Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1157: Initial Secret Realm

Chapter 1157


Putting aside the previous game, the final round of twenty players will be the final victory?

Although Mo Yuan had already prepared in his heart, he didn't want to, Bai Lao finally made such a request.

Do not agree?


It seemed that Old Bai, who squinted Mo Yuan with a smile on his face, made it clear in Mo Yuan's heart that if he did not agree, I am afraid that these three proposals would not be counted.


Don't count if you don't count.

Anyway, it's just a gap of eight points. We have already done enough to blew up, and there is nothing wrong with Yu'er.

In this way, we still have a big chance of winning here.


Moyuan nodded and directly agreed to Bai Lao's request, but in the end he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly added again: "However, in this way, I suggest that there is no more leapfrog challenge to get points bonus rules. The points of Big Competition can only be obtained by ranking!"

Although there are already more examples where only one natal soldier can be used instead of other external forces, the shadow of the Yanyang human race flashed in his mind, and Mo Yuan couldn't help adding a sentence.

"Oh, this..."

Mr. Bai paused slightly, so it was difficult to act, but in reality he was already happy.

Hey, this silly devil boy, I'm just trying to find an excuse to add this condition!

After all, the kid Yan Yang finally competed with his real cultivation base. This leapfrog challenge was obviously impossible.

Since it's impossible, then it will be nullified. Otherwise, let the five-fold boy of Nirvana in Demon Abyss continue to leapfrog and challenge to get points?

How could such a good thing happen?

"Okay, no problem, this, our human race also agreed."

Finally, after some ‘hesitation’, Mr. Bai nodded and agreed.

For fear that the old man would go back, Mo Yuan said directly: "That's fine, but I propose that in order to prevent any rule changes from happening again, the highest road contract between our two races should be signed!"

Avenue contract!

The highest level of the ancient sanctuary is also the most sacred contract.

Use a powerful force to communicate the rules of the road, and then make a contract under the witness of the rules of the road.

Once such a contract is signed, it cannot be changed at all.

Most importantly, I can't regret it.

Because signing the road contract, but swearing to the rules of the road, ordinary people, it is nothing, but the strong who dominate the realm, once they do, they must abide by it.

If you don't comply, that's okay!

However, then you just wait to be defeated by the rules of the road!

The backlash against the rules of the avenue is not a joke. According to the content and punishment of the contract, it is 100% punished by the avenue.

Moreover, with the minimum requirement for signing the Great Dao Contract, the strongest punishment can allow the strong who dominate the realm to unconditionally weaken part of the cultivation.

If it is serious, it is not impossible even if it is directly obliterated by Dao Law.

There is also a special situation in this road contract, that is, once it is signed, it can never be changed, even if both parties modify it in the same way.

Because the road rules do not allow!

If you want to sign, sign?

Change if you want?

You treat me as a vegetarian!

Therefore, when Demon Yuan proposed to sign the Dadao Contract, the powerhouses in the dominance realm, whether it was Human Race or Demon Race, were shocked.

However, in the end there was no objection and everyone signed the same agreement.

Although the avenue contract is terrible, as long as it is complied with, it is completely fine.

At this moment, whether it is Lao Bai or Demon Abyss, their own tribe can win, and it is a good thing to sign a great contract!

In this way, the rules for the final round of the human-devil competition are finally settled.

And after this time, the final rule is decided, and there will be no more changes!

Because neither the human race nor the demon race has the courage to change it!

No one dares to joke about the rules of the road!


After the top leaders of the Human Race and the Demon Race finalized the final round of competition rules, Qin Shaofeng finally walked out of the battlefield base treasure house.

After connecting to the battlefield base treasure house, Qin Shaofeng finally found some information about the initial secret realm from the Celestial Corps.

But this is just some information, not comprehensive at all!

Now Qin Shaofeng knew that the initial secret realm was a magical place in the ancient sanctuary. Few people knew its specific location, and even if they knew it, they might not be able to enter it.

Because according to Qin Shaofeng's current understanding, this initial secret realm is surrounded by countless powerful prohibitions and formations, even some powerhouses of the supreme dominance level cannot forcefully enter.

And there is a special space formation in this initial secret realm, and this space formation is completely described by a special space attribute **** pattern, which has a strong concealment ability.

Even if you know that the initial secret realm is right in front of you, you can't see it or touch it, let alone enter it.

In fact, people who can enter the initial secret realm are not ordinary people, even geniuses like Xuan Yunfei of the fantasy race, they may not be qualified to enter.

Because this place, as Mr. Bai said, is a place that can only be entered by the master.

The original is very simple, this is because the energy contained in this initial secret realm is only the energy for the cultivation of the strong masters.

If someone who dominates the realm enters here, it may be difficult to hold on for long.

However, this place is a blessed place for some Nirvana masters, especially those in the pinnacle state of Nirvana.

Because after entering this initial secret realm, you can completely rely on the energy contained in it and some special things to make the pinnacle master of Nirvana break into the realm of dominance!

Qin Shaofeng checked the initial secret realm data with a sentence like this, that sentence is ‘break through the dominance in the initial secret realm, no matter what kind of qualifications people have, the success rate can be increased by 30%! ’

30% success rate!

And the success rate of breaking through the realm of dominance is incredible.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng only learned some of these things from the information he found. Among them, Qin Shaofeng was not very clear about the specific things about the initial secret realm.

And Qin Shaofeng also knew that if it weren't for the high level of the human race to attach great importance to this human-devil competition, those who had already reached the top ten would not be qualified to enter this initial secret realm.

Especially for Qin Shaofeng, because Qin Shaofeng is only the first realm of Nirvana on the surface, it is a waste of time for such a realm to enter the initial secret realm.

Because no one believes what energy Qin Shaofeng can absorb in this initial secret realm to improve his cultivation.

The reason is very simple. Even if you can stay in the initial secret realm, even if you can stay in the initial secret realm, it may not be able to absorb the energy in it for cultivation.

In fact, if it were not for Bai Lao's suggestion that Qin Shaofeng was allowed to enter the initial secret realm, and Qin Shaofeng had obtained so many points for the human race, if he brought the human race back from the disadvantages again and again, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng would not be able to enter this initial secret realm.

After all, in the eyes of most people, Qin Shaofeng's ability to get to this point was not relying on his own strength at all, but relying on those mechanical puppets to get there.

This time, because Qin Shaofeng and others are still in the final round of the game, in order to ensure that there will be no emergencies, the high-level human race deliberately built a teleportation leading to the initial secret realm in a space not far from the playing field. Array.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't need to prepare anything, he went straight to the teleportation formation.

In fact, this time entering the initial secret realm, Qin Shaofeng and others have a special privilege, that is, they can bring certain other people into the initial secret realm.

For some reason, Bai Lao didn't explain this to Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng didn't know either.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng arrived at the teleportation formation alone, the two guards beside it looked at Qin Shaofeng curiously, and even one of them directly asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Huh? Why don't you bring some people in Yanyang?"

"With people?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the guard blankly, his expression completely confused.

Seeing the watchman, he smiled bitterly, and said, "My God, don't you kid not know this, right?"

The two guards are actually the cultivation bases of Nirvana, and they are all consistent with the ten levels of Nirvana, and they have cultivated eight pill of laws.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng, who is only at the top of the Nirvana Realm, even if he was promoted to the top ten in the competition, they did not deliberately adopt a respectful attitude like the other top ten players.

"Know what? Please also two old brothers famous!"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Qin Shaofeng knew that he seemed to be pitted by Bai Lao again.

Why didn't the old man tell himself clearly!

"Uh, you really don't know!"

The guard looked speechless, and then explained to Qin Shaofeng: "In fact, this time you enter the initial secret realm, you can bring some people. According to the above rules, every one of your top ten people can bring two. Ten people, this is mainly to help you hunt down those world beasts!"

Realm beast?

I circled a cross, what the **** is this?

Qin Shaofeng was really dumbfounded. If he could, he wanted to run in front of Mr. Bai at the moment to study with him.

This old man wants to do his own work, and he doesn't even explain some basic things to himself. Is there such a thing?

Qin Shaofeng was really tangled in his heart at this moment.

At this time, another guard suddenly interrupted and said: "I said, Old Chen, don't worry about it, don't you have any mechanical puppets on this kid? There are those mechanical puppets, killing some weak world beasts. But there is no problem!"

"Yeah! I forgot about it!" Old Chen laughed and came over.

Then, looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, it wasn't what it was before...that.

To be honest, seeing Qin Shaofeng intending to go to the Initial Secret Realm alone, Lao Chen, who had an understanding of the Initial Secret Realm, was puzzled by Qin Shaofeng's behavior, and even felt that Qin Shaofeng was a little stupid.

Thinking of Qin Shaofeng's dozen mechanical puppets now, he understood.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly at this moment, smiled at the two guards, and said, "Hey, the two elder brothers really know gold with insight, and the little brother planned to use my mechanical puppets without anyone!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng knew it well. I am afraid that Mr. Bai had also thought of his own mechanical puppets, so he didn't tell him anything that could bring people together.

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