Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1103: Was chased again

"Yan Yang, is it you?"

Although he only heard the voice, Qin Shaofeng recognized who the other party was!

After Qin Shaofeng looked back, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling quite helpless.

"Oh, why am I so lucky?"

Looking back, Qin Shaofeng saw a familiar face.

Oh no, two!

Lin Xiaohe!

Li Fangshan!

Yes, these two people!

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that how long hadn't seen each other now, Lin Xiaohe and Li Fangshan had both cultivated to the Nirvana realm.

Then Lin Xiaohe just forget it. Although he has cultivated to the Nirvana state, he has not cultivated the pill of law, and has not even cultivated the power of law!

Well, fragile pseudo-nirvana like a weak chicken!

This is Qin Shaofeng's evaluation of Lin Xiaohe!

As for that Li Fangshan is a little better, although it is also the first stage of Nirvana, but this Li Fangshan has already cultivated the power of law.

And Qin Shaofeng sensed that if he continued to cultivate in the state of Li Fangshan, he might be able to cultivate the pill of law in the second stage of Nirvana.

That is, the second level cannot work, the third level can definitely cultivate the pill of law.

On the contrary, it is Lin Xiaohe's situation. I am afraid that he will not be able to practice the pill of law in this life.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Lin Xiaohe was filled with joy for such a situation.

Lin Xiaohe knew that with his qualifications, he was actually barely able to enter the Celestial Armed Forces, and even if he entered the Celestial Armed Forces, his greatest achievement in the future was to barely cultivate to Nirvana.

Although there is such a possibility that the power of the law can be cultivated, even if it is possible, it will probably be countless years later.

And there is still such a possibility!

Therefore, he can cultivate to the Nirvana realm now, even if it is the possibility of cutting off the power of his later cultivation laws.

But for Lin Xiaohe, it was also an absolute bargain.

I'll talk about the future things later, and who will say the future things accurately!

Lin Xiaohe was able to break through to Nirvana, and I have to say that this was also his luck.

Of course, Li Fangshan contributed a lot to this.

After Qin Shaofeng suffered a lot from Li Fangshan, his heart was filled with anger.

But because it was guessed that Qin Shaofeng was at least a ground-level heavenly soldier, this prevented Li Fangshan from making any immediate actions.

But with Li Fangshan's character, how could he let go of the idea of ​​revenge against Qin Shaofeng?

However, this Li Fangshan was not stupid. After guessing that Qin Shaofeng was at least a Divine Soldier, he found someone else.

There are also many groups in the Celestial Corps. For various reasons, certain powerful Celestial Corps teams have naturally appeared.

This Li Fangshan also belonged to one of these teams in the Celestial Corps, and all the teams in the Celestial Corps were also powerful teams in the platoon.

It's just that Li Fangshan's status in this team is not very high.

But he seized the opportunity, that is, with the information of the black iron block, he contacted a big man from his team.

Then, the big man directly gave Li Fangshan some rewards and let Li Fangshan directly promote to the Nirvana realm, and Lin Xiaohe was also touched.

And this is just a piece of news. If Li Fangshan can really get the black iron in front of the big man, I am afraid he will get even more.

It is precisely because of this that Li Fangshan hates Qin Shaofeng very much.

At this moment, Li Fangshan roared as soon as he saw Qin Shaofeng, and even under his anger, he ignored the aura of Nirvana in Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment.

Suddenly seeing Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe, Qin Shaofeng felt a little depressed.

However, it was not Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe that made Qin Shaofeng depressed, because they were not enough to make Qin Shaofeng feel emotional.

Although both Lin Xiaohe and Li Fangshan are already in the Nirvana Realm cultivation realm, Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about them at all because of the Nirvana Realm’s first level cultivation realm, which is at most only the power of practicing laws. .

Even the Nirvana Realm stronger than the two of them, Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many he killed.

But what Qin Shaofeng had to care about was that this time Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe were more than two people, there were more than a dozen people with them!

And what shocked Qin Shaofeng most was that most of the dozen people had not only cultivated the pill of law, but in fact, they were basically Nirvana masters who had already cultivated three pill of law.

Especially one of the young men around twenty years old made Qin Shaofeng look slightly.

This is all because the opponent is not only a master of the nine-fold realm of Nirvana, but more importantly, the opponent has actually cultivated eight pill of laws!

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng had seen the nine levels of Nirvana with the eight pill of law.

Although in this place, due to the suppression of the supreme dominating blood madness, the combat power can only be played by half.

During this period of time, after killing some Nirvana Demon Clan, Qin Shaofeng also learned that the bloodline suppression of this blood madness did not directly suppress 30% of the combat power, but half and 50% of the horror!

But even if he suppressed half of his combat power, the nine-layered man in Nirvana, who possessed eight pill of law, would definitely not be the opponent's opponent.

Qin Shaofeng still has this self-knowledge!

And this is even more needless to say, the opponent still has twelve or three Nirvana masters who possess the pill of law.

With these twelve or three people alone, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't dare to be an enemy.

In fact, it stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng would definitely notice such a team approaching him in advance.

But that is under normal circumstances, and the current situation is obviously not a normal situation.

Because of the suppression of the breath and blood of the supreme ruler of Blood Madness, this space has already been twisted a bit, which also made it difficult for Qin Shaofeng's spiritual sense to detect places far away from him.

Even after Qin Shaofeng's 100 meters, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual consciousness will be completely erased by this twisting invisible force.

If it weren't for Li Fangshan's initiative to shout out, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't even know the other party's existence.

But now after Li Fangshan shouted angrily, their group approached Qin Shaofeng.

Then, after they approached a certain distance, Qin Shaofeng sensed the strength of the pair.

and so……

Without hesitation, as soon as he discovered that the opponent's strength was something he couldn't contend, Qin Shaofeng directly turned around and flew away in the distance.


Seeing Qin Shaofeng run away without hesitation, Li Fangshan was instantly stunned.

Because Qin Shaofeng's behavior completely exceeded his expectations.

At this time, the young man who was jealous by Qin Shaofeng and looked like the leader of the entire team frowned slightly and suddenly made a noise.

"Li Fangshan, who is he?"

As soon as the young man uttered his words, Li Fangshan immediately recovered from the dumbfoundedness, and then said respectfully to the young man: "Brother Du Yuanhu, that person is Yan Yang, and that thing was taken by him. went!"

Although Li Fangshan didn't have a famous saying about what was captured by Qin Shaofeng.

But the young man he called Senior Brother Du Yuanhu immediately understood in his heart.

Then, Du Yuanhu raised his head slightly, looked at Qin Shaofeng who had fled to the distance, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Du Lei, Du Jun, Du Feng, the three of you bring Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe , Go get me back this Yan Yang!"




With three respectful promises without hesitation, three people walked out of the team with a flash.

At this time, Du Yuanhu looked back at Li Fangshan, and said indifferently: "Li Fangshan, Du Lei, they are all six or seven masters of Nirvana, who have three or four pill of law. A scorching sun, I’m afraid it’s not a problem. So..."

After a slight pause in his voice, Du Yuanhu's gaze towards Li Fangshan became cold, and the indifference on his face became stronger.

"If something is not found, you know the consequences!"


Du Yuanhu's words made Li Fangshan scream, it was cold sweat.

Li Fangshan knew that Du Yuanhu would definitely not be joking with him.

With Du Yuanhu's emphasis on the black iron piece, if he can't get it back in the end, he will definitely not end well.

If it hadn't been more important this time, that is, the appearance of the body of the Supreme Lord, Li Fangshan knew that Du Yuanhu would personally chase the Yan Yang.

Now that the matter is handed over to him, then he will definitely handle it!

"Brother Du Yuanhu, don't worry, I, Li Fangshan, put the words here, if I don't take that thing back, I will meet you by head up!" Li Fangshan promised, patting his chest.

Li Fangshan is not talking about it, but he knows the strength of Du Lei's trio. They are Du Yuanhu’s own disciples, and their strength is one level higher than that of his small Nirvana Realm who has not yet cultivated the power of law. But it's too powerful.

And Li Fangshan also believed that it was absolutely impossible for Du Lei to be the opponent of Du Lei's trio based on that sun.

He is dead!


In the distance, Qin Shaofeng, who was constantly running away, was extremely depressed at this moment.

"Oh, this luck is really unsatisfactory, and I have encountered such trouble! Alas!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng looked helpless.

If it were outside, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't be afraid of anything.

But even if the opponent killed him here, the outside world would not know it.

In this way, this might be very detrimental to him, and Qin Shaofeng was sure that the other party would definitely do it to him.

Do not!

Don't be sure!

Because this is already a fact!

He was hunted down again! ! !

Looking back, Qin Shaofeng saw a few figures in the distance, quickly approaching his side.

This is naturally Li Fangshan and Na Du Lei.

Du Lei's strength is not low, he has cultivated four pill of law, and his realm is also cultivated to the seventh level of Nirvana.

If it was alone, Qin Shaofeng would barely be able to deal with it.

But now besides Du Lei, there are still two Nirvana states of Du Jun and Du Feng!

The strength of Du Jun and Du Feng is almost the same, and they are both six-fold Nirvana masters who have cultivated three pill of law.

Although their strength is not as good as Du Lei, two people standing together can also hold Qin Shaofeng, and if Qin Shaofeng wants to kill each other, I am afraid it will take some means.

And adding up these three people would be a big trouble for Qin Shaofeng!

Because I can't beat it at all!

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