Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1106: The increasingly fierce battlefield

Chapter 1106: An Increasing Battlefield

"Yo-yo-yo! I said Du Yuanhu, what are you doing so excited, I won't eat you again!"

With a chuckle, that Xuanzi took a step forward and looked at Du Yuanhu pretendingly, with a daunting look.

This attitude of Xuan Ziluo obviously made Du Yuanhu's heart full of anger.

But no matter what, at the last thought of Xuan Ziluo's identity, Du Yuanhu still endured it without getting angry.

As the saying goes, there is a mountain as high as a mountain, and one thing drops one thing!

In front of other people, Du Yuanhu has basically a arrogant face, and he is indifferent to reason, and even if there is a fire in his heart, he will directly act.

But in front of this Xuanzi, even if there is no fire in his heart, he can only bear it.

Leaving aside Xuan Ziluo's identity for the time being, the strength of the people around Xuan Ziluo alone is probably not something he can resist.

And even if it takes ten thousand steps back, even if Du Yuanhu has the power to defeat everyone around Xuan Ziluo, even if the killing here will not be monitored by the identity token, he does not dare to attack Xuan Ziluo.

A person with an identity like Xuan Ziluo must have some kind of life-saving method in his body, and Du Yuanhu did not have full confidence in killing Xuan Ziluo.

Therefore, facing Xuan Ziluo's contempt and making things difficult, he could only endure it.

Xuan Ziluo also knew Du Yuanhu's attitude towards him, even if he embarrassed him, Du Yuanhu would not do anything to him.

Of course, Xuan Ziluo didn't deliberately embarrass Du Yuanhu.

Under the current circumstances, the people who came here were all for the corpse of the supreme ruler of blood madness, and Xuan Ziluo knew the seriousness of the matter no matter how shameless it was.

In fact, Xuan Ziluo had already been near the corpse of the Supreme Ruler Blood Madness before this, but unfortunately he encountered a powerful enemy before he saw the body of the Supreme Ruler.

The opponent is a powerful demon, and there are many demon people with good strength.

Therefore, Xuan Ziluo suffered a big loss!

The people around Xuan Ziluo before were more than that, at least twice as many, but Xuan Ziluo lost a lot of people because of encountering a powerful Demon Race team.

Then, Xuan Ziluo was naturally unwilling, planning to find someone to organize, and then go to the demon clan to settle accounts.

Of course, the most important thing is to seize the corpse of the supreme master of the demons, Blood Madness.

Xuan Ziluo remembered that Du Yuanhu was also here, and he felt that with Du Yuanhu's strength, he could completely counter the powerful Demon Race.

So, he came up.

At this moment, seeing Du Yuanhu’s angry but afraid to explode, Xuan Ziluo smiled triumphantly and said: "Du Yuanhu, I don’t mean anything else, just let you help me and take that The corpse of the supreme master of the demons!"


Help you capture the body of the supreme master of the demon race?

Isn't this free to help Xuan Ziluo do coolies for you?

It's really outrageous that you think I am Du Yuanhu!

As soon as Du Yuanhu heard this, his heart was furious, and then he couldn't help it anymore, he was about to explode the anger in his heart.

But at the moment Du Yuanhu was about to break out, Xuan Ziluo seemed to see through his mind, and before Du Yuanhu broke out, he smiled slightly.

"Of course, I won't let you help in vain. After it's done, that corpse will be 20% of you!"


Xuan Ziluo's words caused Du Yuanhu to immediately suppress the anger in his heart, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Twenty percent is too little!"

After a pause, Du Yuanhu said in a cold voice, but his tone was a little moved, but the figure of 20% was too little for him!

Xuan Ziluo smiled softly, as if he had eaten Du Yuanhu, and said without delay, "Twenty percent is already quite a bit. To be honest, if I hadn't encountered a strong team, I would never Come to you! If you disagree, then I have a big deal to find someone else, but..."

With a flash of gaze, Xuanzi looked straight at Du Yuanhu and said: "I told you clearly, if you don't have me, rely on the strength of you and the people behind you. Don't talk about taking the supreme master of the Demon Race Corpse, if you meet that demons team, you will definitely finish playing."

"One is a life-threatening and hopeless choice, and the other is a choice that can be divided into 20% and cooperation. I believe that if you Du Yuanhu is not stupid, you should know which one you will choose!"

"Furthermore, I am not only looking for you, but I will also find others, so 20% is quite a lot!"

Xuan Ziluo's head was eloquent, without the slightest confusion in his tone, which is quite impressive.

But in fact these words were not invented by Xuan Ziluo, and he couldn't think of such a plan in his mind.

However, he can't, but a guard behind him can.

Du Yuanhu doesn't care whether the attention is Xuan Ziluo's original intention or other people's attention to him.

Because these are not important at all, the important thing is that since Xuan Ziluo said this, there will naturally be no lies.

After all, outside, his Xuanzi's words and deeds all represent the Xuan family.

If Xuanjia knew that Xuanzi fell outside and promised others indiscriminately, but did not realize it, Xuanzilu would definitely have nothing to eat.

The stronger the family, the more concerned about some facial things.

"Okay, I agree!"

In the end, after thinking for a while, Du Yuanhu directly nodded and agreed to Xuan Ziluo's invitation.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't hurt Du Yuanhu at all.

As Xuan Ziluo said, the corpse of the demon's supreme ruler of blood madness has attracted countless forces, whether it is human or demon.

But if you want to swallow the treasure that supremely dominates the corpse in front of so many forces, it is definitely unrealistic.

Du Yuanhu had already known this point in his mind, and even his first gaze was not about taking it alone, but the idea of ​​getting a piece of the pie.

Now that Xuan Ziluo took the initiative to invite and the other party's guarantee, Du Yuanhu would naturally not hesitate.

"it is good!"

Seeing Du Yuanhu nodded and agreed, Xuan Ziluo was also slightly happy, and then smiled at Du Yuanhu: "I will be more confident with your joining. However, in order to consider that the demon may also find a helper. So. , We must look for a strong helper, do you know any familiar and strong people?"

"I know, it happens that a friend of mine who is more familiar with me, after completing a mission, came to this battlefield because of the mission of the Celestial Corps. He is not weaker than me, if he comes, it will definitely be a big help!" Du Yuan The tiger said.

"That's good, then you should contact him quickly. We don't have much strength left. It has been a while since the blood frenzy has fallen. It will not be long before the last remaining meaning of his body is gone. His body can be taken away by anyone!" Xuan Ziluo said.

"Well, I know this!" Du Yuanhu nodded, "I will send him a message, I believe he will be here soon."

At the same time, after Xuan Ziluo and Du Yuanhu united, they quickly moved.

In fact, in addition to them, no matter it is Human Race or Demon Race, similar situations have occurred.

Because at this time, many people have discovered that it is almost impossible to swallow the corpse of this supreme master blood mad.

Because staring at this supreme power that dominates the blood mad corpse, there are too many.

As for the forces present, none of them possessed the strength of being out-of-the-ordinary.

Therefore, the development of the matter quickly became again, and small teams began to unite.


"I circled a cross. What's the situation? How come all the demons have merged in large numbers now!"

On the battlefield, Qin Shaofeng was alone, constantly scurrying around, looking for a demon that could be hunted.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered a situation that was very bad for him.

Because I don't know why, many Mozu teams are now formed in groups.

This makes Qin Shaofeng difficult!

In such an environment, if you encounter seven or eight Nirvana Demon Squads, as long as the opponent does not have a Nirvana Demon master who has cultivated the Seven Principles of Pill, Qin Shaofeng will be able to fight for it, and the opponent's strength will be suppressed. In the case, directly solve the other party.

But now, the situation has suddenly changed.

Because even the weakest Mozu team now has more than a dozen people, and the bigger one is 70 or 80, or even hundreds of people.

How do you fight this Nima?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was depressed.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly found out why this happened.

This is all because it seems that someone has finally discovered it. It seems unrealistic to swallow the body of a supreme ruler, and it doesn't have the strength.

Even so, it is natural for the teams to unite.

This is also the case among human races, many small individual race teams have united three to five.

"In this way, I am afraid that there will be a big battle in a short time!"

Looking at a team of more than thirty demons in the distance, Qin Shaofeng touched his chin and muttered softly.

In fact, before that, Qin Shaofeng had also visited the place where the corpse of the blood mad, because Qin Shaofeng wanted to see with his own eyes what the corpse of a supreme ruler looked like.

But what made Qin Shaofeng depressed was that when he was still ten miles away from the corpse of the Supreme Domination Blood Madness, an invisible coercion made him stop.

That is the aura of the supreme ruler of the blood madness!

Although Blood Madness has fallen, it is now just a corpse.

But the aura remaining on his corpse was still not something that Qin Shaofeng and the others could resist.

Therefore, before the remaining aura of the blood mad corpse, no one can get close to the blood mad corpse.

Of course, if it were the supreme ruler, it would be able to ignore this remaining momentum.

Although Qin Shaofeng could also rely on Leng Yaxuan's blood to ignore the coercion of these auras.

But that consumed a lot of essence and blood, and Qin Shaofeng only had the small bottle of essence and blood left by Leng Yaxuan, which would cost less!

Besides, the circle that was ten miles away from the blood mad corpse was controlled by a large number of human races and demons, and it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to find any chance to sneak in.

However, even if he couldn't enter right now, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly in his heart when he thought of the current behavior of the human race and the demons, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Although it is a bit risky, it is also an opportunity!"

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