Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1139: The crying demon master

Chapter 1139: Crying Demon Ruler

Do not!

I do not want!

I don't want to die!

Finally realizing that his life was threatened, Fan Yaotian finally panicked.


In the next moment, Fan Yaotian opened his eyes and opened his mouth, and he was about to call out the three words ‘I admit defeat’.

But at this moment, a weak wave came, and a cold snort erupted like thunder in Fan Yaotian's ears.

"Boy, what do you want to do? What the **** is going on? Why don't you need to use the things I gave you?"


Just when Fan Yaotian looked panicked, on the empty stand above the battle space of the game, the upper-level side of the Demon Race.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Yuan looked at it indifferently, a demon master beside him glanced at it, and said flatly: "This is the method you prepared?"

The Demon Race Master was also in a cold sweat at the moment, because he had already heard the anger of the opponent from the tone of Lord Demon Abyss.

In fact, in the heart of this demon ruler at the moment, he is also cursing Fan Yaotian!

"Damn it, what the **** is this Fan Yaotian doing? Knowing that Yan Yang has that kind of strength, why use this **** to kill him?"

"It's so stupid, why doesn't he need to say what I gave him?"

"Is there a problem with his brain?"

"Damn, I knew what I said, even if it caused dissatisfaction on the human side, I should change to a reliable person!"

At this moment, the master of the Demon Race was very depressed. He thought that he would offer something to kill the Yan Yang of the Human Race in the ring, so that Lord Demon Yuan would not hold him too much accountable.

Even for this, he gave himself a nice gadget directly to Fan Yaotian.

Originally, the master of the demons believed that Fan Yaotian would not fail after having his own gadget.

After all, that gadget is a gadget in his eyes, but in the eyes of other people, it is no ordinary thing.

But what makes this demons dominate never expected is that things will develop to this point?

He didn't expect that Fan Yaotian was so rampant that he had his own junk mechanical puppets to deal with the Yanyang mechanical puppet instead of using what he gave?

How can this win?

If this can be won, what else would he do with his little gadget?

However, seeing Lord Demon in front of you so angry at this moment, the master of the Demon Race smiled in front of him and said: "Don’t worry, Lord Demon, your subordinates have already made up for the gap between Fan Yaotian and Yan Yang. He will definitely not lose!"

The demon ruler has a firm voice, a sonorous voice, and full of confidence.

But at this time, the Demon Abyss glanced at him indifferently, and said indifferently, "Really? But how do I look, that kid is already planning to give up?"


Admit defeat?

The Demon Master was taken aback when he heard it, and when he looked back, he saw that Fan Yaotian was about to open his mouth.

At this moment, Fan Yaotian looked at this demon master, but his face was panicked and fearful, completely devoid of his previous madness and confidence.

And judging from the attitude, this mouth is absolutely intended to surrender!

After seeing this scene, the demon master finally couldn't help it.

For a time, with the help of his own little control over the super brains of the battle space below, the master of the demons directly snarled at Fan Yaotian.

"Boy, what do you want to do?..."


This sudden roar shocked Fan Yaotian, but after hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Fan Yaotian felt a little more settled.

After all, this voice is a supreme lord among his own demons!

And after hearing this voice, Fan Yaotian only remembered that he still had a super hole card!

Because at this moment he finally remembered that there seemed to be something in his hand that the supreme ruler gave him, and with this thing, it seemed to be a breeze to defeat the human sun before him!

Thinking of this, the fear in Fan Yaotian's heart quickly faded, and his face once again showed the madness and confidence he had before.

"Damn human, your end is here!"

Fan Yaotian looked at Qin Shaofeng suddenly, and shouted loudly: "You think I have only these methods, wait! Soon you will know what fear is, and soon you should know that you should not anger me! Because of anger My price..."

Because the price of angering me is something you cannot afford!

This was originally the last word Fan Yaotian wanted to say to Qin Shaofeng, and Fan Yaotian was also planning to do it. After he finished shouting this sentence, he started directly.

Directly obliterate the human being who was frightened and a little gaffey!

But unfortunately, before he fully shouted out the last few words, his voice fell silent.


Because just when Fan Yaotian yelled, a black shadow flashed in front of him instantly. This was a mechanical puppet, a mechanical puppet made by the Demon Cloud!

Then, this mechanical puppet attacked directly without Fan Yaotian not aware of or reacting at all.

Turn your palm into a palm with one hand!

The right hand of this mechanical puppet flashed past Fan Yaotian's neck at that moment.

Fan Yaotian's voice stopped dumb, and the madness and confidence on his face had not had time to take it back, but there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

But at the moment this horror appeared, his eyes became completely gloomy.

Then, Fan Yaotian's head fell straight down.


Completely dead!

Well, Fan Yaotian didn't even show his final hole card, so he hung up.


You're so embarrassed!

However, at the last moment when his consciousness dissipated, after seeing the figure in front of him clearly, it was a mechanical puppet, although Fan Yaotian was horrified in his heart, but at this moment, he still had more doubts in his heart.


How can Yan Yang have three such mechanical puppets?

At the last moment of Fan Yaotian's death, he clearly saw that there were two mechanical puppets fighting with his own mechanical puppets in the distance.

But now this is actually one more?

Does Yan Yang possess three such mechanical puppets?

This was Fan Yao's last thought before his death!

There are indeed three!

This point can be fully confirmed by the people who are following this battle at this moment.

Because they were all surprised to find that while fighting Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppets, Yan Yang actually sent another mechanical puppet again, which seemed to be exactly the same as the previous two, and then instantly understood Fan Yaotian.

Then everyone was shocked.

My grass, there is a third such mechanical puppet in the sun?


After all, the mechanical puppet Qin Shaofeng took out, the combat power displayed by everyone is obvious to all.

Of such mechanical puppets, one is very rare, and two are even more rare among the rare.

Now there is a third one?

For a while, the crowd began to be strangely quiet.

At this moment, both the human race and the demons were shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, many people have a doubt in their hearts.

If there are three, will there be a fourth?

How many mechanical puppets are there in this Yanyang Special?


Of course there are only three. With Qin Shaofeng's ability to provide so many materials, the Demon Cloud can create these three mechanical puppets.

However, since none of the previous opponents had the strength to let Qin Shaofeng dispatch the three mechanical puppets, this third mechanical puppet was hidden forever, and was not summoned by Qin Shaofeng to fight.

Under such circumstances, other people naturally don't know that this third mechanical puppet exists.

However, because of this, the repeated production of such mechanical puppets has caused some people to speculate whether Qin Shaofeng will have more such powerful mechanical puppets.

Well, actually, this kind of speculation can't be completely wrong.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng only has three such mechanical puppets now, but after a while, whether there will be more, then it is uncertain.

Because the mechanical puppets left by Fan Yaotian in front of him, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, they were all materials for the Moyun to make mechanical puppets.

Moreover, due to the death of Fan Yaotian, these mechanical puppets directly lost their masters, and then did not move, which left more than fifty mechanical puppets in a complete state.

In this way, plus the previously destroyed mechanical puppets, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the Demon Cloud could create three or five more Nirvana Six-level mechanical puppets.

It stands to reason that Fan Yaotian, the remaining mechanical puppet, will explode collectively at the moment of his death.

However, it is a pity that with the intellectual brain of the eight-star intelligent Feizhou Demon Cloud, although it cannot directly seize the control rights of these mechanical puppets, it is still very easy to prevent these mechanical puppets from exploding.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's spoils of this game are very rich.

However, soon after the mechanical puppet that killed Fan Yaotian called Fan Yaotian’s storage ring into Qin Shaofeng’s hands, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the real gain was not Fan Yaotian’s mechanical puppets at all, but the storage in his hands. Material ring.

Because Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine that Fan Yaotian had such a good thing!

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also extremely grateful that he had solved this Fan Yaotian, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

It can be regarded as Fan Yaotian's luck, uh, it is also his character, which makes Qin Shaofeng look down.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel in the mood to listen to his words, so he summoned a third mechanical puppet and killed him.

But now it seems that this is the right thing to do!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that while he was excited that Fan Yaotian brought the spoils directly, at the same time above the battle space of the match, on the void stand of the Demon Race, the Demon Race Master who was in charge of manipulating the super brain was almost crying at this moment.

This Demon Race Master couldn't think of it, he had already prepared enough conditions, and he had clearly been doomed as long as he took his little gadget.

But it was such a simple thing, it was finally smashed by Fan Yaotian!

It's just that, it won't make the demon master want to cry.

But the problem is that this continuous incident caused the Master Demon Yuan next to him to be very angry.

Although this Lord Demon Abyss didn't say much at this moment, the dangerous aura exuding from his body was enough to explain his mood at this moment.

The **** Fan Yaotian made Master Demon Yuan so angry.

You wait for me, don't think you will be fine if you die.

At this moment, the demon ruler had made up his mind, and when he returned, he wanted to uproot Fan Yaotian's family.

Although Fan Yaotian's family is very good, this is only in terms of facing the general forces of the Demon Realm.

If a demon master wants his family to die, it is a simple matter.

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