Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1114: Surging

Chapter 1114

In this ten-thousand-clan battle for hegemony, the ten regional battlefield victories between the human race and the demons have completely ended.

There are five battlefields in the first domain, the fifth domain, the sixth domain, the seventh domain, and the tenth domain.

But the demons won the five battlefields of the second, third, fourth, eighth and ninth areas.

The situation on both sides accounted for 50% of the victory ratio, which led to a tie between the human race and the demons in this battle.

Of course, in the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races, I am afraid that this tie will not happen, even if it appears now, there will be a battle after all, until the final victory is determined!

Qin Shaofeng knew this very well, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

I'm just a small Nirvana now, and I should leave it to the higher-ups in the human race to worry about such major events!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know at this moment, whether it was Human Race or Demon Race high-level people, they are now worrying about this matter!


Faced with such a result, neither the human race nor the demons can accept it.

In the historical battle for hegemony, the final battle between the human race and the demon race did not result in a tie at all. Even if it did, the outcome would still be decided in the end.

Fight again?

This seems to be the best way to solve a tie!

Fight another game, and then decide the winner!

This is also the first choice for temporary draws in the past.

But this time, it doesn't seem to choose to fight again.

Because in this battle, three Supreme Lords have already fallen, and one is in a severely injured state. If one fights again, it is very likely that the result will continue to fall to the Supreme Lord.

This is not an unnecessary worry. After previous battles, whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, the fall of the supreme ruler is in a very sensitive state. Once the battle continues, it will probably be more intense.

In this case, the fall of the supreme dominant-level powerhouse is not just an unnecessary worry.

Here is the ancient sanctuary. There are countless races. Human races and demons are not the strongest races. Once a large number of supreme masters fall, the status of the human race and demons in the ancient sanctuary will probably be greatly affected.

This is a result that neither the high-level humans nor the high-level demons want to see.

Therefore, even though both sides wished to slaughter each other cleanly, in the face of the immediate situation, neither the human race nor the demons chose to continue fighting.

But the battle is still inconclusive, which obviously has to be the winner.

However, the situation of fighting again has been completely rejected.

But if this type of war is not continued, there is still a way to decide the outcome.

Soon, through some reluctant communication, the high-level Human Race and the high-level Demon Race agreed on a way.


Human territory is a central city built by the most central and strongest ethnic groups among humans.

At this moment, in a hall in the center of this city, the strongest among more than a dozen human races are discussing the next countermeasures here.

At this moment, the people who exist here are all the most powerful human beings standing only at the top.

There is a huge round table on the main hall, and a dozen strongest human races are sitting around this round table.

There are twenty-two positions in this round table, but at this moment, of these twenty-two positions, thirteen positions are full, and the remaining nine positions are empty.

But the thirteen people present seemed to be used to it a long time ago.

In fact, although the position of this round table is based on the human race, after the strength reaches a certain level, a position can be shaped, which means that the opponent has the supreme power among the human race.

And once major things happen to the human race, basically these strongest people will come here to discuss.

This time the draw battle between the human race and the demons was a big event, so thirteen strongest men came here to discuss the incident.

Although there are as many as 22 Xeons who can discuss important matters of the human race, in fact, at their level, they can't appear here and discuss them anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, there was a rule long ago that as long as half of the round table is seated, any major event in that human race can be discussed.

Now there are thirteen strongest people sitting here, and these people have finally discussed the situation of the human race this time.

"You guys, how do we respond to this proposal of the Demon Race?"

A voice suddenly sounded, which was a bit like the voice of a middle-aged person, but there was a hint of vicissitudes in his voice.

In the face of this draw, Mozu proposed to fight in other ways to win the final result.

That is to fight in various realms below the supreme domination!

The demons proposed this way. Starting from the realm of the realm, the human race and the realm of the demons each send a large number of players from the realm of the realm, the realm of the realm, the realm of the king, and the realm of the emperor, and then compete.

The highest is based on the top few of the competition in each realm, and then the two sides compare, and finally decide which side will win the final victory.

Faced with such a proposal, to be honest, the Human Race did not object much.

After all, in this way, even if there is a loss, the biggest loss is the master of Nirvana Realm, even if it will lose a lot.

But this is better than directly losing a supreme master.

You know, even a thousand nirvana peak realm masters are far less important than a supreme master.

After all, in this ancient sanctuary, as long as the number of the supreme rulers of each ethnic group is the most direct measure of the strength of a race.

"How to deal with it? How else to deal with it? It was a good start, but you made it like this. Now besides this advance, you have a better way."

At this moment, a voice that was not suitable for the atmosphere of the presence sounded.

Although this voice was old, it was frivolous and nonchalant in both the tone of speech and the words it said.

If Qin Shaofeng was present, he would be able to recognize that the person speaking at this moment was the old Bai who he knew well.

I saw the old Bai at this moment. When he was speaking, he had a squinting gaze. He glanced at the strongest of all the people present, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes, especially when it fell on a few of the figures. Just undisguised contempt.

In fact, Mr. Bai had just learned about it not long ago. It turned out that the reason for the tie was related to some big people.

If it weren't the case, then in this battle, the human race's chance of winning in the end would definitely exceed 80%, and there would be no such outcome.

He seemed to feel the gaze of Lao Bai. The eyes of the strongest humans present were different, but they were stared at by Lao Bai. Then Chi Guoguo showed a few figures with disdainful gazes, a little uncomfortable.

The scene suddenly fell silent!

After being silent for a while, it was the person who had just begun to speak out again, and said again: "Well, if you don't have any opinions, let's play the game according to the proposal of the Demon Race!"

This time, after this person had finished speaking, the scene was still silent and quiet, and even Mr. Bai didn't say much.

Upon seeing this, the man opened his mouth again: "Since everyone has no opinion, then prepare to go! This deity hopes that you will do your best to send outstanding disciples to win this victory for our human race. You also know that this victory is related to what!"

"So, don't fail again!"

Following these words, an astonishing aura erupted from the strongest human race. This surging coercion was stronger than Qin Shaofeng felt the coercion of the supreme dominating aura of Blood Madness. Go up several levels!


Now that the decision is made, it is natural to act.

The day agreed with the Mozu is one month later, and then this big competition will start to decide the final victory.

Then, the various ethnic groups in the human race began to get busy.

Facing the victory and defeat with the demons this time, the high-level figures in the human race seemed to pay special attention to them and directly urged the various races to send out the most outstanding disciples among their own races.

All of a sudden, the geniuses of all ethnic groups who didn't care about the world appeared one after another.

One day, the ancient sanctuary of the ancient sanctuary, a martial art famous for its swordsmanship, was suddenly challenged by a young swordsman.

As a result, no one is the opponent of this young swordsman.

In the end, even if the ancestor of this kendo sect had the supreme ruler, he did not have a single move to defeat the opponent.

In the end, this young swordsman flew away and became famous all over the world!

People call him the Sword Emperor!

With the strength of the Nirvana Realm, it is enough to be called the Sword Emperor by taking a single move from the Supreme Domination without dying!

This is just one of them!

Another example is that a hermit sect in the ancient sanctuary suddenly appeared a super powerful descendant.

This person is in his early twenties, but he has already cultivated to the nine-fold realm of Nirvana, and even the Pill of Law seems to have cultivated nine.

But these are all secondary. This person does not know what kind of refining method to practice, and he has cultivated an incredible body with extremely strong defensive power!

Because the first battle that made this person famous was that the opponent stood still and made dozens of masters of at least seven levels of Nirvana besiege.

But even so, no one hurts it!

You know, among the Nirvana masters who besieged this person, there are three Nirvana pinnacle realms, masters who have already cultivated eight to nine pill of law!

But unfortunately, even this class of masters can't break through the defenses of their bodies.

This is no longer as simple as being strong, it is simply too strong!

It is absolutely overbearing to defeat the enemy with the strength of the body!

It is said that after a certain supreme ruler heard of such a thing, he directly said that this person could advance to the realm of the supreme ruler within ten years!

Because his body is strong, this is because his body has been regularized, and has even completed the process of regularization.

In such a situation, how can it be possible that you cannot be promoted to the realm of supreme domination?

Originally, in the eyes of most people, only the geniuses of the Celestial Corps were the most outstanding geniuses of the human race.

But knowing that at this moment the geniuses of all ethnic groups who don't care about the world have all appeared one after another, everyone realized that there is a genius who can be compared with the most outstanding heavenly soldier of the heavenly army!

Even some powerful enchanting geniuses, compared with the most enchanting genius in the Heavenly Armed Forces, are not letting go.

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