Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1167: Five Star Beast

Chapter 1167 Five-star World Beast

Seeing the giant fish corpse gradually sinking to the bottom of the lake, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with joy.

"Unexpectedly, the current Feiyu Knife possesses such a powerful attack power. This is really a surprise!"

However, the flying feather knife can possess such power, and it can't be displayed casually.

At the very least, the flash of Feiyu Knife just now seemed to have no great motivation, but at that moment, Qin Shaofeng's law power was consumed in an instant.

There is a pill of law that is half the power of law!

In other words, with Qin Shaofeng's current eight Pills of Law, at most, he could make Feiyu Knife launch 16 attacks like just now.

This is also impossible, after all, the defensive power of that giant fish world beast is really amazing.

However, that is just relative to the three-star giant fish world beast, as for other giant fish world beasts!

Turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the surging black shadow on the lake.

"Heh, it seems that besides the Banyue Fruit this time, there are many other gains!"

call out--!

At the next moment, the silver sword light flashed, and the Feiyu sword attacked again.

But this time the target of the attack was replaced by those two-star giant fish world beasts.

puff! puff! puff!

Silver light flashed by, and the lake and mid-air kept undulating with each other, and the sound of sharp blades piercing through the flesh.

It was a urging talisman in which giant fish world beasts were pierced and killed by flying feather knives!

Soon, the entire lake was dyed red, and the corpses of the giant fish world beast were everywhere.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that no matter how many giant fish world beasts he had killed, one giant fish world beast continued to emerge from the bottom of the lake.

The number is terrible!

Because in just two or three minutes, Qin Shaofeng killed hundreds of giant fish world beasts with a flying feather knife.

But at this moment, sensing the breath coming from the bottom of the lake, Qin Shaofeng found that there were at least two to three hundred giant fish world beasts at the bottom of the lake.

And it was only because the giant fish world beast was irritable, and Qin Shaofeng sensed the aura.

It's terrible that there are still a lot of giant fish world beasts at the bottom of this lake!

"No way, it seems that it's just my own words. If I kill it like this, I won't be exhausted. It will definitely be consumed by these giant fish world beasts!"

Because in these short two or three minutes, even though Qin Shaofeng didn't use the Flying Feather Knife, he broke out an attack that killed the four-star giant fish world beast at the beginning.

But with this continuous attack, Qin Shaofeng's consumption was not small, at least the power of the two pill of laws in his body was completely exhausted.

If it weren't, the Feather Knife could absorb the power of the law in the giant fish world beasts while slaying the giant fish world beasts, and then supplement Qin Shaofeng with the power of the law left in Qin Shaofeng's body.

Therefore, after feeling that there are more giant fish world beasts, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and two swish figures appeared in front of him.

These are the two mechanical puppets that are strengthening and upgrading in the Storage Ring Demon Cloud.

At this moment, although these two mechanical puppets are still at the sixth level of Nirvana, their combat power is at least doubled compared to the previous state!

Even with a little more material, these two mechanical puppets can be strengthened to the seventh level of Nirvana.

As soon as these two mechanical puppets appeared, they directly killed the giant fish world beasts on the lake.

These six-level mechanical puppets of Nirvana, their physical defenses have already reached the heavy treasure level.

Although it was only a low-level heavy treasure, it was also very powerful.

And the most important thing is that these are all previous enhancements. After strengthening and upgrading the shells of those world beast centipedes, the defense power of these two mechanical puppets has reached the level of eight-star intermediate-level treasure.

This is four or five times stronger than the previous defense.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng believed that even if he encountered the four-star giant fish world beast before, with the current defensive power of these two mechanical puppets, he could be able to withstand it.

Sure enough, with the current defensive power of these two mechanical puppets, those giant fish world beasts that were only one-star could not break their defenses.

Those two mechanical puppets slaughtered giant fish beasts like tigers into a flock.

Qin Shaofeng himself also threw out the flying feather knives from time to time, harvesting the lives of giant fish world beasts.

Although Qin Shaofeng still has a more powerful mechanical puppet, Qin Shaofeng has not summoned it directly now.

Because for some reason, Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart that it seemed that it was not the time to summon that powerful mechanical puppet.

Especially when looking at the blood-red lake surface, Qin Shaofeng's heart felt even more intense.

After slaughtering for a while, Qin Shaofeng finally understood one thing, that is, this lake is absolutely deep and deep.

What directly reflected this was that Qin Shaofeng didn't feel that there were fewer giant fish world beasts emerging from the lake.

Not only did it not decrease, Qin Shaofeng felt that this giant fish world beast had become more numerous.

Qin Shaofeng and Feiyu Knife cooperated with the two mechanical puppets, and they had slaughtered these giant fish world beasts for more than a quarter of an hour.

In this quarter of an hour, Qin Shaofeng had at least seven or eight hundred giant fish world beasts.

But there are still many giant fish world beasts that have never emerged from the blood of the lake.

And gradually, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the giant fish world beasts now appearing are no longer just one-star, and these two-star giant fish world beasts have also appeared in large numbers.

Even among the two-star giant fish world beasts, there are still many three-star giant fish world beasts!

"No, this speed is too slow, and it's too unsafe!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with urgency as his eyes fell on the half-moon flowers that had been dyed in the blood-red lake water not far away.

Because the petals of the half-moon flower have been completely gathered at this moment, and the whole half-moon flower has now become a bud.

This is already beginning to conceive half moon fruit!

Qin Shaofeng estimated that it would take one or two quarters of an hour at most, and that half moon fruit would be completely conceived.

Once half moon fruit is conceived, it must be picked within ten breaths.

If not, once this time is missed, the half-moon fruit will immediately dissipate, once again turning into the power of the law between heaven and earth, and then leave a half-moon flower seed.

Even though at that time, the half moon fruit dissipated into the power of the law, it was definitely the power of the law that people could directly absorb.

Qin Shaofeng believed that the power of the law transformed by the half-moon fruit was probably the same as the power of the law in the world beast pill.

However, in that case, the value of the half-moon fruit would be greatly reduced, perhaps even less than a tenth of the original.

Moreover, the power of the law of Naya can only absorb and improve the realm, without the special effect of Ban Yue Guo at all.

This is not what Qin Shaofeng hopes to see.


When his eyes fell on the lake surface, Qin Shaofeng seemed to penetrate the blood-red water and directly saw the depths of the lake bottom.

Qin Shaofeng believes that in this place with so many giant fish world beasts, there is definitely a very powerful world beast!

Because every group of world beasts, there will be a powerful leader.

The most direct manifestation of this point is that the surface of the lake is unusually calm during the few days when the half-moon flower exudes its fragrance.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if it hadn't been restrained by a powerful world beast leader, these giant fish world beasts would have appeared on the surface of the lake a long time ago, instead of enduring the fragrance of half-moon flowers and staying quietly at the bottom of the lake for so many days.


Just as Qin Shaofeng guessed in his heart, when the leader of the world beasts at the bottom of the lake would appear, suddenly a dull bang came from the bottom of the lake.


After this dull bang came out, the entire crater shook slightly, and a large amount of volcanic rocks fell off the crater's wall.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these situations, because what Qin Shaofeng really cared about was that after this dull roar, the depths of the lake suddenly vented, and an unusually powerful breath erupted.


And it's not an ordinary world beast!

Feeling the breath of this realm beast, Qin Shaofeng's face became completely solemn.

Because this aura is more than ten times stronger than that of the four-star giant fish world beast before.

Better than the four-star world beast!

The answer is already obvious!

This breath definitely comes from the five-star world beast!

Five-star world beast!

And judging from the breath, that breath is definitely a world beast breath belonging to the five-star peak realm.

At least the realm with ten pill of law, as for combat power...

I am afraid that I can compete with the top masters in the Nirvana Realm who has comprehended the regularized power attack!

I circled a cross, what kind of luck is this!

Qin Shaofeng wailed in his heart, extremely speechless.

Because Qin Shaofeng never expected that he would encounter such a world beast!

I am afraid that in the entire initial secret realm, the realm beasts of this realm are also rare.

But now I am so immortal that I can meet it!

"It's so amazing! This half-moon fruit is not so easy to get!"

In an instant, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed several times, but in the end Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth fiercely.

"What's so special, today I'm going to save my little master, you are a dead fish! Really little master is afraid of you!"

Qin Shaofeng yelled angrily at the lake, his face also slightly sullen.

This half-moon fruit is too precious, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't plan to just give it up.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng's heart is not completely unsure~!


Qin Shaofeng seemed to be swearing, and the bottom of the lake responded with a roar.

The next moment, snoring—a loud bang.


The entire lake surface was completely exploded, as if it was a whale swallowing. At this moment, the water level of the lake surface dropped by more than ten meters, and then...


There was another loud noise, and the surface of the lake surged, and the whole surging up in an instant, the water level rose sharply.

And just in the swelling lake, a huge head emerged.

Giant fish!

Still a giant fish!

However, neither the one-star giant fish world beast before nor the four-star giant fish world beast's physique can compare with the giant fish world beast in front of him.

Because with the emergence of the head of this giant fish world beast, what Qin Shaofeng saw was a huge fish head directly over 100 meters.


It's just a fish head, which is over a hundred meters in size.

Afterwards, Qin Shaofeng saw the giant fish swept away, a huge body that was thousands of meters long.

After seeing the whole picture of the giant fish, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help exclaiming.

"I wipe it, so big?"

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