Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1134: Debut again

Chapter 1134

"Damn, this is the fifth one!"

Seeing his opponent with the first level of Nirvana, Qin Shaofeng felt extremely upset.

Because if he was calculated by the demons in this way, what awaits him is a series of ordinary games. Even if there is a leapfrog challenge, it is probably the leapfrog challenge of the second and third levels of Nirvana. In this case, there is not much points.

Therefore, after the fifth opponent surrendered, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to continue the game, but chose an intermission.

Qin Shaofeng's temporary withdrawal attracted the attention of many people, and even the high-level human and demons could not help but cast a few glances.

But no matter who it was, after seeing Qin Shaofeng, he ignored Qin Shaofeng.

The high-level Human Race now knows that Qin Shaofeng has been targeted by the Demon Race and can no longer count on it, so naturally he will not pay attention anymore.

As for the demons, they had already made plans against Qin Shaofeng, and naturally they would not pay too much attention to Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, if it were not for the powerful mechanical puppets that Qin Shaofeng had, none of these demons would remember the name of a human being called Yanyang.


After quitting the fighting space of the game, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the sympathy of other people or the direct mockery behind the scenes, but fell silent in his heart and communicated with the Demon Cloud.

"Moyun, how about it, have you analyzed the specific situation of the super brain?" Qin Shaofeng secretly questioned the Moyun's brain Moyun.

In fact, after discovering that the Demon Race was targeting him, Qin Shaofeng immediately thought about how to break through the demon race's conspiracy against him.

This Demon Race's conspiracy against itself, pay attention to the super intellectual brain of the battle space following this game.

Since it's just an intellectual brain, then I will use an eye for an eye for a tooth for a tooth, and a brain for the other side!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng first thought of the intelligent magic cloud on the Moyun.

Qin Shaofeng felt that the Moyun had evolved into an eight-star intelligent flying boat, and in some respects, even some nine-star intelligent flying boats were inferior to the magic cloud.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng thought, if the Moyun was allowed to interfere with or directly influence the intellectual brain of this game fighting space, would it be possible to solve his current embarrassing situation?

As for allowing Moyun to control this super brain, Qin Shaofeng didn't have that big ambition yet.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that the extraordinary brains of this game fighting space were beyond the control of the Moyun.

In fact, the Moyun immediately responded to Qin Shaofeng's answer, and then after giving an analysis, we will see if it has the ability to interfere and influence this super brain.

Now that the Moyun has evolved to this point, its brain intelligence can fully talk to Qin Shaofeng normally.

Except for the absence of corresponding emotions, the completely mechanical way of speaking, and the specific influence of its own, the Moyun is no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, after Moyun received Qin Shaofeng's order, when Qin Shaofeng started the fourth battle match, it had already begun to scan and analyze the super brains in that battle space.

At this moment, after analyzing for so long, the Moyun has finally analyzed it clearly.

"Master, it has been analyzed clearly. The opponent's level is too high, and the brain is more powerful, unable to carry out thorough control!"

The cold mechanical voice of Demon Cloud echoed in Qin Shaofeng's ears.

Knew it!

With the power of the Magic Cloud, it is really impossible to control that super brain!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed. To be honest, the answer of the Demon Cloud was actually within his expectation. After all, the wisdom of this brain, which can be called a super brain by the demons, its intelligence must be extremely powerful.

Therefore, there is no need to think about this manipulation or something.

However, since Qin Shaofeng had expected this a long time ago, he was naturally prepared for it, and he also had a countermeasure.

"Moyun, this control is not possible, but can you make some hands and feet when my opponents are matched, so that I can meet a specific opponent?" Qin Shaofeng asked, a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Because if he could choose his opponent, Qin Shaofeng won't be too easy to earn points.

Sure enough, the Magic Cloud is still very powerful!

"Master, if you just make some influence to make your opponent have a specific goal, I can do it at the moment, but if I wait for this super brain to react, I can't do it, because... "

"Ha, that's it!"

Qin Shaofeng had automatically ignored the words behind the Moyun.

As long as you can choose your opponent, it's a temporary thing, and it doesn't matter.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng began to issue the Demon Cloud, matching himself with a high level and not as strong as himself, er, to be precise, not as good as his own mechanical puppet opponents of the Demon Race.

However, because it is necessary to proceed with caution, in order to arouse the warning of the super brain, the Moyun is to influence the super brain in an absolutely safe way.

For the same reason, this time also needs some time.

A day later, Qin Shaofeng, who had been'resting', was forgotten by most people.

Because today's situation is getting more and more unusual.

This great comparison of Nirvana has progressed, and those geniuses and evildoers no longer attract the attention of many people.

On the contrary, those in the second and third levels of Nirvana among the players attracted most people's attention.

The reason is actually very simple. It's all because they all have mechanical puppets and earn a lot of points for their respective races.

A day ago, when the fifth round of the game began, the Mozu was still 226 points behind the Human Race.

But now, a day later, the Mozu's points have caught up a lot.

On this first day, the Human Race had a total of 136 points,

In just one day, he got so many points, which is something that I couldn't imagine before.

However, comparing the points obtained by the demons, the points obtained by the human race on this day are not enough.

Two hundred sixty eight!

That's right, in the first day of the game, those in the Nirvana Second and Third Realm of the Demon Race, with their mechanical puppets, won two hundred and sixty-eight points for the Demon Race.

This is 132 points more than Terran!

As a result, the demons are now only ninety-four points less than a hundred points away from the human race!

Under such circumstances, the human face is generally very ugly.

Even many people started to complain about why those high-level powerhouses would also negotiate with the demons like this. If not, then the human race is still the leader now!

According to this situation, there is a great chance that Human Race will lose.

And it was in this situation that Qin Shaofeng appeared again.

Someone noticed that Qin Shaofeng entered the fighting space again.

But whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, Qin Shaofeng has not paid much attention to it now.

Although the high-level Human Race had nothing to do with the Demon Race's conspiracy against Qin Shaofeng, they did not speak out or act.

But there is no shortage of smart people among the human race, and many people have also seen that this is the plan of the demon race against Yan Yang.

Therefore, even if I knew it was useless, there was still a small news about the situation of Yan Yang, the player on my side, saying that the demons had conspired.

Then, both the Human Race and the Demon Race knew that this human player of Yan Yang, although possessing a powerful mechanical puppet, could leapfrog most Demon Race players in the Nirvana Realm.

But because of the demon's conspiracy against it, it has been unable to get points.

So, no one pays attention to him now.

Of course, whether he paid attention or not, it didn't matter to Qin Shaofeng.

The important thing now is to get enough points as soon as possible.

Qin Shaofeng didn't ask much, that was the 1,000 points required for his mission before the Demon Race could react.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not let the Demon Cloud intervene in the first battle in Qin Shaofeng's re-appearance because he wanted to paralyze the Demon Clan.

As a result, after his sixth game player appeared, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed a trace of what was true.

Nirvana Triple!

Although I don't know whether it is the first and second levels of Nirvana, this time the opponent is only the third level of Nirvana.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that after the opponent came up, he did not directly choose to admit defeat.

Not only did the opponent not directly abstain from giving up, but at the beginning of the match, they summoned twenty or thirty mechanical puppets.

"Heh, no wonder I didn't directly admit defeat, it turned out to be a little emboldened!"

Seeing the demons surrounded by twenty or thirty mechanical puppets, Qin Shaofeng's mouth raised slightly, and he snorted in disdain.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and directly summoned his two mechanical puppets.

Then, no need to say more.

The mechanical puppets summoned by this demon clan of the triple realm of Nirvana are only three levels of Nirvana, and the most powerful one is that they barely have the level of the five levels of Nirvana.

For such mechanical puppets, the Demon Cloud did not have the slightest pressure at all, and under the command of Qin Shaofeng, the master, directly carried out a devastating attack on these mechanical puppets.

In the end, not only the twenty or thirty mechanical puppets were all solved by Qin Shaofeng’s two mechanical puppets, even the demon clan, even if it did not react, gave one of the mechanical puppets directly. Boom killed.

"Oh, it's easy!"

Seeing that on the ground of the ring, the demon clan's corpse was already a pile of broken parts of mechanical puppets, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

"Well, this one is of some use!"

When his eyes fell on the broken mechanical puppet parts, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a strange light, and his heart moved, and then all these broken parts were collected.

Although Qin Shaofeng won this game, not many people paid attention.

After all, it was only a three-tiered demon in the Nirvana Realm. This was at best only allowing Qin Shaofeng to leapfrog the double challenge and win two points.

But at this moment no one noticed that after finishing packing up the spoils, Qin Shaofeng instantly waved an invisible ripple.

This kind of ripple power is very magical, there is no aura, and it will not cause any space, such a ripple even if it is the supreme ruler, it is not aware of it.

Because this is a special ripple that belongs to the brain intelligence!

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