Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1177: Feed the world beasts

Qin Shaofeng didn't know whether this world beast could also improve his realm by swallowing the world beast pill of other world beasts.

Normally, monsters can swallow other monsters for improvement.

Then can this world beast also improve like this?

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's mind!

And this is the realm beast that is about to be promoted. Can it be directly promoted to the five-star realm beast by swallowing the realm beast pill, so that the four-star realm beast pill in its body becomes a five-star realm beast pill?

This is a very absurd idea, but for this idea, Qin Shaofeng actually did it subconsciously.

In fact, when he took out a realm beast pill and sent it into the mutant fire beetle's mouth, Qin Shaofeng had already woke up.

"Heh, I'm still really whimsical!"

Shaking his head slightly, Qin Shaofeng laughed mockingly.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.


With a light shake of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that the world beast pill in his hand was actually absorbed by this mutant world beast pill.

Moreover, the absorption rate was extremely fast, just in the blink of an eye, a two-star world beast pill was completely swallowed by the severely wounded and dying mutant fire beetle.

What shocked Qin Shaofeng most was that this was just the beginning!

After absorbing the world beast pill, the severely wounded and dying mutant fire beetle itself did not change in the slightest, it still looked like it was severely injured by Qin Shaofeng before.

But Qin Shaofeng had noticed that at this moment, the world beast pill in this mutant fire beetle actually had a slight improvement.

"No, can you do this?"

The situation before him made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded.

In order to avoid this being his own illusion, Qin Shaofeng once again took out a world beast pill, and this time he directly took out a three-star world beast pill.

As a result, what made Qin Shaofeng ecstatic was that the previous scene was not his own astonishment.

Soon, this three-star world beast pill was also absorbed by the mutated fire beetle.

Similarly, after absorbing a three-star world beast Danhou, the appearance of this mutant fire beetle badly wounded remained unchanged.

But what is strange is that the four-star world beast pill in his body has actually improved a bit, which is one step closer to the five-star world beast pill.

In this case, it is as if the body of this mutant fire beetle has become a tool for specially absorbing other low-level world beast pill to strengthen the five-star world beast pill.

After discovering this, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate at all, and directly took out a large number of one-star and two-star world beast pills.

Soon, these world beast pills were all absorbed by the mutant fire beetle that had been seriously injured and dying, in an unconscious state.

And the world beast pill in its body is also getting closer to the five-star.

However, at this time, Qin Shaofeng also found a very bad partner.

That is the vitality of this mutant fire beetle, which has become weaker and weaker. I am afraid that it will not last long before it will completely die.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't understand that the fire beetle in the severely injured and dying state could unconsciously absorb the world beast pill. This seemed to belong to an instinctive reaction of the world beast's body, and Qin Shaofeng could only guess like this.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that no matter what the specific circumstances and reasons were, this was probably based on the fact that this mutant fire beetle was still alive, even if only the last breath remained.

Once this mutant fire beetle dies completely, I am afraid that this situation will not exist.

For such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was very worried, and in the end he didn't care about anything, and directly took out the few four-star world beast pill he had, and let this mutant fire beetle absorb it.



Until the third four-star world beast Danhou was absorbed, suddenly the body of this mutant fire beetle shook violently, and then a strange breath erupted from its seriously injured and dying body.


At this moment, this mutant fire beetle was finally promoted to a five-star world beast.

Moreover, at the moment of promotion, this mutant fire beetle, which was originally in a seriously injured state, suddenly burst into a strong vitality.

Under this vitality, its body that had been smashed by Qin Shaofeng's bombardment was completely wounded, but at this moment, it was rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was prepared long ago. Before this mutant fire beetle had fully recovered, he felt the flying feather knife in his right hand, and it shook out instantly.

call out!


The silver blade light flashed in an instant, directly penetrated the body of the mutant fire beetle, and absorbed the already five-star world beast pill in its body.

At this point, this mutant fire beetle that was still tortured by Qin Shaofeng, finally fell to the ground with a bang!

It finally hung up!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about the life and death of this mutant fire beetle, because at this moment he was staring at a realm beast pill in his hand.

Five stars!

The real five-star world beast pill!

"How can you get a five-star world beast pill in this way?"

Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic, even though this five-star world beast pill was devouring hundreds of one and two-star world beast pill, there were more than 20 three-star world beast pill, and three four-star world beast pill. Dan, finally got it.

But compared with the five-star world beast pill in front of him, Qin Shaofeng felt that all this was worthwhile.

Although he hadn't absorbed it yet, under Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness, he felt very clearly how strong the law power contained in the five-star world beast pill in his hand was.

"With so much power of law, I am afraid that such a five-star world beast pill is enough to make one-tenth of my eleventh Yin Yang Yun Pill that can be transformed into the law of Yin and Yang origin!"

One tenth!

This means that as long as ten five-star Beast Pills, he can completely transform the eleventh Yin-Yang Yun Pill into the pill of Yin-Yang origin.

At that time, I will have 11 pill of law!

For a while, Qin Shaofeng's heart was extremely excited, and his eyes flashed brightly.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to see the hope that he could transform all the twelve Yin-Yang Yun Pills in his body into the pill of Yin-Yang origin.


An hour later, Qin Shaofeng found a four-star fire beetle again.

Then, Qin Shaofeng shot the fire beetle half to death for the first time, and began to feed it the world beast pill.

However, it seems that this time this fire beetle is not a mutated fire beetle, and it does not seem to be about to be promoted to a five-star status.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng consumed three times more world beast pill this time than before, and only then did he feed the fire beetle to a five-star level.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's five-star world beast pill had one more.

However, after this time, Qin Shaofeng's one to four-star world beast pill was running out.

Just as Qin Shaofeng planned to recall his own mechanical puppets and collect the world beast pill that those mechanical puppets had hunted before continuing to feed the five-star world beasts, the Demon Cloud suddenly reminded him of his master.

"Master, according to my calculations, this world beast's corpse also has a lot of law power, although these law powers cannot be used to be absorbed and improved. But if it is swallowed by the same world beast, I am afraid it can be achieved. The effect of devouring the world beast pill!"

"What? Can this happen? Mo Yun, are you sure?" Qin Shaofeng was startled.

"Not sure, but there is a 90% chance that this is the case!" Moyun responded.

"My grass, 90%?"

Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression aching.

He was heartbroken for those world beast pill that he used!

This world beast pill Qin Shaofeng has very few people, but if you want to talk about the world beast corpse, there are so many!

Because the flesh and blood of the world beast contains special energy, it is also one of the few items that can be brought out of the initial secret realm, and there are still some useful items, especially for cultivating one's own life beasts.

If you have a lot of realm beast flesh and blood, it is enough to cultivate a strong Nirvana realm natal beast in a short time.

Qin Shaofeng hasn't forgotten his king, demon beast, little demon wolf king!

Qin Shaofeng didn't stay by his side because that little guy was not long before he was born, but placed him in a special space dedicated to cultivating beasts in the Celestial Corps.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't throw away the corpses of the giant fish world beasts whose value had been removed was because he wanted to swallow that little guy and let it grow quickly.

But now Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that the corpses of these giant fish world beasts seemed to have a function.

Although the Demon Cloud only said there was a 90% chance of existence, in Qin Shaofeng's view, that was already a 100% certainty.

The calculation probability of the Demon Cloud is usually very harsh, and it is impossible to achieve 100%.

Therefore, with a 90% chance, it was enough to make Qin Shaofeng completely certain.

In fact, it is true.

After experimenting with a four-star world beast, Qin Shaofeng was completely sure.

Even if it is only the flesh and blood of other world beasts, after being swallowed by the four-star world beast, it will be improved, and it can also be upgraded to the five-star realm!

However, what made Qin Shaofeng a little helpless was that the four-star world beast's ascension speed was very slow if he only swallowed flesh and blood.

That four-star fire beetle, it took ten days to be able to be promoted to five-star, and Qin Shaofeng's five-star world beast pill increased to three.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Shaofeng also spent a lot of effort in order for the four-star fire beetle to obey his instructions and devour the flesh and blood of other world beasts.

After all, the spirit of the world beast is not high, it can be said that it has no wisdom at all.

These fire beetles are even more so, they are more like ordinary insects and ants in the secular world, they just act on instinct.

However, it is precisely because of this that these fire beetles do not have divine consciousness at all, and they are finally completely wiped out with divine consciousness forcibly. The fire beetle’s traces of spiritual wisdom are then manipulated to swallow its body, and finally completed. Five-star evolution.

But this way, it takes a bit of effort.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng finally decided to summon the mechanical puppet with the tenth level of Nirvana and let it guard him.

As for him, he controlled seven four-star world beasts at once to devour the flesh and blood of other world beasts to complete the five-star evolution.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to control more, because there were already a lot of seven.

After all, it was guarded by the mechanical puppet, and it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to devote all his consciousness to the evolutionary five-star world beast.

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