Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1078: Deathmatch

Chapter 1078

It is no wonder that after fighting for so long, the two Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragons are naturally a little tired.

There are millions of one-horned green demon wolves, which is not afraid of small numbers. The two purple thunder fire dragon floods still have some spare power after slaughtering so many one-horned green demon wolves.

This is enough to explain that this Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is indeed a very powerful monster.


Sure enough, as Qin Shaofeng had guessed, after the wolf howl of the demon wolf king, the three wolves, with the remaining one-horned green demon wolf, immediately rushed towards the weaker purple thunder fire dragon flood.

Seeing this, another purple thunder fire dragon flooded, and immediately wanted to rush to the three wolves to help his companions, but when it left, the demon wolf king who had been staring at it jumped in front of it and blocked its way. .

This made the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao furious, flicking its tail vigorously, and swept towards the Demon Wolf King.

Although the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao is very weak now, and its aura is only maintained at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, it is after all the strength of the seventh level of the Emperor Realm, and this furious blow is not small.

Even Qin Shaofeng heard from a distance the sound of the purple thunder fire dragon's snake tail sweeping towards the demon wolf king, tearing through the air, and the power of the rioting world.


Although the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao was very powerful in this sweep, he had already been promoted to the fifth stage of the Emperor Realm, the Demon Wolf King, facing this blow, he still avoided.

The Demon Wolf King just leaped upward and avoided the attack of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. And as soon as the Demon Wolf King landed, before the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon could react, he flew over and grabbed the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood with one claw.

"Hiss——!" The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao hissed in pain.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at it, and saw that the tail of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao had been scratched by the Demon Wolf King, and several pieces of scales had fallen off, and even a small piece of meat was caught, and blood suddenly appeared.

Such sharp claws can scratch the defenses of the seventh-tier Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon in the fifth stage of the Emperor Realm. This demon wolf king is indeed a monster king with a holy vein.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the sharp claws of the Demon Wolf King, and looked at the sharp claws with bloodshot and minced meat, Qin Shaofeng's heart was frightened.

If this is such a claw on oneself, wouldn't he be directly changed in half.

This is terrible too!

Qin Shaofeng shuddered and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

If it were in the full state of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, it would naturally not be caught by the Demon Wolf King’s claws. Even if it was caught, it would drop a few scales at most, and it would not appear at all. It would have wounds like now.

This purple thunder fire dragon flood was furious, even if it was a demon beast king, it was only a five-layer demon wolf king in the emperor realm, and in its eyes it was still an extremely weak existence.

As usual, this five-tiered Demon Wolf King of the Emperor Realm was only worthy of being its ration. In the eyes of this powerful Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, this Demon Wolf King, like other ordinary monsters, was his ration.

However, now, my previous rations have scratched me. Even in the previous hard fight, I would lose some scales at best. The scars on my body were only caused by myself, excessive force and multiple counterattacks.

But now it was just the little Demon Wolf King, and he scratched it. One can imagine what the mood of this purple thunder fire dragon flood is now.


Very angry!


The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon started to slide its own snake body. This movement made Qin Shaofeng see clearly, the entire body of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon.

This whole body is more than 300 meters long. When Qin Shaofeng saw it, he was shocked again. This Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, I am afraid that it has been a long time since it broke through to the realm of Emperor.

This purple thunder fire dragon flooded its three-hundred-meter-long snake body and shrank it into a ball. The huge flood dragon head faced the Demon Wolf King directly.

As early as when the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon was moving, the Demon Wolf King became vigilant, staring at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood intently, motionless.

Now that I see the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood again, I'm more careful, I can't help but growl at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, and the whole body of wolf hair is straight up.

After the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao coiled himself up, he stared at the Demon Wolf King, then slightly shrank the snake head back, and then his whole body bounced off the ground, and the whole body flew towards the Demon Wolf King.

When Qin Shaofeng saw this, he was already dumbfounded. At the moment when the purple thunder fire dragon floodgate bounced, Qin Shaofeng felt as if the entire valley was shaking, and even Qin Shaofeng saw the place where the purple thunder fire dragon floodgate had just twisted. After the purple thunder fire dragon Jiao jumped over, it was already clearly sunken.

Facing the imposing blow of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, the Demon Wolf King was even more shocked. Even at the speed of the Demon Wolf King, it was impossible to avoid it.

"Bump!" The body of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao fell heavily on the ground, and the entire small valley shook again, and even more dust was raised.

This kind of movement caused a dragon and three wolves that had been doing a tug of war next to them, as well as many ordinary one-horned blue demon wolves, could not help but stop and look here.

Qin Shaofeng also stared at the battlefield here and there, but it was a pity that the dust was too much, and the power of the world on the scene was another riot, and Qin Shaofeng didn't see anything for a while.

After the dust cleared, Qin Shaofeng finally saw clearly. After the dust dispersed, the huge body of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao revealed.

At this time, the aura of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao was even weaker, and he didn't move much while lying on the ground. Qin Shaofeng could perceive it, and now that Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao can display the combat power of the triple realm of the Emperor Realm.

It was also just from the attacking momentum of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, even if it didn't have the power of its heyday, it still possessed the power of a ninth-level monster beast.

What about the Demon Wolf King?

With such a strong blow from the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, Qin Shaofeng was a little worried that the Demon Wolf King would come, and he was really afraid that the Demon Wolf King would be killed like this.

Don't get me wrong, Qin Shaofeng is worried that the Demon Wolf King is right, but what he is worried about is that when the Demon Wolf King dies, there will be three wolves left, as well as the ordinary one-horned green demon wolves.

In this case, there is absolutely no chance of winning against the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, and the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fisherman's own profit is not lost?

Qin Shaofeng started to look for the Demon Wolf King everywhere, and after looking for a while, Qin Shaofeng finally saw the Demon Wolf King again, but when he saw the Demon Wolf King, Qin Shaofeng's guarded liver made another jump!

how is this possible? This demon wolf king is unscathed?

That's right, although the Demon Wolf King is a little embarrassed now, Qin Shaofeng can clearly perceive from the breath of the Demon Wolf King that the Demon Wolf King has not suffered even a single injury.

Although he didn't know how the Demon Wolf King dodged the powerful blow of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, Qin Shaofeng still admired the Demon Wolf King sincerely.

It is indeed a king monster! It's really amazing.


As if to show off his greatness, the Demon Wolf Dynasty's Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, lying on the ground, howled loudly.




The three wolves on the side and the rest of the ordinary one-horned green demon wolf also followed the wolf howling, responding to their king!


Although very weak, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon still struggled, unwilling to show weakness against the Demon Wolf King.


After the Demon Wolf King howled again, he quickly ran towards the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao. Seeing the movements of the Demon Wolf King, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao immediately shrank into a ball, poked out his head vigilantly, and stared at the Demon Wolf King.

The Demon Wolf King quickly ran to the side of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, and stretched out his claws as if grabbing at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao.


The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao hissed, and immediately opened his blood basin and bit at the Demon Wolf King.

Unexpectedly, this claw of the Demon Wolf King is just a false move. When the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon bite on it, the Demon Wolf King leaps over the attack of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon with a light jump, and the Demon Wolf King escaped the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. After attacking, he raised his front paws fiercely and grabbed the eyes of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood.

"Puff!" The sound of sharp claws tearing the flesh.

This claw of the Demon Wolf King was centered on the right eye of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. At this moment, the right eye of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao had disappeared, and only a hole was left, blood and blood. All of a sudden, blood poured out from the right eye of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao. A red band sprinkled in the air, really dazzling!

"Hiss!" The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao cried out in pain, and then squirmed and rolled frantically on the ground, and his tail kept flapping the ground, stirring up a layer of dust.

After the Demon Wolf King scratched the right eye of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, he stared at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao from the side. When the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao writhed and rolled in pain, his hissing continued.

The Demon Wolf King leaped slightly and backed a few steps, but from the beginning to the end, the Demon Wolf King's gaze did not leave the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, and he was very alert.

Finally, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao was tumbling, and suddenly he accidentally exposed his white abdomen, and the Demon Wolf King was waiting for this opportunity.

As soon as the white abdomen of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao was exposed, the Demon Wolf King suddenly rose up and flew up. After the Demon Wolf King threw down on the abdomen of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, he firmly grabbed his own claws into the abdomen of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao and fixed himself on the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood.

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao first gave a painful cry, as if he was aware of his dangerous situation, and then, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao squirmed frantically, trying to throw the Demon Wolf King out. But the reaction of the Purple Thunder Dragon Jiao was too late!

When the demon wolf king noticed the actions of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, he opened the wolf's mouth, exposing the sharp teeth emitting cold light, and took a bite in the abdomen of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood.

"Hiss!" The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao screamed, his whole body shook violently, and he tried his best to gather his body and shrink into a ball to protect itself. At the same time, it wanted to entangle the Demon Wolf King.

"Wow!" Although the Demon Wolf King had already reacted, the Demon Wolf King suffered a small loss in the face of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, which had been so intensely painful and accelerated.

Although he finally escaped, Qin Shaofeng still saw that the Demon Wolf King was entangled by the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood for a while.

In addition, the body of the demon wolf king at this time was constantly ups and downs, and the breath that had already faintly fallen to the fifth level of the emperor realm.

Qin Shaofeng came to a conclusion that this demon wolf king was injured!

Although the Demon Wolf King was injured, when Qin Shaofeng saw the piece of meat at the feet of the Demon Wolf King, it was just spit out from his mouth by the Demon Wolf King, a piece of meat worth ten kilos.

Needless to say, this must be the Demon Wolf King, who bit from the abdomen of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood.

Qin Shaofeng saw this, and then looked at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao who had shrunk into a ball, tightly twisting his entire body together, and with an abnormally atrophy of spirit. Qin Shaofeng understood that the demon wolf king and the purple thunder fire dragon flooded the battle between them just now.

But neither side had different injuries, and it was obvious that both sides were hurt.

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