Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1125: About to start

Chapter 1125

"Can't there be the supreme power to dominate the seal, nor can there be a master?"

After seeing these two rules, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed.

Such conditions are extremely beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.

Because Qin Shaofeng's current power of the Yin Yang Yun Dan's laws are all gathered, but it can condense eight laws of the Dan.

This made Qin Shaofeng very strong, and coupled with some of Qin Shaofeng's methods, even if he encountered some Nirvana peaks and possessed eight to nine pill of law, he was confident to fight.

And most importantly, in this competition, apart from the master, there are not many restrictions on other weapons and heavy treasures.

The result of the high-level agreement between the human race and the demon race is that it is possible to use powerful treasures.

As long as it is not the master, you are using the strongest treasure below the master, and that is also allowed.

However, there is a prerequisite before that, that is, the powerful weapons and heavy treasures used must be the players' natal weapons.

And that's not even counted. As long as a weapon that has appeared in this game even once, if it appears again, it can only appear in the hands of the first person. If it is changed to the second person, it is not allowed. of.

Once such a situation is discovered, the Super Brain has the right to eliminate the opponent's qualifications directly.

Of course, in addition to these rules, there are a lot of other conditions.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's view, these rules have little effect on him, and even benefit him in some ways.

Because in some cases, there are no restrictions, so Qin Shaofeng's Demon Cloud can also be used in this game, which is a great thing for Qin Shaofeng.

During this period of time, the Demon Cloud has completely recovered from the evolutionary sleep, and this time after the end of the Demon Cloud’s evolution, it has not only successfully evolved into a seven-star mechanical puppet, but also directly evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat. Up.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect it, but originally thought that those materials could at best evolve the Moyun into a seven-star intelligent flying boat.

But in the end, the Demon Cloud surpassed Qin Shaofeng's expectations, and it evolved to the point of an eight-star intelligent flying boat.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also knew that most of this was related to the fact that he was lucky to get three drops of blood when he captured the supreme dominating blood mad inner world and the pill of law with a flying feather knife.

The blood of the three blood madness, although not the blood of the blood madness, but also has extremely strong power.

If Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation of the demon race was still by his side, Qin Shaofeng would naturally use those three drops of blood on the indestructible incarnation of the demon race.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, those three drops of blood may be able to push the cultivation base of the immortal incarnation of his own demon race to the eighth to ninth level of Nirvana, or even the peak.

It's just that the blood madness is a demon race, and the immortal incarnation of the spirit with the Yin and Yang sacred fire has different attributes, and Qin Shaofeng does not want to inject any demon power into his body.

In that case, Qin Shaofeng had also concentrated all the blood of the Demon Race in his body on the Immortal Incarnation of Demon Race.

Therefore, in the face of the three drops of blood from the supreme dominating blood mad, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to use it on himself, because that would put the cart before the horse.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng had an idea and used the three drops of blood on the Moyun, directly integrated into the evolving Moyun, because in Qin Shaofeng’s view, the Moyun seems to be able to swallow a lot of energy-containing items. Absorption and strengthening, these three drops of supreme dominating blood, naturally should be possible.

The result is obviously gratifying. The Moyun has successfully evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat.

The performance of the Moyun, which has evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat, far exceeds Qin Shaofeng’s previous expectations, even in a sense, although the Moyun is only an eight-star intelligent flying boat.

But in fact, in terms of performance, the performance of the Magic Cloud is much stronger than other eight-star smart flying boats. Even compared to the general nine-star smart flying boat, the Magic Cloud can’t do much. There is even a slight excess.

With such performance, Qin Shaofeng had to sigh with emotion: It is indeed an evolving intelligent flying boat, this Moyun is a cow!

However, compared with one of the special abilities of the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng cared most about this special ability.

This special ability is naturally the ability of the Magic Cloud to make mechanical puppets.

Although there are not a few intelligent flying boats capable of making mechanical puppets, in fact, the most common intelligent flying boats can create mechanical puppets of some realm masters.

The realm of the king has a realm of three thousand domains. Such a mechanical puppet is very difficult to manufacture, even because there are too large and complex data in the manufacturing process, which leads to the computing power required for the entire process. Horror.

This is something that ordinary flying boats can't do, and only some powerful mechanical clan can create mechanical puppets of the realm king or even above the realm king under certain special mechanical equipment.

Even for some intelligent flying boats that can evolve, this is impossible. As the star of the flying boat increases, stronger mechanical puppets can be created.

This was also after Qin Shaofeng entered the Celestial Army, because he wanted to give the Demon Cloud a more perfect way to evolve, he learned about the mechanical clan.

But after understanding it, Qin Shaofeng discovered that his Moyun was an extremely special intelligent flying boat, and even among the intelligent flying boats that could evolve, it was a very special existence.

Because at the very least, Qin Shaofeng's current information about the Mechanical Clan did not find the same situation as his own Moyun.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng paid much attention to his own magic cloud.

Prior to putting most of the merit points obtained into the eight-star evolution of the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng had great expectations!

Now, after the Moyun has evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat, Qin Shaofeng is greatly satisfied with this special ability to make mechanical puppets.

Because the magic cloud of the eight-star smart flying boat can now create a mechanical puppet of Nirvana!

Yes, it is the mechanical puppet of Nirvana!

This is not ordinary, because it is said that the mechanical puppets that can create Nirvana, only the holy land of the mechanical clan have the qualification and ability to create such powerful mechanical puppets.

Qin Shaofeng thought that after the Demon Cloud evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat, at best, it could only produce mechanical puppets of the peak level of the Emperor Realm.

But now the Demon Cloud can actually create a mechanical puppet of Nirvana, and as long as it has enough materials, even a mechanical puppet of the pinnacle state of Nirvana can be made by this Demon Cloud.

This made Qin Shaofeng excited, and the intelligent flying boat that could create Nirvana mechanical puppets might not even be owned by the mechanical clan.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng purchased a large amount of materials after the evolution of Moyun was over.

On that battlefield before, Qin Shaofeng had hunted down a lot of demons, and there were even demon masters in the realm of kings and emperors in the realm of Nirvana.

You must know that this time on the battlefield of the first domain, the Celestial Corps has issued a mission, and there are merit points for killing any demons.

Qin Shaofeng has been killed all the way, and the accumulated military merit points have gone.

And most importantly, among those demons killed by Qin Shaofeng, he also won a lot of spoils.

After this time, Qin Shaofeng's net worth was much richer.

However, after the evolution of the Demon Cloud, in order to create a powerful mechanical puppet for Nirvana, Qin Shaofeng once again spent a huge amount of merit, but his wealth shrank again.

But compared with the manufactured mechanical puppets, these are all worthwhile.

Although Qin Shaofeng has accumulated a lot of merit points and won a lot of trophies, the mechanical puppets of Nirvana are manufactured, and the resources consumed are massive!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng just let the Demon Cloud create three mechanical puppets of Nirvana level.

However, although they are only three mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm, each of them possesses the strength of the six levels of Nirvana Realm equivalent to six Pills of Law.

Moreover, with the mechanical puppet's fighting style that is not afraid of life and death, and without any emotions, I am afraid that even a master of the eighth to ninth level of Nirvana with the seven pill of laws, it is not necessarily the opponent of these three Nirvana mechanical puppets.

Qin Shaofeng was still a bit entangled at first, what realm did he compete with.

After all, based on the situation in his body, he can completely simulate the level aura from the first stage of Nirvana to the eighth stage of Nirvana, and this will not be exposed at all.

It stands to reason that this is naturally the first level of Nirvana, and it is the best choice to participate in this Nirvana competition.

After all, if Qin Shaofeng competes at the first level of Nirvana, then almost every competition is a leapfrog challenge. In this case, it is not too easy for Qin Shaofeng to earn points.

But the problem is that it is too compelling.

After all, a human race with the first level of Nirvana, one after another leapfrog challenge victory, and the opponent is still the demons with five, six, seven or eight levels of Nirvana, then this is too weird.

Because Qin Shaofeng was worried about this, he was entangled with what kind of realm to compete.

But now Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to worry about these problems, because there are three such powerful mechanical puppets in the Nirvana Realm, even if he competes with the first level of Nirvana Realm cultivation, it will not make people feel anything.

After all, no matter how you win, in the eyes of others, it is only because of the three mechanical puppets of Nirvana.

The Demon Clan is at best criticizing Qin Shaofeng for being mean.

But with the demons, what do you still need to talk about?

Besides, this time in this Nirvana game, the use of mechanical puppets is completely within the rules!


In Qin Shaofeng's somewhat boring wait, the Emperor Realm competition finally ended.

After the race in the Emperor Realm was over, the Human Race was a little disappointed.

Although in the Emperor Realm competition, the Human Race got twice as much points as the Realm King Realm, which was exactly sixty points.

But the Demon Race also gained a lot, even three times that of the Realm King Realm, three points more than the Human Race, reaching 67 points.

In this way, the four stages of the human race had a total of 130 points, while the demons had 190 points.

The difference between the two is still a full sixty points, which not only did not shorten the gap between the two, but even widened it.

This makes most human races not in a good mood.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care much. What made Qin Shaofeng cared was that the game he was looking forward to had finally begun.

After the Emperor Realm competition is over, it's Nirvana Realm's turn!

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