Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1164: Half moon flower

Chapter 1164 Half Moon Flower

Near a volcano, Qin Shaofeng is alone at the moment.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already ‘parted ways’ from his mechanical puppets!

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that with those mechanical puppets, he was completely indifferent.

If there were enough world beast pills, Qin Shaofeng would have nothing to do. He could absorb the world beast pills for cultivation when the mechanical puppets hunted down the world beasts.

But the problem was that with the ultra-low explosion rate of the Beast Pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't have many Beast Pills to absorb cultivation.

Therefore, after a final measurement, Qin Shaofeng decided to let the Moyun number separate an intelligent program equivalent to a clone, and then took the spider mechanical puppet and other mechanical puppets to hunt the world beasts by himself.

Anyway, with the current intelligence level of the Demon Cloud, it can completely keep in touch with those mechanical puppets, as long as the range does not exceed three thousand miles.

So now Qin Shaofeng plans to hunt and kill the world beasts by himself.

You can kill as much as you can. Maybe you can kill fewer world beasts, but you may get more world beast pills!

With this thought, Qin Shaofeng began to hunt the world beasts alone.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng is not completely alone, after all, there is still a special mechanical puppet with ten levels of Nirvana on the Demon Cloud of his storage ring!

In this case, Qin Shaofeng was not too worried even if he encountered danger that he could not handle.


On the volcano!


A volcanic rock was stepped on by Qin Shaofeng. The rock on the top of the volcano seemed very strong, but it was actually not as hard as Qin Shaofeng had imagined.

After stepping on a foot, it fell off directly, and also brought a bunch of other rocks.

However, Qin Shaofeng's attention was not focused on the falling rocks at all. At this moment, his eyes fell on the crater of the volcano.

There is no dense smoke or magma in this crater. Instead, a lot of water has gathered, which is like a small lake.

For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng is not surprised.

Because many volcanic craters that have not erupted can actually easily form small lakes.

The high altitude in this area is full of various conditions caused by the erupting volcano.

Thick smoke, black gas, sparks, dust in the sky...

Under the illumination of the special luminous substance, it gives people a very dirty and sloppy vision.

But the water in the small lake in the crater in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes didn't look dirty. I don't know why the dust in the sky did not fall into this small lake, keeping the water clear.

Although it is a small lake, the diameter of the entire lake surface is more than three or four miles, especially the depth, which is almost bottomless.

Because of such a clear lake, Qin Shaofeng couldn't see the point at a glance.

At first glance, the bottom of the lake was pitch black, like an abyss.

In addition, this is a volcanic crater. There is no wind blowing in, and the entire lake is without a trace of waves. From a distance, the small lake in this crater looks like a huge black gem.

However, this black has a sordid smell.

Even at the realm of Qin Shaofeng's, after seeing this, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.


"Tsk tusk, the bottom of the lake should be very deep!"

After looking at the dark bottom of the lake, Qin Shaofeng's gaze shifted, and he landed on the surface of the lake near the center.

There was a little green on the lake surface there, it was a flower plant.

To be precise, it is a medicinal plant!

The leaves, like lotus leaves, are scattered on the lake water, making the whole flower crumbling on the lake.

The magic is that the petals on this flower are half and half.

To be precise, it is a petal shaped like a half moon!

Half moon flower!

This is just a special kind of medicinal material, which only exists in places where sufficient water and strong laws can appear after a volcanic eruption.

Because of the shape of its petals, it has the name Half Moon Flower.

After the half-moon flower blooms, there is no fragrance, as long as it is about to mature, a faint fragrance will appear.

Qin Shaofeng was attracted by this delicate fragrance.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect to see Banyuehua in this initial secret realm.

According to the star rating, this half-moon flower is a nine-star medicinal material, and its value is not lower than the nine-star nine-leaf jade lotus obtained by Qin Shaofeng before.

To some extent, this half-moon flower is even more valuable than the nine-star and nine-leaf jade lotus.

When the half-moon flower is mature, it will gather all the half-moon petals in an instant, and finally a half-moon fruit will be bred in the bud!

Like the petals, the fruit of the half-moon flower, the half-moon fruit, is also in the shape of a half-moon, similar in shape to an orange.

Don't look at the shape of this half moon fruit at the same time, but its effect is really very good.

If you take it directly, a half-moon fruit is enough to make a realm king directly promote to the Nirvana realm, and it is also a Nirvana realm with the power of law and the pill of law!

This means that if you have a half-moon fruit, you can have a pill of law when you enter the first stage of Nirvana.

In this case, ten pill of laws can be cultivated in Nirvana.

And the most incredible thing is that if you can cultivate the power of the law before the Nirvana Realm, it is very likely that with the help of Ban Yue Guo, when you enter the Nirvana Realm, you will directly condense two Pills of the Law.

And even if it is taken by a master of Nirvana, even if it is the cultivation of the nine levels of Nirvana, it can smoothly increase the ten levels of Nirvana.

Even the most incredible thing about this half-moon fruit is that if a master of Nirvana Realm's tenth realm directly consumes it, it is also very likely to condense a pill of law again.

Even the master of this Nirvana Realm has already cultivated ten Pills of Law, as long as the half-moon fruit is taken, the opponent has a great chance to condense the eleventh Pill of Laws!

Therefore, the value of this half moon fruit is very high.

But unfortunately, the number of occurrences of half-moon fruit is very small.

Even in the entire ancient sanctuary so far, the number of appearances of this half moon fruit will not exceed the number of two hands.

Therefore, at the moment when he saw the half-moon flower, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

"I circled a cross, but I didn't expect to find this half-moon fruit here. This is really God's favor for me!"

Qin Shaofeng was very happy, because if he had a half-moon fruit, he would be considered to have been promoted to the nine-law pill, and he could also be directly promoted to the realm of ten-law pill.

If you can use the realm beast pill to rise to the level of ten or eleven rule pill, then you can have eleven or twelve rule pill after taking this half-moon fruit.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

However, after observing for a while, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

"That's not right! Although the fragrance of this half-moon flower has already appeared, according to this situation, it will take at least seven or eight days to fully mature and then bear half-moon fruit!"

"Seven or eight days?"

Qin Shaofeng touched his chin and began to think.

Although it will take seven or eight days for the half-moon flowers to mature and bear half-moon fruits, Qin Shaofeng has already made up his mind not to leave.

This half-moon fruit is too rare and too precious, Qin Shaofeng can't worry if he doesn't stare at it himself.

Even if that was the case, it would delay him for seven or eight days, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care anymore.

"Well, it's okay, anyway, there are mechanical puppets that help me hunt down the world beasts and obtain the world beast pills. This is considered to be a delay of seven or eight days, and it doesn't matter. After all, this half-month fruit is not just seven or eight days. It can be exchanged."


Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed after a slight movement of his nose and a light sniff.

"The scent must be covered up first, otherwise it will be discovered by others, then it will be gone!"

Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of any contestants who have entered this initial secret realm, but the problem is that they are not the only contestants in this initial secret realm!

If you let those superior masters know the existence of this half moon fruit, I am afraid they will be moved a little!

So, this still has to be insured.


At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, and he began to arrange an array of compartments in the crater of this volcano.

The scent of half-moon flower is not an ordinary scent. If it is just an ordinary isolation formation, it can't hide this scent at all.

Because the fragrance of half-moon flower can penetrate through even the space.

Therefore, the formation of isolated space is safer.

After the formation was completed, Qin Shaofeng began to find a place, sat down directly, quietly waiting for the maturity of the half-moon flower.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, Du Yuanlong and others, who were hunting the world beasts, finally discovered what they cared about the most.

"That is……"

After killing a small group of world beasts and getting a few one- and two-star world beasts Danhou, Du Yuanlong took Du Yuanhu four people and started looking for the next target.

But at this moment, Du Yuanhu in the team suddenly looked somewhere, then his eyes widened and he let out a low exclamation.


Du Yuanhu's exclamation caused a trace of dissatisfaction in Du Yuanlong's eyes, but before he yelled at Du Yuanhu, Du Yuanhu shouted in surprise.

"Brother, look, look over there!"

Du Yuanlong seemed to finally feel something wrong, and subconsciously looked in the direction Du Yuanhu was pointing.

But after seeing this, Du Yuanlong couldn't remove his eyes.

And in the next moment, Du Yuanlong's eyes burst out with murderous aura and joy.

"Haha, finally...I finally found you-Yan Yang!"

Not far from Du Yuanlong and the others, a battle was taking place, but there was something strange about this battle.

Because the two sides of the battle, apart from one being a world beast unique to the original secret, the other is not a human being, but a group of iron men covered in metal!

Mechanical puppet!

After seeing these mechanical puppets, Du Yuanlong, who hated Qin Shaofeng so much, naturally knew immediately that these were Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets.

Therefore, Du Yuanlong felt happy in his heart.

Because in his opinion, since he discovered the mechanical puppets of Yan Yang, then Yan Yang as the master must also be with these mechanical puppets.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to kill the Yan Yang?

Therefore, Du Yuanlong was very happy at this moment.

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