Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1178: Meet Du Yuanlong Again

Chapter 1178: Meeting Du Yuanlong Again

A little bit of time passed, and the day of the finals of the Nirvana Realm Competition was getting closer and closer.

When there was still a month left, Qin Shaofeng took his mechanical puppet and had almost wiped out the entire flame mountains.

Despite this raid, Qin Shaofeng didn't get many world beast pills.

However, the large number of realm beasts' flesh and blood had forced Qin Shaofeng to feed more than twenty five-star realm beasts.

Adding this to the three world beast pills Qin Shaofeng had obtained before, now Qin Shaofeng already possesses 24 five-star world beast pills.

And now Qin Shaofeng is feeding the fourth batch of five-star world beasts, which are also seven four-star world beasts.

Because he had been feeding the world beasts, Qin Shaofeng had not absorbed all the world beast pills he had obtained, which meant that he still had ten pill of laws, and the eleventh pill of laws had not been transformed.

"Well, I have almost traveled through the flame mountains. I am afraid that there are no realm beasts left. Now there is one month left. It's time to change places!"

On the top of a small mountain, Qin Shaofeng thought about it in his mind, and then left with his sixteen mechanical puppets mightily.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel something, he couldn't help but stopped, then raised his head and looked into the distance.

"Huh? That's it?"

As if he felt some breath, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.


With a roar, the surprise in Qin Shaofeng's eyes turned into surprise.

"Ha, the five-star breath! I didn't expect it! Actually let me meet a wild five-star world beast!"

When he sensed that he felt the breath of a five-star world beast, Qin Shaofeng was happy, and after a laugh, he rushed over with his mechanical puppets.

After getting closer, Qin Shaofeng realized that this time he had actually met an ‘acquaintance’!

Because the five-star world beast that appeared at this moment was actually the first five-star world beast Qin Shaofeng saw, the giant fish king world beast guarding the half-moon flower in the crater lake!

"I said, this breath is so familiar! It turned out to be this big guy!"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and without hesitation, he directly gave the ten-level mechanical puppet of Nirvana Realm next to him, and gave the order to kill the giant fish king realm beast.


After receiving Qin Shaofeng's instructions, the mechanical puppet instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the giant fish king world beast.

As a result, very unexpected!


I saw that as soon as my mechanical puppet rushed to the giant Fish King Realm Beast, it appeared that way, and actually blasted it down from midair.


boom! boom! boom!

The mechanical puppet succeeded in not sparing the fish. After a successful blow, it came to the giant fish king world beast and attacked it fiercely.

Then, when Qin Shaofeng came over, the giant Fish King Realm Beast was dying and was about to ascend to heaven.

At first, Qin Shaofeng thought that his mechanical puppet suddenly exploded, how could he solve this giant fish king world beast quickly?

However, when he came here, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the reason was that this giant fish king realm beast had already suffered some serious injuries.

I'm afraid I don't know what the situation is, this giant fish king world beast suffered a powerful attack before it met him, and it was already seriously injured.

The scene Qin Shaofeng just saw was actually a situation where a giant fish king realm beast was escaping.

It's just that the other party was out of luck and was met by Qin Shaofeng, and it turned out to be what it is now.

"Hey, I don't know that good-hearted person, who seriously injured this fish king, and finally made me cheaper!"

With a smile, Qin Shaofeng directly took out the world beast pill from the giant fish king world beast.

Although five-star world beasts also exist, some of them do not have world beast pill!

But these giant fish king world beasts are the world beasts in that volcanic crater, and naturally they also have a five-star world beast pill in their bodies.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this wild five-star world beast was indeed the same as the world beast pill in their bodies from the five-star world beast he fed and evolved, and there was not much difference.

However, this did not make Qin Shaofeng care about the point.

After putting the five-star world beast pill into his storage ring, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the giant corpse of the giant fish king world beast with excitement.

"Tsk tsk, such a big five-star corpse, will you directly let me feed a five-star world beast!"

But when Qin Shaofeng planned to take the corpse of this giant fish king realm beast to his own storage ring, suddenly there was a roar from a distance.

"Stop it!"


A breath exploded, and a figure flew quickly in the distance.


Qin Shaofeng raised his eyebrows, raised his head and looked into the distance, and then he saw a figure with a violent aura running towards him.


Absolute master!

Not only has the realm reached the pinnacle of Nirvana, even ten pill of law has been condensed!

The strength of this person is probably still higher than that of Du Yuanlong.

However, for such a person, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

But the next moment, when the opponent fell not far in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and instead of looking at the opponent for the first time, his gaze passed the person and looked far behind him. go with.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that the other party is not alone!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A dozen figures flashed, and in the blink of an eye, there were sixteen more figures in front of Qin Shaofeng.

No wonder that with the strength of that giant fish king realm beast, he was seriously injured and started to escape. It turned out that he encountered a team of human races of superior strength!

"Yan Yang, it's you!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng understood why when he encountered the giant Fish King Realm Beast, the opponent was so seriously injured and directly bombarded by his strongest mechanical puppet, Qin Shaofeng heard a slight Familiar voice.

Du Yuanlong?

When he heard that voice, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he discovered that Du Yuanlong actually existed among the sixteen people.

At this moment, Du Yuanlong had a hideous look, with incomparable resentment and hard-hearted hatred in his eyes, he was staring at Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng's gaze only stayed on the opponent for a moment, and then he moved away.

Because of the people present, besides Du Yuanlong, there was another person who made Qin Shaofeng a little familiar.

Xuan Yunfei!

That's right, this team is Xuan Yunfei's team.

After being pitted by Qin Shaofeng, Du Yuanlong resorted to a secret method and finally escaped from the fish's mouth. The price was that Du Yuanlong directly lost 30% of his life.

Only 30% of the life span, this opponent's longevity of Nirvana, especially for a Nirvana master like Du Yuanlong, is actually not an inevitable huge loss.

But the problem is that after losing 30% of one's lifespan, the vitality of the body will definitely suffer some damage, which will increase the difficulty of the supreme control of the impact in the future, but it has increased several times.

If it were before, Du Yuanlong was confident that he would have a chance of hitting the supreme ruler. Although it was not 100% sure, there was at least half the possibility.

If coupled with many external forces, Du Yuanlong is confident that he can directly increase the probability of 50% to 70% or even 80%.

It's just that this time 30% of the lifespan was lost, when the vitality in his body was seriously damaged.

In this state, even with the addition of external forces, the success rate of Du Yuanlong's impact on the realm of supreme dominance is at most 10%, and definitely not 20%.

And what made Du Yuanlong desperate the most was that even if he paid such a huge price, in the end he was caught by the giant fish king world beast.

Being chased by such a five-star world beast, Du Yuanlong felt despair in his heart, and even hated Qin Shaofeng.

In the end, Du Yuanlong went straight to find Xuan Yunfei in his heart.

In his current situation, the possibility of breaking through to the supreme ruler is almost gone.

That being the case, just find a backer!

In the eyes of Du Yuanlong, Xuan Yunfei was an excellent backer.

Besides, he has absolute certainty that Xuan Yunfei will accept his refuge.

This is the news about the half moon fruit!

Sure enough, after learning about the existence of Banyueguo from Du Yuanlong’s mouth, Xuan Yunfei was very excited. He immediately repelled the giant Fish King world beast, and even noticed that there was something in the giant Fish King world beast. A five-star world beast pill, on the contrary, began to hunt down it.

Then, in the midst of being overtaken continuously, the giant Fish King Realm Beast gradually suffered heavy losses, and then the situation just now made Qin Shaofeng a bargain.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at Xuan Yunfei, and Xuan Yunfei also looked at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's expression was indifferent, his expression had not changed because of the arrival of Xuan Yunfei and others.

This made Xuan Yunfei a little surprised, and at the same time, he seemed to think of something, and his brows frowned.

"No, this Yan Yang seems to be the person that the adult looks after. With the patience and status of that adult, I'm afraid I can't do anything with it."

"But there is a half-moon fruit in Yan Yang's body. This is something I must get, but the situation in front of me is a bit tricky!"

However, Xuan Yunfei soon discovered that Du Yuanlong, who was furious at this moment, couldn't help but make his heart move and his lips moved slightly.

In the next moment, Du Yuanlong's ears flicked, and he took a step forward with a grinning face. He smiled coldly at Qin Shaofeng and said, "Oh, you sun, you framed me and the world beast tiger's mouth before, and now you still **** my prey. Are you provoking me?"

Du Yuanlong's face was stubborn at this moment, and his whole body was violent, and there was a tendency that there would be a disagreement.

Of course, it was Du Yuanlong who made such a reaction under the instruction of Xuan Yunfei.

Xuan Yunfei was very clear about his calculations, he was naturally not good at attacking the scorching sun in front of him, even if the opponent snatched the giant fish king world beast.

After all, this is the initial secret realm. Anyone can hunt the world beasts, but there is no rule that you can keep an eye on it, so don't stop shooting.

However, these don't matter, because there is such a bad luck as Du Yuanlong.

This can be regarded as the other side's calculations, causing Du Yuanlong to suffer danger and loss. Now that he wants to retaliate, the others still have nothing to say.

Now only waiting for Du Yuanlong to take the scorching sun, isn't the Banyue Guo on the opponent's body yet from Xuan Yunfei?

As for whether Du Yuanlong would be Yanyang's opponent, Xuan Yunfei had no doubt at all.

The reason is also very simple. Qin Shaofeng still maintains the realm of the Eight Pills of Law. From Xuan Yunfei's point of view, this is definitely not Du Yuanlong's opponent!

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