Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 107: Qin Shaofeng's methods

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Lu Qi felt cold. When he fell to the ring, he didn't care about the pain in his mouth and the whole body, so he opened his mouth to say something.




In front of him was another flower, the figure was prominent, and another loud slap in the face, clearly transmitted to everyone present.

Soon, Lu Qi's small white face turned red from left to right, red and purple, and it was still swollen with the boss.

But this was just the beginning. After slapped Lu Qi again, Qin Shaofeng kicked and kicked Lu Qi into the air.

Then, before Lu Qi's body landed, Qin Shaofeng swept one foot and gave Lu Qi another kick in midair.

Next came a series of violent beatings by Qin Shaofeng, that Lu Qi, like a piece of rag, was cruelly tortured by Qin Shaofeng.

But from beginning to end, Qin Shaofeng kept the Golden Rooster independent, with the back of his left hand behind him. It was Qin Shaofeng's right hand that beat Lu Qi violently, plus the flying left foot from time to time.

This made the crowd under the ring frightened to see it!

Qin Shaofeng didn't give Lu Qi a chance to faint. Even if Lu Qi passed out in pain, Qin Shaofeng would punch Lu Qi fiercely and woke Lu Qi from the faint with his internal energy.

"This...this...this is too cruel!"

Looking at the pitiful appearance of Lu Qi being beaten by Qin Shaofeng on the arena, some people couldn't bear it.

But this time, many people actually spoke for Qin Shaofeng.

"Bah, it's not too bad, do you know who Lu Qi is? If you know, don't think so!"

"Yes, that Lu Qi relied on that he was a genius, his family power was not low, and there was an older brother who was favored by Beihai Ge Lu Sanshao. Among the formal students, he was a hegemon!"

"When you said this, I also remembered it. It seems that among the formal students, there is a surnamed Lu who often harassed the non-girl students and has already harmed many girls, but because his status is not low, those who have been harmed Female students can only bear it in a low voice. Now it seems that this is Lu Qi."


Is this Lu Qi actually this person?

Hearing some students who had been bullied by Lu Qi at this moment, everyone knew that Lu Qi was such a scumbag.

At this time, because Ye Hu was more enthusiastic, and some people who had been taken care of by Ye Hu, they all began to tell Ye Hu's situation.

This is even more remarkable.

Lu Qi had actually known Na Yehu before, and he had been getting along for a long time.

But under such circumstances, Lu Qi actually severely injured Ye Hu directly.

Especially when he heard that Ye Hu almost suffered a severe damage from his Dantian and was unable to be promoted to the innate martial arts master, Lu Qi was in no one sympathetic ring for a while.

It's just a competition between students, seriously hurting others is already too much, but this is after all a competition, and it is inevitable.

But if you want to destroy others with a vicious mind, it will be hateful.

After all, no one is invincible. If he loses, his dantian may be destroyed. Who can bear it?

At this moment, the special position of the top ten under the ring, the top ten people who had been uncomfortable, finally understood why Qin Shaofeng was so cruel to Lu Qi.

Especially Tang Qijian, he almost misunderstood Qin Shaofeng and really believed Zhang Tao's words, but after understanding it, there was a flash of murder in his eyes towards Lu Qi.

Tang Qijian was not born well. His parents died in his early years, leaving him and his sister. He was only seven at the time and his sister was also twelve.

Fortunately, his elder sister was hardworking and took on the important task of raising Tang Qijian for Tang Qijian's young age. Although life was difficult, she persisted.

But when his sister was fifteen years old, a disaster struck.

From Tang Qijian's appearance at the moment, it can be seen that his sister is naturally not bad, but it is precisely because of this that this has caused trouble.

When Tang Qijian's sister was fifteen years old, a elder brother from a family came to see her. Tang Qijian's sister didn't like the other party, because the other party was completely a dude and had already harmed many women.

Eventually the tragedy happened. The family elder brother forcibly captured Tang Qijian's sister, but Tang Qijian's sister was unwilling to be humiliated, and finally bit her tongue and committed suicide.

If it weren't for Tang Qijian's master, who happened to have discovered Tang Qijian, a kendo wizard, I am afraid there would be no Tang Qijian today.

It can be said that the current Tang Qijian is a bit extreme in a certain aspect, especially when he heard what Lu Qi had done in the past, he was actually moved with killing intent.

That elder brother of the aristocratic family had long been beheaded by Tang Qijian himself, and even the capital he had helped him abuse, the aristocratic family was destroyed by him.

But even so, whenever he encounters bullying of men and women, Tang Qijian can't bear it and burst out with astonishing killing intent.

Even if it was possible, he couldn't wait to switch positions with Qin Shaofeng, and then behead that Lu Qi himself.

Qin Shaofeng was not Tang Qijian. He didn't know what Tang Qijian had experienced before, let alone Tang Qijian's mood at the moment.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt somewhat relieved at this moment.

Can you keep your breath?

At this moment, Lu Qi can hardly be found on his body, and there is no more injured.

All the ribs were broken, some of them had even broken into several knots, and even Lu Qi's hands and feet were dislocated and fractured by Qin Shaofeng.

After Qin Shaofeng finally stopped, Lu Qi was even more deadly than a dead dog. He lay on the ring and kept panting.

Qin Shaofeng's actions were very measured and would not harm Lu Qi's life at all, and he did not even do anything that would damage Lu Qi's foundation.

Because just when he started his hand, a soft sigh came from his ear.

"Just a lesson, don't go too far!"

This sound came from the voice of the referee of the top ten competition at the moment, and coincidentally, this referee was the elder of Qin Shaofeng's No. 5 ring.

It was precisely because he was more optimistic about Qin Shaofeng that the referee elder did not speak out to stop Qin Shaofeng.

Otherwise, according to this situation, he could have announced the result of the game aloud and made Qin Shaofeng stop.

However, it is enough now!

"Okay, don't continue!"

The elder's voice sounded in his ear again, and Qin Shaofeng paused, but a sharp light flashed in Lu Qi's eyes.


Before the referee elder spoke to announce the end of the game, Qin Shaofeng gently stroked Lu Qi's abdomen.

Qin Shaofeng's palm is really light!

But in places where others could not see, the moment Qin Shaofeng's right hand touched Lu Qi's abdomen, a faint silver light flashed.

The silver light flashed by, without arousing anyone's attention at all.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't know was that his little action was still seen by the referee elder.

this is……

After the elder referee noticed Qin Shaofeng's small movements, he immediately paid attention, and after announcing the result of Qin Shaofeng's victory, he deliberately checked Lu Qi.

But the elder referee was shocked by this inspection.

This kid is so cruel!

Perceiving an abnormality in Lu Qi's Dantian, the referee elder couldn't help but glance at Qin Shaofeng who had stepped down the ring, but in the end he did nothing.

Some of the discussions in the crowd before, naturally, he heard clearly from his realm.

He was also very dissatisfied with Lu Qi, so he didn't tell Qin Shaofeng's last little actions, even if he thought that Qin Shaofeng's gadgets would bring irreparable results to Lu Qi, he didn't care.

The little things Qin Shaofeng left behind?

In fact, it's nothing, it's nothing more than Qin Shaofeng's last palm, secretly condensing a small Li's flying knife, which is less than half a finger, into Lu Qi's Dantian.

This little Li flying knife stayed in Lu Qi's dantian, and would not be noticed at all. Unless he was like the master of the referee's elder realm, it would be difficult to detect even if he was a tenth martial artist.

This is one of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation results during this period of time.

As for the purpose of Qin Shaofeng's doing this, it depends on Lu Qi himself.

The damage Qin Shaofeng caused to Lu Qi was basically physical damage, and it was completely recoverable.

But entering the Spirit Garden is just around the corner, as soon as the ring is over, we will enter the Spirit Garden.

If Lu Qi wants to get the most benefits in the Spirit Garden, he naturally cannot enter with injuries. Even if he is injured, he must recover as much as possible.

But in this way, once Lu Qi would take the pill, he would digest the pill with his inner Qi, striving to recover his injuries as quickly as possible.

It's okay not to use the internal qi, once Lu Qi uses the internal qi in his body, the little Li flying knife that Qin Shaofeng hides in his body will definitely explode instantly.

That little Li flying knife was condensed by Qin Shaofeng's 5,000 points of internal energy. As long as he touched the internal energy that was not defeated by Qin Shaofeng, it would explode instantly!

Although because of its concentration, its power is greatly reduced.

But even if the power is greatly reduced, once it explodes in Lu Qi's dantian, can Lu Qi's dantian be kept?

Especially because of the domineering nature of Xiao Li Feidao, once it is destroyed, Lu Qi's dantian may be hopeless again.

Although the elder referee didn't know what kind of secret Qin Shaofeng's Xiao Li Fei Dao was, he was aware of Xiao Li Fei Dao's domineering, so he saw Lu Qi's ending.

In fact, if Lu Qi didn't use his inner qi, and stayed at ease for three or four days, that little Li Feidao would automatically disappear.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about it at all. He knew that Lu Qi would definitely use his internal energy within three days.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was right.

Let alone three days, Lu Qi could only go back to heal his injuries because he was seriously injured and unable to continue participating in the competition.

As a result, Lu Qi was also ranked tenth at the end, and it only took one day to enter the Spirit Garden.

It was just a day, which was not enough for Lu Qi.

And if he is entering with a severely wounded body, I am afraid that for Lu Qi, the benefits of the spirit garden are almost negligible.

Naturally, Lu Qi was not reconciled to this, so after returning, Lu Qi immediately asked someone to prepare some healing pills and began to recover from his injuries.

But as soon as the first pill was eaten, Lu Qi urged his internal Qi to digest the pill, his dantian exploded suddenly, and Lu Qi fainted instantly.

When Lu Qi woke up again, there was no trace of internal energy in his body, and his dantian had been completely destroyed.

At that time, Lu Qi had completely become a useless person.

Because of this, in the end Lu Qi didn't even go to the Spirit Garden.

But at the same time, his hatred of Qin Shaofeng has increased. Lu Qi is not a fool. He knows that everything he suffers is what Qin Shaofeng has done secretly.

Because in order to retaliate against Qin Shaofeng, he started to be a little reckless about all consequences.

Of course, these are things to follow, and the ring match is still going on at this moment!

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