Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1108: accident?

Chapter 1108

After fighting for a while, randomly killing one or two demons who only cultivated a pill of law, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was ready to act.

Then, Qin Shaofeng approached him, one of the seven human races in the Nirvana Realm.

Although the opponent is the Seventh Layer of Nirvana, there are only three Pills of Law after cultivation, and he is not the leader of this team.

But these are not important, what is important is that Qin Shaofeng knows this person.

In fact, when he was on the battlefield of the Fourth Domain, he had heard someone call the other party ‘Brother Yun’.

In addition to this, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the opponent was also a member of the Celestial Army. As for other things, Qin Shaofeng didn't know.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know this person, he didn't need to know this person in the current situation.

Because of his plan, he doesn't need to know anything about the person in front of him.


Taking advantage of an opportunity, Qin Shaofeng stepped forward and came directly to this'Senior Brother Yun', and then deliberately shouted with a flustered expression: "Senior Brother Yun is not good, something has happened!"


This ‘Brother Yun’ had seen someone suddenly flash in front of him, and he had already subconsciously regarded the other person as an enemy, but Qin Shaofeng’s ‘Senior Brother Yun’ made him let go of some vigilance and did not directly take action.

As for the sentence after Qin Shaofeng that something serious happened, it made him even more shocked, and then subconsciously believed in Qin Shaofeng, and couldn't help but say: "What's the matter? Who are you? Who is your young master?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and he reached out with his right hand and pointed at a team not far away.

The team Qin Shaofeng was referring to was the team attacked by the strongest demon team at this moment.

Although the strength of this team is also good, it is obviously not enough to face the strongest demon team here. At this moment, the demon team was defeated and suffered heavy losses.

And the most terrible thing is that, according to the current situation, I am afraid that it will not be long before everyone in this team will be driven to death by the demons!

"Senior Brother Yun, my Young Master is in danger over there, I hope Senior Brother Yun can go and support!" Qin Shaofeng pointed at the battlefield and said, but his eyes were blank.

Master or something, the ghost knows who he is!

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, the team may not last long before it will be killed by the demons.

Already dead and no proof!

Besides, I just showed up and left right away, it didn't matter.

Following Qin Shaofeng's direction,'Senior Brother Yun' saw a battlefield, but after seeing it, he sneered, "Heh, you are from Chen Bingwu? But why should I help Chen Bingwu?"

After finishing speaking, this'Brother Yun' looked at Qin Shaofeng with a playful and sneer.

At this moment, this'Brother Yun' has completely believed in Qin Shaofeng's'identity'.

But he was completely indifferent, and he didn't seem to intend to go to support the Chen Bingwu he said.

I circled a cross, which is a coincidence!

This ‘Brother Yun’ actually has an enemy with the captain of the team there?

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a while, but he was not at all flustered. Even this situation was beneficial to him!

"Senior Brother Yun, my young master knows that you have opinions on him, but the current situation does not care about these things!"

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly said, and then pointed his right hand to the position of Xuan Ziluo and Du Yuanhu's team, and said again: "Brother Yun, my young master said that Xuan Ziluolangzi's ambition actually colluded with those demons, and he deliberately let the other party kill us. Terran, this is to reduce competitors!"

Because of his concern for Du Yuanhu, Qin Shaofeng paid special attention to the movements of Du Yuanhu's team, and he naturally knew that the team was not headed by Du Yuanhu, but a person from the fantasy clan named Xuan Ziluo.


Collusion with demons?

'Senior Brother Yun' was startled, but then he thought in his heart that this might be Chen Bingwu's plan, in order to let himself save him.

"Nonsense, that Xuan Ziluo is a member of the fantasy race of our human race, and killing these two supreme masters of the demon race is their supreme masters of the fantasy race. How could he Xuan Ziluo be with the demon? Collusion?"

'Senior Brother Yun' did not believe Qin Shaofeng's words, he did not believe that Xuan Ziluo would collude with the demons.

Qin Shaofeng also expected this.

But this is not important either, Qin Shaofeng simply intends to make the other party directly believe in him.

However, Qin Shaofeng pretended to be gloomy when he first landed on the voice of ‘Senior Brother Yun’.

"Senior Brother Yun, my young master never lied, and my young master also said, if you don’t believe it, then you will speak up on this battlefield at this moment, the team of Xuan Ziluo, and the strongest opponent of the Demon Clan, they are all at this moment. What are you doing?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for this'Senior Brother Yun' to react, so he left directly.

That ‘Brother Yun’ didn’t care about Qin Shaofeng’s departure, because Qin Shaofeng’s last words had already aroused his suspicion.

Then, soon this "Brother Yun" paid attention to the battlefield situation.

After a while, this'Senior Brother Yun' looked solemn, because he had already seen that the team of the power of the elephant, and the team with the strongest power on the side of the demon race, were actually slaughtering the demon race and the human race wantonly.

Although'Senior Brother Yun' is not the leader of this team, he is not a fool. Combining the situation and what he saw, he immediately chose to believe in Qin Shaofeng.

Then, "Brother Yun" became anxious!

Because according to this situation, their slightly inferior teams, I'm afraid they will all be solved by the opponent of the Demon Race.

At the same time, this ‘Brother Yun’ also knew that Xuan Ziluo thought so.

Don't talk to the opponent's strongest Demon opponent, one is to let the opponent help weed out other forces on the human side.

Secondly, it is to let the other forces of the human race weaken the strength of the strongest demon group team so that he can take advantage of it.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone!

Once he understood this, the'Senior Brother Yun' directly approached the captain of his team without hesitation, and then told the other party about his guess.

The captain had a good relationship with'Senior Brother Yun', and immediately believed what the other party said.

Of course, the most important team leader also saw that the situation at the scene was exactly what'Senior Brother Yun' said.

That Xuan Ziluo colluded with the Mozu!

Although this kind of collusion is just mutual use, it is not a real collusion.

But in this situation, other teams like them are in danger.

Then, needless to say, the captain of this team immediately dispatched ‘Senior Brother Yun’ to explain the situation to other teams.

Since Xuan Ziluo dared to do this, then they couldn't just wait and die!

When'Senior Brother Yun' set off, he subconsciously went to the position of Chen Bingwu's team, but what caught his eye was the scene that had just ended completely.

Chen Bingwu's team has been completely destroyed by the regiment!

Although his old rival is dead, the "Senior Brother Yun" at this moment is not at all happy.

Damn, if this Xuan Ziluo dared to collude with the demons like this, it was really abominable!


At the same time, when the ‘Brother Yun’ set out to contact other teams, Qin Shaofeng on another battlefield saw this scene with a smug smile on his mouth.

"Oh, the plan is smoother than I thought before. Now that this ‘Brother Yun’ has come out, the rest of the Human Race team does not need me to notify!"

"But..." His eyes flashed, and Qin Shaofeng showed hesitation on his face.

The Terran team had already been notified by him, so the next strongest Demon team would be difficult to seek any benefits.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is now hesitant to notify other teams of the Demon Race.

What made Qin Shaofeng hesitate was that the opponent was the Demon Race and was always the enemy of the Human Race. He seemed to be a little unsuitable if he notified him like this!

However, Qin Shaofeng looked at the Xuan Ziluo team who was slaughtering a demon team, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, since this Xuan Ziluo can unite with Du Yuanhu, he obviously has a good relationship with Du Yuanhu. And this Du Yuanhu and I are afraid that they are completely enmity, after all, I killed his three men."

Thinking of this, the last hint of hesitation in Qin Shaofeng's heart faded away.

"Since there is a grudge, then there is nothing to hesitate!"

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body shook slightly, and then his whole appearance changed.

Moreover, after this change, Qin Shaofeng was directly a face of the Demon Race, his whole body was full of devilish energy, and this devilish energy was still very pure.

This is natural, after all, Qin Shaofeng is still in the invisible gas mask refined by Leng Yaxuan's blood.

As Leng Yaxuan of the three major imperial families of the Demon Clan, Qin Shaofeng can perfectly simulate a Demon Clan with a gas mask made of her essence and blood.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed and ran directly to a demon team.

Soon after, the style of painting on the entire battlefield changed.

Whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, it was originally a situation where teams were fighting each other, and there have been changes.

Everyone seems to unite!


"This is how the same thing?"

After solving another demon team, Xuan Ziluo was preparing to lead the team to solve the next demon opponent.

But soon he discovered that something was wrong, because among the remaining Mozu teams, except for the strongest team, the rest of the teams were actually gathered together, and they were faintly joined together.

At first, Xuan Ziluo thought it was an accident, but when he saw the remaining teams of his Human Race, they all gathered together, and the most important thing is that the Human Race team actually has a little bit of respect for him. After the hostility of the team, Xuan Ziluo knew something in his heart.

"Is it exposed? This is really unexpected!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Xuan Ziluo's eyes flashed with killing intent, and there was a hint of anger in his heart.

These **** low-level rubbish, dare to unite, and looking at this, still intend to resist my Xuan Ziluo?

It's all like this, and I dare to compete with Xuan Ziluo for the body of the supreme ruler. It seems that they are all impatient!

And these people really think that this way, they can be safe?


A light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment Xuan Ziluo didn't mean to stop at all, and directly led everyone to pounce, and the few demons team that finally united.

Thought that together, you can resist me Xuan Ziluo?

This is really naive!

In an instant, Xuan Ziluo's team entered, the combined teams of the Mozu.

At the same time, it seemed to have discussed in advance that the strongest team of the Demon Race was going to kill, and the last few teams of the Human Race were united.

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