Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1140: Mozu's means

Chapter 1140

After the tenth game, Qin Shaofeng had completed ten consecutive victories.

This means that Qin Shaofeng has already won the spot and has successfully advanced to the top 100 to enter the next round of competition.

If it had been the case before, Qin Shaofeng still wanted to try the Demon Race, and proceed to the next game to see if the Demon Race sent those players in the second and third levels of Nirvana as his opponent.

After all, Qin Shaofeng still wanted to earn points.

But after getting Fan Yaotian's storage ring, Qin Shaofeng had no such thoughts.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng walked directly off the ring and withdrew from the fighting space of the competition.

And after this withdrawal, Qin Shaofeng returned to the lounge prepared for him by the Celestial Army.

This made many human forces who wanted to get closer to him without a chance to find him.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng was so anxious to return to his lounge was because of what Fan Yaotian had kept.

And this thing is exactly the gadget that the demon ruler said.

However, if Qin Shaofeng were to know that the other party called a puppet of the tenth level of Nirvana, I am afraid that he would curse the other party bloody.

How can a puppet with ten levels of Nirvana be a gadget?

That's right, Fan Yaotian's last trump card, the little gadget in the mouth of the demon ruler, is exactly a puppet with the tenfold Nirvana Realm.

It's just that this is not a mechanical puppet, but a special puppet refined by some refining method.

Although this puppet is a bit special, although it is the tenth level of Nirvana, if it can be evaluated according to the detection of the Demon Cloud, it is at most equal to the combat power of having eight pill of law.

There are ten levels of Nirvana, and the pill of eight laws.

This kind of combat power is already very strong, and even at this big comparison, it is at a high level.

If Fan Yaotian had taken out the puppet from the beginning, Qin Shaofeng would have to admit defeat.

Although Qin Shaofeng's current strength has already reached the realm of eight pill of laws.

However, this puppet refining method is somewhat special, it is not a mechanical puppet, so the control method is not based on intelligent calculation.

In this case, if it blew itself up, then Qin Shaofeng would definitely not be able to dodge it.

Most importantly, in the face of this special puppet, Qin Shaofeng would definitely not reveal his true cultivation base and strength.

After all, he is now playing this human being with the first level of Nirvana, and because of the challenge of this connected leapfrog nine levels, he has been targeted by those demons.

If that kind of strength suddenly broke out, Qin Shaofeng could think with his toes that he would be completely watched by those demon rulers, maybe even directly.

Because of his situation, it can be regarded as deceiving these supreme masters, so if the Demon Race Master had used this as an excuse, Qin Shaofeng was not sure that the high-level human race would take action to protect him!

However, fortunately, none of this happened, and this special puppet had also fallen into Qin Shaofeng's hands and became his Qin Shaofeng's thing.

For this puppet, Qin Shaofeng collected it, and then carefully studied how to use it.

But the words of the Demon Cloud completely stopped Qin Shaofeng from doing these tedious things.

Because the Demon Cloud told Qin Shaofeng that this special puppet was actually refined from some precious materials, although the refining techniques were somewhat special.

However, with the current eight-star intelligent flying boat level of the Magic Cloud, this special puppet can be transformed into a mechanical puppet made by the Magic Cloud.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng was tempted.

Because according to the analysis result of the Demon Cloud, once the transformation is over, this special puppet can be completely controlled by the Demon Cloud, no different from the mechanical puppet it made.

And most importantly, this Nirvana Realm 10-level puppet still has some flaws in the eyes of Moyun, that is, it does not possess the combat power that matches the level.

What does it mean to have combat power that matches the level?

In fact, it is very simple, that is, possessing the strength of the pill of law and the rank realm.

The Demon Cloud told Qin Shaofeng that as long as the materials removed by Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppets were added to this special mechanical puppet one by one, after the conversion into a mechanical puppet was completed, this special puppet could fully possess the combat power of the level.

Well, to put it plainly, it means to have the combat power of the ten levels of Nirvana and ten pill of laws.

Although this is very possible, even with all the mechanical puppets obtained from Fan Yaotian, it cannot be completed.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't give up, and directly let the Demon Cloud transform.

If the materials are not enough, just find it!

Anyway, I now have thousands of points!

In order to allow players to carry out more leapfrog challenges, Terran seniors have long promised players who have earned points, and they can exchange points for treasures and resources with Terran Treasury.

In fact, this is equivalent to improving the player's strength, so that the players can win more victories in the Grand Competition. The highest level of the human race is at most smoothing the boat.

After the Demon Cloud had transformed the special puppet into a mechanical puppet, Qin Shaofeng followed the list given by the Demon Cloud and was ready to exchange some materials.

While Qin Shaofeng was preparing for himself to obtain a stronger mechanical puppet, the great comparison of Nirvana continued.

But now Terran’s points have been challenged by Qin Shaofeng’s five leapfrogs and nine times. With a total of more than 1,300 points in ten games, Terran’s total points have now exceeded 2,000 points!

As for Mozu, despite their hard work, their total points are only six hundred points.

This is more than 1,400 points different from Human Race!

This is a huge gap!

According to this situation, even if the human race is now gaining points, it is not as fast as the demons, but I am afraid that when the game is over, the gap of more than 1,300 points is not so easy to catch up. .

From this point of view, the comparison between the human race and the demon race seems to have had a result.

But at this moment, a strange unexpected situation appeared.

In a match in one of the arenas in the battle space, there was a battle with very different strengths.

On both sides of the opponent, one of them is the human race of the eightfold realm of Nirvana. As for the opponent of this human race is just a demons of the first stage of Nirvana.

Although this demon clan is also a demon clan with mechanical puppets, the power of the mechanical puppets he possesses is not as strong as one-fifth of Fan Yaotian's mechanical puppet army.

It stands to reason that in such a situation, even if you have a mechanical puppet, the demons should give up in the first place.

In fact, his opponent Human Race also thinks so.

Moreover, the human race must have thought that the other party would admit defeat, so he didn't mean to make a move, but waited for the other party to surrender.

Not only him, but almost all the audience present think so.

But unfortunately, what happened next was unexpectedly crazy.

Because at the moment when the game started, the demons gave a grinning smile, and at the same time they summoned all of their mechanical puppets at once.

After summoning these mechanical puppets, this demons made a crazy move, which was to rush all the mechanical puppets directly in front of the Nirvana Realm Eightfold Human Race, and then...

boom! boom! boom!

Without hesitation at all, this demon clan blew all his mechanical puppets at this moment.

Perhaps the mechanical puppets owned by this demon clan are not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets, but his mechanical puppets are somewhat Nirvana mechanical puppets.

These two dozen mechanical puppets in the Nirvana Realm at once came to a collective explosion. Even if these mechanical puppets are only considered to be the first level of Nirvana, the power that bursts out of the explosion is absolutely terrifying. .

The human race of the eightfold layer of Nirvana had never expected this demons to do this.

Because it was unexpected and because the incident happened suddenly, even at the last juncture, the human master of the Eighth Layer of Nirvana reacted and started to defend.

But after all, it was a step slower, the defense was also very hasty, and the power of collective self-detonation was terrifying.

Therefore, the final result was that this human race of the eightfold level of Nirvana actually blasted into a state of severely wounded and dying.

In the end, he was stomped to death by the demon with the highest level of Nirvana.

and then!

The matter is big.

This demonic race is the first level of Nirvana, and the human race he killed is a master of the eighth level of Nirvana.

It is a leapfrog challenge!

And it's still a challenge to leapfrog seven!

If you succeed in the seven-fold leapfrog challenge, you can get 64 points!

Despite some accidents, the demon race's leapfrog challenge succeeded, and the demon race added 64 points.

But not many people cared about this, and no one found anything wrong with the other party.

But soon, people discovered that things seemed to be going in some weird direction, and the development continued.

Because after this blew up game here, it didn't take long before there was another boom in the battle space.

It was another collective explosion of mechanical puppets!

Then, people discovered that it was another demons with the first level of Nirvana, let their mechanical puppets explode, and defeated a human opponent with the seventh level of Nirvana.

After the mechanical puppets blew up this time, some people smelled some kind of conspiracy.

Sure enough, soon, the entire battle space of the game rang everywhere, and this kind of similar rumbling was the blew of mechanical puppets.

And they are all the demons of the second and third levels of Nirvana, and they use mechanical puppets to blew the seven or eight levels of Nirvana on the other side of the human race, and even the opponents of the nine levels of Nirvana.

Although not every time the demons succeeded, many demons even blew up mechanical puppets, but in the end they did not win but were beheaded by the humans.

But more often, the players on the human side were blew up by these mechanical puppets, seriously injured, or directly bombarded and killed.

Even some human races with poor strength were blown to pieces by a collective explosion of mechanical puppets, leaving no corpses.

One after another, as if they had agreed to each other.

Then, the Human Race was shocked to discover that the Demon Race's points were actually increasing at an extremely fast speed.

Gradually, the Demon Race differed by more than 1,300 points from the Human Race, which was actually reduced in a very short time.

Even in the end, it was more than surpassed!

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