Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1059: Seven-Star Horse Chestnut

Chapter 1059 Seven Star Aesculus Flower

Within three years, become a mysterious soldier?

Li Fangshan's words made Lin Xiaohe's eyes straighten after hearing this.

At this moment, what to save face for his brother, teach Yan Yang who ignores his Lin family a lesson.

All these were left behind by Lin Xiaohe.

At this moment, in Lin Xiaohe's mind, it was only three years left to become a mysterious rank heaven soldier.

Don't look at Lin Xiaohe already entering the Celestial Armed Forces, but in fact, only he knows it. At the beginning, he was able to enter the Celestial Armed Forces.

If it hadn't been for the initial assessment, there was a fluke factor, and Lin Xiaohe would probably not be a member of the Celestial Army.

It is precisely because of this that he has not seen any hope of promotion during the ten years since he entered the Celestial Corps.

Now Li Fangshan actually said such a sentence, which made Lin Xiaohe a pleasant surprise.

If this Li Fangshan was just himself, Lin Xiaohe wouldn't be like that. After all, no matter how powerful this Li Fangshan was, he would only be a mysterious-level heavenly soldier of the heavenly army.

But the difference is that behind Li Fangshan is not easy!

Lin Xiaohe felt very excited at the moment when he thought of the forces behind Li Fangshan.

"Senior Brother Li, don't worry, I will definitely photograph you this thing!"

Seriously, Lin Xiaohe didn't care what to explain to his brother Lin Xiaoyun, and directly began to participate in the auction of the black iron block.


"Hey, this good thing, I really don't deserve it!"

In the box, Qin Shaofeng's face was helpless as he watched the price of the black iron rise all the way.

I can’t tell the price of this thing, I can’t afford it!

This made Qin Shaofeng deliberately photograph the black iron block and let Feiyu Knife swallow it, which would not be possible.

No financial resources!

In the end, this black iron block was auctioned off by someone in a box on the fifth floor at a price that ordinary people could not imagine.

What only surprised Qin Shaofeng was that after photographing the black iron block, the person in the box immediately came out, as if he couldn't wait.

Therefore, this also made Qin Shaofeng see, a somewhat familiar person.

Lin Xiaoyun?

Seeing the three people who came out of the black iron box, one of them was Lin Xiaoyun, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care much, and soon left with He Chendong.

When Qin Shaofeng returned to his residence, he arranged for He Chendong and the others to leave this battlefield base and go to other battlefield bases.

Because at the auction of the Treasure Pavilion, Qin Shaofeng received an order from Mr. Bai. This order was for him to go somewhere to carry out his voluntary mission as a heavenly soldier!

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng's original plan to wait for He Chendong and the others to be promoted before sending them to other battlefield bases directly ended without disease.

When they were parting, the four of He Chendong were very reluctant to Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, in addition to reluctance, they are more grateful to Qin Shaofeng, because Qin Shaofeng has given them too much help, too!

There is no permanent banquet in the world, even if it is no matter how reluctant to give up, in the end the four of He Chendong stepped onto the teleportation array to other battlefield bases.


"This is the so-called voluntary mission of the Celestial Corps?"

Looking at the information in his hand, Qin Shaofeng's face hurt.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was still on the battlefield of the seventh domain, but he had left the battlefield base long ago and had already arrived in a special area.

The reason why this area is a little special is because the environment here is a little special.

The power of the world cannot be used here!

That's right, even an emperor realm master in this place can't use the slightest power of the world. No matter how strong the world power is in the inner world, it is a decoration here.

This place has an innate suppression of the power of the world, and it is absolutely suppressed.

Regardless of the realm king or the emperor realm, the cultivation base in this place is just a term, and what really depends on its ability is its own strength.

Yes, although the power of the world in this place is useless, it is just a decoration, but the power from its body's instinct has become a sign of strength.

"If someone who is born with brute force comes here, then it must be a big deal!"

After getting to know it for a while, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had such a thought.

However, Qin Shaofeng just thought about this idea.

Because this place, not everyone can come in!

The environment of this place is very special, so there is also a very special medicinal material-seven star horse chestnut!

Seven star horse chestnut is a very rare and very special medicinal material.

Because this seven-star conker can help people in Nirvana to understand the power of the law, and even has a miraculous effect on the pill of the law of cohesion.

Even the roots and leaves of the Seven-Star Aesculus can make an elixir that enhances the power of the world.

In a word, this seven-star conker is a treasure all over, and it is also an extremely rare precious treasure!

It's just that this seven-star conker has a very bad characteristic, that is, it will wither directly when it touches the law of Nirvana.

Therefore, if Seven-Star Aesculus is found in the ancient sanctuary, it is usually picked by the emperor realm master.

Of course, when Qin Shaofeng entered the emperor realm for the first time, he not only possessed the power of the law, but even the pill of the law had been condensed, but this was the only case.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng's Pill of Law seemed to be condensed in advance, which caused his inner world to have a strong ability to hide the power of the Pill of Law.

Even with this hidden ability, Qin Shaofeng was able to gain absolute control over his own law.

Therefore, even if he encounters Seven-Star Aesculus, Qin Shaofeng is confident that he will not let the power of his law radiate and let any Seven-Star Aesculus wither.

However, to come back again, although some seven-star conkers have been discovered in this place, Qin Shaofeng didn't think that his luck would be so good, and he could also find seven-star conkers.

And Qin Shaofeng had also faintly heard that the Seven-Star Aesculus here seems to have been collected by people, even if there are some, they will look like two or three at most.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect to find a seven-star conker flower!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to come to this place, but the order came from Mr. Bai, and Qin Shaofeng could only come here honestly!

"Is that old man on purpose~!"

After solving some monsters again, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had such doubts in his heart.

Because Qin Shaofeng now suspects that it was the old man who deliberately let himself come here.

Although the seven-star horse chestnut in this place has been collected almost.

But the environment here is indeed very suitable for the growth of Seven-Star Aesculus, if it is cultivated here, it is much better than other places.

However, because of the preciousness of Seven-Star Aesculus, it is impossible for ordinary people to know this place.

So, knowing the monsters in this place, the task of completely turning this area into a seven-star conkers breeding farm fell on the heavenly soldiers.

To a certain extent, this place can be regarded as an asset belonging to the entire Celestial Corps.

Of course, the members of the Celestial Corps who were sent to know the Seven-Star Aesculus Flower like Qin Shaofeng were not free to do coolies.

Because all the monsters killed here can get rewards!

And this reward is still a merit point higher than the military merit point!

Even the corpses of those monsters can be exchanged for points.

Because it seems that because of the special environment here, the monsters here, if used to refine some medicines, can also enhance the world power of the inner world!

Therefore, the value of the monster beast here is far higher than that of the average monster beast. As for the specific value, it depends on the type and strength of the monster beast.

Even in the Celestial Corps, a series of missions have been issued against the monster beasts in this place.

This hunting of monsters is a way for the Celestial Troops to earn merit points, and it is also a more common way to obtain merit points. That is to go to the mission hall specially arranged by the Celestial Armed Forces, receive some released missions, and earn merit points by doing missions.

The missions in the Celestial Corps are divided into four levels, which correspond to the Celestial Corps's ranks, namely the four levels of Heaven, Earth, Profound Yellow.

These four levels of tasks are divided into four levels according to the difficulty of the task, namely simple, ordinary, elite, and difficult.

The military merit points of these level tasks will be rewarded with different merit points according to the difficulty of the task.

Even in the Celestial Corps, if a low-rank Celestial Soldier wants to advance to a higher-tier Celestial Soldier, it also needs to complete a certain number of tasks.

There are many tasks in the Celestial Corps, such as small enough to help an alchemy master, or a tool master to watch the fire and help collect medicinal materials.

It is big enough to team up with many people to hunt high-level monsters and even powerful demons. Or some small tasks like sparring, running errands, etc.

In addition, in addition to these tasks, the way to obtain merit points in the Celestial Corps can also be obtained through competitions.

Every time in the Celestial Corps, there will be a match.

This competition is basically only for the mysterious rank heavenly soldiers, as well as the yellow rank heavenly soldiers. Generally, after reaching the underground rank heavenly soldiers, they will not be able to compete like this.

In each competition, the top 100 will be rewarded with merit points.

The first place is directly 1000 merit points, plus some special medicines, or heavenly materials and earth treasures.

The second place rewards 800 merit points, and then it is gone. There are no other rewards such as pill. Only the first place can enjoy such rewards.

The third place is 500 merit points, the fourth place is 400 merit points, the fifth place is 300 merit points, and the sixth to tenth places are all 200 merit points.

11th to 20th place, 100 merit points each. The 20th to the 50th place each has 50 merit points. The fiftieth to the 100th place each has 30 merit points.

Although these merit points seem to be very few, considering that the purchasing power of merit points is countless times that of military merit points, this kind of reward is already very good.

And in the missions of the Celestial Corps, it is actually difficult to earn merit points.

Just like this time, Qin Shaofeng was forced by Mr. Bai to clean up the monsters in this place, although there were merit points for killing these monsters.

But Qin Shaofeng had to kill at least hundreds of monsters to gain 1 merit point.

You must know that this place limits the use of the power of the world. Hunting monsters here can only rely on pure power.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng condensed the Pill of Law in advance, and could barely exert 70% to 80% of his strength here. Otherwise, relying on hunting monsters to earn merit points would not work in this place.

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