Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1142: The sixth round begins

Chapter 1142

There is a difference of four or five hundred points, which is a bit difficult.

Of course, for Qin Shaofeng, this was a matter of several battles.

Qin Shaofeng is not worried now that the Demon Race will use his opponents.

Because now the entire battle space of the game is under the surveillance of a few supreme masters and powerful gods from the human race, the demons can no longer interfere with his opponents.

In this way, although Qin Shaofeng's opponents are still random, Qin Shaofeng believes that he will definitely meet some opponents in the Nirvana Realm.

However, considering that in order for the people to win this time, Qin Shaofeng's previous plan might have to be changed.

Qin Shaofeng planned to continue the game now, but now it seems that this is not necessary.

Because the number of people on the battlefield still has a majority of 30,000, and the Demon Race has nearly 20,000 people. In this way, the probability of randomly matching a high-level opponent is very small.

And now there is not much time until the end of the fifth round.

Even if Qin Shaofeng went to fight now, at most he could fight for a few games. It might be difficult to earn many points.

But if it were changed to the sixth round, it would be different.

Because in the sixth round of the competition, there are only a hundred people. Among the hundred people, whether they are humans or demons, they must be people with very high realms, at least seven or eight levels of Nirvana. It is a player in the ninth and tenth levels of Nirvana.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to re-enter the game in the sixth round, because in that case, he would be able to compete against opponents of the demons with a higher level, and then gain a lot of points for the human race.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to continue fighting in the fifth round.

After all, he has already won the spot to enter the sixth round, and other things don't need to be concerned.

With Qin Shaofeng waiting quietly, the fifth round of the Nirvana Grand Tournament finally came to an end.

Sure enough, just as Qin Shaofeng had expected, after the fifth round of the game, the total points earned by the Human race had exceeded 3,000 points.

But the points obtained by the same demons also broke through to 3,500 points!

The Human Race is now more than 500 points behind the Demon Race!

Then, the sixth round of the game began, and there was no time to rest. As soon as the fifth round was over, the sixth round of the game started directly.

However, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised when he learned of the 100 people participating in the sixth round.

Because among the hundred people, there are exactly fifty human races and fifty demons.

Although the explanations of both the Human Race and the Demon Race are that if there are 50 players on both sides, it is easier to compete. Otherwise, if there are more people on one side and a small number of people on the other side, you can't play this kind of game with your own people!

But Qin Shaofeng always felt that such an explanation was simply not enough.

The 100 places to enter the sixth round, except for the top 20, are all determined by their rankings.

In fact, at the end of the fifth round, if the number of people entering is determined according to the rankings, it may not be the case of 50 people on one side.

Because the actual situation is that the human race ranks in the top 100 people, but it is much less than the demons.

The reason is very simple, because the Nirvana one, two and three players of the Demon Race with mechanical puppets have won many consecutive victories, so many such Demon Races have entered the top 100.

This is why the demons occupy an absolute advantage among the top 100.

Then, Qin Shaofeng probably knew that the reason for such a result now was that this was the result of another discussion between the high-level Human Race and the Demon Race.

After all, the Demon Race has moved a little bit, which has led to the current situation. Although the Human Race has no absolute evidence, but the attitude is tough, the Demon Race will naturally not say much.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's mind, I am afraid that this is because the demons have already felt that they have taken the human side, and this has agreed to the request of the human side, resulting in the current situation where there are 50 people on both sides of the sixth round.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered that there might be a reason why the Mozu agreed to such a request.

This is because many of the demons who have entered the top 100 are demons within the triple level of Nirvana. I am afraid that such strength will not be competitive at all in this final game.

After all, in the end, this is already a contest between the real masters of Nirvana.

At this time, those mechanical puppets that are not strong may not have much effect.

Because for some powerful Nirvana masters, even if a bunch of mechanical puppets with the three levels of Nirvana explode, as long as they are prepared in advance, they must have the means to deal with it.

So, by the sixth round, the mechanical puppets seem to be less popular.

Perhaps it was because of this that the Mozu agreed to the request of the Human Race and allowed both sides to advance to the sixth round with fifty players.

Then, Mozu also took this opportunity to ask Human Race to change players.

Human Race also agreed to this point.

So at the moment, the demons on the side of the demons participating in the sixth round, almost none of those who rely on mechanical puppets to advance.

Naturally, most people don't know these things. They are just transactions between the human race and the demons.

But as soon as Qin Shaofeng saw the contestants in the sixth round, he had guessed seven or eight in his heart.

However, this is still a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

"I was originally worried about meeting those demons who rely on mechanical puppets to advance. In that case, even if I win, I won't get many points. But now it seems that I don't need to worry about these!"

Seeing the fifty people on the side of the Demon Clan, who were generally in the seventh level or above of Nirvana, the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth raised slightly, and he was a little happy.

Soon, the sixth round of the game began. There are also some rules in the sixth round.

The sixth round is still a round of competition, and the situation is almost the same as the fifth round.

If you win, you can choose to continue fighting, and as long as you win five consecutive games, you can advance to the final round of the finals.

Although it only won five games in a row, this seems to be relatively small, but in the entire sixth round of the game, each player has at most one chance to win five games in a row.

Because among a hundred players, once a winning streak is achieved, then the next opponent is a player with the same winning streak.

At the beginning, one hundred people participated. After one game, fifty people were left to win, and then there were fifty people who played the second game.

This is to advance from one hundred to fifty, then from fifty to twenty-five, twenty-five to fourteen, fourteen to seven, and seven to four!

After a fight, you will advance to the semifinals directly!

This is the first five battles of the sixth round. If you can win five games in a row, you can directly become the top four!

This is also the only way to advance to the final round in the sixth round!

It's just the semifinals, but it's not over yet, because the final round of the finals requires ten people to play.

Therefore, in the sixth round of the game, the final ten is to be determined.

In the first five games of the sixth round, after winning the top four, the remaining six top six will be played by the 96 players who have already lost one game.

Of course, the premise is that there are so many people left.

However, no matter how many people are left in the end, the game will continue.

Then, the remaining number of people will be randomly matched battles. The number of battles is up to ten. Of course, plus the one that has been lost before, ten matches are made together.

Then, after everyone has finished the game ten times, they are finally ranked according to the number of games they won. The top six are naturally the ones who advance to the top ten.

The game is not complicated, but there is a very obvious phenomenon.

But I am afraid that in this round of competition, it is easy to run into players from the same camp.

For example, in the first five games of the sixth round, whether it is Human or Demon, as long as there are more people, they will definitely run into players from the same camp.

Therefore, at the beginning of this theory, there was an additional rule. No points will be awarded for matches between the same camps.

"I hope I won't meet human players!"

With a soft chant, Qin Shaofeng stepped into the battle space.

The sixth round of competition officially begins!

The entire battle space of the competition can hold tens of thousands of matches at the same time, so for the current competition of a hundred players, it can completely accommodate.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, fifty clan and fifty demons entered the battle space at the same time.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A black shadow flickered, and a hundred more contestants soon appeared on the fifty arena in the battle space.

Because the game is just the beginning, there will not be a situation where the human race is against the human race, or the demons rival the demons.

But if you wait until the second game, then you can't tell.

After boarding the ring, Qin Shaofeng quickly saw his opponent.

The moment Qin Shaofeng saw his opponent, the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, and a curved smile appeared.

Because this time, although his opponent was not very satisfied with him, he was also a demons with eight layers of Nirvana.

"The Eightfold Nirvana! This is a challenge to leapfrog the sevenfold. If you win, you have 64 points!"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, his expression completely not paying attention to the opponent in front of him.

Although this pair is an eight-fold master of Nirvana with seven pill of law!

The other party obviously recognized Qin Shaofeng, so after seeing Qin Shaofeng, the demon clan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled grimly.

"Yan Yang? I didn't want this young man to meet you, hahaha, this is great, as long as I kill you, I can get a lot of extra rewards!"

Today, Qin Shaofeng has gained thousands of points for the Terran because of the nine-fold leapfrog challenge, and has long been hated by some demons.

Therefore, after learning that Qin Shaofeng would continue to participate in the Grand Competition, many high-level demons spoke out, saying that as long as this human Yanyang is killed, they can get their extra rewards.

And most importantly, these additional rewards are not low.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has become a sweet-moon-like existence in the eyes of many demon masters in Nirvana.

Although Qin Shaofeng has three very powerful mechanical puppets, they are only for the general Nirvana state. For those real masters in the Nirvana state, Qin Shaofeng these three mechanical puppets are nothing to worry about.

In fact, it is true that the three mechanical puppets around Qin Shaofeng really can't threaten some real masters in Nirvana.

If it is to fight, I am afraid that it is not some powerful opponent of Nirvana at all.

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