Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1137: Opponents in Game 10

Chapter 1137


The sound of a heavy object landing, to be precise, was the sound of hitting the ground fiercely, which brought Qin Shaofeng back to reality from thinking about how powerful Qin Shaofeng was after entering Nirvana.

After subconsciously lowering his head, Qin Shaofeng saw that his ninth opponent of the Demon Race had been knocked to the ground by his two mechanical puppets and turned into a corpse.

"Uh, it's over?"

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Qin Shaofeng was taken aback, somewhat surprised.

Because this time, Qin Shaofeng did not pay attention to this opponent, anyway, his strength was not strong, Qin Shaofeng directly handed it over to the mechanical puppet, to be precise, to the Demon Cloud, allowing the Demon Cloud to play freely.

Therefore, the two mechanical puppets did not come up at the same time, and they carried out some fierce attack on the demon master of the tenth level of Nirvana. There was no way of directly attacking the dead when they came up.

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng felt speechless when faced with this powerful demonic clan.

"I circled a cross. I'm drunk too. I didn't let the mechanical puppet kill him. You don't even know that you give up?"

Really, Qin Shaofeng really couldn't understand this demons.

Because according to the previous situation, this demon master can completely admit defeat, go directly to the ring safely, and then continue to compete with others!

Can this be smashed with yourself?

Uh, it's a death slam, which seems to be flattering the other party.

Because of the situation of the other party, it is completely seeking a dead end!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that this dead Demon Race was also extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Doesn't he know these?

Doesn't he know that as long as he admits defeat, he can guarantee his life and then proceed to the next game?

But the problem is, he can't!

Before going to the ring, he got the order of a demon master.

Do your best to kill your opponent Yan Yang!

When receiving such an order, the Demon Race's heart collapsed, because such an order, in his opinion, undoubtedly asked him to die.

But what can he do?

The opponent is the master of the demons, even though he is already in the tenth realm of the Nirvana Realm, it seems that it is just one realm away from the realm of the master.

But he knew that there was a gap between the two, which he couldn't cross.

Therefore, he knew very well in his heart that once he violated the other party's order, he might not survive the next moment.

That being the case, it would be better to fight for it!

It's just a pity that the result of his last fight is already obvious. He can't match the opponent and has now become a corpse.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what this dead Demon Clan thought before he was alive, and what mentality he held to fight against him, and it didn't matter to Qin Shaofeng at all.

"Well, this is the ninth player, and he has won nine consecutive victories. And the points are enough. Then continue to compete and get directly into the top 100, then stop!"

Nodding, Qin Shaofeng had a decision in his heart.

Regardless of the day when the game has progressed to now, but in fact, so far, there are not many people who have won the top 100 places directly in the ten consecutive games.

Therefore, with ten consecutive victories, you can directly advance to the top 100, and enter the sixth round of the 20 places, but there are more than a dozen places!

After Qin Shaofeng intends to win the next game, he will first get the quota for the top 100.

As for whether to continue fighting in the future, Qin Shaofeng intends to check the situation before speaking.

Because Qin Shaofeng wanted to take advantage of this tenth game to see how his immediate opponent was. If he continued the one- and two-fold Nirvana Demon Race opponent, Qin Shaofeng planned not to continue fighting.

If it is not, then he can swipe his points.

The points for completing the system update task are enough, but Qin Shaofeng won't have too many points!

After all, this time the comparison, the points obtained can be exchanged for some treasures in the real treasure house of the human race.

Therefore, the more points are naturally the better.

However, what the situation is like will be decided after the meeting.

Soon, the super brain of the battle space matched Qin Shaofeng's opponent in the tenth game.

At the same time, on the empty stand above the battle space of the game, the Demon Lord who is responsible for the control of the super brain, looked at Qin Shaofeng on one of the arena in the battle space below, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"The **** human crap, made me so embarrassed in front of Lord Demon Abyss, and was ridiculed by others, how can I easily spare you? This time the opponent, I see how you respond, don't you have a mechanical puppet? I want to see how you can win in the next situation!"


"Oh, sure enough!"

After seeing his opponent in the tenth game, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disappointment, and he sighed secretly in his heart.

Nirvana Triple!

This is Qin Shaofeng's opponent in the tenth game!

It's just the triple level of Nirvana, which is at most a double level of leapfrogging, which can earn a mere two points.

Qin Shaofeng, who was accustomed to the challenge of leapfrogging the eighth to nineth layers, had obtained huge points at one time, and felt that he had no motivation to face his opponent this time.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon learned that his opponent this time seemed to be a little different.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's opponent standing on the ring, the three-tiered Nirvana Demon Race, not only did not panic when facing Qin Shaofeng, but even had a cold and indifferent expression, as if he did not put Qin Shaofeng in his eyes at all.

The attitude of the other party aroused Qin Shaofeng's curiosity, because Qin Shaofeng could feel it clearly that the demons in front of him were in the triple realm of Nirvana, and there was no hidden reason for cultivation.

And most importantly, what the super intellectual brain manifests is the same as the breath of the demons opposite, it is the triple realm of Nirvana.

But the other party seemed to be emboldened by the way he looked!

This involuntarily made Qin Shaofeng guess what in his heart!

Is it a mechanical puppet?

Knowing that he had two powerful mechanical puppets, Qin Shaofeng could only guess that the opponent also had powerful mechanical puppets.

Sure enough, Qin Shaofeng really guessed right.

This demon originally did not have a very powerful mechanical puppet. Although it was also one of the demon clan with mechanical puppets who joined Dabi later, he has a large number of mechanical puppets, but the strongest is Nirvana. That's all about the territorial triple level.

If it was the previous situation, if he met Qin Shaofeng, he might just surrender without saying a word.

But now it is different.

Recalling the scene just now, Fan Yaotian was full of confidence at this moment.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng fearlessly, Fan Yaotian shouted from the sky: "The human sun on the opposite side, your doomsday is here, it is your misfortune to meet me Fan Yaotian, you are over!"

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

Why come to a demons, they all feel good about themselves, and talk a lot about themselves, saying that they are going to die, and that they are going to be killed by him?

Are these demons brain sick?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but think that he didn't take this so-called Fan Yaotian into his heart.

Not only did Qin Shaofeng think so, in fact, among the crowd watching this game at this moment, both the human race and the demons felt that Fan Yaotian had a brain disease.

This Yan Yang already has such a powerful mechanical puppet. Are you still planning to win the opponent?

is it possible?


Because from the start of the fifth round to the present, no one has discovered a mechanical puppet that is better than Qin Shaofeng's two mechanical puppets.

Therefore, in the face of Fan Yaotian, even the demons are not very optimistic about each other.

However, the next moment, Fan Yaotian's behavior surprised everyone present, and even Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

"Success to Yan Yang!"

After only hearing the loud roar of Fan Yaotian, his hands violently waved, and then when he waved, Fan Yaotian summoned a lot of mechanical puppets.

It's really a lot!

Because at this moment, a whole hundred mechanical puppets appeared on this ring.

Although there are a hundred mechanical puppets, the highest level is the triple level of Nirvana.

But with such a large number, it looks really shocking!

"Haha, did Yan Yang see it? This is my mechanical puppet army. In the previous game, I only used 28 mechanical puppets to fight. But even the twenty-eight mechanical puppets didn’t have any. Humans are my opponents, and now I directly summon the entire legion, are you still alive?"

Fan Yaotian was very proud, his face was full of wild laughs.

At this moment, the crowd outside the fighting space of the game was shocked when they saw this scene.

"My grass, where does this Demon Race have so many mechanical puppets?"

"Oh my God! There are too many mechanical puppets! Although the highest is the third level of Nirvana, the number is a hundred, too much!"

"Trouble, this time Yan Yang is probably in trouble!"

"Yes! Even though the two mechanical puppets of Yan Yang are very powerful, but with so many numbers, once they are besieged, the situation of Yan Yang itself is somewhat dangerous!"


These are all human discussions, and they all began to worry that Qin Shaofeng was coming.

After all, Qin Shaofeng has brought thousands of points to the Human Race, which leaves the Demon Race far behind, but has made great contributions to the Human Race, and everyone naturally hopes that Qin Shaofeng will not fall into this big comparison. .

Therefore, at this moment, many people are beginning to worry about Qin Shaofeng.

On the contrary, it seemed that the demons had finally found a catharsis, and each one was more excited than the other, shouting frantically.

"Hahaha, good job, Fan Yaotian will kill this nasty human for Lao Tzu!"

"Yes, kill this human being and smash him into thousands of pieces!"

"Hmph, this Yan Yun has finally received retribution. He thought that my demons were still bullying? Leapfrogged to challenge so many Nirvana Realm Tenth Level Masters, and they all won. He is not dead, I am unwilling!"

"Yes, this sun is really hateful, Fan Yaotian killed him for me!"

"Yes! Kill this human race, don't let this human race continue to be arrogant!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"


The demons were excited and surging, and their expressions were agitated. When they looked at Qin Shaofeng on the ring, they all looked hideous.

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