Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 117: Enter the Spirit Garden

"Hey, what do you think so much, don't take Yuner's girl as a target, that's unrealistic!"

Seeing Tang Qijian dumbfounded, Lao Li on the side couldn't help but say something.

But what he said made Tang Qijian even more dumbfounded.

Tang Qijian vaguely knew one thing about Lao Li's identity, and that was that his master had to be respectful and respectful when he saw Lao Li.

Therefore, Tang Qijian believed Lao Li's words.

But even if he believed it, Tang Qijian swept away his previous shock, his eyes shone brightly, and his whole person's breath suddenly changed a lot.

Become firmer and sharper!


Lao Li naturally felt the change of Tang Qijian for the first time.

Seeing Tang Qijian leaving, Lao Li was very happy.

What a seedling!

"After being hit, he not only maintained his usual momentum, but even made his sword intent a little stronger. Under such circumstances, I am afraid it will not be long before this kid can really reach the realm of turning into a sword. "

Lao Li muttered softly, looking at Tang Qijian's figure, his eyes filled with appreciation.

However, having said that, when he thought of a certain enchanting little girl, Lao Li shook his head slightly.

It's a pity that this kid has found the wrong goal for honing his sword intent. Is that girl comparable to anyone?

Even the little girl of Meng's family, she is the same as Yuner at most, right?

Not to mention Lianyang Academy, I'm afraid that even if they get there, the talents of these two little girls are enough to exceed countless geniuses.

This Tang Qijian kid has a good kendo talent, but...

After a slight pause, there was a trace of remembrance and a trace of yearning in Lao Li's eyes, and he whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

"The "Sword Art of Seven Kills" was comprehended in the realm of acquired martial artist. Although it is extremely rare in my Lianyang Academy, it is rare to realize the second kill in the realm of martial artist. Martial artist, even the child Tang Qijian can only barely count as a genius!"


Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied with the end of the ring competition. The task was completed and the rewards were obtained. He even earned a lot of contribution points.

All in all, this time the ring is perfectly completed.

The only bad thing was that Qin Shaofeng lost a lot of contribution points in order to heal Ye Hu's injury.

But after giving that Lu Qi a thorough lesson, Qin Shaofeng also let out a sigh of foul.

There is nothing to be depressed.

But Du Meng was depressed.

In the final final, Du Meng was greatly stimulated by the strength Tang Qijian displayed, and when he finally came back, he went to practice behind closed doors.

Frightened Qin Shaofeng repeatedly and instructed him not to break through the innate realm, which made the fierce boy not completely quarrel.

Speaking of depression, after the ring match, the most depressed person is probably Zhang Tao.

However, to be precise, after watching Qin Shaofeng's and Tang Qijian's test, Zhang Tao had nothing but fear about Qin Shaofeng.

Others don’t know what Tang Qijian’s last move was on the ring, but he also practiced "Sword Art of Seven Kills" and saw Zhang Tao who his father used "Sword Art of Seven Kills" with his own eyes, but they knew very well that the trick was what.

The second kill of "Sword Art of Seven Kills"-Yu Jian with Qi!

Zhang Tao never expected that Tang Qijian had reached this point in his cultivation.

That's the second kill!

Tang Qijian is an acquired warrior!

To be honest, Zhang Tao has never considered Tang Qijian a thing.

In Zhang Tao's view, Tang Qijian was at best a talent that was better than him.

Even when he saw Tang Qijian displaying the first kill of the "Sword of Seven Kills", he thought that Tang Qijian's talent was slightly better than he expected.

But as soon as Tang Qijian's second kill came out, Zhang Tao didn't think so.

The acquired martial artist realm realized and successfully cultivated, the second kill of "Sword of Seven Kills", this is the point that his father didn't do it back then!

In just an instant, Tang Qijian's position in Zhang Tao's heart rose linearly.

But such a genius in swordsmanship was defeated by Qin Shaofeng!

Zhang Tao is different from Lao Li and others. In Zhang Tao's eyes, if you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say.

Therefore, Zhang Tao understood after Tang Qijian lost to Qin Shaofeng.

This Qin Shaofeng is a terrifying existence!

Just a few random moves made Tang Qijian defeat.

If it's his turn...

Zhang Tao finally understood that before he met Qin Shaofeng, he was afraid that the other party had already kept his hands.

Otherwise, he is absolutely miserable!

Therefore, Zhang Tao made a decision instantly after Lao Li announced that Qin Shaofeng won the first place in the ring.

Don't provoke each other!

I definitely can't provoke Qin Shaofeng anymore!

I have to say that sometimes, although the self-reinforcing random thinking is very bizarre, it is even more bizarre because it leads to good luck.

This is the case for Zhang Tao. It is precisely because of this decision that he intends to stay away from Qin Shaofeng and stop provoking Qin Shaofeng.

And before long, Zhang Tao felt very wise for his decision.

After all, Zhang Tao is bullying the soft and fearing the tough, but sometimes the character of bullying and fearing the tough can save some troubles.


The ring match is over, this distance to enter the spirit garden, but still need to wait a few days.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't gain experience now, so he didn't plan to go to leveling. He originally wanted to go to Zhao Yun'er, but was told by a senior sister that Zhao Yun'er was currently in retreat and he could only give it up.

However, Qin Shaofeng trembled when it came to Zhao Yun'er's retreat.

This Senior Sister Zhao's current strength is just that terrifying, and now she has gone to practice in retreat.

This makes people not live!

There was no way, Qin Shaofeng could only go to the Contribution Hall in the end, and then bought some medicinal materials, intending to refine some pills taken by the innate martial artist.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng spent a few days in the boring time of refining pills.

Finally, the day to enter the spiritual garden has arrived.

On this day, Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng arrived early and gathered at the place Li Lao said.

Upon reaching the place, Qin Shaofeng found that everyone else had already arrived.

But Lu Qi did not come as he expected.

And not only that, the student who was ranked eleventh before came, and just gathered ten people.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

Ha, this Lu Qi is really useless.

Otherwise, I am afraid that no one will replace him to enter the place in the spirit garden.

Although happy in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't show it directly.

This time, it is no longer Lao Li who is waiting for the ten of them here, but a student instructor.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng clearly sensed that this college tutor was different from other tutors.

The breath is different!


Qin Shaofeng made a secret comparison and came to a conclusion.

The cultivation base of this one is probably not much different from Senior Brother Gao Lianyang.

However, compared with Gao Lianyang, this tutor was much colder.

They didn't say much to Qin Shaofeng and others, but when they saw that everyone was there, the instructor said to follow him, and then left with Qin Shaofeng and the others.

Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that they were walking deep into the college.

Soon, after passing through the area where the formal students lived, Qin Shaofeng and the others reached the living area of ​​the star students, but the instructor still didn't intend to stop, and went straight ahead.

Some star students along the way showed a trace of envy in their eyes when they saw Qin Shaofeng's ten people.

They knew the identities of the ten Qin Shaofeng people, and they also knew where Qin Shaofeng and the others were going.


That's a place that even star students like them are looking forward to!

It is a pity that most of them do not have the qualifications to enter the spiritual garden, unless they can become elite students and show extraordinary potential, otherwise they should not expect to enter the spiritual garden in this life.

After a quarter of an hour, the instructor finally stopped after reaching an area where even star students were not qualified to enter.

Then, Qin Shaofeng went to a wooden house and appeared in front of them.

When he walked into the wooden house, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that there was nothing inside the wooden house, except for an old man who couldn't see his age, only some weird symbols painted on the ground.

Seeing these symbols, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that although the symbols were weird, they were extremely regular, and he couldn't help but wondered: Is this a teleportation array?

Soon, the instructor confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess.

First, he respectfully saluted the old man, and the instructor said to Qin Shaofeng and the others: "Okay, after this teleportation array, we can reach the spiritual garden, but I once again ask you to wait. After entering the Spirit Garden, you must not walk around. You can't go anywhere except the designated place, understand?"


Seeing what this instructor said very solemnly, Qin Shaofeng and others also answered very seriously.

However, a few of them seemed quite excited.


Seeing that everyone agreed, the instructor quickly let Qin Shaofeng and others enter the teleportation formation, and then respectfully again to the old man on the side, and said: "Song Lao, trouble you!"

The old Song didn't pay much attention to him. He just shook his right hand slightly, and then Qin Shaofeng and others suddenly felt that the surrounding scenery shook slightly, and white light flashed.

After that, the place in front of them was completely changed.

They have reached the purpose of this trip-Spirit Garden!

When Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng entered the Spirit Garden, a person walked out of the gate of Lianyang Academy.

A closer look revealed that it was Lu Qi who had not seen him for many days.

At this moment, Lu Qi was a little strange, with no aura, no martial arts aura fluctuations.

Just as Qin Shaofeng expected, the moment Qin Shaofeng was taking the pill to stimulate the qi in his body, the little Li flying knife Qin Shaofeng left in Lu Qi's body completely exploded.

And with this smash, Lu Qi's Dantian was really destroyed!

After exhausting all means and not repairing his dantian, Lu Qi was desperate.

But after despair, Lu Qi's resentment towards Qin Shaofeng followed.

Under this resentment, Lu Qi made a decision, a decision to retaliate against Qin Shaofeng.

So he contacted his family for the first time.

Today is the day when his family sent someone to come, and also the day when he left Lianyang Academy.

Lu Qi, whose dantian was deposed, is no longer eligible to stay in Lianyang College.

After leaving the gate of the academy, several figures soon came to Lu Qi.

Judging from the auras of these figures, they are all innate martial artists, and the weakest fear also has an innate four-fold realm.

"Is it clear?"

Looking at these people around him, Lu Qi asked coldly.

"As for the second young master, I have checked it out, there is no problem!" one of them replied.

"is it!"

Lu Qi suddenly laughed, and what was revealed in the laughter was a kind of madness.

"That's good, this time, I will let that Qin Shaofeng understand that he has inflicted pain on me, and I will find it back a thousand times, let's go!"

After the last one, Lu Qi was taken away by one of the innate martial artists.

But the direction they left was not to meet their Lu Family, but another direction.

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