Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1104: Strong enemy?

Chapter 1104 Strong Enemy?

One is the Seven Levels of Nirvana with four pill of law!

The remaining two are all six levels of cultivation of Nirvana with three pill of law!

Such three people, no matter how confident Qin Shaofeng was, it would be difficult to cope with it!

But in these situations, normal development will only occur under normal circumstances.

But the current situation is a bit special, and I am afraid that there will be special development results.

The reason is very simple, now in this area of ​​a hundred miles, but because the bloodline of the supreme dominating blood mad is suppressed, most people can only display half of their strength.

Although there are some people who can resist this bloodline suppression from the blood madness with their own stronger bloodline.

But obviously, the three Du Lei in front of them are not among them!

Moreover, under such suppression, Qin Shaofeng, who was able to burst out all his combat power, was not affected at all, yet he could deal with these three with absolute certainty!


Isn't three people five people in total?

Oh, sorry, as for Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe, Qin Shaofeng really didn't take it seriously.

However, despite having confidence in dealing with Du Lei and others, Qin Shaofeng did not rush to take action.

The reason is simple. This is because the people I saw before are not only Du Lei five, but Qin Shaofeng is worried that there are others.

But after running fast for a while, Qin Shaofeng was sure.

It seemed that to deal with the leader, he had full confidence in the three people with Li Fangshan, and no more people were sent.

In that case, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to continue to escape.

"After solving these people, I'll talk about other things later!"

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng stopped abruptly and stood there waiting for the arrival of Li Fangshan and others.

This time, Qin Shaofeng had made up his mind.

Since the opponent was clearly targeting himself, under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng didn't care whether the opponent was a demon or a human.

Qin Shaofeng was not so pedantic, and for him, once he was determined to be his enemy, he would completely solve the opponent in the end.

However, even though he said that, Qin Shaofeng had already had such awareness in his heart.

But in the end, Qin Shaofeng still moved in his heart and took out a few black round objects from his storage ring with his right hand.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With a light wave of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng saw the small round sphere and threw it into some hidden areas around it.

This is the first time Qin Shaofeng has murdered the humans of the same race after stepping into the battlefield.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Not long after Qin Shaofeng stopped, three figures flashed in front of him in an instant.

The reason for the three figures is because Li Fangshan and Lin Xiaohe were both led by the Nadu Army and Du Feng on their way.

Otherwise, with their strength, it would be impossible to keep up with Qin Shaofeng's speed.

This also shocked Li Fangshan's heart, because he didn't expect to see it in such a short time. It seems that this sun that made him hate not only has also been promoted to Nirvana, and even seems to be stronger than him. A lot.

Only judging from the speed of the pursuit, Li Fangshan had already noticed this.

But Lin Xiaohe is not like this anymore!

Lin Xiaohe didn't want to be like Li Fangshan. He had come into contact with a lot of Nirvana masters. From his point of view, the sun before him had not changed much from before.

Therefore, after Du Feng put him down, he jumped out for the first time and shouted to Qin Shaofeng: "Bold the sun, you dare to escape in front of Master Du Yuanhu, I think you are dead!"

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment, and even stopped talking about him. At this moment, even Du Lei frowned slightly.

Du Lei saw people like Lin Xiaohe a lot.

But what made Du Lei very puzzled was how lucky Lin Xiaohe was at the beginning, and he was lucky enough to pass the assessment of the Celestial Corps and then became a member of the Celestial Corps.

But he didn't care, this little guy is not worth mentioning, just don't take it seriously.

But Du Lei had to look at this person called Yanyang.

Obviously, it is only the triple realm of Nirvana, but with such a speed, you must know that this place is suppressed by that bloodline.

Under such circumstances, this Yan Yang can still have such a speed, obviously is not a simple role.

And the other party is still so young!

Looking at the young man in front of him, Du Lei suddenly felt a trace of emotion.

Alas, it's a pity, if the other party's Master Du Yuanhu of Nengcheng Mansion is under his command, that would be a good talent.

It's just a pity that Master Du Yuanhu has already ordered his life!

Du Lei sighed softly in his heart, but there was a trace of bloodthirsty murder in his eyes.

Obviously, this deep thought in Du Lei's heart would not have any pity for Qin Shaofeng at all.

"Hand over things!"

I didn't care about Lin Xiaohe's clamor, nor did Du Lei say anything about his purpose.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, but Lin Xiaohe couldn't wait.

"Ha, Yan Yang did not hear that, this Senior Brother Du Lei asked you to hand over the black iron nugget, you hurry up, this will reduce your pain a little."

Du Lei's words still somewhat puzzled Qin Shaofeng.

After all, in Qin Shaofeng's view, the other party came to chase him down because of Li Fangshan.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing.

Because of Lin Xiaohe's words, Qin Shaofeng understood that the other party actually came at the black iron block.

However, thinking about the black iron block, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously tightened the flying feather knife in his right hand, and there was something strange in his heart!

"Black iron?" Qin Shaofeng suddenly played with it, "What kind of black iron and white iron, I don't understand what you are saying!"


Seeing Qin Shaofeng's attitude, Lin Xiaohe was angry.

Because he saw the brother Du Lei next to him, his brows seemed to frown, obviously a little unhappy.

Did this make Lin Xiaohe shout at Qin Shaofeng: "Damn Yang, don't quibble, I said, hurry up and call out the black iron, otherwise you will feel better."

Instead, Li Fang took a step up the mountain, staring at Qin Shaofeng, and said coldly: "Yanyang, you have been pretended to be pretending. I advise you to hand it over the piece of black iron hiding from me... …"

As if thinking of something, the corner of Li Fangshan's mouth turned slightly, revealing a smug smile.

"Heh, Yan Yang, maybe you don’t know yet. Now this place has some wonderful influences because of the existence of that great supreme lord. Therefore, even if we kill you in this place, no one will know. ."

"Oh, is it so?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, his face indifferent.

But the more Qin Shaofeng was like this, the more it made Li Fangshan feel a little unpleasant.

But Du Lei and the three of them weren't able to move under his command. Now they could only stare at Qin Shaofeng in a hurry.

At this moment, Du Lei and the others were also very upset about Qin Shaofeng's attitude, but they still didn't mean to shoot immediately.

It was Lin Xiaohe who couldn't help being the first one, and the cultivation base that suddenly soared to the Nirvana Realm made him a little bit ignorant.


In the end, Lin Xiaohe unexpectedly dashed, rushing directly to Qin Shaofeng, and roared again and again.

"Damn Yang, you really take it for yourself! Go to death for me!"

While roaring, Lin Xiaohe directly summoned all the power of the world in his inner world, and then punched Qin Shaofeng with all his strength.


The momentum of this punch was good, it blasted everything around it directly, and the surging and powerful punching force swept away to Qin Shaofeng frantically.

Yan Yang, this time, I think you are still dead!

After the punch, Lin Xiaohe's face was full of triumph.

In his opinion, after his punch, this Yan Yang is definitely dead.

But the next moment, what happened, made Lin Xiaohe's mouth grow up straight, with an incredible expression on his face.

Lin Xiaohe saw that Yan Yang just smiled lightly in the face of his full punch, and then gently waved his hand.


It was as if a strong wind swept out, and then the strong wind blew away everything around.

Well, even Lin Xiaohe's confident punch was completely wiped away.

this is?

Under such circumstances, Lin Xiaohe was completely dumbfounded, and his whole person was dumbfounded.

However, before he could react, the aftermath of the gale finally reached his side, and then swept his whole person out.


With a blast, Lin Xiaohe blew out, and then fell to a place not far away, motionless, life and death unknown!

At the moment when Lin Xiaohe was blasted off by Qin Shaofeng with a slight wave of his hand, the faces of the three Du Lei who were present turned gloomy.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After taking a look, he fell to Lin Xiaohe, who didn't know his life or death in the distance, and Du Lei drank three times.

It was not because of Lin Xiaohe being blasted by Qin Shaofeng that his face was gloomy.

To be honest, with a role like Lin Xiaohe, even if he died, it would not affect his mood.

What really made him angry was that the other party dared to do it in front of him.

This dog depends on the owner!

The Yan Yang in front of him behaved like this, and he didn't take him seriously!

This is the real reason for Du Lei's anger.

"Du Feng, slaughter this kid who doesn't know the heights and depths of the sky, and even the life and death, directly!"

Du Lei's voice was low, but his tone was full of murderous intent.

No matter how angry he was, Du Lei still didn't intend to shoot himself.

Because in his opinion, the person in front of him called Yan Yang is not qualified to let him do it himself.


Na Du Feng grinned, his complexion turned hideous, and then he flew towards Qin Shaofeng.

Uh, this is...

Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded when he saw Du Feng who was like he was rushing, but he was more relaxed.

Oh, I thought you would go together, because then it would be a little troublesome.

But you guys are so good to die, now it's just one!

Isn't this here to give me heads to Xiaoye?

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, and at the next moment, there was no hesitation at all, and with a flash, he directly met Du Feng.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng taking the initiative to meet him, a trace of contempt flashed in Du Feng's eyes.

"Haha, boy, you dare to face your uncle Du Feng face-to-face, see uncle I will blow you up without a punch!"

With a big laugh, Du Feng hit Qin Shaofeng with a punch, and then hit Qin Shaofeng's fist.

But at the moment when the fists of both sides banged on, Du Feng's expression suddenly changed.

Then, he didn't give him a chance to react at all, he just felt his fist, as if he had endured a certain surging force, it was extremely terrifying, and it was a power he couldn't match.

Then, Du Feng's whole body was blown out fiercely.

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