Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1115: Status of Fantasy Race

Chapter 1115

Whether it is the Sword Emperor Youth or the Overlord Youth, they are only part of it.

It seems that because of this competition with the demons, a large number of geniuses who don't need money have emerged.

Moreover, in addition to these inexplicable geniuses, the ethnic groups that were originally at the top of the human race also appeared many enchanting geniuses.

There is a female of the Phoenix clan who awakens the powerful blood of the Phoenix clan during the Nirvana state. Not only did he get into Nirvana many times at one time, but the realm was directly raised to the ten-fold peak of the Nirvana state at the time of the first Nirvana. Dan even directly condensed eleven!

The appearance of such evildoers has been regarded by most people as the strongest Nirvana under the supreme ruler!

The dragon family also seems to have a genius with super blood awakening, cultivated in the Nirvana realm, and only the supreme dominating realm dragon can cultivate a five-clawed golden dragon body.

This is another extremely powerful evildoer!

A little bit is that the Phoenix and Dragons here basically refer to the human race that inherits the blood of the Shenfeng and Shenlong, and seriously speaking, they are still members of the human race.

As for the real dragon and phoenix tribe, there are real dragons and true phoenixes, they are the strongest sacred beasts in the ancient sanctuary by nature!

In addition to these tribes with the blood of sacred beasts, many tribes also have many outstanding geniuses.

For example, the most famous recently is Xuan Yunfei of the Xuan family, one of the three fantasy families!

This Xuan Yunfei was born with a pair of weird pupils, which is the ability possessed by his innate awakening of the phantom race's holy vein.

Binoculars and four pupils, with different colors!

Gold, dark, green and red, the four eye pupils all possess a mysterious and powerful power.

There are rumors that Xuan Yunfei, with his magical eyes, even if he is facing a strong man in the realm of supreme ruler, even if he is not low, it is not easy for the opponent to kill him.

And because the opponent is still a member of the fantasy race, many people think that Xuan Yunfei's strength is much stronger than that of the sword emperor boy and the overlord boy.

Even if she was compared to the daughter of the Phoenix tribe with the title of the strongest Nirvana below the Supreme Ruler, Xuan Yunfei would not be much weaker.

However, it is rumored that there is only one Xuan Yunfei in the fantasy clan, this kind of enchanting genius, but in fact, there is still a genius in the fantasy clan who is not inferior to Xuan Yunfei, and even more enchanting than Xuan Yunfei.

This genius is Meng Xiner!

Today's Meng Xin'er, without being restricted by Qin Shaofeng's master level, her realm has improved extremely fast.

How powerful Meng Xin'er is now, I am afraid that even Meng Family's strongest person cannot see through.

In fact, now Meng Xin'er is already the strongest of Meng Family!

The dream family is inferior to the phantom family and there is no supreme ruler-level powerhouse, because the dream family's supreme ruler powerhouse has already fallen years ago.

And until now, Mengjia hasn't had a new supreme master!

This is also the main reason why the Meng Family is getting more and more unbearable in the face of the Xuan Family's steadfast pressing.

At this moment, Meng Xin'er was practicing in a cultivation secret in the Meng family.

Not far from Meng Xin'er's practice, an old woman was looking at her.

The old woman looked at Meng Xiner's gaze, full of love and compassion, because she knew that she had suffered too much for the little girl of Mengjia.

Originally, with Meng Xin'er's performance during this period of time, Shengmai suddenly awakened and improved, and his strength was improving almost every moment, which made the seniors of the Meng family see hope again.

Because according to this situation, Meng Xiner's promotion to the supreme ruler is already destined.

This is at most how much time it takes!

But God doesn't seem to care about Meng's family very much, this is not happening again now.

This time the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races, the human race sent the supreme masters to fight against the demons, and it happened that two of them were the supreme masters of the fantasy family, and they were also the two supreme masters of the fantasy family.

This is the Huan Tian Ge and Huan Tian Jue!

However, what happened later was really unexpected. Huan Tian Ge was killed by the supreme master of the Demon Race, and eventually fell to the battlefield.

Although Huan Tian Jue killed the Blood Madness in the end, it even killed another Demon Supreme Lord.

But Huan Tianjue didn't do it without a price. He used the power of his own holy veins to directly cultivate the pill of law, which burned in an instant, thus gaining powerful power in a short time.

It was precisely because of this that Huan Tian Jue killed the two supreme masters of the Demon Race such as Blood Madness.

But now the sequelae of the price is coming!

Although the phantom family bloodline of the phantom family's main vein is a bit special, even if all the pill of law is burned to burst into a powerful force, because of the certain power of the phantom family sacred vein, this will not make the phantom Tianjue a useless person, nor It will make it a crisis of fall.

Because with the power of the Saint Veins of the Illusion Race, Huan Tian Jue is completely able to re-cultivate the already burning Pill of Law again.

But it all takes time!

And the most terrible thing is that after the battle, Huan Tian Jue fell into a coma directly, and at the moment he was sleeping and healing in the sacred land of the fantasy tribe.

There are actually only four supreme masters in the entire fantasy clan, there are three supreme masters in the fantasy family, and one supreme master in the Xuan family.

Originally, Meng Family had two powerhouses with supreme rulers, but they fell together in the early years.

In fact, it was precisely because of the fall of the two supreme masters of the Dream Family that the overall strength of the entire fantasy clan was weakened a lot, and even affected the status of the fantasy clan in the human clan.

This time the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races, in fact, at the beginning of the human race, it only planned to send three powerful men like the supreme ruler to participate in the war.

But finally considering the current situation of the fantasy race in the human race, after the fantasy race discussed it once, it directly applied for the two supreme masters of the fantasy sky and the fantasy sky to participate in the battle.

Only then did the ten supreme masters battle appear on the battlefield.

It was just backfired. In the end, the two supreme masters sent by the fantasy clan actually suffered a serious injury and fell asleep.

Fortunately, in the end, the eruption of Huan Tian Jue turned the tide of the battle and made great contributions to the human race.

Therefore, even if the fantasy race as a whole has reduced the combat power of the two supreme dominance levels, because of the loss and credit of the fantasy race, the high level of the human race promised some very favorable benefits and conditions to the fantasy race.

This also makes the fantasy race no worries!

And most importantly, there have been two enchanting geniuses who are bound to step into the realm of supreme dominance in the fantasy race today, namely Meng Xin'er and that Xuan Yunfei!

Now with the promises of those high-level human races, the fantasy race is fully confident to wait for Meng Xiner and Xuan Yunfei to become supreme masters.

And they also imagined that with Meng Xin'er and Xuan Yunfei, the fantasy clan will regain its prestige and restore its former glory.

This was true, but in fact there was still a problem in the end.

The reason is very simple, that is, the internal situation of the fantasy clan now has a great impact.

After this battle, as the main line of the fantasy family, there is now only one supreme ruler left. Although Huan Tianjue is still alive, based on his situation, it is estimated that there will be no more than two or three hundred years. appeared.

This led to the fact that the phantom family, who thought he was in an absolute active position in the phantom clan, had some bad things now.

Originally, even if there were no Huan Tiange and Huan Tian Jue, the fantasy clan was still in peace, and the Xuan family would not have the ambition to replace the fantasy family as the main line of the fantasy clan.

But who told Xuanjia to have an ambitious genius——Xuan Yunfei!

This Xuan Yunfei is a genius, that's right, and not only is that right, the other party is also a super enchanting genius.

But in the same way, Xuan Yunfei's ambition is completely proportional to his enchantment.

He had long wanted to replace the fantasy family and become the master of the entire fantasy family!

The most direct reason for Xuan Yunfei's ambition was an ancient legend circulated among the fantasy race.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a strong man with powerful divine powers, who opened up the territories for the human race, killed countless aliens, and finally established a very powerful family in the human territory.

And this family is the fantasy family!

That powerful Xeon is exactly the first generation of the phantom family patriarch——Huan Tianjun!

And there is such a saying among the fantasy clan. Legend has it that the first generation of the fantasy clan, Huan Tianjun, is a person with double pupils, and his pupils have magical and powerful abilities.

Regardless of the fact that the fantasy clan has divided several surnames, the entire fantasy clan has a large number of other small families in addition to the three major families.

But in fact, all of these families are derived from the blood of one person, that is, the blood of Huan Tianjun.

The birth of Xuan Yunfei made many people of the fantasy race feel that Xuan Yunfei is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the magic sky, or the heir of the ancestor of the magic sky!

Because he Xuan Yunfei was born with double pupils, and the pupils only have mysterious power.

However, after all, the phantom family is the main line of the phantom family, the descendants of the ancestor of the phantom Tianjun, and there are three supreme masters in the phantom family.

Therefore, even if there is some speculation, it has not spread.

But now it's different, because of the fall of Huan Tian Ge and the situation of Huan Tian Jue being seriously injured and sleeping, this has left the Huan Family with only one supreme master.

I don't know since when, the whole fantasy clan spread that Xuan Yunfei was the heir of the ancestor of the fantasy sky, more and more, and it became more and more obvious.

The wind of the fantasy race-changed!

This, as the strongest person in the Meng Family today, this old woman is naturally very clear, and she also knows that the Xuan Family has started to act.

Just now, she sent away the Patriarch of the Xuan family, and the other party's purpose was obvious, and that was to ask for a marriage.

Asking for Xuan Yunfei, the goal of this begging is naturally Meng Xin'er.

This is not the first time!

This old woman knew the significance of the Xuan family's move, because once Xuan Yunfei married Meng Xin'er, the future of the fantasy clan would definitely belong to the Xuan family.

No, to be precise, it was Xuan Yunfei!

Faced with such a thing, the old woman naturally didn't want to agree, but in the situation of the fantasy race, she didn't know what would happen to the dream family if she did not agree.

"Oh, this is really an eventful time!"

Thinking of these things, the old woman sighed involuntarily.

And this sigh of her just made Meng Xiner notice it.


After opening her eyes to see the old woman, Meng Xin'er smiled happily, but then she saw the helplessness and sadness on her face before it was too late to put it away.

At this moment Meng Xin'er was close to herself, and after facing herself face to face, the old woman didn't know how to face Meng Xin'er.

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