Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1155: High-level meeting (part 1)

Chapter 1155

"let's go!"

In the end, with a cold drink unwillingly, Du Yuanlong turned and left.

Since there is no place for the competition from Yanyang, there is no way to stay here. It is better to think of other ways.

In fact, if it hadn't been known recently that there would be such a big event in this battle of ten thousand race hegemony, Du Yuanlong would not care much about this entry quota.

But now that he knew it, he would naturally try to get a place.

Because if he can get a good ranking in the Nirvana Realm Competition, even if he is not the first, it will be enough for him to obtain great benefits.

But it's a pity that the original plan to secure a quota from this kid named Yan Yang has failed.

This made Du Yuanlong's heart terrible!

Seeing his elder brother so angry, Du Yuanhu didn't have much to say, so he hurriedly followed, but before leaving, Du Yuanhu glanced at Qin Shaofeng, and his mouth showed a hint of pride.

Oh, the sun!

Now I see how long you can live!


have they gone?

Feeling the disappearance of Du Yuanhu and Du Yuanlong's breath, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to look back to know that the two of them had already left.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly.

"Unexpectedly, this entry quota could be given to others in this way. What is the situation?"

Qin Shaofeng is not clear about Du Yuanlong's behavior, but Qin Shaofeng learned one thing from the actions of the two brothers, that is, this so-called entry quota can be transferred.

This made Qin Shaofeng suddenly feel a strange feeling in his heart.

"So this time the so-called human-devil competition, I feel a little bit wrong! It's obviously just a victory between humans and demons, but the rules are revised again and again. What is the situation?"

Such a situation, based on what Qin Shaofeng currently understands, is something that hasn't happened in all previous battles for hegemony.

"Could it be that this time the battle for hegemony among ten thousand races, is there any special secret?"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only focus his doubts on this battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races.

After all, the so-called human-devil competition this time is to decide the outcome of the ten thousand race for hegemony.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what his secrets are, it has nothing to do with me, I'll go and see what the original secret realm is!"

Shaking his head gently, Qin Shaofeng came to the gate of the battlefield base treasure house.

However, Qin Shaofeng had a faint feeling in his heart when he stepped into the gate of the battlefield base treasure house.

Maybe after three months, this Nirvana is much better than the last round, I am afraid there will be some changes in the rules!

The feeling in Qin Shaofeng's heart is not wrong, because at this moment, in the final round of the game, the high-level experts of the human race and the demons are discussing fiercely!

In fact, in the final round of the competition, without everyone knowing, several senior officials of the Human Race and the Demon Race had been discussing for three days just because of the final round of competition.

And today is the last day, because both the high-level humans and the high-level demons have decided to discuss the final result today.

After all, the time is only three months, and if the results have not been thoroughly negotiated in this way, there will be not much time for preparation.

"No! My Human Race is against it. They all say that it is already the top ten competition in Nirvana. Now you propose to join the ninety people again and make up a hundred for the final. What is this?"

Just now, a high-level master of the demons proposed that the final round of the game will be increased from the original top ten players to one hundred players, and then the winner will be eliminated, and finally the first place will be determined!

But as soon as this proposal was put forward, it was opposed by the high-level Human Race.

"Why not, anyway, ten are competitions, and one hundred are also competitions. It makes no difference!"

The high-level demons who proposed the 100-player finals sneered after the Human Race objected.

"How come there is no difference? Is it interesting to change the rules like this?"

"Heh, what do you humans say? This is not possible, that is not possible, what do you want to do?

"Hundreds of people are absolutely not good, others can still be discussed."

"Discuss a fart! You have been inked for so long, your human race is really long-winded, you are really a weak race, and you are really good at talking!"

"What do you mean, bastard?"

"Who do you call the devil boy, say it again!"

"Just say, what about the devil boy?"

"Damn human race, do you want to fight?"

"Come on, who is afraid of whom!"


It is hard to imagine that in these high-level meetings where human races and demons dominate the realm, these elevated existences are at this moment just like the rogues on the street.




There is almost everything!

Too spicy eyes!


Finally, a slightly angry voice stopped these voices.

The person who made the noise was the person in charge of the Demon Race-Demon Abyss!

Whether it is a human race or a demon race, both sides have a certain awe of the real strong.

Mo Yuan was one of the two most powerful people among the high-level discussions. With his voice, both the Human Race and the Demon Race were quiet.

Ignoring the quarreling person, Mo Yuan looked directly at him, sitting opposite him, and the person in charge of the human race who was comparable to him, directly said: "Tantaiyi, what do you say?"

The strong human being called Tantaiyi by Demon Abyss is the main person in charge of this human-devil competition.

Of course, this was also when Mr. Bai hadn't been so idle, it was the turn of the game.

However, this does not mean that Tantaiyi's strength is not strong. On the contrary, this Tantaiyi is not an ordinary master. Among the masters present, Moyuan is qualified to compete with him.

"How to say?"

Tantaiyi looked up at Moyuan, smiled slightly, and said, "Since Brother Moyuan said that, then you must have some ideas too!"

"Huh! Since you don't say Tantaiyi, then I'll say it first!"

Seeing that Tantaiyi didn't say anything, but instead asked himself a question, Moyuan snorted uncomfortably, and then said: "For the final round of the game, I have three suggestions!"

"The first one is the number of people. Although it cannot be said that there will be hundreds of players in the finals, but if there are only 10 players, this is too small. I don't need to say that Tantaiyi. You know in your heart that once the five players compete , It’s easy to decide the outcome, but it’s also easier to dissuade people!"

"Well, indeed!"

Tantaiyi nodded. Of course he knew that there were five players on the side that seemed to be fair, but it was exactly the same. This allowed the competition to compete, and after the victory was decided, there were some dissatisfied humans and demons.

If it is in accordance with the normal situation, there will be no problem in this game.

But this time the game, there was a leapfrog challenge to get points before the rules, and then the game was completely confused.

In fact, there is nothing to challenge by leapfrogging, but the key is that this time a human race named Yanyang appeared. The opponent was only in the first level of Nirvana. With the help of mechanical puppets, they have repeatedly defeated the seventh, eighth, and even nine levels of Nirvana. With the opponent of the tenth realm.

This is still called a competition!

Then, because of this, many strong players in the competition could not help being eliminated.

Tantaiyi also didn't expect that a small guy in Nirvana would actually reduce the big competition between the humans and demons to such a situation.

Especially now the so-called top ten, in addition to Xuan Yunfei, Tang Qijian and Du Meng, these three are a little surprised in strength, but the strength of the others is not enough.

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng, the other player's strength is only barely possible, and even some players who were eliminated early are somewhat inferior.

However, Human Race is pretty good here.

At the very least, Xuan Yunfei, Tang Qijian, and Du Meng were there, which was more dominant.

Because no matter which one of these three people, they all mastered regular attack methods.

But on the opposite side of the Demon Race, because they avoided Qin Shaofeng's lightning rod, a large number of players were directly abstained, although some of the players who remained were also good.

However, a few of these players were particularly outstanding, but they met difficult goals without fail.

Leng Feng was one, but he directly surrendered, which was beyond Moyuan's expectation.

However, a demon player that Moyuan was optimistic about was met without death, and the player who specifically restrained him-Tang Qijian!

In terms of strength, there is not much difference in strength between the two sides.

The only difference was that Tang Qijian's sword was too sharp.

That kind of sword move that abandons defense and attacks with all strength is completely fatal.

Except for Du Meng's special Nirvana masters with strong defensive power, it is impossible to defeat Tang Qijian unless he is fighting for his life.

Therefore, the very unfavorable thing is that with the current situation of the five Mozu players, the Mozu will probably lose in the final round of the final.

It is precisely because of this that the Mozu advocates increasing the number of people.

"Hmph, you think that is the best!" Seeing Tantaiyi nodded, Mo Yuan was also relieved.

However, the next moment Tantaiyi's words made him frown again.

I saw Tantaiyi smiled slightly and said, "I do think so, but I still think that a hundred contestants will participate, but it’s a little impossible. This time, we revised the rules over and over again. This is not a good thing!"

When Mo Yuan heard this, his face also changed slightly, and whether it was a human or a demon present, the expressions of these high-level officials were a little embarrassed at the moment.

Indeed, this change is not a thing!

Even during the previous game, they heard a lot of dissatisfaction and complaints from the audience in the void stands, all aimed at the high-level people who revised the rules.

If it was announced that it was originally just a final of ten players, and suddenly an additional 100 players would be added, then don’t think about it, and know that there will definitely be more dissatisfaction and complaints.

"Then how many people should you say?" Mo Yuan said, and from his tone of voice, it was obvious that he had compromised.

"Well, just add ten more players!" Tan Taiyi said.

Ten more players?

Is that twenty?

Twenty, then...

His eyes flashed, Mo Yuan's heart began to measure, and finally nodded, and said: "Okay, just as you said, twenty are twenty, ten of your human race, and ten of our demon race!"

Regarding such a decision, the former leader of the Mozu who proposed a hundred players, his face changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But in the end he still didn't say anything.

After all, the two strongest human races and demons present had nodded their heads in agreement, so he said that no matter how much it was, it was useless.

Although this time is a high-level consultation meeting, in fact, whether it is the ruler of the human race or the demon race, they know in their hearts that it is the two powerhouses who are really decisive.

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