Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1113: ended

Chapter 1113

Although these world powers are only a very small part of the world power remaining after the fall of the blood mad supreme ruler.

But even so, the pill of law of the supreme dominance level can still be supplemented completely.

Although this might consume all the power of the supreme dominating world in the Flying Feather Knife, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel sorry for his ambition of having more than 300 pill of laws in Nirvana realm.

Nirvana has more than 300 pill of law, such strength, even if it does not reach the realm of supreme ruler.

But what Qin Shaofeng can see is that there is absolutely no possibility that anyone will be his opponent under the rule!

Of course, Qin Shaofeng is only planning this way now.

After all, he hasn't even completed the third phase of the system update task yet!

Putting these thoughts aside for the time being, Qin Shaofeng felt that the most important thing for him right now was to wait for the end of the battle in the first domain before considering other things.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng believed that the fight for the two supreme dominator corpses had already come to fruition.

Although Qin Shaofeng hadn't seen it with his own eyes, based on Qin Shaofeng's guesses and previous battles, he concluded that it was over. Qin Shaofeng estimated that there was nothing wrong.

The battle between the two supreme dominator corpses is over, then the main battle will follow.

Qin Shaofeng also believes that, I am afraid that this battle for the first domain is also a battle for hegemony among all races, the battle between the human race and the demons, and it will not take long to end.

Qin Shaofeng thought so, but in fact, the final outcome of the battle was much faster than he expected.

Because the battle between the two supreme dominating corpses triggered the participation of at least 90% of Nirvana masters on the entire battlefield.

And now, I am afraid that the masters of the 90% Nirvana Realm have only a very small part left.

Although there are still a large number of emperor realm masters and countless realm king-level fighters on the battlefield.

But after the main battle of Nirvana masters, there are only a few remaining, this battle may have been difficult to continue.

Especially because the fall of the existence of the two supreme masters has led to the acceleration of the entire battle!

The fall of the two supreme masters directly caused the morale of the demon race to drop at a speed, and it was still the same kind of rapid decline, and even many demon races did not have the mind to continue fighting.

This blow is too big!

It is precisely because of this that many demons have no intention of cooperation, and even the cooperation between the teams, because of the differences in morale and people's hearts, has led to varying degrees of impact.

The most direct point of these effects is that the combat effectiveness of the entire Demon Race has generally declined.

Qin Shaofeng also took a fancy to this point, and began to hunt a large number of demons unscrupulously.

Occasionally rush into the crowds of the Emperor Realm Demon Race, and directly kill a piece of the Demon Race with a flying feather knife, or find a single, two or three Nirvana Realm Demon Race, and kill them one by one.

It's not as cautious as before.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng no longer cared about the question of whether the Feiyu Knife would eat or not, and could absorb some energy as much as possible. Qin Shaofeng let Feiyu Knife continue to absorb it, completely without any previous scruples.

And because the morale of the demons had plummeted, Qin Shaofeng was like a fish in water, without encountering the slightest obstacle.

But even in this state, some demons would resist it, and even on the entire battlefield, many demons still fought and killed their enemies, and were not completely affected by the fall of the two supreme masters.

But soon, this situation changed again.

And this kind of change has been earth-shaking.


At a certain moment, Qin Shaofeng only listened to the space deep in the sky, and once again there was a loud noise that seemed to knock open the entire firmament, and then Qin Shaofeng and all the clan and demons present heard a furious roar.

"Good! Good! Good! Huantianjue, you are really good! You dare to be so cruel to yourself, dare to mess around like this, you can do it! This time the victory, I will let you, let's wait and see!"

After this desperate roar, a crack suddenly appeared in the deep space at high altitude, and a figure suddenly flashed out.

Then, the next moment, this figure appeared directly in a place on the battlefield below.

During this process, Qin Shaofeng did not see clearly, because the opponent's movements were too fast, and with his current spiritual knowledge, he couldn't catch a trace.

But when the opponent came to the battlefield, that surging, powerful and terrifying aura swept the entire battlefield instantly.

I just felt the moment when the breath came, even though the other party's breath was not directed at me.

But Qin Shaofeng was the first time, because of the strength of this breath, he directly stopped his figure.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to continue to act, but because under this breath, even under unconscious pressure, Qin Shaofeng felt the pressure that was irresistible, and the whole person could not move under the pressure.

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to such a sense of oppression. He had already felt the place where the blood mad corpse was found before.

This was a sense of oppression from the Supreme Ruler, and with Qin Shaofeng's current strength, it was naturally unable to resist.

Simply, the pressure of this breath came and went quickly, but one could not breathe, and it had disappeared.


Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the huge sense of oppression disappear.

The living and dead supreme masters, the breath is completely incomparable, it is terrifying!

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed suddenly, because at this moment, the battlefield was unexpectedly a huge aura that was the same as before.

It is the oppression of the supreme dominating breath again, and this time there are two in a row!

However, as before, after these two breaths came, they just stayed on the battlefield for less than one breath, and then left directly.

At first, Qin Shaofeng felt a little confused about the behavior of the three demon clan supreme masters.

But in the next moment, after subconsciously exuding his divine consciousness, Qin Shaofeng completely understood why the powerhouse with the supreme ruler of three demon races had acted like this.

Because after that, Qin Shaofeng discovered that a large number of demons had disappeared on the battlefield of the first domain, the fiercest battlefield.

They seemed to be taken away by the three supremely dominant demons.

Yes, just take it away!

After the previous violent roar, the three supreme masters of the demons who came to the battlefield one after another seemed to have taken away many demons. Qin Shaofeng guessed that most of them were related to the three supreme masters.

And the remaining demons are probably completely abandoned.

It seems that these demons also know this, so after the three supreme masters of the demons left, all the demons panicked.

In panic, many demons thought of running away.

Then, a large number of demons couldn't take care of the opponents of the direct human race, and turned around and ran towards the exit of the first domain battlefield, all wanting to escape from this battlefield.

Under this circumstance, all the races were excited, and then one by one was beaten up with blood, chasing these runaway demons and killing them frantically.

Qin Shaofeng was no exception. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shaofeng harvested as much of the inner world of the demons as possible.

But among this abandoned demon race, there are still many powerful Nirvana demon masters.

Although these powerful Nirvana Demon Races can't be compared with the Nirvana Masters on the battlefield that competed for the supreme dominance of the corpse.

But now there is no suppression from the blood of the blood mad, so Qin Shaofeng, it is impossible to kill the overpowered Nirvana demon master.

At most, Qin Shaofeng could barely kill a handful of demons who possessed four pill of laws and whose realm was in the fifth and sixth levels of Nirvana.

In this way, it is already very reluctant, because the energy absorbed by the flying feather knife at this moment has completely exceeded the saturation, and it has already affected the use of flying flash and flying instant.

And the most terrible thing is that it seems that many demons consciously have no hope of life and are all in madness, planning to find some human races to support them.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng also encountered such a situation.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng is being besieged by three Nirvana Demon Races. Not only have these three Nirvana Demon Races cultivated three pill of law, but the realm is basically the seven or eight levels of Nirvana Realm.

If he met one, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't worry about anything, and even if he was besieged by three, Qin Shaofeng would be sure to deal with them, and then look for opportunities to kill them one by one.

After all, the demons are already in full collapse, even if they are in a fighting state, they will not be besieged by a large number of demons for a while.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng already had a headache even facing the three masters of the demons.

Because these three masters of the Demon Race in Nirvana were completely in madness, they seemed to just want to pull him back, attacking very madly, and there was no idea of ​​defense at all, it was just a way of playing with injury for injury.

Under the siege of three demon masters who attacked so madly, Qin Shaofeng could barely resist, so that he would not be injured.

But according to this situation, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that he could not support it for long.

"Oh, forget it, anyway, the harvest has been great, and the battle in the first domain has basically been remembered. I can't commit it now and continue to risk like this, I can just leave!"

After evading the crazy attack of a master of the demon clan, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a thought, and then Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate at all, directly inspired the token Bai Lao gave him!


With a violent flash, Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared, leaving behind an even more crazy Nirvana Demon Master!


When Qin Shaofeng appeared again, he had already returned to the seventh domain battlefield base.

"Huh, it's finally here!"

After taking a breath, Qin Shaofeng didn't completely relax until this time.

Then, Qin Shaofeng didn't do much to stay, and he went straight back to his residence in the seventh domain and started to rest.

Qin Shaofeng was exhausted during this battle.

Especially when fighting for the supreme dominance of the corpse, Qin Shaofeng maintained the highest vigilance throughout the process. This was extremely exhausting, and Qin Shaofeng was physically and mentally exhausted.

Now that he returned to the battlefield base of the seventh domain, Qin Shaofeng naturally planned to take a rest.

And when Qin Shaofeng was resting, the battle on the first domain battlefield soon came to an end.

This result is naturally the victory of the Human Race!

However, although the Terran side had won the first battlefield, just as Qin Shaofeng had thought before, the Terran lost the battle on the second battlefield.

In such a situation, it happened to be a tie between the human race and the demons!

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