Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1143: Ten puppets

Chapter 1143 Ten Puppets

In comparison with the Nirvana Realm, if it is the beginning, with the power of some foreign objects, it can be mixed with wind and water.

Of course, the premise is not to meet those real Nirvana masters.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Qin Shaofeng was able to achieve such a result with the help of three mechanical puppets at most.

What kind of treatment can be enjoyed with what kind of power.

Obviously, neither the human race nor the demon race took Qin Shaofeng very importantly.

Because the three mechanical puppets, no matter how powerful they are, if they meet a real Nirvana master, it will be useless.

Therefore, after some senior demons offered a reward to Qin Shaofeng, many masters of the demons regarded Qin Shaofeng as sweet steamed buns.

But everyone does not know that such a master of the Demon Race, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, is also a sweet steamed bun.

After all, such a master must have a high level of realm. Once Qin Shaofeng meets and defeats the opponent, he will be able to obtain huge points for leapfrog seven or eight, and even nine leap challenges.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, isn't this just sweet steamed buns?

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the demons in the eightfold realm of Nirvana is also a good steamed bun.

Because the opponent is an opponent who can bring him 64 points!

As soon as he thought that he would have sixty-four points to start with again, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate to summon the three Nirvana Six-level mechanical puppets directly, and launched an attack on that Demon Race.

"Huh? How dare you attack my uncle?"

Qin Shaofeng among the demons summoned the three mechanical puppets and launched an instant attack on him, his expression furious.

"Yan Yang, you are too arrogant, and too overwhelming!"

In the anger, the demon master banged out, directly exploding his powerful aura.

Although this Nirvana Demon Race is the eightfold realm of Nirvana, he has already cultivated seven pill of laws.

To some extent, he can be regarded as a rare genius, and the strength he possesses is afraid that some of the ten levels of Nirvana that have only cultivated six pill of laws are not necessarily his opponents.

In fact, this is really the case, the strength of this demons is indeed very strong.

"Go to death for me!"

With a roar, this demon master just blasted three punches directly at the three mechanical puppets, and then blasted all the three mechanical puppets Qin Shaofeng away.

The first time you fight, the highs and lows are visible!

The strength of this demons is actually beyond the reach of these three mechanical puppets.

"Haha, Yan Yang sees it, this is the strength of this uncle, you are done!"

The demon master laughed, his expression full of triumph.

At the same time, the spectators outside the fighting space of the game, after seeing this scene, some human races who originally had a slight expectation of Qin Shaofeng, were a little disappointed at this moment.

"Oh, it really doesn't work!"

"Yan Yang's luck is really bad. If he encounters other opponents, he may be able to leapfrog the challenge and succeed, and add some points to my human race!"

"Yes! It's a pity that this is the first game of the sixth round. Yan Yang will meet such an opponent."


The human race sighed, and the demons were excited. They were all directed at the ring where Qin Shaofeng was in the battle space, and shouted to the demons, feeling that Qin Shaofeng would be solved.

At this moment, the demon master on the ring was also extremely excited, especially when he thought of killing Qin Shaofeng and getting a lot of rewards, the whole person was even more excited and excited.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng once again drove the three mechanical puppets to attack this demon master.

But this demon master has a look of disdain: "Ha, don't you give up? Not to mention, let this uncle smash this mechanical puppet to pieces, let you fall into despair!"


As soon as the breath exploded, the master of the demon race broke out. He didn't want to play anymore. He would directly solve the three mechanical puppets, and then blasted the sweet steamed bun Yanyang in his eyes on this arena.

But the next moment, a few dark shadows flashed, making this demons completely dumbfounded.

"This... this... how is this possible?"

As if seeing something unbelievable, the eyes of this master of the Demon Race were wide open, and his face was full of surprise and unimaginable.

And his expression is similar, there are also many outside the battle space at this moment, including demons and humans.

The reason for this situation is actually very simple.

That was when Qin Shaofeng recruited and waved again, seven more figures appeared beside him again.

Well, seven mechanical puppets!

And the point is that these seven more mechanical puppets are exactly the same as the previous three mechanical puppets, they are all six-level mechanical puppets of Nirvana.

These seven mechanical puppets are naturally the mechanical puppets created by the Magic Cloud again.

In fact, in the past few days, in addition to transforming and strengthening that special puppet, Qin Shaofeng also let the Demon Cloud create some other mechanical puppets, that is, these six-level mechanical puppets of Nirvana.

Because the mechanical puppets of Fan Yaotian's hundred mechanical puppet army, although most of the precious materials are used to strengthen the strongest mechanical puppet.

But in the end there was still a lot of materials left, and later Qin Shaofeng exchanged points for a lot of materials, and then let the Demon Cloud create a mechanical puppet with the sixth level of Nirvana.

The manufacturing of mechanical puppets of this Nirvana level is actually divided into four levels, the first level is one to three levels, the second level is four to six levels, and the third level is seven to nine levels.

As for this last level, it is naturally a mechanical puppet of the tenth level of Nirvana.

Among the four levels, the mechanical puppets of the same level are not very different in manufacturing. The most is the question of how many materials are needed.

But the gap between each level is very big.

For example, to make a mechanical puppet with four levels of Nirvana, if the required material is one unit point, to make a mechanical puppet with five levels of Nirvana requires three unit points. For a six-level Nirvana, that is Five unit points are required.

But once a mechanical puppet with seven levels of Nirvana is to be made, the unit points required for this are probably at least 20 points.

Because he invested too much in that special puppet, it is naturally impossible for Qin Shaofeng to have so many homes, and then create mechanical puppets with the sixth level of Nirvana.

However, Qin Shaofeng could still produce some mechanical puppets of Nirvana Realm six levels.

At this moment, ten mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana Realm appeared, but they scared many people. As for Qin Shaofeng, the master of the demons who claimed to be his uncle, he was even more silly.

Then, there is no need to say anything.

Although this demon master is also a genius, his strength is probably enough to deal with the mechanical puppets of five Nirvana Realm and six levels, and he is considered a very good player.

It's just that the six-level Nirvana Realm mechanical puppets summoned by Qin Shaofeng at this moment, but there are a total of ten, and these ten mechanical puppets are still controlled by the Magic Cloud to calculate and fight.

In this way, this demon master naturally cannot be Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

Even shortly after a fight, once you feel that you are not the opponent of these ten mechanical puppets, if you continue to fight, your life will be in danger.

So, it didn't take long for the master of the demons to surrender.

This is not to blame him, but to blame the opponent for being too evil and having too many powerful mechanical puppets.

But even so, after he yelled out the three words "I admit defeat", he still received some ridicule. Even among these ridicules, the demons were the most, and there were many demons who gave up to him. , I feel very spurned.

But no matter what, Qin Shaofeng still won one game, and once again gained 64 points for the Human Race.

This situation has made many humans excited again.

Unexpectedly, this Yan Yang also hid a hand, with these ten mechanical puppets, maybe this Yan Yang can bring back some points of the Human Race behind the Demon Race!

But those high-level members of the Demon Race were a little fidgety instead.

Because with Qin Shaofeng's ten mechanical puppets, there are still many demons present who are not opponents!

If this is the case, let them encounter these mechanical puppets, then I am afraid that the human race will get some more points.

This is a bit bad!

For a while, some of the demons' senior leaders began to take action.

Of course, under the situation of being monitored by the supreme **** of the human race, it is naturally impossible for them to control the super intellectual brain in the battle space of the game, let alone what Qin Shaofeng himself does.

However, these high-level demons released words, once they can kill this human sun, they can gain access to the pool of transformation.

This is incredible, because such a reward is a great benefit to the demons.

This demon pool is a special pool of water in the holy land of the demon clan of the demon domain. It is said that this demon pool is the water of the ancient demon god's blood.

Therefore, once you enter it, even the lowest demons can have an evolutionary baptism beyond blood.

All the Demon Races that have entered the Hua Demon Pool have basically strengthened their bloodlines to a level second only to the three royal families of the Demon Race.

Even some lucky demons, after entering the Huamochi, their bloodline after baptism is not weaker than the bloodlines of some direct disciples of the demon royal family's demon family, very powerful.

But this magic pool can not be entered casually, nor can it be baptized casually.

Under normal circumstances, it takes hundreds of thousands of years to transform the demon pool to store energy, and then the demon can be baptized by blood.

Therefore, such a reward is enough to drive all demons crazy.

For a while, most of the Demon Race players stared at Qin Shaofeng, hoping that they would meet this scorching sun.

Even though Qin Shaofeng had ten mechanical puppets, the Demon players who lacked his own strength were looking forward to it.

In the sixth round, because the first five games were winner-to-winner games, it was necessary to wait for everyone to finish before the next game.

Qin Shaofeng ended the game early, and then waited almost half an hour before finally ushering in the second game.

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky that I actually met! Hahaha, the magic pool, I am here!"

At the beginning of the game, before Qin Shaofeng could see his opponent clearly, he heard a wild laugh.

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