Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1133: Demon conspiracy?

Chapter 1133 Demon Conspiracy?

Qin Shaofeng felt helpless as he watched the human and demon players of the second and third levels of Nirvana, summoning mechanical puppets one after another.

After all, it was the precedent that he brought, and Qin Shaofeng certainly didn't want to say more.

Although he now believes that the model of this big competition has begun to go wrong.

But after all, this was a matter decided by both the human and demons, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Besides, it doesn't need to be good at all to block or something.

As long as you can win, it's okay!

Soon, watching the Nirvana second and third players, they all leapfrogged the challenge and defeated the Nirvana fifth and sixth players, Qin Shaofeng's heart returned to calm again.

But, one more thing, not all Nirvana second and third players with mechanical puppets have won.

Like some unlucky demons and human races, they encountered some strong opponents, which were not the mechanical puppets in their hands that could resist.

For example, a human race player who has fifteen Nirvana Realm triple-level mechanical puppets, encounters a Nirvana Realm 9th level Demon Race master who has cultivated seven pill of laws, and has no resistance at all.

Even after his 15 mechanical puppets appeared, they were all directly exploded in an instant.

It's a spike!

As for the human race himself, he was also in shock and dumbfounded, and was killed by the master of the demons.

This situation also illustrates one point, that is, mechanical puppets are not omnipotent.

Therefore, since the emergence of this situation, these Nirvana second and third players, whether they are Human or Demon, once they find that their opponent is very powerful, they will directly give in.

Even some people, as soon as they saw their opponents on the ring, did not even go up to the ring, they just gave in.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to finally understand why the Human Race and the Demon Race had negotiated for three days, and then a fifth round of such a rule was organized.

But these are not important to Qin Shaofeng. What is important to Qin Shaofeng is that he gets the thousand points first.

Soon, it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to play.


With a flash of body shape, Qin Shaofeng instantly entered one of the arenas in the battle space.

This time Ye didn't know whether Qin Shaofeng's luck was good or bad, because his opponent was actually a realm of Nirvana, and he hadn't even cultivated a demon from the Pill of Law.

"I surrender!"

Before the game started, Qin Shaofeng heard his opponent shout and gave in.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, because the opponent was only the first stage of Nirvana. In this way, even if the opponent voluntarily concedes defeat, he won't get any points after winning.

"Oh, forget it, let's go to the next game!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Qin Shaofeng directly indicated to Super Brain that he wanted to play the next game.


The figure flashed, and the next moment, another demonic figure appeared on the ring.

But after seeing this demon clan, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, and he whispered secretly in his heart.

"I circled a cross, why is it such a low-level opponent?"

At this moment, the second opponent who appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng was once again a demon in the first level of Nirvana.

"I surrender!"

Not surprisingly, this demons also directly gave in.

Qin Shaofeng was in pain, because he didn't know how to say so.

This is two consecutive times to encounter opponents in the first stage of Nirvana. What kind of luck is this!

"Well, there are more than two thousand players from this newly joined Demon Race. They are basically in the one, two and three levels of Nirvana. At the beginning, I met one or two, which is not a big deal, but at most it is my luck not too good!"

Qin Shaofeng comforted himself, and also chose to continue the game.

The speed at which the super brain matches the opponent is naturally extremely fast, and with the remaining demons on the scene, there are still more than 10,000 people, and I am afraid that there are nearly 10,000 people who have not played the game.

Therefore, almost at the same time that Qin Shaofeng said to continue the game, the shadows flashed in the ring and Qin Shaofeng's third opponent appeared.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, because the opponent that appeared this time was still too weak.

Although the demons that appeared this time were not the demons of the first level of Nirvana, the opponent was only the second level of Nirvana.

The opponent will admit defeat!

I don't know why, Qin Shaofeng had such a thought in his mind the moment he discovered his opponent.

Then, as expected, the demons also directly surrendered.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel a little strange, and a guess appeared.

But Qin Shaofeng was not completely sure in his heart now, he just had a rest in his heart.

But after Qin Shaofeng chose to continue the game, after seeing his fourth opponent, a sharp light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Nirvana is heavy!

This time, Qin Shaofeng's opponent is still the demons in the first level of Nirvana!

There are no more than three things. The players in the three games before and after have either the first level of Nirvana or the second level of Nirvana. This is already very wrong.

Because this is too much luck, not to such a point, right?

Once or twice is fine, not only the third time, but even the fourth time.

Most importantly, this is still a continuous situation.

The odds are too far!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was completely certain that he was afraid that it was definitely designed.

And the people who designed themselves are probably those high-level demons.

It is definitely a conspiracy to let the super intellectual brain on the Mozu side serve as the referee of this competition.

And his current situation is also a conspiracy.

The high-level Mozu specifically targeted his conspiracy!

"Is it afraid that I will get more points by using a mechanical puppet?"

With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng felt a trace of killing in his heart.

At the same time, on the void stand above the battle space of the game, at this moment, if the high-level human race did not see through this, it would be equivalent to the end of humanity.

The high-level human races present were all strong, and their minds were not bad, and they had already seen what was wrong.

"This kid named Yan Yang has encountered such an opponent for the fourth time!"

"Well, it seems that this is not a normal situation, the Mozu should have moved their hands and feet!"

"Sure enough, these demons are cunning, and there is no credit or anything. Fortunately, they promised to say that once the super brain is turned on, it will not be controlled by them. Now it seems to be nonsense!"

"It doesn't matter to them. At the beginning, we also checked carefully here, and we didn't notice any problems. Even if this matter is said, the demons will not admit it, we can't help it."

"Hmph, we admit it, but if they dare to go too far, I won't just sit back and watch!"


Although he knew what the Demon Race had done, there was no evidence, and the Human Race senior level could not say anything.

Faced with this, Mr. Bai could only swear angrily twice, and did not rush to question the high-level demon clan.

Because Mr. Bai knew that questioning was just useless, and the Demon would definitely not admit it.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng is the only one in this situation now, and the others still seem to be normal.

The Demon Race can completely talk about this, and then come to a purely just right, so what can they do?

And besides, my own human race has also checked that super brain, if there is a problem, but he and others have not checked it out, it is purely uncomfortable.

This means that if he goes forward to question, he will be ridiculed by the demons.

Because of these factors, Human Race has always kept quiet.

And the demons high-level people seemed to have expected such a result long ago, and they sneered proudly in their hearts.

However, their conspiracy can only target Qin Shaofeng alone.

In fact, although the demons still control the super brains of the battle space, such control is only extremely limited.

After all, it is impossible to leave too many traces on the super intellectual brain if you want to hide it from the human inspection. In this way, it will be difficult to completely control the super intellectual brain.

The demons' senior leaders now only interfere with the super intellectual brain a little bit. At most, it was the match that allowed Qin Shaofeng to encounter some demons of low realm.

In fact, the high-level demons negotiated to allow more than two thousand newcomers to join, among which there are many demons with the first level of Nirvana, all of which are prepared for Qin Shaofeng.

Because facing such an opponent, even if you win, you won't get any points.

This is a strategy implemented by the top demons against the dark horse Qin Shaofeng.

I have to admit that this method is indeed very successful.

After the fourth game, Qin Shaofeng's fifth opponent was still a weak chicken in the second and third levels of Nirvana.

At this time, the points that the Demon Race and Human Race had opened because of Qin Shaofeng had gradually been drawn closer.

I have to say one thing here, that is, the relationship between the demons and the mechanical family is not only very friendly, but also closely connected.

The mechanical clan is on the human clan side, because the human clan regards it as a demon clan developed by its human clan, and it should be a subsidiary force of the human clan.

That's right. In the eyes of most human races, the machine race can't even talk about a single race.

Because they were born, but they originated from humans.

But the problem is that it is such a mechanical clan, but in the end it has enough power to gain a foothold in this ancient sanctuary and establish a mechanical clan.

Therefore, many people in the human race are very hostile to the machine family, and have no good impressions of the machine family at all.

On the contrary, the demons took this point and established a good relationship with the mechanical family.

Then, it is precisely for this reason that at this moment in the fifth round of the Nirvana Grand Competition, the demon side has a lot more mechanical puppets than the human side.

And most importantly, the mechanical puppets owned by the demons are basically stronger than those on the human side.

Such a series of results have led to the fact that the points that were originally separated by more than two hundred have now begun to be gradually caught up by the demons.

In the beginning, those demons who had mechanical puppets in the first competition, because it was the first leapfrog challenge to win, the number of victories was not many.

But soon, after having all three victories, they all started to get a lot of points.

Basically, after these demon leapfrog challenges are successful, they are all human players who can leapfrog and defeat three or four layers, and then after a game, they can get four or eight points.

And many of them can leapfrog five levels to get 16 points.

Although there are many people in the human race, they have some mechanical puppets.

But compared with the demons, the human races are inferior in terms of quantity and quality.

Under such circumstances, how can the points not be caught up?

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