Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 116: End of the ring

"Bagua Sixty-Four Palms!"

After Qin Shaofeng's last loud shout fell to the ground, Qin Shaofeng finally returned to normal, and then stood in front of Tang Qijian.

Qin Shaofeng's actions were wonderful and refreshing for everyone, but everyone was more puzzled.

They didn't know what Qin Shaofeng did for this purpose.

Even the person involved, Tang Qijian, was confused.

Because Qin Shaofeng was afraid that the power hitting him was not so great, so he was not injured at all.

Tang Qijian was certain that if Qin Shaofeng had just used more strength, he would have been injured at this moment.

But what is the situation now?

Tang Qijian didn't understand, but soon his expression changed drastically.


When no one expected it, the three-meter giant sword on Tang Qijian's head suddenly exploded and collapsed and dissipated.

Moreover, what made everyone more dumbfounded was that Tang Qijian's own breath fell directly at this instant.

This fall was like falling to the bottom of a valley, so that everyone would no longer notice Tang Qijian, even a trace of the breath of a warrior.

Tang Qijian himself knew this point best.

The gas is gone!


How is this going?

Tang Qijian's heart trembled, and his face could no longer maintain the calmness as before. Instead, he asked Qin Shaofeng in a panic: "What did you do to me, Qin Shaofeng, why did all the internal energy in my body disappear?"


All the internal energy in Tang Qijian's body disappeared?

Tang Qijian's words shocked everyone present.

No wonder the giant sword above Tang Qijian's head suddenly collapsed. This turned out to be because the internal energy in Tang Qijian's body was gone!


How did Qin Shaofeng do this?

How can I do it?

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, recalling the attributes of the card that had disappeared in his hand before.

Sixty-four palms of gossip (card): low-level cards, consume props, after use, you can use 64 palms of gossip.

Bagua Sixty-Four Palms: Hyuga Ryu’s oral secret skill, with 359 degrees of all-round eyes, plus placing the opponent in the Bagua formation, attacking the 64 main acupoints on the target body, destroying the acupuncture points in the target body and making it inside Qi stops working, sealing the opponent's internal Qi.

Effect: After use, under the innate realm, any warrior will be completely sealed inside the body for an hour.

(Note: This card is a one-time consumption item, after use, the card disappears!)

This is the sixty-four palms of the Eight Diagrams, saying that it can seal the inner energy of any martial artist below the innate realm, how can you make an exception for Tang Qijian?

However, before Qin Shaofeng could explain anything, Qin Shaofeng felt a flower in front of him, and an extra figure appeared.

Looking closely, it was the referee elder who suddenly came over.

The elder referee didn't speak either, only his face was calm on Tang Qijian.

After a while, the elder referee showed an expression like that, and said, "Really sealed?"

After a bit of surprise, the elder referee suddenly turned his head and stared at Qin Shaofeng, and asked: "Boy, what exactly are you using to seal the acupoints of the human body and completely seal the internal Qi in Tang Qijian's body. Such a method, old man. It's simply unheard of and unseen!"


Seal the acupuncture points, seal the inner Qi in the body?

The remarks of the referee caused an uproar at the scene.

At this moment, the crowd under the ring finally understood why the giant sword that Tang Qijian used would suddenly disappear, and why Tang Qijian would question Qin Shaofeng like that.

But the doubt that followed was how did Qin Shaofeng do it?

Everyone has heard that the abolition of acupuncture points and the destruction of acupuncture points can seal the acupuncture points. How is this done?

Could this have something to do with the dazzling trick Qin Shaofeng used before?

Thinking of the several numbers Qin Shaofeng called out before and the scene where his hands turned into shadows to attack Tang Qijian, everyone understood something.

What means?

Facing the question of the referee elder, Qin Shaofeng was a bit embarrassed for a while.

This is a card item that can be used as soon as it is activated. To be honest, he didn't know what acupuncture point Qin Shaofeng hit on Tang Qijian before!

How does he explain this?

Fortunately, the elder referee didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. After taking a deep look at Qin Shaofeng, "Well, since you don't say anything, then forget it."

As he said, he remembered something, and couldn't help but ask again: "Well, your method won't keep this kid's acupoints blocked forever?"

While speaking, the elder referee pointed at Tang Qijian and looked at Qin Shaofeng with a smile.

When Tang Qijian heard it, he immediately became nervous.

The acupuncture points are sealed and there is no taste of internal Qi, which is not good!

If this continues, it might as well kill him.

"No, no!" Qin Shaofeng shook his hands and hurriedly replied, "Not so exaggerated, at most a small, oh, at most half an hour, those blocked acupuncture points will be completely unlocked, and Tang Qijian It's back to normal!"


After receiving Qin Shaofeng's affirmative answer, Tang Qijian was also relieved.

Seeing this, the referee's elder didn't say much, he just nodded clearly, then turned to the students under the ring and announced: "I now declare this winner Qin Shaofeng, the first place in the ring competition this time. It's Qin Shaofeng!"


With the announcement of the elder referee, the crowd under the ring was bombarded instantly, and countless people began to shout Qin Shaofeng's name loudly.

"Qin Shaofeng!"

"Qin Shaofeng!"


The winner will always be brilliant, no matter how many people who were not optimistic about Qin Shaofeng before, they started to shout loudly at this moment.

This is the weak and the strong!

The rules of this world!

Only the strong are worthy of people's support!

But no one noticed that after seeing this scene, the trainee instructors who came to watch the ring match couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked admiringly at the referee elder on the ring.

As expected to be Lao Li, no one paid attention to Tang Qijian's behavior after such a transfer.

That's right, the reason why the referee elder and Li Lao announced Qin Shaofeng's victory so quickly was because he wanted to divert everyone's attention.

No way, after all Tang Qijian's previous behavior was too exaggerated.

Not only can it display the second kill of the "Sword of Seven Kills", the Qi Yujian, but it also touches the realm of the third kill incarnate as a sword.

You must know that Tang Qijian is an acquired warrior!

It's best not to expose such a shocking thing, or Tang Qijian would be in danger.

Lianyang Academy is not without enemies, at least among the two big countries adjacent to Lianyang Country, those two colleges are in a hostile relationship with Lianyang Academy.

If you let those two colleges know that Tang Qijian is such a genius, I'm afraid I won't be able to sit still.

As for Qin Shaofeng's situation, Lao Li didn't worry much.

Although Qin Shaofeng defeated Tang Qijian in the end, it was because of the means of sealing the acupoints. In Lao Li's mind, Qin Shaofeng's strength was still weaker than Tang Qijian.

In this regard, in addition to the vast majority of the students at the scene, only those student instructors have the same idea as Lao Li.

But if they knew that Qin Shaofeng still had something to do, they wouldn't know how they would feel.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this at all. At this moment, he had received the system's prompt, but he started to laugh in his heart.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the system release of the mandatory task arena. According to the player Qin Shaofeng's final result of winning the first place in the ring, the system evaluates the completion of the task of the arena as five stars!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for earning 3000 points, and the current points are 24100!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for gaining 30,000 experience points, and his current points are 283,250 points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the ordinary lottery machine once, and the current number of ordinary lottery opportunities is one!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the special lottery machine once, and the current number of special lottery opportunities is one!"

A series of system prompts came, almost making Qin Shaofengle unable to keep his lips together.

Taking time to take a look, Qin Shaofeng was even more satisfied with his current attributes.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ten Days After Acquired, 283250/9999

Internal energy value: 8800/8800 (The acquired ten heavy has 1000 internal energy value, the Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, and the equipment bonus is 10%)

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of Thunder

Skills: Eyes of Fire, Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Lei Dun Thunder Armor, Wudang Changquan, Wudang Longitudinal Ladder, Huashan Basic Sword Techniques, Alchemy, 108 Yoga Styles...

Battle Beasts: Bailing Demon Fox, Tiger Roaring Lion

Equipment: Face of First Spirit, Chain of First Spirit, Belt of First Spirit, Ring of First Spirit

Task: None

Points: 24100

Title: Official student (The official student of Lianyang Academy is recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a triple bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 1 time

Special chance to draw: 1 time

Unlearned skills: 1 (empty dance)

Props: None

what! Now I can finally upgrade!

Looking at the experience value column of his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng's experience was as much as 280,000 points, and he couldn't wait to directly order the system to upgrade his current level and make himself an innate martial artist.

However, Qin Shaofeng still restrained his inner impulse. He didn't want to be watched. It seemed that it would be better to enter the spiritual garden for this upgrade.

At this moment, Tang Qijian suddenly walked in front of Qin Shaofeng and solemnly said: "Qin Shaofeng, you are really amazing, but I am still a little unconvinced!"

Not convinced?

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt a little dissatisfied.

Not convinced!

For your sake, this young man deliberately wasted the only item. Are you still not convinced?

But despite the anger in his heart, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly: "I'm not convinced, that's OK, find time to play two!"

Qin Shaofeng originally said that, but planned to dismiss Tang Qijian casually.

But Tang Qijian nodded earnestly, "Okay, you and I will compete another day!"

I'll take it, you **** really take me seriously?

Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes abruptly, and he didn't intend to chat with Tang Qijian, he was about to leave directly.

But just as he turned around, Tang Qijian spoke again.

"Qin Shaofeng, you should know Zhao Yun'er, let me ask you again, I don't know what you think of my previous trick against Zhao Yun'er?"


Qin Shaofeng paused abruptly, then turned his head, looking at Tang Qijian with extremely eccentric gaze in his eyes, until he saw that Tang Qijian was a little uncomfortable, Qin Shaofeng said: "Sao Nian, don't think too much, just yours. Strength, not to mention the second kill just now, even if you can perform the third kill of the "Sword of Seven Kills", it will be vulnerable to Senior Sister Zhao!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng left without looking back.

But Tang Qijian was stunned.

Tang Qijian didn't think that Qin Shaofeng would lie, but because of this, his mood at the moment was extremely complicated.

Isn't it OK?

So how strong is Zhao Yuner?

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