Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 106: Want to admit defeat? No doors!

Lu Qi is a person who knows how to forbearance, so when he knew his opponent was Qin Shaofeng, he didn't plan to enter the ring and just surrendered.

Although he would be ridiculed by others, Lu Qi endured it when he thought of Qin Shaofeng's ability to get back twice.

But what Lu Qi didn't see was that when he made a decision, Qin Shaofeng gave him a deep look.

Want to admit defeat?


The top ten competitions have attracted much attention, and some martial arts star students from the innate realm have also attended a lot.

But few people can really make them care.

Tang Qijian is one!

The "Sword of Seven Kills" had cultivated the first kill at the acquired realm. If this Tang Qijian was promoted to the realm of innate martial arts, even if it was the first realm, the first kill of this "Sword of Seven Kills" would not be anyone. Can accept it.

At the very least, in the first innate level, unless someone like Du Meng, who cultivates a special powerful technique, not to mention the first innate realm, it is the second innate realm, and I am afraid that it will not be able to take this trick.

Even some innate three-tier martial arts masters with low strength are probably not Tang Qijian opponents of the first-tier innate realm.

And more importantly, if Tang Qijian was promoted to the realm of Innate Martial Master in the Lingyuan, would it be only the realm of Innate First Layer?

In addition to Tang Qijian, one person is more noticeable.

Yu Yixing, a 14-five-year-old boy almost the same age as Qin Shaofeng, but his strength is indeed not simple.

Qin Shaofeng had also seen with fiery eyes and golden eyes. After obtaining the attributes of Yu Yixing, Qin Shaofeng was also shocked.

Because the opponent's internal energy actually surpassed Du Meng, reaching the point of 8,000 points, almost equal to him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that this Yu Yixing was practicing one of the three strongest exercises in Lianyang Academy, "Shenfeng Iron Fist" when he heard the discussion from the people around him.

Kamikaze Iron Fist, the name sounds a bit old-fashioned, but when it comes to its creator, even Yang Guo is no one knows.

Emperor Lianyang, the founding monarch of Lianyang Kingdom, is the creator of this "Kamikaze Iron Fist".

In fact, the three strongest exercises of Lianyang Academy, except for the "Sword of Seven Kills", "Shenfeng Iron Fist" and "Lianyang Treasure Code", are all masterpieces created by Emperor Lianyang in the past.

If they are distinguished by level, they all belong to the sky-level exercises, and even among the sky-level exercises, it is probably a powerful exercise at the second three-star level.

Although Na Yu Yixing was not a member of the Lianyang royal family, her mother was the only sister of the current Lianyang monarch. Besides, Yu Yixing had good aptitude, so naturally she was allowed to practice the "Kamikaze Iron Fist" by the royal family.

Of course, as the "Lian Yang Baodian" that only the real royal family could practice, Yu Yixing did not practice.

But just after practicing "Kamikaze Fist", his strength is enough to be proud of the crowd.

Since the start of the arena, Yu Yixing, although unlike Tang Qijian, has always had one opponent with one sword.

But after so many matches, Yu Yixing's opponent has never appeared, someone who can take his three punches.

Because of this, Yu Ngai Hing is also a hot candidate who is qualified to win the first place.

The first battle of the top ten was Yu Yixing and a man of the acquired ten peaks.

On the ring.

Yu Ngai Hing was ruthless on his face. As soon as the referee announced the start of the game, he punched quickly.

A punch was punched, and suddenly, the punch on the ring was violent, and the wind was violent, and the strong wind ripped, and there was a faint riot in the ring.

Just like a thunder in the thundercloud, the momentum is huge and amazing!

Under the momentum of this fist, Yu Yixing's opponent stiffened instantly and had difficulty breathing, as if he belonged only to a violent storm and felt boundless pressure.

At this moment, this person finally understood why so many people couldn't take Yu Ngai Hing's punch.

But after all, he is the realm of the tenth peak of the day after tomorrow, and he is also an extremely determined person. He is sure that he is starting to fight back.


With a violent shout, Yu Yixing's opponent puffed up his whole body, gathered on his right hand, and threw a punch with all his strength.


With a loud crash, Yu Yixing's opponent slammed back several steps, but Yu Yixing remained motionless.

At a glance, the outcome is clear.


There was no extra action, and Yu Yixing flew close to the opponent before the opponent's body was still flying backwards, and blasted another punch.


A figure flew up instantly and fell directly out of the ring.

The outcome is divided, Yu Ngai Hing advances!

What a strong punch!

Seeing Yu Yixing's moves, Qin Shaofeng's eyes also flashed solemnly.

It is undeniable that with the power displayed by Yu Yixing, even if his Wudang Changquan has risen to level 5, he can't resist the opponent's punch when he burst out with all his strength.

"Kamikaze Fist" really deserves its reputation!

Of course, this Yu Ngai Hing is really good!

After Yu Yixing, it was Tang Qijian's turn to play.

However, this time, before Tang Qijian was on the court, his opponent gave in.

The reason is very simple. Tang Qijian's opponent lost to Tang Qijian once in the seventh consecutive victory of Tang Qijian.

Also a sword!

Knowing the gap between himself and Tang Qijian, that person didn't want to be defeated by Tang Qijian again, otherwise it would be too shameful.

Anyway, he can't beat Tang Qijian, so it's better to give in!

A gleam of joy flashed in Lu Qi's eyes when he heard someone admit defeat first.

Someone started this, and if he admits defeat, he won't be too noticeable. This is a good thing.

Qin Shaofeng saw the joy in Lu Qi's eyes.

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng suddenly jumped onto the ring before the referee had spoken to let him and Lu Qi come on stage, and screamed loudly.

"Lu Qi hasn't seen you for many days. If you and I can meet in this ring today, let's discuss it!"


Qin Shaofeng's actions immediately attracted everyone's attention.

No, this time Qin Shaofeng's opponent is his acquaintance again?

Many people have known Fang Li's two experiences.

Actually met twice in the ring competition, I have to say that Qin Shaofeng's luck is not bad.

After all, it must be a good thing to run into an opponent who admits defeat.

But soon, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Lu Qi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to shout such a word out loud, causing him to be noticed by countless people.

Under such circumstances, it would be embarrassing to admit defeat.

But Lu Qi's forbearance is too strong, he is simply called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

With countless gazes staring at him, Lu Qi finally decided to give in.

But before he could speak, Qin Shaofeng on the ring said again.

"Hey, Lu Qi, why aren't you coming up? Don't tell me you are afraid, are you?"

Qin Shaofeng on the ring pretended to be surprised, and then sighed abruptly: "Oh, in that case, I can give you one hand!"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, the scene suddenly became noisy.

Now everyone can tell that Qin Shaofeng and Lu Qi know each other, but the relationship between the two...

Hey, that's definitely not good!

If yes, can Qin Shaofeng provoke Lu Qi so much?

At this moment, Lu Qi's face suddenly became gloomy.

Let him have a hand?

Under such circumstances, if Lu Qi admits defeat, it will not only be a shame.

I am afraid that everyone will look down on him, and in this situation, how can those powerful parties come to recruit him.


But now he has no confidence that he can win Qin Shaofeng!

For a while, Lu Qi began to struggle in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng said again.

Qin Shaofeng said helplessly on the ring: "Is it impossible to have one hand? Then I will give you another foot, and I will hit it with my right hand and left heel."

As he said, Qin Shaofeng shouted to Lu Qi pretendingly: "How? I'm interesting enough, but I can tell you that this is enough, it is my limit, if you don't work, you will give up!"


Such an obviously insulting statement instantly caused Lu Qi's chest to explode!

No matter how scheming he Lu Qi, but he is always a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, young and frivolous is a juvenile character, let alone Lu Qi is a proud and proud man?

At this moment, he couldn't help it anymore, and the monstrous anger in his heart instantly surged and exploded between his chest.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

With a roar like a roar of a wild beast, he roared out from Lu Qi's mouth, and Lu Qi jumped onto the ring.

"Oh, you are finally willing to come!"

Looking at Lu Qi who was like an angry lion, Qin Shaofeng chuckles indifferently, and then said: "Don't worry, I told you to do everything, and you will never break your promise. Otherwise, count. I lose!"

"You die for me!"

Never wanting to hear Qin Shaofeng's voice again, Lu Qi let out a low growl and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng frantically.

But Lu Qi, who seemed crazy, was extremely calm when he attacked. The place where he attacked was specifically directed at Qin Shaofeng's left hand and right foot.

He wanted to force Qin Shaofeng to break his promise. Once Qin Shaofeng moved his left hand and right foot, even if he broke his promise and did not admit defeat, then Lu Qi could open his mouth and admit defeat.

And at that time, the person who was despised by the ridicule was not Lu Qi but Qin Shaofeng himself!

Qin Shaofeng naturally saw that Lu Qi's intention, but in the face of Lu Qi's attack, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a sneer.


With a cold snort in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed coldly and his left foot shook slightly.

Vertical ladder!

With a scream, Lu Qi, who was attacking Qin Shaofeng, suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and immediately lost Qin Shaofeng's trace.

not good!

Lu Qi, who was greatly upset, was stunned and quickly prepared to stop, but in the next moment, another flower was in front of him, and then he saw a smiling face.

It is Qin Shaofeng!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qi suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and was instantly blown away by Qin Shaofeng.

how is this possible!

How could Qin Shaofeng possess such power!

Feeling Qin Shaofeng's fist, there was a force that he could not match, and Lu Qi was shocked.

Too strong!

He can't stop it at all!

And just when Lu Qi had such an idea, there was another flower in front of him. Lu Qi's heart tightened and he just wanted to avoid him, but the next moment, he felt a punch in his abdomen, and he felt a cramp in his abdomen. stand up.

Two punches!

Qin Shaofeng only hit two punches, but this made Lu Qi understand that the gap between him and Qin Shaofeng no longer cared about the face. Knowing that Qin Shaofeng would not spare Lu Qi lightly, he immediately prepared to shout and admit defeat.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have known his plan a long time ago, so how could he let him speak?


Another Wudang vertical cloud ladder, Qin Shaofeng came to Lu Qi, raised his right hand, and greeted Lu Qi's white face fiercely!


A loud applause sounded from the audience, and Lu Qi's whole body was instantly kicked up.

A few white things in the air with traces of blood flying in the air, a closer look revealed that it was Lu Qi's teeth.

Lu Qi just felt his little face, as if he had been hit by a big mountain, and the clouds were flying in the panic.

But suddenly, Lu Qi faintly heard Qin Shaofeng sneer at him.

"Want to admit defeat? There are no doors!"

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