Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 105: Promoted to the top ten

So strong!

Lu Qi's shot attracted the attention of many people.

First, he shook his opponent back with momentum, and then severely injured his opponent with a palm.

Such strength has moved many contestants present.

This strength is enough to rank in the top ten in this ring.

It has to be said that this Lu Qi's talent is indeed good, plus the adventure when he was young, it is not surprising that he has the strength at the moment.

Even if Lu Qi could take his heart out, I'm afraid he would have been promoted to an innate martial artist long ago.

Different from the others, Qin Shaofeng's faces were very ugly at this moment, especially Ye Xiaoxiao, they shouted anxiously when they saw Ye Hu being knocked into the air by Lu Qi and vomiting blood.

"Big Brother!"

It's a pity that Ye Hu at this moment has already passed out.

That was Lu Qi’s bitter blow. He didn’t care about the love he had met with Ye Hu before. Even if Ye Hu had been fainted at the moment, the referee had announced the result. I’m afraid Lu Qi would walk over and make up two palms. Up.

"Asshole, Lu Qi, I want to kill you!"

Seeing Ye Hu's unconsciousness and impulsive Fang Li, he immediately prepared to run to the ring.

Even Fang Tong, who has always been somewhat calm, couldn't help but step out at this time.

For the two brothers in the Fang family, Ye Hu’s cousin took great care of him. In the eyes of the two brothers in the Fang family, Ye Hu had long been kissed by his eldest brother. When they are usually called, they directly call Ye Hu the eldest brother. The relationship between.

At this moment, Ye Hu was deliberately seriously injured by Lu Qi, and the two couldn't bear it.

But when the two of them acted, Qin Shaofeng shot them to stop them.

"Brother Feng, don't stop me, I must give Lu Qi a good-looking bastard!" After being stopped by Qin Shaofeng, Fang Li didn't look back, staring at Lu Qi in the ring space angrily, and roared.

Fang Tong on the side did not speak, but looked at Qin Shaofeng with a hint of dissatisfaction.

But then Qin Shaofeng's words stopped them instantly.

"What can you do when you go up? Don't forget, it's a ring match now!" Qin Shaofeng snorted.

Then, after seeing the two of them finally understand, Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

"Don't worry, isn't Lu Qi successfully promoted to the top 20? We have a tenth chance!"

Qin Shaofeng just finished his words. The average Du Meng slammed his hands out and said with a grinning hate: "Hey, one-tenth is not enough, that's not another one-fifth. Well! That kid is very strong, he will definitely be promoted to the top ten, we can always meet!"


Always meet!

Both Du Meng and Qin Shaofeng have already been promoted to the top 20. In the next round of competition, he and Qin Shaofeng are together, but there is a one-tenth chance that they will meet Na Lu Qi.

Even if Lu Qi is lucky, his strength is not weak. When it reaches the top ten, it will be one-fifth.

Du Meng didn't believe that the other party had such good luck.

At this moment, the Fang family brothers finally fell silent.

Although Du Meng didn't say what would happen to Lu Qi, and Qin Shaofeng didn't have any direct words, but the two knew that at this moment Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng were no less angry than the two of them.


Even if it had been decided, to teach Lu Qi a lesson, but when Ye Hu was brought back, Qin Shaofeng was completely angry.

Ye Hu was seriously injured, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed it, but he never expected that Ye Hu was seriously injured in an extremely dangerous situation.

Not life is in danger, but Dantian is in danger.

Lu Qi's thoughts were extremely vicious, and that palm came from Yehu's Dantian. He actually planned to shake Yehu's Dantian with a palm and completely abolish Yehu.

It was precisely because of the severe trauma that Dan Tian suffered that Ye Hu, a tough guy, couldn't stand it and passed out directly.

But it is also troublesome now.

Dantian is the most important place for cultivators. Even if Ye Hu recovers from this serious injury, his cultivation will be greatly reduced, and it is even possible that he will never be promoted to a natural martial artist in his life.

Ye Hu is a person with innate spiritual roots and has the opportunity to become a strong spiritual vein realm, but the current situation, even the innate realm is a bit dangerous.

Without hesitation, after seeing Ye Hu's situation, Qin Shaofeng immediately transferred 10,000 points to Fang Tong.

The reason is simple. There is a kind of pill in the Hall of Contribution, which can heal Ye Hu's injury at the moment, but the required contribution points are not low.

Ten thousand points!

The pill that can restore the wounds of the Dantian has a natural value. Even if it is a star student, only a very small number of people have the ability to buy it.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng won a reward of 10,000 Contribution Points because of his 50 consecutive victories, otherwise it would not be enough.

Qin Shaofeng's actions made Ye Xiaoxiao and the Fang family brothers grateful again, and they did not refuse.

If it is normal, not to mention 10,000 contribution points, even if it is 100 contribution points, they will not accept it for no reason.

But it was different now, and the three of them would naturally not refuse the major event related to Ye Hu's future.

In the end, Ye Xiaoxiao and the Fang family brothers left in a hurry with Ye Hu.

If it wasn't for the game, Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng would also leave with them.

From beginning to end, after Lu Qi left the ring, Qin Shaofeng didn't look at the other person, but Du Meng frequently cast angry eyes at Lu Qi.

This made Lu Qi's heart frightened, after all, for Du Meng, he was a bit psychological shadow.

However, Lu Qi didn't care too much, because he had decided that whether he met Qin Shaofeng or Du Meng, even if he lost the qualification to enter the Spirit Garden, he would give up.

But can he do it?

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't look at him, Qin Shaofeng was extremely angry with him in his heart.

It doesn't count if Ye Hu was seriously injured, and he actually made him waste 10,000 points of contribution. If he didn't tell Lu Qi, how could he be reconciled?

In many cases, silent and invisible situations are the most dangerous existence.

Even Qin Shaofeng's silent and invisible anger at this moment would be serious once it broke out.

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's anger in his heart couldn't erupt when he was promoted to the top ten.

Because his opponent is not Lu Qi, but someone else.

It seems that because of the anger in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's shot was a little too heavy this time, and his opponent was injured.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng still had a sense of measure in his heart, but his opponent was slightly injured.

But even so, it was enough to amaze everyone.

Because Qin Shaofeng's opponent this time was a master who won fifty consecutive victories in the seventh ring.

In fact, this person is much stronger than that of Lu Qi. There were several thrilling wins in the game, and his strength had long been known by everyone.

But such a person was actually defeated by Qin Shaofeng, and the battle ended with three tricks.

At this moment, someone finally faced Qin Shaofeng squarely.

Qin Shaofeng is now in the top ten. It can be said that the arrogant behavior of entering the Spirit Garden that day has been realized.

I just don't know what the result of another arrogant challenge to Samsung students will be.

If everyone hadn't taken Qin Shaofeng's challenge to Samsung student Wang Wenwu to heart before, they just regarded Qin Shaofeng's arrogant act.

But now it seems that many people are looking forward to it.

Maybe Qin Shaofeng might still have such strength.

Challenge Samsung students!

This is really exciting!

Qin Shaofeng didn't meet Lu Qi, and Du Meng did the same. Unlike Qin Shaofeng, he didn't meet Lu Qi, Du Meng's expression was very upset, but when he learned that Lu Qi was also promoted to the top ten, he was looking forward to it.

Ha, that kid has also been promoted to the top ten, I still have a chance!

I hope that my opponent will be that kid in the next game, and I will beat him to bloom!

Finally this round of competition is over.

The top ten was born!

This means that the quota that can enter the Spirit Garden has finally come out.

At this moment, Lu Qi was extremely excited!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would also be able to enter the legendary spiritual garden, which is really great!"

Lu Qi burst into laughter at the thought of being able to Lingyuan.

Lu Qi's eldest brother had also entered the Spirit Garden, and when he entered, he was in the state of the tenth peak of the acquired day, but he was in the middle of the congenital second layer.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Yun was accepted as a subordinate by the three young masters whom Yue Tao said, allowing Lu Yun to join Beihai Pavilion.

Unlike Lu Yun, Lu Qi knew from his elder brother what the Spirit Garden was and what its mysterious benefits were, so Lu Qi had sufficient preparations for his trip to the Spirit Garden.

Lu Qi is confident that after he enters the Spirit Garden, he can directly break through the innate triple realm within a few days.

The worst is also the congenital double peak!

This is not only Lu Qi's confidence, but also his ability!

But soon, Lu Qi was not very happy.

Although the top ten can enter the spiritual garden, the time they get is different, and the worst tenth is only one day.

Then according to the rankings, every time a ranking rises, one extra day is added.

According to Lu Qi's plan, it would take at least three days for him to directly break into the innate triple state in the Spirit Garden, and the most stable and safest time is five days.

This means that he wants to break through to the congenital triple realm. The top five rankings are the safest and the most promising.

But what shocked Lu Qi was that his first opponent was actually Qin Shaofeng!

For the top ten games, five games will be played first, and five winners will be decided, which is the top five.

As for the five losers, whether or not they have stronger strength than the five victors, they can only compete for the bottom five rankings.

Don't blame bad luck!

Sometimes luck is also an expression of strength.

How about Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly?

After being notified of the game, Lu Qi frowned slightly.

The competition in the ring was decided by drawing lots.

From the first to the tenth, Lu Qi drew the fifth, but Qin Shaofeng drew the sixth.

Who can blame this?

Forget it, the big deal is enough to admit defeat. Even if I don't have the top five, if I can get the sixth place, I can stay in the spiritual garden for five days, and I should be able to break through to the innate triple realm.

Lu Qi felt a burst of joy when he thought that he could break through to the innate triple realm.

Because once they appear in the spiritual garden from the acquired tenth level, one after another breakthrough to the congenital triple level, there will basically be some big academy parties who come to recruit.

Only if I join a party stronger than that Beihai Pavilion, Beihai Pavilion will not dare to provoke Qin Shaofeng and the others, and I don't need to worry about it.

And if the luck is better, the elder of the academy can be favored by the elders, then I, Lu Qi, will have revenge and complain about Qin Shaofeng and the others.

Get a strong backer and take revenge on Qin Shaofeng!

This is Lu Qi's ultimate goal!

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