Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1170: Have a world beast pill?

Chapter 1170 All Own Beast Pill?

Crater, over the lake.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng over the lake heard a few giant fish roars, and when he looked down, Qin Shaofeng suddenly noticed.

The giant fish world beast that was originally in the lake suddenly burst into chaos.

After careful induction, Qin Shaofeng discovered that his strongest mechanical puppet deep in the bottom of the lake and the five-star giant fish king world beast seemed to have a powerful attack.

Then, because of such a powerful attack, it caused a certain shock to the lake, causing the giant fish world beasts still in the lake to suffer this shock.

And it was under this shock that the fish that had originally stayed in the lake, but occasionally jumped out to attack Qin Shaofeng and his mechanical puppets, all swept out at this moment.

Although staying in the water can make them burst into the strongest attack, but the movement at the bottom of the lake has already affected them, and in desperation, they can only leave the lake.

But this all swept out, the giant fish world beasts, all of which were huge, rushed out, but they were in a very good condition.

And most importantly, after this helpless looting, all the giant fish world beasts in the entire fish school launched an attack on Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet.

There are too many, and they are still attacking all at once, which makes Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppets unable to cope for a while.

Especially the dozen or so four-star giant fish world beasts, their attacks are very powerful, even if they can't destroy the mechanical puppets.

But with the strength of those four-star giant fish world beasts, this attack that broke out can disrupt the cooperation of the mechanical puppets.

Under the crisis, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, the power of the law in the pill of law in his body, the power of the law in his body, ran and output frantically, and injected it into the flying feather knife.

call out!

The next moment, the Flying Feather Knife flashed for an instant, and the silver light knife flashed up, and then passed one of the four-star giant fish world beasts.

With a chuckle, the entire body of the four-star giant fish world beast trembled slightly, and then decisively fell to the surface of the lake, and the breath of life on its body instantly dissipated.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't even watch this scene. After the Feiyu Knife flew back to his right hand, he threw the Feiyu Knife out again.

call out--!

There was another silver blade light, and then there was another chuckle, and another four-star giant fish world beast was dealt with.

After repeated several times, Qin Shaofeng had solved two-thirds of the four-star giant fish world beast on the scene.

However, the price of this is that the power of the law among all the pill of law in Qin Shaofeng's body has been consumed 70 to 80 percent.

"Huh? This is?"

After killing a few three-star giant fish world beasts with the flying feather knife again, there was not much left because of the law power of the law pill in the body. Qin Shaofeng retracted the Flying Feather Knife, intending to use the Flying Feather Knife to restore some of the principles of the pill.

After all, Feather Knife has the ability to swallow and kill the target, all the power of the law and the breath of life, but this ability can help its owner Qin Shaofeng restore consumption.

However, when Qin Shaofeng absorbed the power of the law inside Feiyu Knife, he felt something was wrong.

"This is the world beast pill?"

Feeling inside the Flying Feather Knife, in addition to the power of the laws that belong to the giant fish world beasts, Qin Shaofeng actually felt a dozen very special ‘things’!

And these things are actually the world beast pill!

I think this is when the Flying Feather Knife is absorbing the power of their laws when killing those giant fish world beasts, it also absorbs the world beast pill it possesses.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng the most was that among the dozen world beast pills, seven or eight were actually four-star world beast pills!

And these seven or eight four-star world beast pills were actually the same as the number of four-star giant fish world beasts Qin Shaofeng killed with a flying feather knife.

In other words, the four-star giant fish world beast that Qin Shaofeng just killed had a world beast pill in each body.

No, wait!

Suddenly, an astonishing thought flashed through Qin Shaofeng's mind.

"Couldn't the giant fish world beasts here have a world beast pill born in their bodies?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Shaofeng's heart began to become excited.

Because this is not impossible!

If it is the most powerful evidence, it is the place where half-moon flowers grow!

And the half moon fruit will only be born where the law is very strong, and then grow smoothly.

The most important thing is that when the half-moon flower grows, it will release some peculiar energy, which is of great benefit to both humans and monsters.

Qin Shaofeng guessed in his mind now that the existence of the half-moon flower would allow the giant fish world beasts in this volcanic crater lake to give birth to world beast pills?

"It's easy to prove this!"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng took off the feather knife, and then threw it out again and again.

call out!

call out!

call out!

For a time, the Feiyu Knife turned into a ray of silver light and began to wreak havoc among the fish.

Every time the flying feather knife flashed with silver light, it could easily take the life of a giant fish world beast.

Because he was just confirming his own guesses, Qin Shaofeng didn't attack those four-star giant fish world beasts, but found a special three-star giant fish world beast to attack.

Therefore, every attack went smoothly, and the three-star giant fish world beasts continued to fall.

This scene, falling to the hidden bottom of Du Yuanlong's eyes in the distance, made him more and more excited, and the brilliance in his eyes also brought more and more greed and desire.

Such a powerful flying knife, only Du Yuanlong is worthy of possession of such a flying feather knife. Falling into Yan Yang's hands is an insult to this magic weapon!

I must get it!


"Sure enough, this is exactly the same as I guessed!"

After killing twenty or thirty three-star giant fish world beasts in a row, and even two four-star giant fish world beasts, Qin Shaofeng finally determined one thing.

That was the giant fish world beasts that existed in this lake here, each of them really gave birth to a world beast pill.

Whether it is a two-star giant fish world beast, a three-star giant fish world beast, or even a four-star giant fish world beast, there are no exceptions.

"That said, doesn't it mean..."

After turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng looked at the lake below, to be precise, at the bottom of the lake deep in the lake, the giant fish king world beast fighting with his strongest mechanical puppet!

The five-star world beast pill!

With a groan in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was in a state of excitement.

The five-star world beast's world beast pill is definitely a rare thing, and for the current self, it definitely has great benefits.


A pity flashed in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng sighed softly: "Ah, the strength of that five-star giant Fish King Realm Beast is not something I can handle now. Its realm The beast pill can't be counted on!"

With the feedback from the Demon Cloud, Qin Shaofeng knew that at the bottom of the lake, his strongest mechanical puppet was fighting the giant fish king realm beast inextricably!

And if it wasn't for his own mechanical puppet, it was because of the mechanical puppet rather than a person, I am afraid that it would have consumed too much and would have been defeated by the giant fish king realm beast.

Although Qin Shaofeng's mechanical puppet is very powerful, the giant fish king world beast is not weak!

Moreover, the battle ground was in the deep waters of the lake bottom where the giant fish king realm beast was located, and that giant fish king realm beast could explode 120% of its strength.

If it were not for Qin Shaofeng's strongest mechanical puppet's defensive power, it would have been defeated long ago.

However, even the current situation is not a good situation for the mechanical puppet.

The Demon Cloud told Qin Shaofeng that his strongest mechanical puppet now only relied on its strong defensive body, and only then barely dragged the giant fish king world beast, preventing the opponent from coming up to the lake.

Moreover, this situation may not be maintained.

Although under normal circumstances, the existence of a mechanical puppet is equal to an eternal energy, as long as it is not directly destroyed and its parts are not damaged, it can continue to fight.

Because mechanical puppets can directly absorb external energy, supplement themselves, and maintain a state of complete victory.

But this is also under normal circumstances, because once the output energy exceeds its own absorption, the mechanical puppet can only use the power stored in its own body.

This is like a solar flashlight.

Under the sunlight, this solar flashlight can always illuminate.

But in the absence of sunlight, the time for this solar flashlight to illuminate can only be kept before its own electricity is exhausted.

This is what Qin Shaofeng's strongest mechanical puppet is doing now, fighting against that giant fish king world beast, but absolutely high output.

Although it absorbs the power of external laws, it is very fast.

But at this moment, its output can far exceed its absorption speed, so it is simply difficult to persist.

However, according to the calculations of the Demon Cloud, that mechanical puppet can at least persist until the half-moon fruit bears the half-moon fruit.

This also made Qin Shaofeng less worried.

And for this, Qin Shaofeng was still a little excited.

In the previous words, Qin Shaofeng only planned to leave after half a month's fruit came.

But now that it was discovered that all the giant fish world beasts here had born a world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

After all, in this initial secret realm, although this magical world beast pill exists, this world beast pill is very difficult to obtain.

"Take advantage of the time before Banyue Guo is completely conceived, I have to kill some of these giant fish world beasts as much as possible!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally had no scruples.

Qin Shaofeng directly took out a lot of the recovery pills he had prepared before entering the initial secret realm.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took the medicine pill while using the flying feather knife to kill the giant fish world beasts one after another!

And Qin Shaofeng also gave instructions to Moyun, no need to play conservatively, just let the mechanical puppets go all out!

In the previous words, Qin Shaofeng would still worry that under the full attack state, his 18 mechanical puppets would be injured by these giant fish world beasts, or even part of them would be destroyed.

After all, these mechanical puppets need a lot of materials to repair.

But now, for the world beast pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these at all.

Compared with the materials needed for restoration, the world beast pill is obviously more important!

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