Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1156: High-level meeting (below)

Chapter 1156

"Well, the first proposal is no longer a problem, then Moyuan can tell your second proposal!" Tantaiyi said.

Seeing the Demon Abyss, there was nothing nonsense, and he directly opened his mouth to tell his second proposal.

"My second suggestion is that in the final round of the finals, you can't use any foreign objects, even weapons, unless it is your own destiny!"


As soon as Mo Yuan's words were spoken, the masters present knew who the Mo Yuan's words were directed at.

Isn't it just for the scorching sun?

Can't rely on any foreign objects, even weapons?

Oh, doesn't this refer to those mechanical puppets?

Although the son of Moyuan, Mo Yanyu, also possesses a large number of mechanical puppets.

But there is a special power in the blood of the Demon Family of the Demon Realm Royal Family, that is, it can fuse multiple natal soldiers!

Under normal circumstances, a person can only fuse one item as his own destiny.

However, with the improvement of the cultivation level, the soul has also been improved accordingly, especially in the case of Nirvana in the Nirvana state, some people's souls also merge one or two more natal weapons.

Generally speaking, a Nirvana master who can practice three pill of laws can fuse two natal soldiers, six is ​​three, and nine is four.

Even some powerful Nirvana masters can integrate five or six natal soldiers.

If the realm goes further and reaches the dominance realm, there will naturally be more natal soldiers that can be integrated.

However, the fused natal weapons mentioned here generally refer to the natal weapons that are not very powerful, and basically refer to the god-level spiritual weapons.

If it is replaced with a heavy treasure, the quantity will have to be at least subtracted from the average.

There is a big gap between the Uneven God-level Spirit Tool and the Heavy Treasure.

However, if someone could see the natal divine weapon of the fused god-level spiritual tool, and upgrade from the god-level spiritual tool to a heavy treasure, it would not affect the number of fusions.

To make a simple analogy, this is equivalent to a game character with four equipment slots and four first-level equipment.

But if you change to the second-level equipment, you can only equip two pieces.

Because secondary equipment needs to occupy two positions!

But if you equip four pieces of first-level equipment, and then after preparation, upgrade all four pieces of first-level preparations to second-level, then you don't need to occupy other positions, just one is enough.

However, it is very difficult to upgrade the zombies, and it takes a lot of time. Not many people do it.

Moreover, once you have reached the Domination Realm, once you have the Domination Device, it doesn't matter whether it is the success of the promotion of your own destiny, or you get it by accident.

Once the Dominator is integrated into the body and turned into one's own destiny, the rest of the destiny will be squeezed out.

Dominating the strong can only have a dominating device as their own destiny!

Of course, it doesn't mean that the master can only have one master weapon. After all, even if you have a natal **** weapon, you can use other master weapons as your own weapons or other uses.

However, in the ancient sanctuary, the masters of some special ethnic groups can fuse two masters. Among them, the demon house of the demon domain imperial family is one such ethnic group.

The bloodline of the demon family is very special. It can fuse multiple zombies, even if it is a master, once they are promoted, they are likely to fuse two.

Therefore, before Moyuan made such a suggestion, the masters present knew his intentions.

It is nothing more than restricting Yan Yang on the human side to stop using those mechanical puppets, but his son Mo Yanyu is not among them.

Everyone knows that his son Mo Yanyu inherited the pure blood of the Mo Family, although it was only the five-fold realm of Nirvana, it was considered a heavy treasure-level natal soldier, and it could also integrate a dozen pieces.

Needless to say, in this respect, the blood of the demon is indeed a bit abnormal~!

Cheating-like metamorphosis!

Therefore, for the proposal of Demon Abyss, after paying attention to it, once again the human race powerhouses, the first time they will reject it.

Because of this advance, it is too aimed at their human race.

Even with this proposal, Tantaiyi frowned slightly, and he didn't quite approve it in his heart.

But at this moment, a loud laugh broke out, disrupting the entire meeting.

"Haha, this proposal is very high, and our human race has agreed!"


Seeing someone suddenly agreed, so the strong human race looked unhappy, but when they saw this person who suddenly broke into the meeting and laughed like this, everyone stopped talking.

Even after Tantaiyi saw the opponent, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling very helpless.

"Lao Bai, why are you here?"

That's right, this person who broke into this place suddenly and promised the second advance of Moyuan was Old Bai.

Tantaiyi was very helpless, because he didn't expect that Mr. Bai, who had never been interested in such meetings, would actually come.

But if Mr. Bai agreed in person like this, I'm afraid the matter will be settled.

After all, in the presence of so many powerful people, he is not easy to refute.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tantaiyi doesn't think his refutation is useful.

Facing the white old man in front of him, no matter how much he refuted, it would be powerless.

As soon as Mr. Bai appeared, the eyes of the Demon Abyss shrank, and he was no stranger to the Demon Abyss.

In fact, even if he is alone facing Tantaiyi and other human masters, his Demon Abyss will not panic.

But on the contrary, even if it was Old Bai alone, there were several masters on his side, and Mo Yuan still had no bottom in his heart.

Before I learned that Mr. Bai would not attend the meeting, Mo Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Bai appeared, Mo Yuan became nervous.

However, after hearing the second proposal of Old Bai, Mo Yuan felt a little calmer.

But at this moment, Mr. Bai suddenly said something.


This sound made Mo Yuan nervous again.

Mr. Bai gave Mo Yuan a funny look, and he felt a bit more disdain.

Milk~milk~, you little devil, so nervous!

If I want to attack you, you are nervous and have a fart!

Taking a look at Mo Yuan with disdain, Old Bai said: "You demon boy's second one is ahead of schedule, old man, I have nothing to say, but I have to add one thing, that is, among the natal weapons used, you cannot use more Beyond the scope of the person's own bearing!"

If someone else called himself a devil boy, Mo Yuan would have been angry and shot.

But the words of this one...

Mo Yuan thought for a while, but just as if he didn't hear it.

However, Mo Yuan frowned at the request made by Mr. Bai.

What is beyond the scope of one's own tolerance?

The meaning is very clear, that is, it cannot exceed the scope of its own control.

Just like under normal circumstances, a strong man in the Nirvana Realm, even if he comes down with ten pill of law, but the power of the law he possesses can spur an eight-star intermediate treasure at most.

The stronger the heavy treasure is, the more the gods will naturally increase.

But the use of the **** pattern is based on the premise of sufficient law.

If there is not enough power of the law, it is impossible to spur the treasure.

An eight-star intermediate-level heavy treasure, that has more than twenty **** patterns.

Under normal circumstances, if you have a pill of law, you can at most activate a four-star low-level artifact.

Only with a cultivation base with more than five Pills of Laws can he activate a treasure-level artifact.

Although some outstanding Nirvana geniuses can spur nine-star high-ranking treasures while possessing ten pill of law.

But no matter how outstanding the Nirvana genius, only with full burst, can he spur the nine-star high-order heavy treasure.

Moreover, at most, the high-ranking heavy treasure can only explode one attack, no matter how many, there is nothing that can be done.

Even after one attack, not only could it not be activated for the second time, but also because of one activation, all the power of the law was directly drained, and then the combat effectiveness was directly lost.

Therefore, in many cases, the natal weapons possessed by some Nirvana masters have prepared sufficient law power in advance, and will not consume their own law power when they erupt.

In addition, some people's powerful natal soldiers will instill enough law power into some masters, and then they will explode multiple attacks.

But the request made by Mr. Bai now completely eliminated such a situation.

In fact, Moyuan really planned this way at the beginning, letting his sons or other Mozu players pour their natal soldiers into sufficient law.

Then in the game, you can use the powerful natal soldiers to increase your combat power.

But now obviously it won't work, because this intention has been seen through by Mr. Bai.


Although he was very unwilling in his heart, Demon Abyss finally met the same old Bai's request.

Now that I see through it, I can only stop here.

"Then what about your third proposal?" Seeing Moyuan agreed, Tantaiyi asked Moyuan's third proposal again.

"The third proposal?"

Moyuan glanced at Bai Lao before he said: "My third proposal is for the final round of this competition. Since there are already 20 people, it is naturally possible to start from the first to the 20th. Earned points!"

Can 20 players get points?

Tantaiyi frowned again, because he really didn't think about the difference between the ten players who earned points and the twenty players.

After all, the difference in points between the two clans is only eight points, and the final result can only be based on the points obtained by the top ten in Nirvana to determine the final victory of the two clans.

So, these ten and twenty have nothing to do with each other!

"No problem, this is the same for our human race."

Just as Tantaiyi wondered if this was another conspiracy of the Demon Race, Bai Lao said.

All right!

Don't think too much about it now, even if it's a conspiracy of the Demon Race, that can't be changed.

Seeing Mr. Bai agreeing so neatly, Mo Yuan didn't feel happy. He was worried about Mr. Bai's request again.

Sure enough, after Mr. Bai agreed, he really made other demands.

"However, this is the same for our human race, but at the same time we also need to make a small request!"

Small request?

Mo Yuan already had a bad premonition in his heart, but at this point, he could only bite the bullet and asked, "What's the requirement!"

"Well, there are actually no special requirements!" Old Bai touched his snow-white beard and smiled. "My old man sees that you have changed these rules to this. It's better to simply abandon the previous game, and finally The winner will be decided by these twenty players!"

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