Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1112: Qin Shaofeng's crazy thoughts

Chapter 1112 Qin Shaofeng's Crazy Thoughts

It's just that these powers from the blood madness that dominate the inner world are a huge gain for Qin Shaofeng.

But what Qin Shaofeng attaches the most attention to is the fact that at the moment the flying feather knife is surrounded by many pill of laws, like a very special pill of laws surrounded by stars.

When his spiritual sense sensed this pill of law, Qin Shaofeng thought that his spiritual sense had appeared. What sense was wrong!

Because Qin Shaofeng sensed that although this pill of law has no energy, its aura is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than all the pill of law in the flying feather knife!

The pill of law of supreme dominance!

When this conclusion was reached in his heart, Qin Shaofeng almost fainted happily.

It is difficult to evaluate how precious a pill of the law of supreme rulership is. In short, it is the kind that is very precious.

Because if it is possible, a corpse of the supreme dominance level, and a pill of the law of the supreme dominance level, if people choose, then many people will choose the latter.

That's right, a corpse of the supreme dominance level can allow people to regularize their own world power after refining, and finally step into the realm of supreme dominance.

But if you reach the realm of supreme **** in this way, you will have to rely on a huge external force and not rely on your own cultivation at all.

Therefore, after entering the supreme domination, it is difficult to continue to improve.

Although the gap between the supreme masters is not big, it is difficult for one supreme master to kill another, but this matter is not absolute.

Didn't see this war between the human race and the demons in the battle for hegemony of the ten thousand races, is it that the three supreme rulers have fallen?

Therefore, even among the supreme domination, there is still a phenomenon of high strength.

Therefore, for some enchanting geniuses, if it is not necessary, they will rarely use external forces to improve.

Because any promotion with the help of external forces will have various effects on one's future in the end.

But if this external force were replaced by a pill of supreme rulership, the situation would be completely different.

Because a pill of law of the supreme dominance level can be swallowed up by some special methods, or it can be directly integrated into one's own inner world, turning it into a pill of law.

Once this happens, this is equivalent to letting oneself cultivate in advance a pill of law of supreme dominance level.

Think about it, it's just the cultivation base of the Nirvana Realm, but it already has the pill of the law of the supreme dominating realm.

Under such circumstances, a series of influences, but it is very easy for one's own other pill of law to be regularized, and then to evolve into the pill of rule of supreme dominance.

In this way, the promotion to the supreme ruler is already a nail in the board, and it is an ironclad thing!

And the most important thing is that if you can make a pill of law of supreme dominance directly become your pill of law, it will be equivalent to letting yourself practice in Nirvana, with one more pill of law.

Under normal circumstances, the greater the number of Pills of Law cultivated in the Nirvana Realm, the more powerful they will naturally increase after they rise to the supreme dominance realm.

However, this kind of situation is only suitable for the peak realm of Nirvana, and there are less than ten pill of law. Otherwise, the number of pill of law cannot be increased in this way.

But these are not very important to Qin Shaofeng.

The appearance of this pill of law gave Qin Shaofeng a fiery idea to integrate it into his own body.

Because of the situation of his current indestructible incarnation, Qin Shaofeng had a very unreliable but possible guess about his own body.

This immortal incarnation of the yin and yang holy fire spirit also cultivated the "Pill Sutra", but in the end only cultivated twelve yin and yang cloud pills!

But these twelve yin and yang cloud pills seem to be able to directly transform and become the existence of the pill of law.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think of the cloud pill he had cultivated in his own body.

Qin Shaofeng’s body has been cultivating in Kongyuan Ring, and because of the increase in experience value, Qin Shaofeng did not let the body practice to improve the realm, and because of the system update, many skills were temporarily unavailable and unable to improve. Proficiency.

But the "Pill Sutra" can be practiced, so during this period, Qin Shaofeng's time for his body practice was almost used to cultivate the "Pill Sutra".

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's body has now risen to a very exaggerated level in the cultivation level of the "Alchemy".

Although because of the system update, Qin Shaofeng didn't know which level of the system planning his "Alchemy" had been upgraded.

However, Qin Shaofeng's body had already been cultivated at this moment, with a total of three hundred and sixty cloud pills.

It just happens to be a number of days!

Qin Shaofeng had a faint feeling in his heart that his three hundred and sixty cloud pills should also be transformed into a pill of law.

In the previous words, Qin Shaofeng had such a guess in his mind, but now Qin Shaofeng has the confidence to implement this guess.

This is the pill of law of supreme dominance among the flying feather knives at this moment!

Qin Shaofeng wanted to use this pill of law of the supreme dominance level to directly transform all the cloud pills in his body into the pill of law.

This idea seems crazy, but in fact it can be done!

Although this number is quite large, what I have now is a pill of law of supreme dominance level. With the power of the world that has been regularized, it only raises the power of the world in the cloud pill to the power of law. Otherwise, this is still possible.

Despite this, Qin Shaofeng's current indestructible incarnation lost the opportunity to enter the supreme ruler in the shortest time.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, all this was a bargain.

Because the most important thing about yourself is your own ontology. Only when your own ontology is strong is the best thing.

And for some reason, Qin Shaofeng always had some unexplainable premonitions in his heart.

It seems that something is about to happen, if one's own strength is still like this, then it is not very good.

Qin Shaofeng now plans to complete the third phase of the system update task, and then enter the fourth phase.

If Qin Shaofeng guessed correctly, this fourth stage task should be the final stage of the system update task.

And as long as the fourth stage of the system update task is completed, Qin Shaofeng, who has raised his indestructible avatar to Nirvana, can completely complete this extreme upgrade task at the same time!

And this is done directly, the ten-star with the highest degree of completion!

Extreme upgrade: special task, when the player is in a special stage, the system will automatically trigger this task.

Because the trigger time of this extreme upgrade task is affected by the player Qin Shaofeng's current situation and system updates. Therefore, the content of this extreme upgrade task is a special stage upgrade task.

There is only one mode for the upgrade task in this special stage, and players can only choose this mode for the task.

In addition, due to the particularity of this mission, there is no penalty for this mission.

Special stage upgrade tasks: special stage tasks, any final results will be rewarded by the system with the star rating.

One-star completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the eternal incarnation Yan Yang to the realm master state! Get 100 points of system exchange points!

Two-star Completion: Before the end of the system update, raise the Indestructible Incarnation Yan Yang to the Realm Lord's Triple Realm! Get 300 points of system redemption points!


Eight-star completion: Before the end of the system update, upgrade your own indestructible avatar to the pinnacle of the realm king! You can get 10,000 system exchange points, 10 skill points, and level up to 3 levels!

Completion degree nine stars: Before the system update is over, on the basis of completing the degree eight stars, upgrade any of the immortal incarnations you have to the emperor realm! You can get 30,000 system exchange points, 30 skill points, and level up to 5!

Ten-star completion: Before the end of the system update, let any one of the immortal incarnations enter Nirvana! You can get 100,000 system exchange points, 50 skill points, and level up to 10!

This time, the ultimate upgrade task, with a maximum completion rate of ten stars, was only to allow any of Qin Shaofeng's own indestructible incarnations to rise to Nirvana.

But now Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation had already been promoted to Nirvana. Had it not been for the existence of the system update task, he would have completed the task long ago.

Qin Shaofeng has carefully calculated that once he completes all the tasks, all the rewards can at least raise his body to the peak of the emperor realm.

Hong Lao Na still lacks Qin Shaofeng a Nirvana Pill, and then Qin Shaofeng can completely allow himself to advance to the Nirvana Realm.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was at least confident that he could directly transform a cloud pill in his body into a pill of law.

Then, with the help of this supreme dominance-level pill of law, all the remaining pill of law will be transformed into the pill of law, that's nothing.

Although all existence in this world is constrained by the Great Dao, even Qin Shaofeng, the indestructible incarnation of the spirit of Yin and Yang, can only condense twelve pill of laws in Nirvana.

But Qin Shaofeng believed that with his own body possessing a god-level cultivation system, he was afraid that he could completely ignore the status quo of Dao.

Because at the moment, Qin Shaofeng had long known that many things that did not conform to the laws of the Great Dao had happened to him.

Nirvana has more than 300 pill of law, which seems to be impossible.

However, Qin Shaofeng still needs to do one thing if he wants to take this step completely.

Although Feiyu Knife could preserve this pill of law of the supreme dominance level, Qin Shaofeng was aware that this pill of law had almost exhausted all its power, only a little ruled world power remained.

Just relying on this little bit of the pill of the law of strength, even the pill of the rule of the supreme dominance level, I want to transform more than 300 cloud pills into the pill of the law at once.

This is still somewhat unrealistic!

However, Qin Shaofeng already had a solution to this situation.

While absorbing this pill of supreme ruler-level rule, Feiyu Knife absorbed all the power in the inner world after the blood madness fell.

And the most important thing is that these powers are also the powers of the world that have been ruled, which can completely supplement the pill of the supreme ruler level, and restore it to a normal state of victory!

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