Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1144: Not ten but eighteen

Chapter 1144: Not Ten, But Eighteen

After the high-level demons reported that they would be rewarded by entering the magic pool once, it quickly spread.

At first, many demons thought this was false news, but when they learned that this was what the person in charge of the competition had promised, the demons players were excited.

All demons in the Demon Realm know that this Demon Pool is under the control of the Demon Realm Royal Family’s Demon Clan, but Master Demon Yuan’s identity and status in the Demon Clan, since he said so, it can’t be added.

Therefore, at the beginning of the second game, all the Mozu players expected to meet the human sun.

Finally a lucky person appeared.

Qin Shaofeng's opponent in the second game of the sixth round happened to be a genius from a small family in the Demon Realm. The opponent was also very talented. He had already been subdued by the Demon Family and became a member of the Demon Family.

Therefore, it is naturally very clear about the demons of Huamochi.

But it was because of his clarity that he was very excited.

He has cultivated to the nine-fold realm of Nirvana, and most importantly, he has also cultivated eight pill of laws.

His own talent is very good, but his bloodline is quite different.

If he were to be born in the Demon Family of the Demon Realm Royal Family, no, even just from the Leng Family and the Blood Family, I am afraid that now he has not only cultivated to the tenth level of Nirvana, but it is even possible to cultivate ten Pills of Law.

Therefore, he often hates that he was not born well, and he was not born into a demon with a strong bloodline.

Although even so, he is confident that he will finally aspire to the realm of supreme dominance, but the time spent in it is definitely very long.

And even if he becomes the supreme ruler, he will be inferior to the supreme ruler with strong blood because of the bloodline problem.

But now there was an opportunity, an opportunity to change his fate against the sky.

This opportunity is to enter the magic pool.

This Demon Race is very confident, because he has already used his potential and talents to the limit. With his current situation, once he enters the Demon Pool, his blood will rise like a leap.

And when that happens, he will definitely be able to cultivate the ninth pill of law in the nine-fold realm of Nirvana.

The sudden and explosive rise of blood, the power it brings, is able to condense the pill of law.

Because the bloodline level is raised to a certain level, it is completely reborn, which in a sense can be regarded as a kind of nirvana.

This is one of the few ways to increase the pill of law.

Therefore, this demon clan's reward for entering the pool of transformation can be said to be determined.

However, because of the excitement, when he saw Qin Shaofeng, he couldn't help but laughed happily.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, because Qin Shaofeng didn't think the opponent would be his opponent.

Although the opponent is a Nirvana Realm Nine-Layered Master who has cultivated eight Pills of Law.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the opponent is the sweet steamed bun that directly brings points!

"Yan Yang, in order to achieve me, you give me to die now!"

After being excited, the master of the demons immediately attacked Qin Shaofeng.

However, of course, when he launched an attack, he was stopped by ten shadows.

These ten shadows are naturally the ten mechanical puppets!

But after seeing these ten mechanical puppets, this demon master didn't care, instead he smiled coldly and said, "Yan Yang, this is useless. I am not the **** you defeated directly! It's just this! A little bit mechanical puppet is not my opponent at all!"


After finishing speaking, this demon race's tall figure flashed, and actually dodged directly, the siege of these ten mechanical puppets.


This speed?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed astonishment, because Qin Shaofeng discovered that the opponent's speed was actually very fast.

The speed of these ten mechanical puppets is already very fast.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is a Nirvana peak realm master who has cultivated eight pill of laws, the speed at which Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets can definitely keep up.

I don't want to, this is just a pill of eight laws, and the realm is only in the first stage of the nine-fold Nirvana realm. The speed it possesses actually makes these mechanical puppets unable to keep up.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised!

"Yan Yang, die!"

Just when Qin Shaofeng was surprised, the master of the Demon Race, relying on the speed that the mechanical puppets could not catch up with, directly surpassed the obstacles of ten mechanical puppets and rushed to Qin Shaofeng.

In the eyes of this demons, this human being called Yanyang is not strong at all. As long as he is close by himself, he will definitely die.

Unfortunately, the fact is the opposite.

The strength Qin Shaofeng possessed at the moment, to be precise, was the strength possessed by this immortal incarnation, enough to kill the demon in front of him.

And looking at this situation, it seems that Qin Shaofeng has no other means.

Because the ten mechanical puppets were sent out by Qin Shaofeng to besiege this demon clan at first, but the speed of this demon clan was unusually fast, and directly got rid of those mechanical puppets and came to Qin Shaofeng, directly attacking Qin Shaofeng himself.

At this moment, facing the attack of this demon master, the ten mechanical puppets simply couldn't keep up, unless Qin Shaofeng himself exploded with great strength.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that now was not the time to expose his true cultivation base.

and so……

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Just when the demon master was about to attack Qin Shaofeng, suddenly several black shadows flashed in front of him, and then he felt several attacks and blasted him frantically.

not good!

The master of the demon race was shocked, because he felt that the power of these attacks was not small, and if he was bombed, even he might be injured.

There was no way, he could only reverse his figure, did not continue to attack Qin Shaofeng, but directly chose to dodge.

After dodge, when the demons stabilized his figure, he finally saw what he was attacking him.

Mechanical puppet!

The special thing is a mechanical puppet!

Seeing the eight gleaming metal guys around Qin Shaofeng, the face of this demons looked ugly.


As if thinking of something, he looked back, and then saw the ten figures coming here.

Well, ten plus eight, it seems, seems, probably, should be eighteen!


Is this so special?

The master of the demon race was extremely sad and angry at this moment, because he found that he had nothing to say.

For this **** Yan Yang, there are ten mechanical puppets, but for such a mechanical puppet, he actually took out eight again like a play.

Do you still have fun?

Although the area of ​​the competition arena is not small, it exceeds tens of thousands of square meters.

But for the people of Nirvana, especially for the masters of Nirvana, this distance is not that big. You can run back and forth in the blink of an eye.

If it were only ten mechanical puppets, the demon master would be confident, and he would throw away the ten mechanical puppets in an instant, and then attacked Qin Shaofeng himself.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was killed and won.

But now looking at the eight mechanical puppets around Qin Shaofeng, as well as the ten mechanical puppets that have surrounded himself again, the demon master's heart is desperate at this moment.

How to fight this so-so!

At the same time, outside the fighting space of the game, after seeing such a scene, those spectators were all quiet for an instant.

In fact, after Qin Shaofeng took out three such mechanical puppets, everyone felt a little bit that perhaps this person named Yanyang might have other mechanical puppets on his body.

However, after waiting for Qin Shaofeng to come up with ten mechanical puppets, both the human race and the demon race agreed that ten such mechanical puppets were definitely the limit.

There can be no more!

But I don't want to. Looking at the eighteen mechanical puppets on the ring at this moment, everyone was speechless for a while.

At this time, some people suddenly subconsciously guessed that, besides the eighteen mechanical puppets in Yan Yang's hands, there are other mechanical puppets!

These people have thought about it a lot, because Qin Shaofeng's six-layer Nirvana Realm mechanical puppets are at most these eighteen.

This was also the result of Qin Shaofeng spending all his points, and collected eighteen mechanical puppets in the Nirvana Realm.

Because under the calculation of the Demon Cloud, eighteen mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana, combined with their own intelligent calculation capabilities, can definitely burst out of the strength of the seven or even eight levels of Nirvana mechanical puppets if they act together. .

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng spent the last few points completely, just to make up these eighteen Nirvana Realm six-level mechanical puppets.

But, let's say that again, Qin Shaofeng has these eighteen mechanical puppets, but there is actually one mechanical puppet.

Well, it is the mechanical puppet of the ten-level Nirvana Realm that has Fan Yaotian's special puppet.

However, this was Qin Shaofeng's trump card, and Qin Shaofeng wouldn't take it out easily.

At least not needed on site!

The reason is simple, because the demon master in front of him doesn't need Qin Shaofeng to take out his mechanical puppet with his hole card.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's 18 mechanical puppets on the arena, except for the three mechanical puppets surrounding Qin Shaofeng, the other 15 mechanical puppets are all besieging the demons.

Perhaps the ten mechanical puppets of the six-level Nirvana Realm will let the demons get rid of them because of their speed.

However, after adding five mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana again, and with the calculation ability of the Demon Cloud, fifteen mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana surrounded the demon clan to death and let the other party. It is impossible to escape this encirclement at all.

The strength of that Demon Race is indeed very strong, but at most it can barely deal with ten mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana.

At this moment, he was besieged by fifteen mechanical puppets with six levels of Nirvana. He was not an opponent at all. Under the siege, he could only retreat.

However, this demons seemed to be fascinated because of the reward for entering the Demon Pool. After retreating steadily, they did not directly admit defeat, but chose to resist.

It seemed that he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that he could find an opportunity to kill Qin Shaofeng.

But unfortunately, this is simply impossible.

The Wisdom Demon Cloud of the Demon Cloud, its calculus ability, even if compared to some powerful masters with weak spiritual consciousness, it is not weak at all.

With such calculation ability, it is impossible for this demons to find any opportunities and hope!

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