Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1168: Powerful school of fish

Chapter 1168 Powerful Fish School

It grows more than a kilometer and has a diameter of more than 100 meters!

Qin Shaofeng had also seen a huge monster beast that was thousands of meters away, but in terms of its size, this giant fish world beast was nothing.

But the problem is, this guy is a fish!

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng saw such a huge fish.

This is absolutely a super fish king!


As soon as the giant fish king world beast appeared, he went straight to the subject, rushed to Qin Shaofeng for the first time, and launched an attack directly.

Although the world beast has no intelligence, but with a beast-like intuition, this giant fish king world beast is very clear about one thing.

That was the human being who suddenly appeared in front of him, not only killing a large number of its descendants, but also coveting it to guard the half-moon flower for a long time.

This is absolutely unbearable!

Therefore, this human must be eaten!

Facing the menacing giant Fish King Realm Beast, Qin Shaofeng did not show any panic on his face.

Indeed, according to Qin Shaofeng's strength, facing this giant Fish King Realm Beast, it was a result of many bad luck.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng is not alone!


The next moment, a black shadow flashed by, and another figure appeared beside Qin Shaofeng.

This is exactly the mechanical puppet Qin Shaofeng that has never appeared in front of outsiders and has reached the tenth level of Nirvana!

Uh, in this case, Qin Shaofeng is still alone, but he is the helper of some mechanical puppets!


As soon as this Nirvana Realm 10-level mechanical puppet appeared, it raised its iron arm to block the menacing giant Fish King world beast.


Feeling blocked, the giant fish king world beast burst into anger instantly, a huge mouth that seemed to swallow the heavens and the earth, a fierce one, and it bit the mechanical puppet fiercely.


The huge mouth bit down, but soon the giant fish king world beast felt that it seemed to have bitten on an extremely hard iron block, and its extremely sharp fangs did not actually crush it.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mechanical puppet shot.

At the meat bi in the mouth of the giant fish king world beast, the mechanical puppet punched hard.


The giant fish king world beast gave a painful roar, opened his mouth, and let go of the mechanical puppet.

But the next moment, the mechanical puppet flashed and came directly to the giant fish king world beast.

With a clenched iron fist, the mechanical puppet slammed out of the giant Fish King Realm Beast's head.

The height of that mechanical puppet is not low, it is more than three meters, and it is considered to be a very large body among humans.

But in front of this giant Fish King Realm Beast, it is completely incomparable. In the eyes of the giant Fish King Realm Beast, this mechanical puppet is like an ant, very small!

But it was such a small existence, but after a punch, it directly hit the giant Fish King Realm Beast, which was not known how many times its size, and blasted it down.


With the sound of a heavy object falling into the water, the entire lake surface seemed to be bombed instantly. The entire body of the giant fish king world beast was bombed into the lake water, and it continued to sink.

The mechanical puppet didn't give the giant Fish King realm beast a chance to react at all. After blasting it into the lake, it flashed into a metallic light, and followed the giant Fish King realm beast into the lake.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, there was a loud noise from the bottom of the lake, which was obviously a battle between the mechanical puppet and the giant fish king world beast.

Both sides can be regarded as the top top-notch powerhouses of Nirvana Realm. The movement of this battle is extremely exaggerated.

As they battled the entire lake, the waves were ~ choppy ~ surging, and the lake water was constantly surging.

However, the strange thing is that no matter how turbulent the situation is, as long as you reach the area ten meters near the half moon flower, you will directly calm down.

When the half-moon flower matures and bears fruit, the floral fragrance is exuded to the extreme, and then a strange spatial force will be generated around it.

Unless the half-moon fruit is completely bred and the fragrance of the flower is completely dissipated, otherwise, even if you are in a powerful Nirvana master, you can't get close to the half-moon flower!

Knowing this, Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about the situation of Banyuehua.

In fact, after sending the strongest mechanical puppet to deal with the giant Fish King world beast, Qin Shaofeng was completely relieved.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, without the existence of that giant fish king realm beast, Ban Yue Guo was probably already in his pocket.

But the next moment, the lake surface rolled again, and then there was a scene that made Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitch.

I saw that a large number of giant fish world beasts suddenly gushed out of the tumbling lake at this moment.

What made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded was that almost none of the giant fish world beasts that appeared were below three-star, and all of them were three-star, and the number was two to three hundred.

Moreover, what made Qin Shaofeng feel cheated most was that among the two to three hundred and three-star giant fish world beasts, there were more than a dozen extra giant fish world beasts that were the top one.

These are all four-star giant fish beasts!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this half-moon fruit seems to be not easy to get.

Even if he has a flying feather knife in his hand, there is still a lot of law power in his body, but facing such a lineup of giant fish world beasts, Qin Shaofeng knows that even if he adds those two strengthened mechanical puppets, there is some Subtle!

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly reached a message from the Demon Cloud, and his eyes burst into ecstasy.

"Hahaha, finally caught up!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed fiercely, and then with a light move with his right hand, a space force was released.

This space force flew directly behind Qin Shaofeng, somewhere outside the crater.


The next moment, the space in that place shook slightly, and then a gap in the space burst.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

As soon as the opening of the space appeared, more than a dozen figures filed in.

No more, no less, exactly fifteen!

Needless to say, these fifteen figures are naturally Qin Shaofeng's other mechanical puppets.

In fact, as early as three days ago, when Qin Shaofeng felt that the half-moon flower was about to mature, he asked the Demon Cloud to start summoning the fifteen mechanical puppets that were already far away from him.

Then, these fifteen mechanical puppets began, centering on the crater where Qin Shaofeng was located, and they were exclusively active in the nearby two to three hundred miles.

Just when the giant fish world beasts started on the lake before, Qin Shaofeng began to recall these mechanical puppets.

It just so happened that these mechanical puppets came here just now, and Qin Shaofeng opened the space that he arranged to isolate the large array, and let the fifteen mechanical puppets come in.

Summoning these mechanical puppets is naturally to deal with these giant fish world beasts!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that after fifteen mechanical puppets came in, at the last moment when the spatial opening was about to begin to merge, a few black shadows flashed by.

It seems that in addition to the fifteen mechanical puppets, others have entered.

However, at this moment, his attention was focused on the group of powerful giant fish world beasts on the lake, and Qin Shaofeng, who was disturbed by a large number of giant fish world beasts' aura, did not realize this.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the spatial formation Qin Shaofeng arranged was not a simple one.

Without him, it would be difficult for ordinary people to notice that there is a space formation here.

From the outside, there is no difference at all.

Even if Qin Shaofeng opens an entrance, it will only take a very short time, and the entrance will soon be integrated.

In this case, even if Qin Shaofeng didn't notice it, it would be impossible if someone wanted to take the opportunity to enter.

However, there is no way, who called the strongest mechanical puppet Qin Shaofeng before, fought the giant fish king world beast on the lake.

With their strength, the impact caused by that one or two strokes was very strong.

Although the space formation that Qin Shaofeng had arranged was not destroyed, the whole was directly destroyed.

But it also caused a certain degree of damage to that space formation.

Although the extent of the damage was not great, it was a little bit delayed for the combination of the space opening.

And this time is enough for some interested people to come in.

As for this group of caring people, they are naturally Du Yuanlong and his brother Du Yuanhu.

Time goes back a bit!

Three days ago, when Qin Shaofeng started to recall the fifteen mechanical puppets, the five Du Yuanlong who had been following the fifteen mechanical puppets seemed to finally see hope.

Hope to see Qin Shaofeng!

Although three days ago, the mechanical puppet summoned by Qin Shaofeng did not immediately return to Qin Shaofeng's side, but moved around one or two hundred miles near Qin Shaofeng.

But Du Yuanlong's five people all agreed that the day when Qin Shaofeng appeared was not far away.

He Du Yuanlong can get revenge!

It is ridiculous to say that Qin Shaofeng and Du Yuanlong have never had any enemies.

But just because Qin Shaofeng refused to give up, he was directly regarded as an enemy by the arrogant Du Yuanlong with a little bit of his place.

Therefore, he must find Qin Shaofeng and avenge his revenge!

At the beginning, the motivation to urge Du Yuanlong was still Qin Shaofeng's entry quota.

However, in the days following the fifteen mechanical puppets, Du Yuanlong, whose patience was constantly being worn away, had now released his quota for the competition.

Because at the moment, the first place in his heart is Qin Shaofeng's death, revenge for the hatred he suffered so much!

Just when Qin Shaofeng met the giant fish world beasts and recalled fifteen mechanical puppets for the first time, Du Yuanlong was excited.

Because at that time, the fifteen mechanical puppets were fighting with a group of world beasts.

But after receiving Qin Shaofeng’s instructions, these fifteen mechanical puppets gave up for the first time. The world beasts that were fighting, even the corpses of the world beasts on the ground, had no time to clean, so they all rushed to one place in unison. .

The mechanical puppet was such an abnormal situation, but it was the first time that Du Yuanlong's five people followed this short time.

Therefore, they understood immediately.

This must be that Yan Yang summoning these fifteen mechanical puppets!

Du Yuanlong was excited when he thought of this.

Because he felt that he could finally kill the sun!

This made him feel that such a long patience was finally not in vain.

It's finally over!

I can finally get the quota for the competition!

What Du Yuanlong didn't expect was that after seeing the sun that he hated, this was actually the case.

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