Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1172: Du Yuanhu's death

Chapter 1172 The Death of Du Yuanhu


What level of flying knife is that!

When Qin Shaofeng quickly killed a four-star giant fish world beast with the flying feather knife, Du Yuanlong who was hidden in the distance was shocked.

Although Qin Shaofeng had also used Flying Feather Knife to kill several four-star giant fish world beasts.

But it's all different!

Because before Qin Shaofeng killed those four-star giant fish world beasts with Feiyu Knife, Du Yuanlong could barely see the trajectory of Feiyu Knife.

But when Fei instantaneously came out, Du Yuanlong could not see much of the trajectory of the flying feather knife.

It's completely instantaneous movement until it reaches the giant fish world beast barely, and then kills it with one blow.

And the most important thing is that Du Yuanlong discovered that the instantaneous movement of the Flying Feather Knife did not cause a spatial response, and there was no spatial response in the process.

Such a magical attack method is really shocking!

Du Yuanlong asked himself if he faced such an attack, there would be no possibility of defense.

He will be killed directly like that four-star giant fish world beast!

After understanding this, Du Yuanlong felt a secret rejoicing in his heart.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it was discovered in time that Yan Yang possesses a flying knife, and it has such a strange attack ability. If this situation is not discovered in advance, I am afraid that it will be dangerous if one is not careful. But well... "

His gaze flashed, looking at Qin Shaofeng who once again exploded in the distance, Du Yuanlong's mouth showed a trace of pride.

Now that I have discovered it, as long as I face the scorching sun, if I directly defend my whole body, nothing will happen.

With a smug smile in his heart, Du Yuanlong felt that by observing the present secretly, he had directly seen through all the enemy's situation.

No problem!

As long as you do it yourself, Yan Yang will definitely lose!


At this moment, the fluctuation of the half-moon flower on the lake surface that matured into half-moon fruit also made Du Yuanlong sense.

"Huh? What is that?"

After feeling the fluctuations, Du Yuanlong discovered that there was a flower bud on the turbulent lake!

"No, that's not a flower bud, that's..."

Suddenly, with his eyes fixed on the strange flower bud, Du Yuanlong's whole body suddenly became excited.

"Half-yue fruit! Half-yue fruit! That is actually half-yue fruit!"

Du Yuanlong was excited, his eyes were extremely red, and his whole body began to tremble slightly because of being too excited.

This made Du Yuanhu and the other four people beside him feel puzzled.

Half moon fruit?

What it is?

This is not to blame for them, because the four of Du Yuanhu and the others don't know the slightest bit about Banyue Fruit and Banyue Flower, and they have not even heard of it.

The half-moon flower is such a magical medicinal material, naturally, it is not the existence that ordinary people can know.

Even if Du Yuanlong hadn't gotten to know the information about Ban Yue Guo by chance, I am afraid he would not recognize the Ban Yue Guo at this moment.

Now that he knew this was a half-moon fruit, Du Yuanlong was naturally extremely excited.

get it!

In any case, I must get this half moon fruit!

At this moment, Du Yuanlong's heart became extremely firm.

Because at this moment, in Du Yuanlong's heart, even if he abandoned that magical flying knife, and those mechanical puppets of Yan Yang, even if Yan Yang himself didn't kill him, he would get this half moon fruit!

Because as long as he has this half-moon fruit, he can definitely cultivate the eleventh pill of law.

Eleven pill of law!

Du Yuanlong couldn't be more clear about the meaning of this.

And once you have eleven pill of law, you can definitely cultivate to the realm of half-step dominance.

Even the half-step master of that realm, its strength can rival the strength of the general master in a short time.

Although Du Yuanlong thought so, it seemed a bit exaggerated.

However, in fact, if you have eleven pill of law, to some extent, it can barely be regarded as having the strength of a general dominance.

At this moment, Du Yuanlong finally couldn't help it.

"Go, everyone will follow me, and I must grab the Banyue Guo!"

Du Yuanlong waved his hand and rushed out the first to bear the brunt.

The four Du Yuanhu beside him still didn't know what Banyue Guo was, but they did not hesitate to execute Du Yuanlong's orders.





The four figures flashed, and they followed Du Yuanlong for the first time.

At this moment, Du Yuanlong, who was the first to rush out, had already arrived not far from Qin Shaofeng, and he even yelled in front of Qin Shaofeng: "Yan Yang, take your life!"


Haha, this half moon fruit is finally ripe!

Looking at the half-moon flower on the lake in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was delighted that it had completely transformed into a half-moon fruit.

Half moon fruit has been gestated, and this thing has matured.

As long as you wait for more than ten breaths, let the last remaining petal of the half moon flower melt into the peel of the half moon fruit, and the mature half moon fruit will appear completely.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel something, was shocked in his heart, and suddenly turned his head back.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng saw it, and five figures were running towards him in the distance.

"Yan Yang, come to pay for life!"

With a loud shout, Qin Shaofeng instantly knew the identity of the other party.

Du Yuanlong?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, how could this guy appear here?

Could it be...

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously glanced at Banyue Guo not far away, and his mechanical puppets who were fighting, a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

I'm afraid it was discovered by this Du Yuanlong, my mechanical puppets, they followed all the way.

As for why the other party can enter this crater without me noticing it.

This is probably due to the maturity of the half-moon flower, causing some flaws in the space array, and then Na Du Yuanlong seized the opportunity to come in.


His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng's heart returned to peace again.

It didn't matter, although Du Yuanlong appeared unexpectedly in front of him, but it didn't matter.

Seeing the five Du Yuanlong people running towards him, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest worry on his face.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Five figures flashed, and the five Du Yuanlong fell directly in front of Qin Shaofeng.

After landing, Du Yuanlong did not speak, but gave Qin Shaofeng a look up and down. Then he sneered and said, "Huh, Yan Yang, I didn't expect you to be found by me!"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at the other side faintly and did not speak, but at this time, Qin Shaofeng secretly ordered the Demon Cloud to slow down the speed of the mechanical puppets killing the beasts of the Giant Fish World.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, Du Yuanlong thought he was scared, and said with a grinning face: "Let's go, Yan Yang, how do you plan to die?"


Qin Shaofeng smiled suddenly, then looked at Du Yuanlong with a cold face, and said, "There are too many people who think I have died in the sun, but I am still alive and well. If you want me to die, you rely on Du Yuanlong. I'm afraid I can't do it yet!"


Qin Shaofeng's words made Du Yuanlong fiercely angry: "Yan Yang, don't think that you have some good mechanical puppets, you can forget your shape, I will let you know that your mechanical puppets are in front of my Du Yuanlong, that is a bunch of scrap copper. Bad iron!"

"Really, then you can try it!"

Qin Shaofeng said coldly, and at the same time a breath rose from Qin Shaofeng's body.

this is?

After feeling Qin Shaofeng's breath, Du Yuanlong's eyes shrank sharply.

Nirvana has six levels, with six pill of laws!

This is not the reason why Du Yuanlong is shocked, because it is just such a realm and strength that is still not enough in Du Yuanlong's eyes.

But what really surprised Du Yuanlong was how long it was!

This Yan Yang cultivated directly from the first level of Nirvana to the sixth level of Nirvana, and also cultivated six pill of laws?

Du Yuanhu and the others were also shocked, but they didn't know that this was just part of Qin Shaofeng's deliberate aura.

"Nirvana Sixth Stage? No wonder you have such confidence, it turns out that your cultivation base has been improved!"

Du Yuanlong snorted coldly, and then looked disdainful: "However, even if your strength has improved, this strength is still not enough in front of me Du Yuanlong!"


With a flash of white light, Du Yuanlong's body was instantly covered with a suit of armor, and there was an extra long sword in his hand.

The battle armor is prepared for defense, the space teleportation attack of the flying feather knife!

Because he had seen the flying moments of the Flying Feather Sword, Du Yuanlong had already had a **** in his heart.

Du Yuanlong didn't believe that the heavy armor with twenty **** patterns on his side could not stop the strange attack of that flying knife.

After the battle armor was added, Du Yuanlong no longer had any scruple to hold a long sword to shoot.

Because of the previous order, after seeing Du Yuanlong's move, the four Du Yuanhu did not delay and appeared one after another.

However, the target of the four of them was not Qin Shaofeng himself, but the mechanical puppets of Qin Shaofeng.


Du Yuanlong roared and rushed directly to Qin Shaofeng.

Because of Qin Shaofeng now, Du Yuanlong felt a breath of threat.

Although there is a world beast pill in this initial secret realm, this kind of thing can enhance the power of the law.

But in just a few days, I went from the state where the first level of Nirvana has one law to the state where the sixth level of Nirvana has six laws.

This is too amazing.

There is a strange feeling in Du Yuanlong's heart. If he doesn't kill the Yanyang now, it will probably not be long before the opponent's realm will surpass him. The trouble will be his Nirvana Tenth Level Master.

At this moment, the four of Du Yuanhu had also taken action, entangled the mechanical puppets around Qin Shaofeng one after another.

Du Yuanlong had already given an order to let the four of Du Yuanhu deal with the mechanical puppets, and he himself would kill Qin Shaofeng himself as soon as possible.

But in fact, there is another point that Du Yuanlong's estimation is wrong.

Because among these seventeen mechanical puppets, there are two mechanical puppets that are stronger than the other fifteen mechanical puppets.

Huh! Huh!

Just as Du Yuanlong was about to approach Qin Shaofeng, suddenly two figures flashed fiercely, blocking him.

this is?

Feeling the two mechanical puppets appearing in front of him, a surprise flashed in Du Yuanlong's eyes, because he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with these two mechanical puppets.

But at the moment of surprise in his heart, Qin Shaofeng moved.

With two enhanced Nirvana Realm six-level mechanical puppets, temporarily blocking Du Yuanlong, Qin Shaofeng directly shifted the target and attacked Du Yuanhu and them for the first time.


With a flash, Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared directly, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of Du Yuanhu.

A flash of silver light!

The Flying Feather Knife flew up instantly, passing behind Du Yuanhu!

With a chuckle, Du Yuanhu's vitality disappeared instantly!

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