Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1058: Lin Xiaohe

Chapter 1058 Lin Xiaohe

Seeing the atmosphere, He Changchuan was finally adjusted by himself again, and he was relieved.

To be honest, He Changchuan didn't have much speculation about the existence of this piece of black iron, especially after knowing the ability of this piece of black iron, He Changchuan was really not sure that this piece of black iron could serve as the finale of this auction.

But even though it was like this in his mind, He Changchuan didn't think so on his face.

Facing everyone’s speculation, He Changchuan smiled and said, “Yes, this is not a fragment of a powerful treasure. As soon as we received the commission, we immediately researched it, but it took us nearly a month. I haven't figured out what fragments of this black iron block are."

"But, we at least know, one of the magical effects of this black iron block?" He Changchuan smiled slightly and sold it.

Very magical effect?

Everyone became curious, and looked at He Changchuan for a while, with their eyes revealing questions.

Seeing that everyone’s curiosity has been dangled by himself, He Changchuan said with some pride: "The magical effect of this black iron block is that as long as the black iron block is carried on the body, people below Nirvana will not even practice. , The inner world in the body can also increase a certain amount of world power every day!"


Can you increase the power of the inner world without practicing?

The scene suddenly became quiet, and for a while, everyone looked at the black iron in He Changchuan's hand, and their eyes were full of fiery heat.

This black iron block has such a magical effect?

Although it only works for people below Nirvana, it is enough to surprise everyone.

Below the Nirvana Realm, that Emperor Realm is also the realm below Nirvana!

After arriving at the Emperor Realm, each step of cultivation is very difficult, and sometimes even a slight improvement can take several years, dozens of years, or even dozens of hundreds of years.

But this small piece of black iron in front of you can help the emperor realm master to improve the power of the world on his own.

The auction was suddenly boiling!

But at this moment, an unsuitable voice suddenly sounded.

"It doesn't matter, according to what you said, this black iron piece is really good, but the question is how much world power can this thing increase in a day?"

This sudden sound made the whole scene quiet again, and then began to noisy again.

"Yes! Why don't you have to make it clear?"

"Yes, if the added power of the world is too little, it would be better not to!"

"Hey, if there are more, wouldn't that emperor realm master easily enter the Nirvana realm?"

If there is enough world power in the emperor realm, this will naturally have great benefits for impacting the Nirvana realm.

Even if the power of the inner world in the body is absolutely sufficient, the impact on Nirvana will be successful in eight to nine times.

But under normal circumstances, after reaching the peak of the imperial realm, the cultivation of the world power in this inner world is very difficult.

If this black iron block allows the peak master of the emperor realm to gain a lot of world power every day, then as long as it accumulates for a period of time, it is completely feasible to hit the Nirvana realm.

However, after hearing these questions from the crowd, a trace of embarrassment flashed across He Changchuan's face.


He coughed slightly, and He Changchuan said unnaturally, "Well, we don't really need to pay attention to this, because as long as we get this black iron, as long as there is enough time, we can always accumulate enough world power... "

He Changchuan's words were a bit vague at first, and he didn't pay attention to explanation.

But the people present, who are so fools, all grasped this.

Finally, in desperation, He Changchuan confided the time.

The reason is that although this black iron block can help the master of the peak realm of the emperor realm, it adds some world power to its own inner world every day.

But for the masters of the peak realm of the emperor realm, the increased world power this day is very rare.

Uh, in fact, the ability of this piece of black iron to increase the power of the world is nothing in the end.

If you are stunned to determine a number, it can only be said that the world power that this black iron nugget increases in a day is equivalent to a person in the realm of a realm king who is fully cultivating the world power that it has increased in a day.

The power of the world that a realm king can practice all day long?

This looks pretty good.

But this is only for the realm king, after all, the gap between this realm king and the emperor realm is not small, if this is converted, for the emperor realm, such an improvement is really not much.

Especially for the imperial peak masters, such an improvement is not as fast as self-cultivation!

However, He Changchuan's sentence is true.

Although this black iron nugget is really very small for the emperor realm masters, the power of the world raised is really small, but this black iron nugget has a certain big effect for the emperor peak realm masters.

Because many emperor realm masters, when they reach the peak realm of the emperor realm, their cultivation is difficult to achieve, and every step of improvement is as difficult as reaching the sky.

But if there is this piece of black iron, it will increase a little every day, then it will not increase!

And if the time is long enough, it can still rely on the ability of this black iron block to improve, and finally obtain the capital to impact Nirvana.

At most, it takes a lot of time.

Therefore, those geniuses didn't care much about this piece of black iron.

Because there is time for them to cultivate on their own!

With the speed at which this black iron block improves its ability, it would be too long to really wait until that day.

But they don't care about these geniuses, but that doesn't mean no one cares.

On the contrary, for some people with limited aptitude and no confidence in impacting Nirvana, this black iron shows them the hope of impacting Nirvana.

Therefore, in the end, this black iron still embodies its value as the finale, attracting many people to compete.

There were a bunch of people on the scene again, vying to make an offer.

And what is Qin Shaofeng doing at this time?

In fact, after Meng He Changchuan took out the piece of black iron, Qin Shaofeng's whole body was a little wrong.

No, to be precise, something was wrong with the flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's inner world. It started to make trouble in Qin Shaofeng's inner world, stunning Qin Shaofeng!

Feiyu Knife seemed to have discovered something. It kept spinning in Qin Shaofeng's inner world, and even jumped up and down the entire inner world, causing Qin Shaofeng's inner world to roll over with the power of the world, which was very unsettling.

Finally, as if sensing Qin Shaofeng's discomfort, Feiyu Knife stopped immediately, but the Feiyu Knife that stopped kept conveying this idea to Qin Shaofeng.

After Feiyu Knife was promoted to the divine tool, that is, after the **** pattern was completely evolved, Qin Shaofeng was vaguely aware that there seemed to be a trace of wisdom in the Feiyu Knife.

It's just that this trace of spiritual wisdom seems to be born because of the reason, it is too weak and can not be regarded as real spiritual wisdom at all, at most it is a little agile, belonging to the instinct of the flying feather knife.

At this moment, there is still this trace of wisdom, actively contacting Qin Shaofeng, conveying ideas!

But this idea was so vague, Qin Shaofeng couldn't figure it out at all, what the Feiyu Dao wanted to tell him.

But Qin Shaofeng's only clear feeling was that of hunger!

That's right! This idea is the feeling of hunger!

The thoughts coming from Feiyu Knife were vague, and Qin Shaofeng was definitely hungry.

That black iron piece is very attractive to Feather Knife!

And this kind of attraction made Feiyu Dao a little impatient at this moment, wanting to swallow that piece of black iron.

Because of this feeling, Qin Shaofeng thought of the feeling that the pill of law of the flying feather knife swallowed other people's inner world.

Feiyu Knife is about to swallow the black iron!

Even with such thoughts, Qin Shaofeng's eyes on the black iron block at this moment revealed his hungry desire!

Because Qin Shaofeng had a hunch in his heart, if he let his Feiyu Knife swallow that piece of black iron, the Feiyu Knife would definitely change something.

Just as Qin Shaofeng was deeply attracted by this black iron block, three young people were sitting in a box on the fifth floor, also talking about this black iron block.

Among these three people, one of them was actually Lin Xiaoyun.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoyun didn't have the slightest arrogance on his face, and he was still very honest.

Sitting in front of Lin Xiaoyun was a man with a similar appearance. This man was Lin Xiaoyun's eldest brother-Lin Xiaohe!

This Lin Xiaohe is different from Lin Xiaoyun, because Lin Xiaohe is not only one of the candidates for the next generation of the Lin family, but the other party is also a genius who has entered the Celestial Corps.

When Lin Xiaoyun learned that Qin Shaofeng was a member of the Celestial Army, the reason why he didn't care much was because of his big brother.

However, Lin Xiaohe was not as reckless as Lin Xiaoyun, and although he was also a member of the Celestial Corps, he had just joined the Celestial Corps not long ago, and was just a yellow-ranked Celestial Soldier.

Therefore, after learning of Lin Xiaoyun's request and some understanding of Qin Shaofeng, Lin Xiaohe did not help, but made some preparations.

In addition to being a good place for geniuses to practice, the Celestial Corps is a place where you can meet big figures once you enter the Celestial Corps.

After all, most of the people who entered the Celestial Corps had unusual identities.

And just this time the auction of Treasure Pavilion, one of the auction items gave Lin Xiaohe an opportunity.

Perhaps Treasure Pavilion’s secrecy skills are indeed very good. All auctioned items have different degrees of secrecy.

But with Lin Xiaohe's identity and ability, if he wants to know, he can still know.

At this moment, after seeing the piece of black iron, Lin Xiaohe asked a young man who hadn't spoken next to him softly: "Brother Li, take a look, is this piece of black iron what you are looking for?"

The man who was called Senior Brother Li by Lin Xiaohe did not immediately respond to Lin Xiaohe's words, because he was staring at the black iron in He Changchuan's hand at this moment.

In fact, he was already like this the first time He Changchuan took out the black iron block.

Phew, I didn't expect to have such a harvest in this place.

A light flashed in Li Fangshan's eyes, and there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

get it!

I must get it!

He made a decision in an instant. Li Fangshan turned his head to look at Lin Xiaohe beside him, and said solemnly: "Xiao He, this thing must be taken by me. As long as the thing succeeds, I promise you within three years, Must become a mysterious rank heavenly soldier!"

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