Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1165: Du Yuanlong

Chapter 1165 Anxious Du Yuanlong

"Go, hurry up and surround me, I can't wait to kill the sun!"

Looking at the dozens of mechanical puppets in the distance, Du Yuanlong let out an excited growl, and then planned to rush over.

But this was his brother Du Yuanhu's first time and stopped him.

"Big brother, wait, that Yan Yang is not there!"


Du Yuanhu's words shocked Du Yuanlong's heart, and then turned his head to take a closer look, only to find that apart from the mechanical puppets, the figure that he hated did not exist in the distance.

"Why? What about Yan Yang? His mechanical puppet is here, and he should be here too!"

Du Yuanlong let out a low anger, his expression a little irritable.

It was hard to find Yan Yang's mechanical puppet, but he didn't see Yan Yang himself, and Du Yuanlong couldn't mention how angry he was.

"Big brother, don't worry!"

Seeing Du Yuanlong getting more and more angry, Du Yuanhu hurriedly said: "I believe that Yan Yang is nearby. Don't forget, Brother, that Yan Yang's cultivation base!"

Du Yuanhu's voice finally reminded Du Yuanlong.

The state of Yanyang?

Isn't that the first level of Nirvana?

After thinking of this, Du Yuanlong finally calmed down.

In fact, Du Yuanlong's temperament is not bad, but because of his hatred of Qin Shaofeng, it is really too big, and it has been two or three days since he has been here now, and he has not found any trace of Qin Shaofeng, which makes him a little irritable.

Therefore, after discovering Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet just now, his emotions became a little agitated.

Now that Du Yuanhu said so, Du Yuanlong calmed down.

Yes indeed!

That Yan Yang was only the first level of cultivation in the Nirvana Realm, except for those one-star world beasts, it was not an opponent of other world beasts at all.

And his main strength is on those mechanical puppets. If he hunts world beasts, then the mechanical puppets will naturally prevail.

Its own strength is low, and the mechanical puppet is strong.

Under such circumstances, Du Yuanlong easily thought that Yan Yang must be worried that he would be killed by the world beast, so he hid in the dark and manipulated the mechanical puppet to hunt the world beast to obtain the world beast pill.

Especially when it was discovered that there were only fifteen mechanical puppets fighting at the moment, Du Yuanlong thought so in his heart.

"Hmph, that Yan Yang currently has eighteen mechanical puppets. One has blew himself up. It stands to reason that he still has at least seventeen such mechanical puppets."

"However, now there are only fifteen mechanical puppets here, which means that the remaining two mechanical puppets must be protecting Yan Yang himself!"

"This Yan Yang is really timid, so dare to come to this initial secret realm to hunt the world beast?"

There was a sneer in his heart, and soon Du Yuanlong thought he completely controlled his opponent's situation.

If this is the case, then I will wait. After you, the mechanical puppet, kills these world beasts, you should always show up Yan Yang!

At that time, I see how you can hide from the sun!

A cold light flashed in Du Yuanlong's eyes, and his heart became even more proud, and then he signaled Du Yuanhu and the others to wait quietly.

Finally, a quarter of an hour later, the fifteen mechanical puppets finally killed all the world beasts.

After collecting all the corpses of all the world beasts, the fifteen mechanical puppets moved together and began to walk again.

"Finally gone!"

Seeing this scene, Du Yuanlong felt excited.

When the mechanical puppets killed all the world beasts before, Du Yuanlong thought that Qin Shaofeng would come out, but unfortunately Qin Shaofeng did not appear until the mechanical puppets cleaned the battlefield. This made Du Yuanlong's heart very disappointed and a little impatient.

However, Du Yuanlong became excited again when he saw the mechanical puppet act again.

Because Du Yuanlong guessed that these mechanical puppets would return to Qin Shaofeng in all likelihood.

As long as a few of them follow these fifteen mechanical puppets, they will definitely find Qin Shaofeng.

But what made Du Yuanlong angrily frustrated was that when the five of them followed the mechanical puppets for a certain distance, they discovered that the mechanical puppets actually found a group of world beasts again, and then started another battle.

Seeing such a situation, Du Yuanlong's face was ugly.

I thought I would kill the sun soon!

But I don't want to, these mechanical puppets fought again, but I still didn't see that Yan Yang.

Not urgent! Not urgent!

Perhaps because this group of world beasts just appeared, this blocked the pace of this group of mechanical puppets.

It doesn't matter. With the strength of that group of world beasts, it will not be the opponent of this group of mechanical puppets. As long as these mechanical puppets finish killing these world beasts, they may be able to find the Yanyang soon.

In keeping with the killing intent in his heart, Du Yuanlong and Du Yuanhu continued to wait, watching those mechanical puppets kill one after another.

Before long, this group of world beasts were also killed by those mechanical puppets.

Du Yuanlong let out a sigh of relief and secretly said: This time you group of iron knots should always answer the **** Yan Yang side!

But not just before, when this group of mechanical puppets met a group of world beasts again, Du Yuanlong's face became ashen.

Why did you meet the world beast again?

Du Yuanlong couldn't understand it, and even wondered in his heart whether these mechanical puppets were against him.

If it weren't for worrying that Yan Yang would be aware of these mechanical puppets, Du Yuanlong would have directly stepped forward and dismantled each of these iron bumps into scrap iron.

Hold it back, wait, I don't believe it, wait a minute, these mechanical puppets will also encounter a group of world beasts.

Du Yuanlong thought this way, but unfortunately, his idea did not come true.

Because very quickly, once again killed the mechanical puppets of a group of world beasts, and once again "encountered" a group of world beasts.

This time, Du Yuanlong was not angry.

Because he can tell now, these mechanical puppets probably won't return to Yan Yang in a short time.

To be precise, without killing a certain number of world beast pills, Yan Yang would not call these mechanical puppets back to him.

Du Yuanlong thought so, and he firmly believed in it.

Du Yuanhu and others have the same idea.

However, Du Yuanlong was planning to consume this group of mechanical puppets.

Because he didn't believe that these fifteen mechanical puppets would never return to Yan Yang.

Although this would delay the five of them hunting down the world beasts and obtaining the world beast pill, Du Yuanlong and the others were not worried at all when looking at the fifteen mechanical puppets that kept killing the world beasts.

Because they discovered that the speed at which these fifteen mechanical puppets hunted the world beast pill was actually much faster than the five of them.

This does not mean that the strength of these fifteen mechanical puppets surpasses Du Yuanlong and the five of them.

Even now, even the lowest strength Du Yuanhu, after absorbing a few world beast pills, he was promoted to the tenth level of Nirvana, and he had cultivated the ninth law pill.

This, coupled with Du Yuanlong, a genius master, and their five-person squad's combat power, combined, is absolutely above the fifteen mechanical puppets.

The reason why the mechanical puppets can hunt the world beast pill faster than the five of them is because the fifteen mechanical puppets can quickly find the upper world beast group under the detection of the spider mechanical puppets.

And they are all world beasts they can deal with, so under this constant hunting, the speed at which the mechanical puppet team can obtain the world beast pill will naturally not slow down.

Because of this, Du Yuanlong and the others were not in a hurry, but followed the mechanical puppets with ease.

Only occasionally when they encounter some world beasts, they will move their muscles and bones a little. The rest of the time they are waiting for the mechanical puppet to return to Qin Shaofeng.


A few days later, the crater where Qin Shaofeng was located was full of fragrance, which was the fragrance of half-moon flowers.

And at this moment, the fragrance of half-moon flower has been emitted to the strongest time, because it is about to mature and bear half-moon fruit.

"Almost, this half moon fruit is about to appear!"

Smelling the strong floral scent, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with excitement as his eyes fell on the distant lake, the half moon fruit that had begun to gather its petals slightly.


Looking away from the half-moon flower, Qin Shaofeng looked at the lake.

"Although the surface of the lake is still very calm so far, with the depth of this lake, I am afraid that the water in this lake will never be as calm as the surface of the lake shows! I am afraid that there are world beasts under the lake! "

These days, Qin Shaofeng has also observed the bottom of the lake for a long time.

However, it is a pity that the local method of the half-moon peanuts is powerful, and the half-moon flower is about to mature, the fragrance that it emits will have some influence on the space.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was unable to detect the bottom of the lake with his divine consciousness, and besides, the world beasts in this initial secret realm were so peculiar that it was impossible to detect them with divine consciousness.

And under the influence of Banyuehua, Moyun's detection methods were also useless. It's totally useless.

However, even if it could not be detected, Qin Shaofeng absolutely believed that there was definitely a world beast in the depths of this lake!

After all, with medicinal materials like Banyuehua, if there weren't some world beast guards, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't believe it.

Had it not been for Qin Shaofeng's arrangement of this spatial isolation formation, I am afraid that a large number of world beasts would have gathered here long ago.

But before Qin Shaofeng was worried about the bad influence on Banyuehua, he didn't make any big moves on the lake, and was in a state of peace with some world beasts that might exist in the lake.

Because once the world beasts fight, the power of the law of this volcanic crater may be chaotic and other situations, which can directly affect the maturity of the half moon flower.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything other than observation a few days ago.

However, it is different now.

Because the half-moon flower is in fact entering the stage of maturity, the petals have begun to gather, and the half-moon fruit will be bred immediately, even if it is chaotic by the power of the law. The riots will not affect it anymore.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng began to tackle other competitors!

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body jumped up from the lakeshore, floating above the lake, and began to fly towards the lake.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng also floated high in the sky a hundred from the lake, until he reached the position above the half moon flower.

Qin Shaofeng's flying speed was deliberately slow, so he was afraid that the world beasts at the bottom of the lake would suddenly launch an attack on him.

But until Qin Shaofeng flew to Banyuehua's wound, he did not notice any movement at the bottom of the lake.

This was a little bit beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

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