Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1138: Puppet to puppet

Chapter 1138: Puppet vs. Puppet


Fan Yaotian's face was slightly taken aback when he felt the roars and shouts of the demons off the court, and then he became extremely excited.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. There are so many people cheering and cheering for him.

So much attention!

Fan Yaotian was only the young master of a small family in the Demon Realm, because he suddenly found a rich mineral in his family, and he had some wealth.

Well, in other words, Fan Yao Tianya’s son is the nouveau riche.

Therefore, it is his nature to have his nostrils up to the sky, arrogant and arrogant, it is his duty to be arrogant!

This time, after hearing about the revised rules and the gossip revealed by some high-level demons, Fan Yaotian's parents bought a large number of mechanical puppets.

Then, formed such a mechanical puppet army for Fan Yaotian.

This is for Fan Yaotian to be able to contribute to their Fan family in this big comparison, and to be appreciated by some big figures in Demon Realm.

What Tang Fan Yaotian didn't expect was that he would be appreciated by big shots so quickly.

Before the start of the game, a strong master of the supreme existence of the demons approached him, and then gave him the task of slaying the sun in the ring.

If at first, Fan Yaotian also believed that it was just the same as the previous ten-layer demon clan in Nirvana, it was a task to die.

Because the opponent has two very strong mechanical puppets, even though he has an army of hundreds of mechanical puppets.

But Fan Yaotian, who has always been timid by nature, did not want to fight such an opponent.

This is too dangerous!

Without absolute certainty, even with a 90% chance of winning, Fan Yaotian did not dare to take risks.

This is Fan Yaotian!

Only after receiving some assistance from the Supreme Lord, Fan Yaotian completely put aside his timidity.

Because of that thing, he had an absolute chance of winning against this odious human Yan Yang.

Without the slightest worry, how could Fan Yaotian not get excited by being called by so many demons?


"This is what you rely on?"

Facing Fan Yaotian's frantic laughter, Qin Shaofeng said softly, without the slightest worry on his face.

Despite Fan Yaotian's one-hundred mechanical puppet army, Qin Shaofeng still looked indifferent.

But it was Qin Shaofeng's attitude that made Fan Yaotian instantly angry after seeing it.

"Damn it, Yan Yang, don't pretend to be!"

Fan Yaotian was furious in an instant, waved his hands violently, and began to give instructions to the direct mechanical puppet to kill Qin Shaofeng.

"Go on, give it to me, kill this damned human being for me!"

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Under Fan Yaotian's order, the army of one hundred mechanical puppets instantly moved 90 mechanical puppets.

Their movement naturally rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

As for the remaining ten mechanical puppets, they surrounded Fan Yaotian in groups.

Fan Yaotian, who has always been timid, would not just send all the mechanical puppets, otherwise, without the protection of the mechanical puppets, he is very worried about his own safety.


Seeing the ninety mechanical puppets rushing towards him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with contempt, and he gave a soft smile in his heart, as if he didn't care.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng also violently flashed two dark shadows around him, but they were exactly the two mechanical puppets made by the Moyun.

boom! boom!

As soon as these two mechanical puppets appeared, strong fluctuations erupted, and between the flashing figures, it was because of the strong fluctuations and friction with the air that two loud roars erupted.

Even the power generated by this explosion has already caused a certain distortion to the space on the ring.

Although Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppets are not powerful mechanical puppets, there are as many as ninety in number.

Therefore, the Magic Cloud did not hesitate, and directly promoted the mechanical puppets to the strongest state, and started fighting with the ninety mechanical puppets.

The results of it……

Haha, it's totally one-sided!

Originally, these mechanical puppets of Fan Yaotian, which are the three levels of Nirvana Realm, are at most a little more in number. They are simply not the opponents of those mechanical puppets created by the Demon Cloud.

In particular, Fan Yaotian was still timid and left all the mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm with three levels to protect himself. The ninety mechanical puppets that rushed up, none of them were of the Nirvana Realm’s triple level. They were all Nirvana. First and second levels of environment.

Such mechanical puppets, against the mechanical puppets created by the Demon Cloud, are all one trick!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

With a series of crashing sounds, the mechanical puppets of Fan Yaotian on the ring were blasted out one by one, smashing to the ground violently, and then sparks and black smoke came out, and they were directly in a state of crash.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng could make the Demon Cloud easier, and solve Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppets.

For example, let two mechanical puppets have a few big moves directly.

In this case, as long as you sweep it once or twice, there is no problem at all.

It can be solved completely!

But after seeing so many mechanical puppets, the Demon Cloud suddenly conveyed a message to Qin Shaofeng, saying that although Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppets were not of high level, the materials they made were excellent.

Therefore, if these mechanical puppets can be obtained, the Demon Cloud will be able to create some Nirvana mechanical puppets, and even make mechanical puppets that exceed the six-level realm of Nirvana!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng cared about such news, so he agreed to a suggestion from the Demon Cloud to try not to damage the opponent's mechanical puppets during the battle, and try to keep these mechanical puppets intact.

Because of this, the more complete the mechanical puppet, the greater the value of this reconstruction!

Seeing his mechanical puppets were knocked down one by one, and the speed was still extremely fast, Fan Yaotian was dumbfounded.

how come?

how can that be?

How could this Yanyang mechanical puppet be so powerful?

Fan Yaotian was a little scared in his heart, because according to this situation, his mechanical puppets could all be solved by the opponent.

Especially when I saw that the two mechanical puppets were able to move in and out freely in their own mechanical puppet army, their own mechanical puppet army had no resistance at all against the other side.

In this situation, Fan Yaotian no longer had the madness and self-confidence he had before, and now he was afraid of himself!

He was timid, he flinched.

No way!

It's too dangerous to go on like this!


I should admit defeat!

With such a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, Fan Yaotian actually planned to admit defeat directly.

But at this moment, suddenly Fan Yaotian inadvertently noticed again, the situation outside the fighting space of the game at this moment.

At this moment, the crowd outside the battle space of the game, whether it is Human or Demon, behaves differently now.

"Haha, this is the so-called mechanical puppet legion? That's a laugh!"

"Hahaha, yes, such a weak thing, so embarrassed to show it out?"

"This Demon Race named Fan Yaotian is so funny, he still wants to defeat Yan Yang?"

"Victory against the sun? Don't be funny. Is this possible?"

"Yes, it's just like this, it's just the tease invited by the Demon Race to defeat Yan Yang? A joke!"

"Oh, it seems that the previous worries are all unnecessary!"


This was the voice of the people of the Human Race. It was so harsh to Fan Yaotian that it made him fall into anger.

But compared with the discussion and mockery of the Human Race, the voices of the Demon Race he was in made Fan Yaotian feel more uncomfortable.

"Damn, what is Fan Yaotian doing? Why can't this deal with that human being?"

"Damn, this **** Fan Yaotian, I didn't expect him to be so weak!"

"Hey, I said it a long time ago, thinking that Fan Yaotian's strength is simply unreliable."

"Hmph, without the strength, but still showing up ashamed, Fan Yaotian is really overwhelmed!"

"Cut, it's rubbish, how could this guy be from my demons?"


Contrary to the previous attitude, Fan Yaotian had never expected the words of those demons at this moment.

How much time has passed since then!

But the attitude of these demons towards him is exactly like the eighteen turns.

Compared with the ridicule of human beings, it was the voices of these demons that made Fan Yaotian a little unacceptable.

After all, the human race mocked himself, Fan Yaotian would not care too much.

Because there is no way, it is a normal and habitual thing to be mocked by the human race based on the relationship between the human race and the demon race.

However, Fan Yaotian had never expected Fan Yaotian to have such an ugly appearance.

Then Fan Yaotian was angry!


On the ring, Fan Yaotian let out a low roar. At this moment, he actually forgot the timidity in his heart, and directly dispatched the ten Nirvana Realm triple-level mechanical puppets of the treasure himself and joined them in the battle.

"Yo, don't you shrink up?"

Fan Yaotian dispatched all the mechanical puppets, which surprised Qin Shaofeng a little, but that was all.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, whether it is the first level of Nirvana Realm owned by Fan Yaotian or the mechanical puppets of the third level of Nirvana Realm, they are all the same.

It's not an opponent of his mechanical puppet at all!

The fact is also true!

Soon, Fan Yaotian's face changed again.

Because he soon discovered that even if the ten mechanical puppets of the Nirvana Realm triple-level were sent, they still had no effect on the entire battle.

His own mechanical puppets were still defeated one after another, and there were fewer and fewer mechanical puppets belonging to him on the ring.

Seeing this scene, Fan Yaotian finally woke up from his anger.

He was scared!

Because he finally realized at this moment that with his own strength, it was impossible to defeat this human named Yan Yang in front of him.

And in this situation, let alone how much he would lose, what really worries Fan Yaotian is his own safety.

After all, with that mineral property, his family is considered a small asset in the entire Demon Realm.

And although his Fan Yaotian is not the heir of the Fan family, he is also a direct disciple. In his capacity, buying a batch of such mechanical puppet army is not a simple matter, but it is not impossible.

These mechanical puppets are gone, you can find them again!

But once his own life is gone, it will be completely finished!

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