Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1107: What a mess!

Chapter 1107 You are going to do something!

Because of the demons, most of them have already gathered.

This made it difficult for Qin Shaofeng to find a chance to start.

Because the assembled Demon Race team, even the weakest team, the power displayed by it cannot be handled by Qin Shaofeng now.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng calmed down for a while, completely suppressed his breath with the fire of Yin and Yang in his body, and then hid his traces.

However, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that the imposing power of the blood madness that supremely dominates seems to have begun to slowly fade away.

After all, he has completely fallen, even if he had the supreme power in his lifetime, now he can only end up fighting for the corpse.

As the pressure of the momentum slowly subsided, the battle in this place became more and more intense.

Before, there was still a range of ten miles away, but as the aura of the supreme dominance slowly faded away, this range also began to shrink.

Then, a large number of human races and demons began to meet naturally.

Nothing said, everyone's purpose is the same, and there is only one corpse of the Supreme Lord. If you want to get it, it naturally depends on their own strength.

The battle has begun!

No, it's not that the battle has started. The battle has already begun, but it has evolved more intensely now, even tragically.

Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding in the dark, had no plans to show up, but he was active on the fierce battlefields.

A large number of human races and demons eventually died due to fierce fighting.

And these dead people, whether they are demons or humans, are still useful to Qin Shaofeng.

That is to let their flying feather knives absorb the pill of law after their death.

The inner world of Nirvana is naturally stronger than the inner worlds of emperor realm and realm king realm.

If the entire inner world is not directly destroyed, it is considered dead. As long as the inner world is still intact, for Feiyu Dao, it can absorb the energy for improvement.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is active on the battlefields where battles have ended, and he is actually picking up corpses!

Regardless of the human race or the demon race, at this time because of the corpse of the supreme ruler, all eyes were red.

Therefore, even if the companion is killed, no one will help him collect the body.

Because there is no time, few people even collect the inheritance from the companion.

Moreover, at this time, no matter which human race or demon race master, the wealth possessed by the opponent's body can not be compared with the corpse of the supreme ruler!

Qin Shaofeng was very happy after Feiyu Knife absorbed the inner world of Nirvana one after another, and even the pill of the law that was cultivated.

Although this kind of inner world and the pill of law did not kill the enemy by himself, the absorption at that moment must be complete and the energy must be sufficient.

But for the inner world that can reap Nirvana without fighting, there are also powerful pill of laws.

Even sometimes, Qin Shaofeng could harvest some good items from the dead bodies of an individual and a demon.

Qin Shaofeng was very happy with such a lighthearted thing.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had a thought in his mind, that is, even if he didn't get the corpse of the supreme ruler this time, it would be a lot of wealth in terms of the current harvest alone.

And even if it was the corpse of the supreme ruler afterwards, Qin Shaofeng was already satisfied without a trace of gain.

Of course, if it is possible, Qin Shaofeng still has a little thought for the corpse of the supreme ruler!





A few hours later, Qin Shaofeng listened to the distant roar, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Has it started?"

Qin Shaofeng knew everything about this kind of news.

At this moment, the aura and coercion of the supreme ruler had weakened to a very low level, and there was almost no remaining.

Therefore, because the scope is getting smaller and smaller, I am afraid that there is not much coercion now.

Under such circumstances, those human and demons teams naturally have a smaller and smaller circle around them.

Therefore, this battle has increased.

Even during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng witnessed with his own eyes that two teams of humans and demons with more than fifty people fought a battle.

That battle was terrifying.

Almost all Nirvana realms, whether they are humans or demons, have cultivated the pill of law, and their realms are basically above the triple level of Nirvana.

With such a realm and such a number of people, the scene of this battle has spread to many areas.

Fortunately, the supreme dominance of the blood madness was constantly weakening, but the suppression of his bloodline still existed.

Therefore, the human race and demons here are still suppressed by different strengths.

Otherwise, if fighting at this level in the outside world, the scope of the impact would be even more exaggerated.

The human race finally won the battle, but this was not very important to Qin Shaofeng.

On the contrary, after the battle, the untreated human and demons corpses left on the scene were what Qin Shaofeng cared most.

After that time, Qin Shaofeng's Flying Feather Knife once again gained two hundred pill of law.

Although it has been dead for an instant, and the Pill of Law and the inner world have been consumed or damaged to some extent.

But even so, the harvest this time was enough for Qin Shaofeng's Feather Blade to gain tremendous power.

Qin Shaofeng believed that after this time, not only could his Flying Feather Sword be able to advance to the Heavy Treasure, I am afraid that even the Intermediate Heavy Treasure could also reach it.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this was just the beginning, because the real final battle had not yet arrived!

Qin Shaofeng hid secretly, looking forward to the coming of the final battle.

And now after hearing the bombing-like movement, Qin Shaofeng knew that this final battle for the Supreme Lord's corpse had reached the final moment.


After a flash, Qin Shaofeng jumped forward for a while before he came to a big tree not far from the core of the battlefield.

Standing on the big tree, Qin Shaofeng looked at the distant battlefield.

At this moment, there was a complete mess around the body of the supreme ruler of Blood Madness.

There are battles everywhere between human race and demons, demons and demons, and human races and human races.

It seems that because of the imposing coercion of the supreme ruler, it has almost dissipated, and Qin Shaofeng can now use his own spiritual knowledge to probe the situation on that battlefield.

What a mess!

As a result of the investigation, Qin Shaofeng not only shook his head gently, but a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Because of this scuffle scene, it just didn't suit him to enter.

Because if he enters, I am afraid that no matter which side it is, he will be shot.

"Now I can only hide it temporarily, waiting for a chance to shoot!"

Seeing the battle in the distance, Qin Shaofeng thought in his heart.

Although the battlefield in the distance was very chaotic, Qin Shaofeng still recognized several big teams.

Among a dozen teams, four of them attracted Qin Shaofeng's attention.

These four teams are two demons teams or two human teams.

Most of these human races and demons did not know Qin Shaofeng, and the only person he knew was Du Yuanhu, who had a close relationship before.

Qin Shaofeng discovered that Du Yuanhu at the moment had entered the largest team on the human side and was fighting with the strongest team on the demon side.

But soon, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the two strongest teams actually stopped in one of them, not fighting each other.

Then, something unexpected happened to Qin Shaofeng.

The two most powerful Human Race and Demon Race teams that stopped, unexpectedly gave up each other and turned to other teams.

If the only difference is that the goals of the two teams are both teams from different ethnic camps.

Terrans find other Demon teams, and Demon find other Terrans teams.

Although surprised, Qin Shaofeng quickly reacted.

This is probably because the two sides have already negotiated to solve the other people first, and then proceed to the final battle.

And Qin Shaofeng quickly understood the reason why such a strategy was able to proceed like this.

After all, even on the human side, several teams have been separated at this moment, and everyone is not on the same front, but everyone's goal is the same.

At this point, both the human race and the demons are in the same situation.

And what's terrible is that, in full view, neither the human race nor the demon race can take action against people in their same camp.

After all, the war between the human race and the demon race is not over yet, in this case, if it is exposed to the same race, it is not a joke.

But now there is just one way, and that is to let the other party solve this problem.

You help me solve the rivals on the human side, and I help you solve the rivals like your demons.

In the end, both parties are doing their best!

And at this point, the two strongest teams are also very close to each other, which is already the case.

"Tsk tusk, sure enough! There are no absolute friends or absolute enemies in front of interests!"

Watching this scene, Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly raised, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

However, Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly stopped, and a strange light burst out in his eyes.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng at this moment is so impressive that people can definitely see that Qin Shaofeng is going to make trouble!


The battle continued, but no one on the scene seemed to notice that the two strongest teams of Human Race and Demon Race had begun to weed out other competitors.

Similarly, at this moment, neither Human Race nor Demon Race has noticed that a special person has been mixed in this fiercely competitive battlefield.

This person is naturally Qin Shaofeng!

Of course, Qin Shaofeng entered the battlefield at this moment, not to collect the dead human race and demons, their inner world and the pill of law.

After Qin Shaofeng entered the battlefield, he had already changed his face.

This is a simple disguise technique, which is easy to be seen through, but in such an environment, I am afraid that few people can see through it!

I saw that after Qin Shaofeng entered the battlefield, he cautiously killed some weak demons at first, without any action.

Then, after wandering for a while, Qin Shaofeng approached a team that was not strong enough.

Because he was not a member of this team, Qin Shaofeng also deliberately avoided the human race of this team and wandered at the edge of the team.

As a result, the members of this team didn't doubt Qin Shaofeng's identity for a while.

Of course, the most important thing is that at this moment, the team is already facing pressure from the opposing demons, and there are not so many other minds to pay attention to other things.

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