Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1079: The second demon wolf king

Chapter 1079: The Second Demon Wolf King

"Wow!" As if proclaiming his victory, the Demon Wolf King wailed the proud wolf at the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao.

It's a pity that this time, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon seemed to be seriously injured. The remaining one eye was just staring at the Demon Wolf King and did not respond to it.

But it was another Purple Thunder Fire Dragon. Seeing the miserable condition of his companion, he immediately hissed loudly and flicked his tail fiercely. The three wolves that had been dealing with him flew out, and it was a wagging tail. Sweeping, the remaining group of one-horned green demon wolves directly bombarded and killed a large area.

The three-headed wolves were shot and flew out by this purple thunder fire dragon flood, and after landing, they no longer moved.


These three wolves, faced with the bitter blow of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, did not even scream, they were shot to death by the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon.

The monster beast at the first level of the emperor realm, even when it is extremely weak, this hateful blow is no small thing, three are only the nine-level unihorn green monster wolf of the realm king, how can it be resisted?

What's more, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao is also an extremely powerful existence among monsters.

Although the three one-horned blue demon wolves who had been harassing him were shot dead, this Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon seemed to have paid a considerable price. Its current aura could no longer be maintained in the emperor realm. Even the color is quite dim.

This made other ordinary unicorn green demon wolves seem to see the opportunity, and all rushed up for a while.

But the next moment, the purple thunder fire dragon screamed again, and then the giant tail swept back and forth several times, and all the ordinary purple thunder fire dragons were eliminated.

But it was precisely because of this that this caused the aura of this purple thunder fire dragon to become weaker. But even so, it still rushed towards the Demon Wolf King.

The Demon Wolf King didn't pay any attention to the other Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon that rushed towards him. Even the Demon Wolf King's gaze revealed a trace of disdain.

This is the disdain of the strong against the weak!

The gaze of the Demon Wolf King completely angered the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood. The speed of the purple thunder fire dragon dragon in the rage was even faster.

From a distance, Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding in the distance, looked from a distance, wherever the purple thunder fire dragon floodgate passed, the dead unicorn green demon wolf corpse was also knocked to pieces by the purple thunder fire dragon floodgate. Flying, the picture is extremely bloody.

Suddenly, in such a **** scene of flying pieces of meat, a pale cyan figure appeared, rushing straight towards the rapidly moving Purple Thunder Fire Dragon.

Before Qin Shaofeng could see clearly, he saw that the pale blue figure had been shot on the fast-moving Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. After that, the body shape of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon stopped after a short pause. Roll over.

Qin Shaofeng saw clearly that the blue light was not something else, but a one-horned blue demon wolf. Sensed from the breath, this is actually an emperor-level unihorn green demon wolf.

There is still a demon wolf king?

Since it is the Emperor Realm, it is naturally also the Demon Wolf King!

This is incredible!

No wonder the Demon Wolf King didn't care about the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon who rushed towards him frantically, even to anger the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon to cast a disdainful look at him.

Everything the Demon Wolf King did was for this moment, focusing all the attention of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao on himself, so that the other Demon Wolf King could launch a fatal blow.

this is too scary!

This demon wolf king's strategy, such wisdom and cunning. Perhaps even some old human foxes are far behind.

However, compared with this, this situation of two demon wolf kings appeared, which made Qin Shaofeng most concerned.

Two demon wolf kings!

What the **** is this?


This Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, which was sneak attacked by another Demon Wolf King, was already very weak, and its aura dropped to an unprecedented level, extremely weak.

Now that the demon wolf king is successfully attacked again, it is undoubtedly worse.

Qin Shaofeng also saw the purple thunder fire dragon flood, which had been severely injured by the Demon Wolf King who appeared in Chapter Two. His body was covered with scratches and bites left by the unicorn green demon wolf, some very serious wounds, and even The internal organs of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao were exposed.

After a frantic struggle, this Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Floodwater finally got rid of the Demon Wolf King from his body, but in its current situation, if it can't be treated, it will probably die soon.

Qin Shaofeng regretted for a while, it would be great if he had such a Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood!

Pity. Immediately Qin Shaofeng cast his gaze on the newly emerged Demon Wolf King

The demon wolf king is not much better now. In the mad struggle of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, it has also received a lot of impacts, and now it is lying on the side, gasping for breath.

Seeing this, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, who had been shrinking into a ball, finally no longer cared about the Demon Wolf King, and frantically injured his companion. But the speed of the Demon Wolf King was faster than it, and when the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon was just leaving, the Demon Wolf King was jumping on the severely injured Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon.

The Demon Wolf King threw down the seriously injured Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, opened his mouth, and bit down a place not far from the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon's head. This place is just seven inches from the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao.

After the Demon Wolf King bit down this bite, the severely injured Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Floodwater immediately became violent, and the snake's body twisted very hugely. Raise your head, there is a high fall, rolling all over the floor!

But after a while, the severely wounded Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Watermelon, as soon as his body became soft, stopped twisting and did not move.

"Hiss!" The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, who was rushing towards this, seemed to realize that his companion was dead, and suddenly ran away.

Just in response to that sentence, turn grief into strength!

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, who was extremely sad, seemed to have recovered the speed that his realm should have. It rushed to the side of the already dead Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. Before the Demon Wolf King hadn't reacted, he was tight. Wrap it around, and then gather your body vigorously.

"Wow!" As the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao gathered up, the Demon Wolf King screamed in grief.

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao gathered for a while, then opened his mouth and bit at the head of the Demon Wolf King, trying to bite the head of the Demon Wolf King.

But it is a pity that this Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is really too weak now, and coupled with the outbreak just now, it is already very good to be able to entangle the Demon Wolf King now.

Therefore, with a bite of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, not only did he not bite the head of the Demon Wolf King, but instead was bitten by the Demon Wolf King and his neck.

Although the neck was bitten by the Demon Wolf King, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragon not only did not release the Demon Wolf King, but instead tightened his body even harder. It already has the idea of ​​dying together.

But it seems to have forgotten that the one-horned green demon wolf who is alive here, besides the demon wolf king, there is a second demon wolf king!

Although the injury was already serious, after the Demon Wolf King was entangled by the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood, the one-horned Green Demon Wolf struggled with his body and tried to stand up again.

Eventually it stood up. After the one-horned green demon wolf stood up, it did not leave immediately, but looked at a corner of the valley behind him.

I don't know if it was Qin Shaofeng's illusion. He felt that the eyes of this one-horned green demon wolf revealed a hint of tenderness.

Then it cast its gaze again at the unicorn green demon wolf and the purple thunder fire dragon flood entangled in the group. The gaze first showed tenderness, then the tenderness faded, and only firmness remained.


I don't know what power it was that caused this one-horned blue demon wolf to burn again, turning into a cyan light, and shot towards the one-horned blue demon wolf and the purple thunder dragon flood.

Watching this scene, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had an urge to cry. No reason, but an urge to cry.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at the blue light formed by the one-horned green demon wolf, and there was an indescribable feeling.

But Qin Shaofeng had a feeling to know.

That is……

That green light is so beautiful!


In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, after the blue light disappeared, the one-horned green demon wolf had already reached the body of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao.

The seven-inch area of ​​the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao is the same place, but the protagonist has changed.

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao knew about the arrival of that one-horned green demon wolf, but it seemed to really hold on to the idea of ​​dying together. Not only did it ignore the five-level one-horned green demon wolf, but it tightened the demon wolf king. .

The one-horned blue demon wolf had no extra moves. When it reached the seven-inch area of ​​the purple thunder fire dragon flood, he opened his mouth to reveal the protagonist’s fangs, and bit down with all his strength. This is not the case, this one-horned blue demon wolf After biting the seven inches of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao, he still used his two forelimbs to plan his life towards the seven inches of the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao.

"Hiss!" At first, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao could hold on, but in the end, the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood finally got too painful, and immediately loosened it, tightly wrapped around the body of the Demon Wolf King, and began to twist frantically. . The twisting Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood slammed the demon wolf king who was biting on him into a huge boulder.

"Crack!" The boulder was smashed into pieces, and the Demon Wolf King who bit the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood hard was also knocked down from the Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood.

After the demon wolf king fell, he did not move.

Qin Shaofeng knew from its deformed body that it was dead. This result made Qin Shaofeng somewhat silent.

The Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao struggled for a while, and then stopped moving.


This Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Jiao also died.

Two such rare Purple Thunder Fire Dragon Flood Dragons died like this.

This is really a pity!

Seeing what happened before him, Qin Shaofeng was a little emotional.

But Qin Shaofeng also understands that this is a world where the weak can eat the strong!

Qin Shaofeng was silent for a while, and then began to look for the first demon wolf king that appeared at the beginning.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know whether the demon wolf king was still alive. Qin Shaofeng finally saw the Demon Wolf King in a pile of rubble.

It's still alive!

Seeing the slightly undulating body of the Demon Wolf King, Qin Shaofeng didn't know why he was relieved.

For a long time, the Demon Wolf King was struggling to stand up in the gravel pile. The Demon Wolf King had already suffered a very serious injury. He couldn't even stand steady, dragging his badly injured body, and the Demon Wolf King started to move about.

Seeing the Demon Wolf King who was seriously injured, Qin Shaofeng moved. With the current state of the Demon Wolf King, it did not pose a threat to Qin Shaofeng at all. Qin Shaofeng even hugged the demon wolf king to life, and then he got the extravagant hope of acknowledging the lord.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw the direction of the Demon Wolf King, Qin Shaofeng suddenly shook his figure and stopped. The direction of the Demon Wolf King was not the direction of the cave, but the place where the second Demon Wolf King first appeared.

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