Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1060: Grey Porcupine

Chapter 1060

Although he possessed the pill of law, Qin Shaofeng's current strength was at most 70% to 80% due to environmental problems.

However, with the strength of Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of 70% to 80%, it can be said that it is impossible to encounter any danger in this place.

It didn't take long even to enter this place, Qin Shaofeng had already killed hundreds of monsters.

However, even though hundreds of monsters were killed, it was far from Qin Shaofeng's goal.

Because the seven-star horse chestnut has been collected almost, not many people will come here.

But the monster beasts here are to be completely eliminated, and the Heavenly Soldiers have once again raised an additional reward based on the premise of the previous mission.

This is if you can kill a certain number of monsters, you can get the reward of a special pill-Heyuan Pill!

Here, the Heyuan Pill is a monster beast under some special circumstances, just like the monster beast Qin Shaofeng kills now, plus a lot of precious medicinal materials, and the special pill refined.

This kind of Heyuan Pill is not only an extremely precious pill, but most importantly, this Heyuan Pill is a miraculous pill that can greatly enhance the power of one's inner world.

Under normal circumstances, a combined source pill can allow an ordinary realm king to increase the power of the world equivalent to years, even more than ten years of penance!

Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary realm king has cultivated for more than ten years, even if he has poor aptitude, he can improve his cultivation realm.

Even if there is a penance for decades, it will basically be able to advance.

Therefore, if the average first-tier realm king master can obtain three combined source pills, he can fully gain the power of the world to advance to the second-tier realm king realm.

As long as the world power of the inner world is enough, it can completely be promoted directly after practicing for a period of time.

From this point of view, the efficacy of this Heyuan Dan is very significant.

However, because it has a lot of power in the world that has been promoted, this Heyuan Pill does not have a certain cultivation base, and it cannot be taken.

At the very least, it is difficult for people under the realm of Realm King to use this Heyuan Pill to improve their cultivation.

The Heyuan Pill can only be used after being cultivated to the Realm King Realm before it can be used normally. Otherwise, its medicinal power will cause people at the realm below Realm King Realm to explode due to too much power and violent medicine!

Although this Heyuan Dan, for those who have the Realm King Realm, the improvement is very significant. For people above the realm king level, they didn't improve that much.

However, even if it had already been promoted to the emperor realm, this Heyuan Pill could still be used as an elixir of elevating realm, and was used by masters of the emperor realm.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng was very greedy for the medicinal effects of this Heyuan Pill, and he couldn't wait to eat thirty or forty pieces at once to improve his current realm.

Because according to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, as long as he had ten Heyuan Dan, he would definitely be able to advance to the Second Stage of the Emperor Realm.

However, it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng can only think about these things.

Because the refining of this Heyuan Pill is very complicated, and the additional materials are also very rare, so even in the Celestial Corps, there will not be a large number of sales.

However, this time, in order to let the heavenly soldiers come to this place to know which monsters, the clearing mission issued by the heavenly soldiers has already been rewarded.

That is, every time when the number of monsters removed exceeds one hundred, they will get a reward of Heyuan Dan.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had just fancy this point. Otherwise, even with the orders of Old Bai, after Qin Shaofeng came here, it would be impossible to seriously kill the monster.


Although there are basically no Seven-Star Aesculus here, because of the reward of the Heyuan Dan, there are still many members of the Celestial Corps who came here to do this task of clearing monsters. Qin Shaofeng also encountered it during this time. A lot of people.

Because the environment here is very special, it can't use the power of the inner world, and rely on its own pure power to kill the monsters here.

So, the people who came here to do the removal task basically acted together in groups of three or five. As for the situation of Qin Shaofeng alone, there is no such thing!

So after Qin Shaofeng arrived here, he immediately attracted a lot of eyes, surprise, ridicule and disdain, all eyes turned to Qin Shaofeng.

Do this cleaning task alone?

It is impossible to use the power of the world here, it is very dangerous to be alone!

This shouldn't be a point of merit, thinking of Heyuan Dan would be crazy!

This is the idea in many people's minds, as well as the opinion of Qin Shaofeng, a lone ranger.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about everyone's gaze. He just wanted to find a place where there was no one to continue his hunting of monsters, hoping to kill more monsters, and then get more Heyuan Dan.

Mr. Bai asked Qin Shaofeng to stay here for three months!

This is also the longest time Qin Shaofeng can accept. No matter how long it is, Qin Shaofeng can't stay.

"This little brother, it is too dangerous for you to walk alone in such an environment. Why not join us!"

When Qin Shaofeng passed a five-person team, a gentle and gentle voice stopped Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng obviously didn't expect that under such circumstances, someone would stop him and turned his head in surprise.

The person Qin Shaofeng sees and speaks now is a beautiful twenty-four-year-old woman.

This woman was dressed in white, her hair was like lacquer, her skin was snowy, she was extremely beautiful, her complexion was beautiful, she was such a beautiful person!

This is Qin Shaofeng's only thought after seeing the girl!

Although the beauty of the other party is not as good as Zhao Yun'er and Meng Xin'er, it is a rare beauty.

"Hey, my sister Ling'er is talking to you! Did you hear me?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng not speaking, he stared at Xu Qingling in a daze. Among the five-member team, a young man of the same age as Qin Shaofeng said with an ugly expression. The other party's tone was very bad, and he looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze. Full of vigilance and anger.

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng looked at the woman's gaze, which made the young man feel uncomfortable.

Qin Shaofeng came back to his senses and glanced at the woman who called to stop him. Then he smiled slightly and said to him: "Thank you for this beauty's concern, I know this, but I think I should be able to cope with it, so I left."

Qin Shaofeng left without looking back.

Team up with others to hunt monsters?

Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about this.

He is no other person, even if other people are masters in the peak realm of the emperor realm, the power that can burst out here is probably not much stronger than the general realm of the realm.

But Qin Shaofeng was able to rely on his indestructible body's pill of law to explode with strength beyond the ordinary emperor realm.

With such strength, how can we still need to team up with other people!

But Qin Shaofeng thought this way, although there was nothing wrong with it, but other people didn't know Qin Shaofeng's situation and naturally had different ideas.

Even Qin Shaofeng's attitude at this moment made most of the five-person team a little angry.

Because Qin Shaofeng heard some voices faintly behind him.

"Damn it, you are already pretty good when we call you, but you don't appreciate it? Huh, what is the air, who do you think you are?"

This was the voice of the young man, and the other party was obviously completely irritated by Qin Shaofeng's attitude.

"Brother Chen Liang, forget it! I guess they are a little sure. Let's do our own task and let's go!" This was the woman's voice.


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already gone far. Except for the voices of these two people, although others had said something, Qin Shaofeng could no longer hear him.

However, even if he couldn't hear him, Qin Shaofeng could guess what the other people would say.

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly, his face rather helpless.

Is it wrong to come here alone to hunt monsters?

Is it bad to be a lone ranger?

Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly, not thinking about this, and hurried to his destination, some places where monsters and beasts appeared.

When Qin Shaofeng came to a small lake, he immediately stopped. This is a place called gray-skinned porcupine infested.

There are a lot of gray-skinned porcupines in this place. Just closer to Qin Shaofeng, there are no less than ten gray-skinned porcupines where they live, and there are a lot of gray-skinned porcupines.

In fact, the most common monster in this place is this gray-skinned porcupine.

This gray-skinned porcupine is actually not strong, it is just a monster of the realm master.

And even though these gray-skinned porcupines can have the strength of the main realm when they reach adulthood, the strength of the gray-skinned porcupine can reach the sixth realm at most.

Similarly, because of the environment here, the strength of these gray-skinned porcupines has also been suppressed.

However, because this gray-skinned porcupine was originally a power-type monster, and the special environment here, these gray-skinned porcupines basically have the strength of a general one to three realm kings.

Perhaps for ordinary people, facing the gray-skinned porcupine in an environment where the power of this world and even their inner world are completely suppressed.

But to Qin Shaofeng, the gray-skinned porcupine here is not worth mentioning, he can completely kill a large piece at once.

Because there are the largest number of gray-skinned porcupines here, Qin Shaofeng has long used this gray-skinned porcupine as his main target this time.

Even Qin Shaofeng decided to spend 70% to 80% of the time in these three months to hunt these gray-skinned porcupines and obtain a certain amount of Heyuan Dan.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng just arrived here, and then he found three gray-skinned porcupines.

As soon as he saw these gray-skinned porcupines, Qin Shaofeng immediately greeted him, planning to get rid of the three gray-skinned porcupines.

In the beginning, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to directly use the world power of his inner world.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that if he hunted monsters in this place with pure power, he would also have a certain increase in the power of his inner world.

Therefore, unless it persists, Qin Shaofeng will only hunt these gray-skinned porcupines with pure power.

Besides, even if he didn't use the power of the inner world, Qin Shaofeng was confident that he could exert a lot of power.

Although it is not as powerful as the power of the world, it is completely fine to deal with the three gray-skinned porcupines in front of him.

Qin Shaofeng originally thought that even if he didn't use the power of the inner world, even if he was still suppressed by this environment, he could deal with these three gray-skinned porcupines with his pure power as long as he was a little careful.

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