Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1132: The puppet catwalk?

Chapter 1132 The Puppet Catwalk?

After the fourth round, the rules of the Grand Competition changed again from the fifth round.

In the previous fourth round, the number of Nirvana players remaining in the entire Grand Competition was nearly 50,000.

It stands to reason that after the fourth round of the game, the number of people left will not exceed the figure of 25,000 at most.

But now when the fifth round of the game is in progress, the total number of people has just reached 30,000!

Well, yes, during the fifth round of the game, the Human Race and the Demon Race added some players again.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little bit unable to understand, because he didn't know what was going on with the sudden increase of four to five thousand people.

Although the senior human and demons also gave explanations, Qin Shaofeng did not believe it.

The explanation given by the Human Race and the Demon Race is that in order to make up the number of people to 30,000, this is to facilitate the next fifth round.

Because the fifth round is no longer a one-on-one game.

Even if you lose in the fifth round, it doesn't matter much, because throughout the fifth round, a mechanism is implemented to comment on the number of wins and losses for promotion.

Losing a game in the fifth round does not matter.

Because as long as you have won too many victories, if you can rank well in the fifth round, you can advance to the sixth round.

As for what is called a good ranking, it is actually easy to understand.

That is, within the stipulated ten days, those who are ranked in the top 100 can advance to the sixth round.

Well, yes, in the fifth round of the game, the number of players was eliminated directly from 30,000 to 100.

In the fifth round, there is no limit to the number of matches.

If you win the battle, you can choose to continue the game, even if you want to keep winning streak, this is allowed.

And 20 of the 100 players, if they win ten games in a row at the first, they can advance to the sixth round ahead of time, even after the fifth round is finally over, the number of wins is not Many others.

This means that if you can win ten battles in a row, even if you only get ten victories, as long as you are the first twenty people to complete ten consecutive victories, they can enter the sixth round unconditionally and become the entire Big Competition. Strong one.

However, in such a big match, it is not easy to win ten games in a row.

Unless it is the real enchanting genius who has the most powerful strength in Nirvana, otherwise, don't even think about winning ten games in a row.

As for the remaining eighty, they all rely on the number of victories of or for the final ranking.

Those in the top eighty will be eligible for promotion.

Of course, if the number of people who have been promoted by the number of consecutive victories does not reach 20, the remaining places are also ranked by the number of victories, and whether they are promoted.

If you win the battle, you are naturally eligible to continue fighting.

As for the case of defeat, after the battle, the next long game, there can only be in the order of the number of people, and then they will be on stage after their turn.

After all, this competition fighting space can also accommodate 10,000 people at the same time, but this fifth round of players, but there are a full 30,000 people, naturally it is impossible for everyone to compete.

The remaining 20,000 people can only take turns in order.

However, if you want to continue the game after defeat, there must be a prerequisite, that is, you have to survive.

This game is a matter of life or death. If everyone is dead, how can the next game be played?

Of course, after the victory, the players can also choose to take an intermission. If they have enough rest, they can apply to continue the game. Then the super brain in the fighting space of the game will arrange it in the fastest game.

In a word, 30,000 will win the top 100. This is the fifth round.

After knowing the rules after the change, Qin Shaofeng only frowned, and didn't care much. At most, he felt a little strange.

But when the fifth round started, Qin Shaofeng finally knew where the strangeness in his heart came from.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly when he saw the familiar metal body on a certain ring in the battle space.

Special, this is a mechanical puppet?

That's right, at this moment in this arena, there is a match that seems to have a result as soon as it appears, because the gap between the two sides of the battle is too great.

The Human Race is a six-fold pinnacle of Nirvana, and four pills of the Pill of Law have been cultivated.

And his opponent is just a demons in the Nirvana realm double realm who cultivated a pill of law.

With such a combination, there is no need to watch the game more, it is destined to have a result.

In the second stage of Nirvana, there is only one Pill of Law. How can such a demons defeat the human race that has cultivated four Pills of Law, and the realm is at the sixth peak of Nirvana?

The only thing that made everyone a little concerned was that by this time, it was already the fifth round of the game, how could such a devil appear like this.

Qin Shaofeng thought in the same way, and then Qin Shaofeng thought about the 4,000 to 5,000 players who suddenly came out this time. He immediately felt that this demon clan might be one of the 4,000 to 5,000 players who suddenly joined later.

However, at the beginning, Qin Shaofeng was very puzzled. The Demon Race allowed such a weak player to join the fifth round. What happened?

Because how is this possible, it doesn't seem like the right choice anymore!

Could it be that the high-level Mozu collective brain pumped?

However, after seeing that Demon Race pull out a mechanical puppet, Qin Shaofeng finally understood something in his heart.

This is not because the demons' high-level brains are drawn, but their planned approach.

This is not to completely imitate oneself, with low-level players, with powerful mechanical puppets, to leapfrog challenges and defeat opponents who exceed their own levels, and then earn points for leapfrog challenges.

If you say so, is it...

His eyes flashed, what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, he immediately looked at the entire battle space.

From this look, Qin Shaofeng really saw that at this moment, there were a number of Nirvana two or three players in many arenas in the entire competition fighting space.

Human races also have demons, each of which is different.

But they have one thing in common, that is, everyone has more or less mechanical puppets.

Qin Shaofeng finally understands it now, probably because of the 256 points he obtained by leapfrogging the nine-fold challenge on the field, which directly touched the nerves of the high-level demon clan.

Then, the high-level Mozu negotiated with the high-level Human Race.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the result of this negotiation was, but Qin Shaofeng understood a little now.

I am afraid that these Nirvana second and third players are the result of the high-level performance of both the Human Race and the Demon Race.

After trying to understand this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell again on the ring that he saw first.

At this moment, the human race had already fought the mechanical puppet.

However, Qin Shaofeng can also see now that whether it is the demons on this arena or the human and demons on other arenas, the mechanical puppets they possess are basically not powerful.

If it is based on their personal or family strength, then there is definitely no powerful mechanical puppet.

But at this moment, the mechanical puppets of these players are all mechanical puppets of Nirvana level.

This is probably due to the high level of Human Race and Demon Race deliberately for the game, and then these people are selected and then some mechanical puppets are deployed.

But Qin Shaofeng also discovered that these mechanical puppets are far inferior to the mechanical puppets made by his own Demon Cloud.

Although they were all mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm level, Qin Shaofeng discovered that all the mechanical puppets that appeared on the ring at this moment were basically only at the level of the Nirvana Realm three levels.

Moreover, these mechanical puppets don't seem to have much calculus ability, and they are very rigid in combat and do not have much flexibility.

In the end, when Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet was fighting, there was the Demon Cloud to perform calculations.

It can be said that it is not so much that the mechanical puppets are fighting, it is better to say that the Demon Cloud is fighting!

And with the current level of the Moyun's intelligent flying boat, its own intelligence is already strong enough to be feared.

In terms of intelligent calculation ability alone, I am afraid that even the calculation ability of some nine-star intelligent flying boats is not as powerful as the Magic Cloud.

The intelligent calculation ability of the Moyun is probably already powerful enough to compare with some top ten-star intelligent flying boats.

Therefore, the mechanical puppets created by the Demon Cloud are calculated by the intelligence of the Demon Cloud, so when fighting, they are very flexible and have endless methods, which are simply not comparable to ordinary mechanical puppets.

And the most important thing is that the general mechanical puppet is like a mechanical puppet with the three levels of Nirvana. Its comprehensive strength is the state where the three levels of Nirvana have three pill of laws.

If such a mechanical puppet fights a person who has the same three pill of laws, but is in the five levels of Nirvana, it is probably equal.

Even I am afraid that the situation of losing is still relatively large, even if the mechanical puppet does not have the slightest emotion, and can fight without fear of life and death.

But if you can't keep up with the arithmetic ability, it's actually easy to be defeated by someone with rich combat experience.

Therefore, if you want to imitate yourself, it is not easy!

This is Qin Shaofeng's chuckle after seeing the state in front of him.

But Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that this situation was still developing unexpectedly.

It was still on the ring at the very beginning. Even though the Demon Race had a mechanical puppet, his mechanical puppet was only a level of Nirvana.

This opponent, who has already cultivated four Pills of Law, is not enough for the human beings at the Sixth Peak of Nirvana Realm.

Well, this is right!

But one is not enough, how about ten?

That's right, this Demon Race has not just one mechanical puppet, but a full ten!

Under such circumstances, even though the human being has very good strength, he is gradually unable to resist ten mechanical puppets who are not afraid of life and death to attack him.


There was no more, and I realized that I couldn't defeat the ten mechanical puppets, the human decisive number.

After all, the fifth round of the game is more than just a game. As long as one is not seriously injured and the person does not die, there is still a chance to advance to the sixth round.

Therefore, he simply gave in.

In fact, with him doing this, there are still many players in the arena at the moment, including demons and humans, and their opponents are humans and demons with mechanical puppets.

Seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had an idea.

Is this the great comparison of Nirvana?

How does it feel like a catwalk of mechanical puppets!

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