Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1117: Human-devil ratio

Chapter 1117

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand why Mr. Bai had such expectations of him.

Even though he is a person who has already cultivated three pill of laws in the first stage of Nirvana, this is indeed somewhat unusual.

But now there is only one month left before the Big Competition. No matter how you improve, you will be able to reach the fourth and fifth levels of Nirvana at most, and then you will have at most six or seven pill of law.

Such strength, perhaps under normal circumstances, is quite strong.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that because this time the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races seemed a bit unusual, this led to this human-devil competition, both human and demons attach great importance to it.

This point, Qin Shaofeng had already fully realized the enchanting geniuses that emerged one after another.

Even Qin Shaofeng is already certain. By then, I am afraid that there will be a Nirvana pinnacle master with ten pill of laws.

And it is very likely that there is more than one such master!

When the time comes, the top ten of Nirvana will be compared, and I am afraid that it will be decided by such a master.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't know why Mr. Bai had great expectations of him.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon seemed to understand.

Because within a few days, the rules of the Big Bi came out, and Qin Shaofeng and his own Heavenly Weapon Talisman learned about it the first time.

As Qin Shaofeng thought before, the whole big score is divided into several stages.

The first stage is the game of the realm of the realm, then the game of the realm of the big realm, then the game of the realm of the king and the emperor, and finally is the Nirvana realm.

These stages of competitions in various realms are not conducted at the same time, but one realm after another.

Although this may seem to be time-consuming, the continuous battle between the human race and the demons has ended, but the battles of other races are still going on!

Speaking seriously, this battle with the demons ended too early.

Now that the big comparison is going on like this, maybe it's also a waste of time!

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about this, but it was the rules of this big competition that made Qin Shao pay attention to it outside of his style.

This time the human-devil competition, since it is to decide the outcome, it naturally has a set of rules, this is the points system!

For example, in the battle of the realm, if you can get the top three, then you can get three points, one point, and one point.

The first place earns three points, the second and third place earn one point, and the other places have no points.

The great realm master, realm king realm and emperor realm, also only the top three can get corresponding points.

It's just that with the improvement of the realm, the points have also increased accordingly.

In the Grand Competition of the Great Realm, the first place can get three points, and the second and third places can get two points.

In the case of Realm King, the first place has five points, the second place has three points, and the third place has two points.

In the case of Emperor Realm, the first place will get ten points, the second place will have five points, and the third place will have three points.

The total of these four realms is just forty points!

When it comes to Nirvana, those who can get the top ten can get certain points.

There are even more points for the first place. There are 50 points directly, which is enough to exceed the sum of all points in the first four stages.

And if you get the second place, you will get a lot of points, also 30 points.

The third place can get 20 points, the fourth and fifth places can get 15 points, the sixth place has 10 points, and the remaining seventh to tenth places can get 5 points.

Calculated in this way, the points that Nirvana can obtain alone can be as many as one hundred and sixty points.

This plus the previous forty points, together is two hundred points!

Here comes the point!

Qin Shaofeng originally competed for two hundred points, which was the key to the victory of the human-devil competition.

But in fact, this is not the case!

Because in addition to the two hundred points, there are other points that can be obtained.

This is a leapfrog challenge!

In the whole competition, in addition to the points that can be awarded for ranking, if there is a successful leapfrog challenge in the same realm, you can also get additional points.

For example, if a realm master of the first realm defeats an opponent of a realm master of the second realm in a game, then he can be on the side of his own race and add a little extra points.

Once this is changed to other realms of competition, it will be the same.

Moreover, with this leapfrog challenge, you can defeat opponents with higher levels than you, and you will get more points.

The higher the level, you can get one point, and the higher the two levels, you can get two points, which is directly doubled.

If you go up to level 3~level, you can double to get 4 points, 8 points for level 4, 16 points for level 5, 32 points for level 6, 64 points for level 7, and 128 points for level 8. Nine level 256 o'clock!

Well, within the same realm, the highest is to be able to exceed the ninth level challenge.

The first challenge is the tenth, spanning nine levels, and this is also the highest leapfrog challenge.

No matter how high it is, it is not a leapfrog but a leap!

However, in this competition, there are no more challenges!

But the same leapfrog challenge is not easy to succeed.

First, this is a big comparison between Human Race and Demon Race. Every game is a battle between Human Race and Demon Race. In this case, the opponent cannot release water.

Not even talking about the release of water, I am afraid that every battle is a fight.

There is no restriction on life and death in the Big Competition. As long as the opponent does not admit defeat, or is too late to admit defeat, it is also allowed to kill the opponent directly.

Under such circumstances, no one will keep their hands.

However, it is precisely because of this that if you want to succeed in a leapfrog challenge and get a lot of points, it is not small.

After all, this time the Big Competition, both the Human Race and the Demon Race paid great attention, and naturally they would not send any weak ones.

Perhaps at the beginning, because of the large number of people, the powerful geniuses can be assigned to some opponents who are not outstanding.

But this is only relative, and besides, if you are a genius, you have basically cultivated to a relatively high level.

In such a situation, even if you can leapfrog the challenge and succeed, it won't have many levels.

Therefore, this is still a very exaggerated point for a successful leapfrog challenge. In fact, it is difficult to obtain high points at one time.

Other than that, if it is just Nirvana, this leapfrog challenge is a difficult situation to achieve.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that when the time came in the Grand Competition, at the stage of Nirvana, it would be an opponent who had already cultivated the pill of law.

Looking at it this way, his realm at the moment is probably not very prominent.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to understand why Mr. Bai was so looking forward to him.

The reason for this is actually very simple. I am afraid that Mr. Bai has already seen through his true realm and strength, but it is precisely this point that makes Mr. Bai full of expectations for himself.

Imagine that the first layer of Nirvana Realm has three Pills of Law, and with Qin Shaofeng's strength, even facing a master of Nirvana Realm with four Pills of Law, Qin Shaofeng also has the power to fight.

With four pills of law, if nothing happens, then the opponent is only the fifth or sixth level of Nirvana.

Once such an opponent is defeated, it will pass the fourth or fifth level, and the points obtained at that time are quite a lot.

This time the human-devil competition is ultimately based on the points of the two sides, and then decide the final victory.

The points earned for ranking are only two hundred points.

Therefore, the points for these leapfrog challenges are also very important.

Because to some extent, there is no upper limit to the points that can be obtained this time.

This means that the points obtained by leapfrogging challenges can be increased without an upper limit.

However, there are two additional conditions for the points obtained by the leapfrog challenge. After the leapfrog challenge is exceeded, the points cannot be directly increased.

The first condition is that the challenger who succeeds in the leapfrog challenge must survive. Otherwise, even if the leapfrog challenge is exceeded, the person will die in the end. The points for the leapfrog challenge cannot be counted.

The second condition is to obtain three victories in the entire Grand Competition, in order to obtain points for the leapfrog challenge.

Three victories, and still all leapfrog challenges.

Therefore, this is not a simple matter.

From this point of view, although there is no upper limit for obtaining points, it is not easy to challenge this leapfrog method to increase your own points.

Then, Qin Shaofeng understood a little bit, why Bai Laohui expected him so much.

And most importantly, after this conversation, Mr. Bai not only gave himself all the things promised by Mr. Hong.

Even the old man Bai gave an extra, Qin Shaofeng's two law yuan pill.

Adding this to the three principle element pills that the old man had promised, Qin Shaofeng now has five principle element pills.

Not only that, the nine-star nine-leaf jade lotus flower has also been refined by Hong Lao to produce a lot of pills.

Among them, Qin Shaofeng only had six medicines for blood awakening because of previous transactions.

You can use the other lotus plants, roots, branches, and leaves of the Nine Star Nine Leaf Jade Lotus. There are a lot of pills made from these parts, and there are a hundred!

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what it was called a pill like this, but Qin Shaofeng knew that this pill was several grades stronger than Heyuan Pill.

Even if this kind of pill is taken in Nirvana state, it can also increase a lot of principles of pill. Even in terms of its efficacy, one hundred such pill is enough to make Qin Shaofeng in the first stage of Nirvana state directly ascend to Nirvana state 5. Sixfold realm.

Of course, this is only a direct manifestation of the effect of the medicine. After all, the effect of this medicine is only to increase the power of the law, and it cannot directly condense the pill of the law like the law yuan pill.

Perhaps Bai Lao meant to let Qin Shaofeng take these medicines, and then cooperate with the five rule Yuan Dan to make Qin Shaofeng improve according to the rules, and then in this big competition, he carried out many leapfrog challenges and gained a lot of points for the human race.

In the Nirvana game, there will definitely be a lot of people at the beginning, but if the game starts, as time goes by, the remaining people will naturally decrease.

But basically, the remaining people will also get stronger.

Under such circumstances, with Qin Shaofeng's current strength, it would be difficult to persist until the end, but with these pills, the situation would be different.

The principle of Yuan Dan can raise the level of a Nirvana master in a very short time.

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