Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1171: Finally mature

Chapter 1171

Under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate restraint, the speed at which his mechanical puppets slaughtered these giant fish world beasts accelerated a lot.

Soon, a large number of corpses of giant fish world beasts appeared on the lake, but more corpses had already sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and again randomly took out several small mechanical puppets from the storage ring.

These small mechanical puppets are about the same size as the spider mechanical puppets that were explored before.

However, these small mechanical puppets have completely abandoned their attacks and have other functions such as detection. The entire mechanical puppet's capabilities are focused on defense.

Because these mechanical puppets are not used for combat or detection, their function is to clean the battlefield, instead of Qin Shaofeng or even those combat mechanical puppets, specially used to collect trophies!

Now Qin Shaofeng dispatched them with the intention to collect all the corpses of the giant fish world beasts that he killed.

The corpses of these giant fish world beasts seem to be of little use value, but Qin Shaofeng doesn't care about them, because what Qin Shaofeng really fancy is the fangs of these giant fish world beasts!

The fangs in the giant mouth of this giant fish world beast had already made Qin Shaofeng appreciate the sharpness on it.

If these fangs can be collected and integrated into the mechanical puppet according to the calculation of the Demon Cloud, then the mechanical puppet can be greatly improved.

And this kind of improvement is true both in attack and defense.

The sharp teeth and sharp edges of the four-star giant fish world beasts can crush and break the sword. Such a treasure-class magical soldier is enough to see its sharpness.

And after crushing the sword, the four-star giant fish world beast’s fangs were not damaged at all. From this point, it is enough to see that the four-star giant fish world beast’s fangs are definitely in defense. Above the broken army sword.

For such an excellent material, Qin Shaofeng will naturally not miss it.

"It seems that it is a wise choice for the Demon Cloud to make such a mechanical puppet!"

Looking at the small mechanical puppets, after entering the lake one by one, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a slight smile.

Because these small mechanical puppets completely abandon attacks, they have some other functions, and they don't even have any intelligence in themselves.

They are not like those fighting mechanical puppets, even if they are not controlled by the Demon Cloud themselves, those fighting mechanical puppets can fight on their own or handle some things.

However, these small mechanical puppets specially used for collection, because of their focus on defense, lead to no more intelligent parts inside them.

If there is no Moyun for personal control, these little guys can't move on their own at all, it's just a display.

However, after such a design, these small mechanical puppets not only have excellent defense capabilities, but also do not have any specific breath.

If the divine sense does not pay attention to the detection, the existence of these little guys will not be detected completely. Under the induction of the divine sense, they are completely dead, just like scrap iron.

But precisely because of this, Qin Shaofeng was very relieved to let them collect the corpses of the giant fish world beasts.

These small mechanical puppets are also inlaid with an ordinary storage ring, which is enough for them to collect many items.

"Then, it's time to start solving those four-star giant fish world beasts!"

After finding a way to collect such trophies as the corpses of giant fish world beasts, Qin Shaofeng focused all his attention on those four-star giant fish world beasts.

Now, under the inspection of the Demon Cloud, there are still nine four-star giant fish world beasts on the entire lake.

Moreover, the state of the nine giant fish world beasts at the moment seems to have fallen into a violent state because of the lake water that has been stained with the blood of their companions.

Not only these four-star giant fish world beasts, but the remaining three-star and two-star giant fish world beasts are also in this state.

This has improved the combat effectiveness of the entire lake fish school.

If these four-star giant fish world beasts are not solved now, I am afraid that they will suffer certain damage to their mechanical puppets.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate anymore.

"call out--!"

With the sound of breaking through the air, the flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's right hand instantly turned into a silver sword light, and went straight to a four-star giant fish world beast on the lake.


A blood flower exploded, and the next moment the figure of the four-star giant fish world beast stunned, its vitality plummeted instantly, and it fell to the surface of the lake violently, causing a huge splash of water.

However, just in the huge size of the four-star giant fish world beast, it disappeared without a short while after sinking into the lake.

Its huge corpse has been collected by a small mechanical puppet.

"Solve one, there are eight left!"

Without seeing the end of the four-star giant fish world beast, after taking back the flying feather knife, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on the last eight four-star giant fish world beasts.





The eight four-star giant fish world beasts seemed to feel a threatening aura, and then they faced Qin Shaofeng himself.

Eight four-star giant fish world beasts swarmed, unexpectedly Qi Qi began to attack Qin Shaofeng himself.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng was prepared for this.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Several figures flashed past, and the mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng flashed in front of Qin Shaofeng for the first time, resisting the attack of the eight four-star giant fish world beasts.

All of a sudden, the eight four-star giant fish world beasts became violent, and attacked those mechanical puppets like a bombardment.

Qin Shaofeng knew that with these eight four-star giant fish world beasts attacking in this way, plus other giant fish world beasts besieged on the side, his own mechanical puppets might not last long before they would be damaged.

This is the result Qin Shaofeng doesn't want to see!

Although Qin Shaofeng had already consumed a lot of the power of the law at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had no other choice but to raise the Feiyu Knife again.

"It doesn't matter, the consumption is good, as long as these four-star giant fish world beasts can be killed first!"

When the words were over, Qin Shaofeng's right hand, another silver blade flashed out.

call out--!


The breath of a four-star giant fish world beast disappeared!

There are seven left!

With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng attacked again without stopping.

call out--!

The flying feather knife once again turned into a silver blade light, and went straight to one of the remaining seven four-star giant fish world beasts.

However, this time it happened unexpectedly.


It was another hit, but the target hit this time was just a three-star giant fish world beast.

Just when the silver blade light turned by the flying feather knife was about to hit the four-star giant fish world beast, the four-star giant fish world beast seemed to perceive the danger in advance, and then the giant tail flicked, A three-star giant fish world beast not far from him was swept in front of him, instead of being concentrated by Feather Knife.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's face sank, and finally a trace of badness appeared in his heart.

"Sure enough, these giant fish world beasts are not stupid. Although they don't have any intelligence, they still have some basic dangers!"

Qin Shaofeng knew that it had become a little difficult to kill these four-star giant fish world beasts.

"In that case, let's break out completely!"

After putting the Feiyu Knife into his right hand again, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and the corner of his mouth showed a hint of murder.


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook slightly.

The silver sword light did not appear again, but with this shaking, the flying feather sword in Qin Shaofeng's right hand disappeared.


The skills extended by the Feather Sword itself can escape into the space in an instant, then appear in front of the target, and directly launch a powerful blow to the target.

With a snort, this four-star giant fish world beast did not notice the danger coming because of the flying feather knife.

It wasn't that he didn't notice it, but when he noticed it, it was the moment when the Feather Knife pierced his head instantly.

But even though it is aware of the danger, it cannot escape.

Because there is no such extra time!

"Huh, there are six left!"

Holding the Flying Feather Knife that returned to his hand again, Qin Shaofeng let out a sigh of relief, the corner of his mouth curled slightly.

"Hmph, if you can still avoid it like this, then I, Qin Shaofeng, will just flash people!"

Seeing the huge corpse sinking in the water, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with pride, but then he felt the situation inside his body, and Qin Shaofeng gave a wry smile.

"Oh, that's true! With the current level of the Feiyu Knife, the cost of using it in a flash is not small!"

Even though that blow had successfully solved a four-star giant fish world beast, the power of law in Qin Shaofeng's body directly consumed the power of a whole pill of law.

Up to this moment, of the eight pill of laws in Qin Shaofeng's body, there were only three pill of laws left, and there were still some law powers.

The power of the other five Pills of Law has been completely exhausted.

Faced with such a physical condition, Qin Shaofeng's face flashed with helplessness, and in the end he could only take out some pill that supplemented the power of the law to restore the power of the law that had been consumed in his body.

"Hey, I knew this situation a long time ago, I should have prepared more pills to restore the power of the law."

With a sigh, Qin Shaofeng felt a little regretful in his heart.

Before thinking of owning a mechanical puppet and not knowing enough about the initial secret realm, he thought that this initial secret realm was only a place for cultivation, so Qin Shaofeng didn't prepare any recovery medicine.

And Qin Shaofeng didn't think that he needed a lot of pills to restore the power of the law.

After all, his pill of law is the pill of law of yin and yang origin. Each pill of law has both sides of yin and yang, and the power of the law is much more than that of ordinary people.

But now it seems that Qin Shaofeng knew that he was wrong.

"It seems that I will have to prepare some recovery pills in the future. After all, if I activate Feiyu Knife now, it will consume a lot."

Thinking like this in his mind, Qin Shaofeng's movements did not stop because of this.

There are still six four-star giant fish world beasts to be solved, and now the remaining four-star giant fish world beasts are on guard.

This can only continue to use Feiyu Knife's flying moment!


Fei instantaneously raged again, and Feiyu Knife instantly pierced the head of a four-star giant fish world beast.

But in the same way, Qin Shaofeng's body had just recovered because of some recovery pills, and at this moment, the power of the law was exhausted again.

However, at this moment, a strange breath suddenly rose from the lake.

While feeling this breath, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with joy.

This half moon fruit is finally ripe!

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