Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1116: The unpredictable old Bai

Chapter 1116 The Unpredictable Old Bai

Meng Xin'er was originally a smart woman with ice and snow, and she knew a little bit about the situation of the fantasy race today.

"Mother-in-law, is the Xuan family coming again?" Meng Xin'er knew that the Xuan family had been coming to her dream house recently, and Meng Xin'er knew their purpose in her heart!


The old woman nodded and then opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't know what she should say to Meng Xiner.

She knows Meng Xin'er very well, and she naturally knows, in fact, Meng Xin'er knows everything in her heart.

But in the end, she didn’t know what she had remembered. The old woman’s eyes flashed and she said directly to Meng Xin’er: “Xin’er, mother-in-law, I won’t hide from you anymore. I believe you also know what the Xuan family intended for you. However, today’s mother-in-law Having said that, no matter what decision you make, your mother-in-law will support you, and my dream family is not one of those cowards!"


The words of the old woman moved Meng Xin'er a little.

However, for Xuanjia's actions, she actually had a countermeasure long ago!

After a pause, Meng Xin'er's eyes flashed a firm, soft voice and said: "Mother-in-law, go and talk to the Xuan family! Meng Xin'er agrees to their begging!"


Meng Xin'er's words made the old woman's face change, and she was about to say something immediately.

But without waiting for her to speak out, Meng Xiner added another faintly.

"However, it is the same for me to ask for a kiss, but my condition is that he Xuan Yunfei must win the first place in this competition!"


The old woman was stunned again, but then her eyes flashed and she immediately understood what Meng Xiner meant.

This time the big competition, but the Tianjiao of countless human races gathered, not to mention the Phoenix and Dragon races, it is just the sword emperor youth that suddenly appeared recently, and the enchanting geniuses such as the Naha body youth, their strength , Not inferior to that Xuan Yunfei.

Moreover, this is only on the Human Race side. There are also many geniuses on the Demon Race side, especially among the Demon Race's three royal families. Recently, there have also been a few very talented descendants.

If you want to win the first place in the Big Bi under such circumstances, the difficulty is not small.

That Xuan Yunfei is indeed a genius, but this time the Big Competition is no small matter. He Xuan Yunfei wants to win the first place, I am afraid it is a little unclear.

The more the old woman thought about it, the brighter her heart became, and the more she liked it when she saw Meng Xin'er.

Xin'er was really smart, and promised to ask for a marriage on this condition. The Xuan Family was afraid it would be difficult to refuse. After all, the Huan Family still had some power, and the Xuan Family would not blatantly force her Dream Family.

But well...

With a flash of gaze, a fierce momentum emerged from the old woman.

It’s just that, it’s not enough, something must be done!

Soon, after a brief exchange with Meng Xiner, the old woman hurriedly left.

It's just that when the old woman left, she didn't see the slightest strangeness on Meng Xin'er's face.

Promise to ask for a kiss?

is it possible?

With Meng Xin’er’s temperament, it’s actually hard to make her emotional, if it wasn’t because of her that she was seriously injured in the first place, and then when Qin Shaofeng was transformed into a family member, there would be such a soul exchange, I’m afraid she is still Qin Shaofeng. His family, that would not have any affection for Qin Shaofeng.

Perhaps as a family member, she would dedicate everything to Qin Shaofeng because of Qin Shaofeng's order, but such a situation is not an expression of love.

However, it's useless to say that these are all, because as early as the original soul, after the mingling with each other, Qin Shaofeng left an indelible impression in Meng Xin'er's heart.

Therefore, Meng Xin'er didn't care about Xuan Yunfei or other geniuses.

As for her promise to Xuan's family this time, she just wanted to solve Xuan Yunfei's dog skin plaster all at once.

The condition for asking for marriage is that Xuan Yunfei won the first place in the big competition?

Meng Xin'er's red lips curled slightly, revealing a hint of unpredictable pleasure.

No, that is impossible!

Because in any case, this is something that Xuan Yunfei cannot achieve.

The reason is very simple, that is the first place in this big competition, my Mengxiner is about to make it!


At this moment, the breath radiating from Meng Xiner's body changed!

Become mysterious and powerful, and the most important thing is to become incomparably dreamy, as if her whole person does not exist, it is a dreamy dreamland.

But in this dream, it flashed fiercely, two more dreamy and beautiful eyes!

The faint purple pupil color, the glaze-like ring, circle after circle, but in these ring-like patterns, they are dotted with lights that look like dreamy stars.

Noble and elegant!

Reality and illusion!

Powerful and mysterious!

This is a pair of terrible eyes!

If it were, at this moment, letting those fantasy tribe people see such a pair of eyes, the terrible guess that Xuan Yunfei was the heir of the fantasy tribe's ancestor Huan Tianjun would directly overturn.

Because compared with these eyes, the owner of these eyes seems to be more in line with the identity of the heir of the ancestor of the fantasy tribe, Huan Tianjun!


Coincidentally, at the same time, in a mysterious space above the ancient sanctuary, there is also a pair of magical and beautiful eyes that are not inferior!

"Oh, it's a pity, I can't go to such a fun thing this time! If you want to come to Shaofeng, I should also participate in it! What a pity!"

The master of this pair of magical and beautiful eyes, the eyes exuding the starry brilliance, is on a high platform attic, condensing downward.

Her eyes were radiant, and at this moment, the woman who had been known as the strongest saint in the entire Star God Temple and was admired by countless Star Clan disciples, had a look of helplessness on her face.

Then there was another series of sighs.

"Hey, why is my star realm upgrading at this time? There is also a regular evolution, which makes me inseparable from the Star Pavilion!"

"Why, why not wait for such a change again?"

"Too disgusting!"


Originally it was just a sigh, but the beautiful woman who was still a girl soon, the lively nature of the girl, all the means came out at this moment, and it seemed to be endless, one sigh followed another.

Not far away, there was a figure surrounded by stars, seeming to be comprehending the vast sea of ​​stars and comprehending the supreme law of this avenue.

But after the girl sighed in succession, the figure trembled slightly, and the starlight surrounding her body collapsed at this moment, and the figure's owner also retreated from the realm of the supreme realization of the Supreme Law.

Then, there appeared a white-haired old man wearing a starry robe and exuding this mysterious aura!

Seeing the girl who was not cultivating not far away, the old man in the Starry Robe furrowed his brows, but then a trace of helplessness flashed across his face, and finally he sighed.

"Hey, me..."

With a sigh, the old man in the Starry Robe found that he didn't know what to say.


But this seems a bit inappropriate!

Although this little girl looked absent-minded, this was the most annoying.

Because in this absent-minded state, she can still maintain the state of cultivation, and her body is absorbing the power of the stars from the vast starry sky all the time.

The old man in the Starry Robe was sure that if he scolded this girl, the other party would definitely refute it as soon as possible, and then compete with him.

Said she didn't practice?

But the increased breath at this moment is not a display!

This is why, even though the old man in the Starry Robe is the supreme existence of the entire Star God Temple, he is helpless with the girl in front of him.

It's really tiring to have such a precious apprentice!

But who told the other party to have the celestial body, this supreme physique!


With a soft sigh in his heart, the old man in the Starry Robe closed his eyes again, intending to pretend that he hadn't heard the girl's complaint.

Because he also knew very well in his heart that the reason why the girl sighed like this was because she wanted to leave here.

Regarding this, if it were changed to normal, the old man in the Starry Robe would still be left by the other party.

But this time is different!

After all, this time, the girl's cultivation has reached a critical moment. If she leaves the star pavilion now and does not have enough star power, the law of the star realm in the girl's body will be delayed.

If you miss this opportunity, then the time for your precious apprentice to be promoted to the supreme ruler will probably be extended for a while.

Although the old man in the Starry Robe knew that with his aptitude as a precious apprentice, even if it was extended for a period of time, it would not delay her promotion to the supreme ruler.

But if this is to be promoted to the Supreme Lord earlier, then naturally it would be better to be promoted earlier!

Therefore, the old man in the Starry Robe directly ignored the girl's sigh.

This made the girl finally discover that the little trick in her heart had been seen through, her face was full of unhappiness, and then she gritted her teeth and started to practice.

Damn master, are you ignoring me?

That way, I will practice now. After I get promoted, I see what excuses you have for me to stay.


The battlefield base of the seventh domain, Qin Shaofeng's residence.

"Human Demon Competition?"

Looking back on the conversation with Mr. Bai, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't think that after the draw, the high-level human and demons actually came up with such a way to decide the outcome.

Let the realm below the supreme ruler go to Nirvana to compete, and finally win the battle between the human race and the demons?

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised about this, but somehow understood.

That said, after all, three Supreme Lords have fallen. If this continues to fight like before, it is very likely that the Supreme Lord will fall again.

Regardless of which race the supreme ruler is, it is the top combat power.

Falling one is a huge loss!

In a battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races, the fall of three supreme rulers appeared. This is probably not a small matter for the entire ancient sanctuary.

So, if you continue to fight like before, it won't work.

On the contrary, it is the most appropriate choice to have a big comparison like this.

Because of such a big ratio, no matter how great the loss is, it will not be as great as the fall of such a powerful man.

What only made Qin Shaofeng very curious was why Bai Lao would find himself the first time after discussing such a result at the top of Human Race and Demon Race.

And now that I think about it, from the conversation between Mr. Bai and himself, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have heard Mr. Bai's expectations of him, as if he wanted to get a good result in the Nirvana Grand Competition.

Did you expose yourself?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, and a thought appeared, but he quickly rejected it.

No, even if he was aware of his true strength and realm by Mr. Bai, but even so, Mr. Bai would not expect him so much!

This old man is really unpredictable!

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