Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1126: First round

Chapter 1126

The game of Nirvana has begun!

This time, both the human race and the demons began to pay more attention.

In the previous four-stage competitions under Nirvana, there were not many people who actually paid attention to it. If it weren't for the mutant Sword Demon Race, I am afraid that few people would pay attention.

Because everyone knows that the real competition between the human race and the demons is actually a game of Nirvana.

This can actually be seen from the fact that there is no limit on the number of people in the Nirvana game.


no limit!

There is no limit to the number of participants, whether it is Human Race or Demon Race.

So, in other words, as long as the cultivation base has reached the Nirvana state, there will be a great comparison over there being able to participate in this Nirvana state.

However, that's the case, but in fact, both the human race and the demons have imposed some approximate restrictions on the participants of their side.

Although this kind of restraint behavior is not big, in fact, even without such restraint, it is estimated that the general Nirvana will not be able to participate in the competition.

Those who dare to participate are basically Nirvana masters who have cultivated the Pill of Law, and the number is at least three to five.

Because if it is too weak, it is entirely possible to give the opponent points!

After all, because of the emphasis on this game, both the human race and the demons have made careful preparations.

Some people may think that the existence of Nirvana must be very small.

But in fact it is not the case, because the number of people in the Nirvana Realm in the entire ancient sanctuary is not only not small, but even many.

After the cultivation base enters the Nirvana realm, even if it does not have the power to cultivate the law, as long as it is performed once, its life span can be greatly increased.

Even if it is the first level of Nirvana, the lifespan of the pill of law that is not cultivated, or even the pill of law is not cultivated, it is at least tens of thousands.

And once Nirvana continues to succeed, and even if the pill of law is cultivated, the life span will be greatly increased.

If you have not practiced the pill of law, but only performed Nibbana, then each Nibbana is actually a kind of alternative rebirth, which is equivalent to Nibbana again, and then you will get ten thousand life.

In this way, even if there is no power to cultivate the law, there is no pill to condense the law, if it is not halfway, if a pseudo-nirvana state succeeds in Nirvana again and again, it can still have a full 100,000 years of life.

This pseudo-Nirvana state without the pill of law and the power of the law can even have so many lifespans, so will the Nirvana masters who truly cultivate the pill of law have less lifespan?

In fact, there is a saying in the state of Nirvana. Every normal Nirvana is an evolution, from a life that exists in time to life that is eternal and timeless.

Of course, this kind of nirvana naturally refers to the normal nirvana of one realm and one pill of law.

If Nirvana is successful ten times, then it will naturally evolve.

After this evolution, once it succeeds, it is a life beyond the concept of time.

In short, it is immortality!

However, in the case of ten successful Nirvana, it all means entering the dominance state.

And the existence of the supreme ruler in this realm, the life span is eternal.

It means literally, eternal life, there is no limit to longevity.

Of course, this is all under normal and smooth conditions. Once certain factors occur, even the most powerful dominance realm powerhouse will fall.

Don’t you see, in the previous battles, did the Human Race’s Huan Tiange and the Demon Race’s blood madness, as well as the blood family royal family’s supreme ruler and powerhouse dedicated to elders, also fell one by one?

Therefore, the eternal life here refers to the eternal life on longevity.

However, let alone the supreme ruler, even the Nirvana state has a lot of lifespan.

Even some powerful Nirvana masters can live for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years.

Nirvana is very difficult to cultivate, but with a racial base, especially a strong racial base such as Humans and Demons, no matter how difficult it is to cultivate, someone can still cultivate.

Because of the long lifespan of Nirvana and the huge base, over time, Nirvana will definitely accumulate more and more.

Regardless of the small number of times Nirvana masters usually appear, it is because most of the Nirvana realms are in cultivation, hoping to get more lifespan, and there is such a glimmer of extravagant hope for eternal life.

Because of this reason, this led to the fact that there was rarely a lot of Nirvana walking around in the ancient sanctuary.

But now it's different. For this victory, the human and demons high-levels have offered enough benefits, which has made countless powerful Nirvana masters moved.


Then, now Qin Shaofeng saw a terrifying scene.

"There are so many people in this Nirvana Realm!"

After a glance, Qin Shaofeng's heart was very emotional for the blank figure.

Because he discovered that this time between Nirvana masters, the number of people involved is probably more than the previous four stages.

One hundred thousand?

No, Qin Shaofeng alone can see that the number exceeds 200,000.

Qin Shaofeng conservatively estimated that the human races and demons who participated in the Nirvana Realm competition this time, all add up to three to four hundred thousand.

However, at the same time, after Qin Shaofeng entered the fighting space for the game, he discovered that the fighting space dedicated to this game had actually grown a lot, fearing that it could allow tens of thousands of people to compete at the same time.

From this point of view, the first round of the game may be over as long as 30 or 40 times.

Qin Shaofeng didn't really care about this. The only thing Qin Shaofeng cared about was how his first opponent was.

Well, I hope the realm is not too low!

"After all, I have to leapfrog the challenge!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were filled with expectations.

Just as Qin Shaofeng himself had expected before, the super intellectual brain in the battle space of this game did not detect his true cultivation level.

Adding to the fact that he has three mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana on his body, Qin Shaofeng naturally simulated that he only has the first level of Nirvana.

And this point is also recognized by this battle space.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng expects that his opponent will directly appear as a master of the demons in the fifth and sixth levels of Nirvana.

In this case, it would be a leapfrog four or five. The points obtained are either eight or sixteen points, which is a bargain.


Under Qin Shaofeng's expectant gaze, the space not far away from him was slightly distorted, and a figure appeared in the next moment.

When seeing this figure, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed disappointment.

"Dying, why is it just a triple level of Nirvana?"

Can I not be disappointed?

A triple opponent of Nirvana, even if it is defeated, to complete the leapfrog challenge is at most two points.

Just two points, too little for Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng was very disappointed, but his opponent, the three-tiered Nirvana Demon Race, had a look of ecstasy after seeing Qin Shaofeng again, and even a burst of laughter broke out in the end.

"Haha, great, my luck is good for Hajusai, the first opponent is so weak, it seems that the devil really favored me Hajusai!"


What the name of this thing!

Qin Shaofeng frowned, his expression speechless.

Master, I am very disappointed here. You laughed like this when you showed up. Is it really embarrassing for you?

But the demons of Hajiusai didn't know what Qin Shaofeng thought, but thought that Qin Shaofeng was shocked because of his strength.

"Well, the human boy on the opposite side, for the sake of you making this lord the first opponent, as long as you kneel and kowtow to this lord, that lord will be merciful to you a whole corpse!"

Hajusai's face was full of arrogance, and his appearance was extremely high.

But Qin Shaofeng was a little impatient.

What's so special, a trio of Nirvana is just a demonic **** who has cultivated two pill of law, so he dare to call out in front of him?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he didn't see any movement, after waving his hand the next moment, then...

There is no more, because it is over.

At the moment Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, a figure flashed out and ran directly to that Hajiusa.


Hajiusai, who was waiting for Qin Shaofeng to kneel and kowtow, suddenly saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and for a while, he did not react much.

After he had reacted, there was a thud, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

After that, before the severe pain dissipated all over his body, his consciousness completely dissipated first.


After watching Hajiusai's corpse fell to the ground, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain, and then smiled and took the storage ring of Hajiusai from the mechanical puppet next to him.

"Cut, I thought it was so arrogant, so that's the net worth?"

As soon as Divine Sense entered the storage ring and after a little search, Qin Shaofeng frowned and said disdainfully.

However, after all, Qin Shaofeng put the storage ring away immediately.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, and was instantly teleported out by the power of the battle space of this competition.

After a game is over, both the winner, the loser, or the dead will be teleported to the place where they entered before to make room for others to compete.

After coming out, Qin Shaofeng did not attract attention.

After all, it's just the beginning. Victory at this stage is a leapfrog challenge and it is not a big deal.

Besides, even if the leapfrog challenge is successful in the first game, it will be necessary to wait for the next two games to be over, so that the points can be truly obtained.

Moreover, the person who succeeded in the first leapfrog challenge was not just Qin Shaofeng alone, who fought with tens of thousands of people. However, he fought 5,000 games. In these 5,000 games, there were hundreds of leapfrog challenges. game.

Even after the three to four hundred thousand Nirvana Realms were all over, there were more than a thousand human races or demons who could leapfrog and challenge victory.

However, it is still the same sentence, who can hold on to three victories, that is a true leapfrog challenge and can truly earn points!

So far, the first round of the game is over, and then half of the players were eliminated in this round.

But even if it was eliminated in general, there were still nearly 200,000 people left on the scene.

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