people, they are basically the tenth level of the acquired.

And among them, most of the people in the late tenth stage and the peak of the day after tomorrow, and fewer people in the early and middle stage of the tenth day after day.

To be honest, Ye Hu's ability to make this step was already a good harvest, even Ye Hu himself was a little surprised.

So when Qin Shaofeng won and successfully entered the top 20 and returned, Ye Hu looked aside when he was prompted to start the game.

It is natural to be able to enter the top 20, if not, then there is no need to force it.

However, Ye Hu also decided that no matter what his opponent is, he must do his best.

Even if you lose, you must try to be convinced to lose, and lose beautifully!

But what Ye Hu never expected was that his opponent this time was Lu Qi, who hadn't seen him for many days.

That day, after Na Lu Qi was stunned at the entrance of the Monster Beast Forest, before he woke up, he didn't wait for him to express his anger in his heart, but he was severely taught by Yue Tao.

At the beginning, Lu Qi also brought out his eldest brother, trying to shock Lu Tao, but after Lu Tao sneered, he was honest.

What Lu Tao said at the time was: "Your eldest brother? Lu Qi, let me tell you directly. Even if your eldest brother Lu Yun is favored by my third young master, if you let the third young master know that the person you offended today, I'm afraid you will be even worse. miserable!"

Lu Qi didn't believe that Yue Tao would deceive him, so in the end he paid a great price, and Yue Tao spared him.

But when Yue Tao left, he also warned him and told him not to trouble Qin Shaofeng, especially the trouble between the brawny man and the woman next to Qin Shaofeng, or if he offends the other party, even his brother Lu Yun or even his His entire Lu family will also be implicated by him.

Therefore, even Lu Qi, who was eager to swallow Qin Shaofeng alive, did not go to Qin Shaofeng until today.

However, during the period when Qin Shaofeng heard that Qin Shaofeng was going to challenge a three-star student, Lu Qi was gloating in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng I can't teach you, but watching other people teach you, I feel better!

But despite this, Lu Qi's hatred for Qin Shaofeng has not diminished at all. On the contrary, after learning that Qin Shaofeng has won fifty games in a row, it has increased even more.

As a result, after he saw Ye Hu at this moment, Lu Qi's expression turned a little sullen.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect my opponent this time to be you, Ye Hu!"

There was a grinning laugh, Lu Qi said with hatred, and even when he said that, a bit of resentment flashed in Lu Qi's eyes.

Although he mainly hated Qin Shaofeng, Lu Qi also hated Ye Hu a lot.

Especially Ye Hu warned him not to get close to Ye Xiaoxiao. Lu Qi couldn't wait to kill Ye Hu with a single sword. It's a pity that because of Ye Hu's uncle of elite students, this made Lu Qi very jealous, and he dared not do anything to Ye Hu.

But at this moment, he actually met, Lu Qi would naturally not let Ye Hu go easily.

Lu Qi?

Seeing that his opponent was Lu Qi, especially after listening to Lu Qi’s laughter and the poisonous grievances in his eyes, Ye Hu frowned, and considering Lu Qi’s strength, Ye Hu finally decided to give up. .

Anyway, he didn't expect to be in the top 20, so he would just admit defeat.

Seeing Ye Hu's thoughts, Lu Qi smiled coldly on his face, and instantly shot.

During this time, Lu Qi turned his anger and hatred into motivation and practiced hard.

At this moment, Lu Qi has cultivated to the tenth peak of the day after tomorrow. If he wants to, he can be promoted to an innate martial artist at any time.

Lu Qi's shot was a strong outbreak with all his strength.


On the ring, the air inside Lu Qi's body surged in the day after tomorrow, and it burst out instantly, exploding around his body.

A mighty inner aura pressed towards Ye Hu overwhelmingly.

Ye Hu only felt a strong breath, pressing on him from all directions, giving him a feeling of suffocation. His face became even more flushed, and he was ready to shout out the three words that I had given up. I can't spit it out.

Seeing this, Lu Qi smiled grimly, his breath swayed again, Ye Hu took a few steps back abruptly, but that didn’t count. After shaking back a few steps, Lu Qi finally came to Ye Hu’s side. , Slapped Ye Hu fiercely with a fierce look.


Ye Hu was shot and flew out by Lu Qi in an instant, with blood spurting out of his mouth, his face instantly pale as paper, and it was obvious that he was hit hard by a blow.

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