Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1127: how is this possible?

Chapter 1127 How Could It Be?

The first round of the game is over, then the second game will begin soon.

But even if the first round is over, the remaining nearly 200,000 people are still more than any of the previous four stages, and almost doubled!

"This time I should meet an opponent who can earn me more points!"

When it was Qin Shaofeng's turn to enter the competition space, Qin Shaofeng was looking forward to the midterm.

But it seemed that God didn't intend to favor Qin Shaofeng, because when he saw his second opponent, Qin Shaofeng almost yelled at him.

One heavy!

Nirvana is heavy!

My second opponent is actually only the first stage of Nirvana! ? ?

Qin Shaofeng's heart was speechless, because he had never expected that besides himself, there would be people with high levels of Nirvana who would come to participate in such a competition.


I felt that the opponent in front of me not only hadn't cultivated the pill of law, but he was even far from the realm of practicing the pill of law.

This is absolutely a pseudo-Nirvana!

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng at this moment has no idea what the situation is in front of him. How could he meet such an opponent?

What the **** is this!

Now that we have had a round of competition, how could there be such a weak chicken?

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts, and his heart is sad.

You said, did you come here to die in a pseudo-Nirvana?

To die, I have no objection, but you should wait for a higher level of cultivation, so come back!

In this case, I can still get some points by leapfrogging challenges!

Now that it is one-to-one, this special thing can't be furthered!

There was a complaint in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was in a bad mood.

Then, Qin Shaofeng did not summon a mechanical puppet, but flashed directly in front of the demon race, and when the opponent was still relieved, it directly resulted in him.

Since the appearance of this Demon Race, his tight body, after noticing Qin Shaofeng's realm, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He is just a pseudo-Nirvana, and what's special is only the first level of Nirvana.

In the first game, the opponent he was lucky enough to meet was actually weaker than him, and he narrowly won.

After winning one time, he naturally wanted to win a second time.

In such a big comparison, a pill without law or even the power of law, did not have the strength of the Nirvana Realm cultivated by cultivation, and it was extremely difficult to win a victory.

Two victories, it is almost impossible.

But this demons saw it, and he had a second chance to win, because his opponent in the second match was also a cultivation base of Nirvana.

This gave him a sigh of relief, but it was over.

Because just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Shaofeng had already shot him.

With Qin Shaofeng's strength, even a Nirvana Realm Six or Seventh level master with six or seven pieces, a sudden attack, can kill the opponent in seconds.

This is not to mention the demons in front of them.

It can be said that when Qin Shaofeng shot this demons, his fate was already doomed.


with no doubt!

While taking the shot, Qin Shaofeng also took away the opponent's storage equipment directly.

Then, after the opponent fell to the ground, Qin Shaofeng left without even looking at the opponent.

Victory again, as long as Qin Shaofeng wins one game, the points he can get from the two-tiered challenge before that can be obtained.

However, if you want to play the next game, you can get the third round.

Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, because although there were a lot of people in the second round, because there were tens of thousands of people at the same time, it was only 20 times at most.

Just be patient!

Finally, in the boring wait, the second round Qin Shaofeng was looking forward to finally ended.

After the game this time, there are still nearly 100,000 people left.

The third round has begun!

At the same time as the third round of the game began, many senior human and demons began to pay attention.

Because the third round of the game is completely a stage where the current points of the human race and the demons can be refreshed again.

After all, if you can win in the third round, and at the same time in the first game, you still have a leapfrog challenge, then the points can come out.

Therefore, this third round of competition is a key point.

At this moment, over the entire battle space of the game, a large number of figures have gathered on the void stands created by the Human Race and the Demon Race, and they are all paying attention to the third round of the game.

These people can pay attention to those who have succeeded in the leapfrog challenge in the first theory game.

Although Qin Shaofeng was only in the first level of Nirvana, because he defeated a Demon opponent with three levels of Nirvana, he succeeded in the leapfrog double level challenge.

If Qin Shaofeng had won the third round of the battle, he would have won two points for the Human Race.

Therefore, some eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng.

It's just that there are not many high-ranking humans who pay attention to Qin Shaofeng. The reason is simple, because Qin Shaofeng's level is too low.

Although Qin Shaofeng used his own mechanical puppet in the first battle.

However, because the battle space has a slight isolation effect, this caused the strong on the scene to not notice how strong the mechanical puppet around Qin Shaofeng was.

Besides, the mechanical puppets of this Nirvana Realm are originally very rare. In the eyes of everyone, Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets have a Nirvana Realm triple, which is already rare.

It can't be higher!

Especially after seeing Qin Shaofeng's opponent, almost everyone's senior executives flashed disappointment and sighed in their hearts.

Alas, it seems that these two points can't be obtained.

In the fighting space, it was Qin Shaofeng's turn to compete.

After entering the fighting space, Qin Shaofeng felt very calm.

After two games, Qin Shaofeng didn't look forward to any high-level opponents like before.

It was too hopeful, and once it didn't show up, it was too disappointing.

After experiencing it twice, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect much in his heart.

But things will always develop unexpectedly. The less expectation it is, the more likely it will be.

When he saw his opponent appear, Qin Shaofeng's heart surged.



This awesome **** finally opened his eyes!

This was the only thought in Qin Shaofeng's mind at this moment.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng has such a mentality is because this time his opponent is such a big fish!

Eightfold Nirvana!

That's right, it's Nirvana Eightfold!

The opponent was a master of the Demon Race with the Eightfold Nirvana Realm, and Qin Shaofeng was naturally very happy.

Because although the opponent has the eightfold realm of Nirvana, the Pill of Law has only cultivated four.

Perhaps this kind of strength is a bit tough for the general Nirvana Realm.

Especially when compared with Qin Shaofeng's previous two opponents, that is a world of difference!

But nothing more!

The opponent in front of him was nothing in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, because such an opponent didn't need him to do anything, as long as he dispatched a mechanical puppet, it was enough to handle everything.

The Nirvana mechanical puppet produced by the Demon Cloud has the power of as many Pills of Law at any level.

Although the demons in front of them had eight levels of Nirvana, it was two levels higher than mechanical puppets, but in terms of the number of pill of law, it was two fewer than mechanical puppets.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to think too much, and knew that the other party was not the opponent of his mechanical puppet.

At this time, the demon also seemed to see Qin Shaofeng's realm clearly, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he gave a cold snort even more.

"Huh, another rubbish!"

Qin Shaofeng, who just showed the aura of the first level of Nirvana, was completely no different from **** in the eyes of this demons. It was an existence that he could completely solve with his fingers.

At the same time, outside the battle space of the game, among the people paying attention to the battlefield, a group of demons are also clamoring at this moment.

"To die, I didn't expect that this time the opponent of the important person is actually a garbage human being with a high level of Nirvana!"

"Tsk tusk, Nirvana is heavy! What kind of **** luck is this in order to stick to the third round of the game!"

"Hey, this human luck seems to be pretty good, but it's a pity that this time it was ended by a big man!"


Because this time the human-devil competition is very grand.

Therefore, outside the battle space of the game, countless human races and demons have already gathered, and it is a battle to watch the competition here as an audience.

At this moment, those discussions were just the mockery made by those demons who knew Qin Shaofeng's opponent at this moment.

Although the Human Race and the Demon Race will not gather to watch the game, no matter whether it is the Human Race or the Demon Race, there are so many strengths, strong or weak.

But just at such a distance, and the demons deliberately did it, how could it be possible that the human race gathered to watch the crowd?

But because of hearing it, the people on the human side were a little embarrassed.

No way, because faced with such a situation, they can't refute it!

Why do you call yourself just a person with the highest level of Nirvana?

At the same time, many people are complaining incomparably.

Damn, which family is this person from?

It's only the first stage of Nirvana, so you dare to participate in this Nirvana competition?

Isn't this purely discrediting our human face?

This is not a single person. Many humans present almost have similar thoughts.

On the Mozu side, as soon as the Human Race was silent, they became more vigorous, one after another, and still continued to mock them loudly.

With most of the demons’ temperament, this has finally found a chance to taunt humans, how could they let it go?

But when they laughed, they suddenly exclaimed with horror, which caught their attention.

"No! This, this, how is this possible?"

Among so many ridicules, this exclamation is extra eye-catching.

For a while, both the normal mocking demons and the embarrassingly complaining human races were attracted to the past.

When everyone found that the opponent's eyes were on a certain ring space in the battle space, everyone subconsciously looked over there.

At this look, everyone felt familiar.

Isn't this the ring space where the first human being in Nirvana is located?

But after seeing the situation on the ring clearly, everyone was instantly confused.

Because at this moment, the Eightfold Demon Race of the Nirvana Realm who was favored by everyone on the ring and was sure to win, actually fell to the ground.

Not moving, there is no half life, this is obviously dead!

But how can this happen?

One is the eightfold realm of Nirvana, and four pill of laws have been cultivated, and the other is the weakest realm of Nirvana.

But why did the eight-fold demons in the Nirvana Realm that fell in the clubhouse?

how can that be?

Is the way of viewing it turned on by yourself wrong?

At this moment, all those who pay attention to Qin Shaofeng's battle, whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, have a look of bewilderment!

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